Of all the people, it can be said that no one knows the horror of the zombie virus better than Alice!

Although the zombie virus on the screen seems to originate from some quantum realm, in Alice’s opinion, this virus is even more terrifying than the T-virus!

Like Black Dwarf and Ebony Throat, it only took a few minutes after being bitten to completely zombie!

How can the T virus have such a fast conversion efficiency?

So in Alice’s opinion, don’t say that the whole beautiful country, that is, the whole world is probably finished!

Everyone will turn into zombies!

The thought of billions of people around the world turning into walking dead who only know how to devour human flesh makes Alice feel like falling into an ice cave, cold to the bone.

Not long ago, she had done her best just by escaping an underground base full of zombies.

If the whole world becomes a paradise for zombies, then where is she going to escape?

At the same time, the chat group was also lively.

Bruce Banner: I didn’t expect that such a zombie crisis that swept the world was caused by Hank Pym.

While speaking. Banner also sighed a little.

He really didn’t expect that once he lost the ability to transform into the Hulk, he would actually become a guy who only knew how to scream all day!

This is almost like those little girls in horror movies!

Moreover, a sense of foreboding rose in Banner’s heart.

In those cheap horror movies, the first to die… It’s often these female characters who only know how to scream!

Nick Fury: Pym and his wife have always had a good relationship, and it hit him hard when Janet disappeared during the mission.

Nick Fury: His final exit from S.H.I.E.L.D. may have something to do with that.

Loki Odinson: Ha. You black egg, don’t think about shirking responsibility, we can all watch the “Ant-Man” video!

Rocky Oddinson: Hank Pym quit not because you Shield wanted to steal his work?

Nick Fury: ………

Bruce Wayne: I don’t know anything about Serpent Shield, but this technology called Hank Pym is really dangerous!

Bruce Wayne: You can’t let Hank Pym into that quantum realm anyway and go to his wife!

Bruce Wayne: Who can guarantee… That strange quantum virus only exists in this parallel universe on the screen?

For Young Master Wayne, if there really was a threat of this level, even if it was only one in ten thousand possibilities, he would definitely concentrate all his energy to deal with it!

Nick Fury: This !!!

Most of the people living in the Marvel Universe gasped, and an inexplicable horror directly rose in their hearts!

Such a terrifying zombie virus, if it is released into his own world by Hank Pym, I am afraid that it will really lead to the end of the world!

Magneto: Hmph, you guys are really fussing! It seems that this zombie virus can only be transmitted if it is bitten!

Magneto: In that case, those weak humans will be eliminated, while the real strong will not be affected!

Being able to say this, Magneto also has his confidence.

As long as he unfolds the magnetic field and protects himself with metal, even if it is tens of thousands of zombies… I don’t want to be close to him too!

Charles Xavier: Eric, don’t be too loud!

Charles Xavier: Have you forgotten that Hank Pym can make himself the size of a fly mosquito and fly over and bite!

Wanda Maksimov: Eh! Yes, Captain America was accidentally bitten by it for a while, and finally became a zombie!

Captain America: I… Ay……

Upon hearing this, the captain could only smile bitterly for a while.

No matter how strong a super soldier he is, he can’t prevent such a small attack.

Magneto: Hmph, no matter what, even if the whole world becomes a zombie, it will not be in my eyes!

Tony Stark: Abominable! Pym, this old ghost! This time the live broadcast is over, I must give him a good look!

Bruce Wayne: I remember the last time you lived, you told me you were going to talk to that Hank Pym about the Pym particle.

Tony Stark: I did, but that old ghost… Didn’t even let me in the door! Convex (艹皿艹)

Thinking of that depressing meeting a few days ago, Tony felt a nameless fire rushing overhead!

With mastery of the Void Engine and two Infinity Stones, in theory, he can directly modify Hank Pym’s brain with just one thought, allowing him to offer both the Pym particle and the suit.

It’s just that Tony’s haughty self-esteem will never allow him to do such a thing to an old man.

But he really never dreamed that this old ghost, who seemed to be indisputable to the world, could bring such a terrible disaster to the world!

And what’s even more frightening is that once Hank Pym becomes a zombie, who can resist a “zombie ant-man” smaller than a mosquito?

As long as you are bitten by this old ghost, then everything is over.

Divine Kesha: If this world on the screen is really incurable, then… Only the final judgment can be brought down on the entire planet.

Alice: Finally… Trial? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Agent J: What do you want to do?

Divine Kesha: With flames, of course… Burn all the humans who turned into zombies!

Divine Kesha: Do you have any other good solutions?

For Queen Kesha, once she encounters the most extreme evil, there is only one solution for her…

That’s the Flame Judgment that fuses stellar energy!

During the tens of thousands of years of rule, Kesha has destroyed countless evil civilizations in the universe in order to promote a just order.

What is an earth full of zombies?

Starlight: Are you crazy to wipe out all humanity? Is this also a hero?

Clark Kent: Wait a minute, maybe the people on that planet can be saved!

Divine Kesha: Do you mean zombies, or the few remaining superheroes?

Clark Kent: This…

Ghost Rider: If the target is a zombie, no matter how many kills I have, I will never feel guilty.

Alice: Sigh, once transformed into a zombie, it is just a moving corpse, not a human at all.

Alice: I even wiped out one with my own hands… Companions who turn into zombies.

Seeing Alice’s speech, the chat group suddenly fell silent.

And Tony Stark’s eyes became a little cold.

For the survival of the earth, the next time he faces Hank Pym, he will never back down so easily.

At this time, there is a new change on the video.

【Image continues】

[Peter Spider-Man and Hope the Wasp, bring Bruce Banner to the survivor base they build between the upper floors of the building. 】

[Here, Bruce Banner meets Bucky Barnes, the winter soldier, Sharon Carter, Peggy Carter’s niece, and Tony Stark’s driver, Harpy, and even a female general from Wakanda. 】

[Since the outbreak of the last crisis, these people are also looking for a cure while huddling to protect themselves. 】

Not long ago, they discovered a radio signal from New Jersey stating that someone had made progress in the development of a “zombie antidote.] 】

[But this message was secret, and in the end, Agent Kat cracked the message.] 】

[Kat discovers that the place was originally the base of S.H.I.E.L.D., and there may still be equipment needed to synthesize therapeutic drugs.] 】

[Faced with this only hope, the team finally decided to go and find out. 】

[In order to travel to New Jersey West, everyone came to the train station. 】

[As soon as she entered the door, the female general divided everyone into two teams. 】

[A group stays where they are, while Spider-Man leads people to start the train.] 】

[Faced with this order, Spider-Man expressed puzzlement:]

[“Split up, aren’t you kidding, don’t you have horror movies in Wakanda?”] “】

[The female general responded with an expressionless face:]

“Our country doesn’t need that kind of thing, and the American reality show is scary enough for us. “】

“My God, is there something wrong with this woman’s brain?”

Seeing the unquestionable decision of the female general of Wakanda, Tony frowned unpleasantly.

To be fair, he didn’t care at all about the life or death of that winter soldier.

But whether it’s Spider-Man Peter Parker or Driver Harpy, for Tony… All have special meaning!

He definitely didn’t want to see these two people bitten by zombies and end up as part of the walking dead team.

“Mr. Stark, you don’t need to be so angry.”

Peter stood aside, and even a smile appeared on his face: “If the antidote to the zombie is true, human beings may be saved,”

“In the face of such hope, it is totally worth taking a little risk!”

“You! Alas…”

Looking at Peter Parker, whose face was full of hope and his eyes almost glowing with light, Tony sighed softly, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

This child is not young, why is he always so naïve?

At this moment, Loki suddenly sneered:

“Little ghost, such a simple trap, can’t you actually see it?”


Peter listened with a look of bewilderment.

Tony Stark shook his head and said softly:

“If the person posting the information really wants to make a therapeutic drug, then the information should include various requirements, such as the raw materials to make the drug, the equipment… Wait”

“But there’s nothing in it, only information and location!”

At this time, Loki added coldly.

“That is, the other side only offers two things, bait … and traps! ”


Hearing this, Peter’s mouth opened wide in shock, and his face was full of disbelief.

This is already the end of the world, why would anyone still lay out such a harmful trap?

[Image continues.] 】

[In the face of the insistence of the female general, Spider-Man and others can only helplessly accept orders. ] 】

[And just as Bruce Banner and Spider-Man were trying to fix the train’s circuit, something suddenly happened to the people who stayed where they were. 】

[With the unknown enemy attacking, Harpy was hooked into the darkness by an iron chain. 】

[Sharon Kat tried to stop it, but was nailed to the wall by an arrow! ] 】

[And at this time, on the other side, the winter soldier also encountered the zombie falcon… Sam Wilson! 】

[In a fierce melee, Agent Sharon kills Harpy, who turned into a zombie. 】

[The zombie falcon died at the hands of the female general of Wakanda. 】

[At the moment of crisis, Peter Spider-Man pulled the train with spider silk, and was finally saved by the floating cloak. ] 】

[Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thought they had escaped, a scream suddenly came from the rear of the car! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[By the time the winter soldiers arrived at the end of the car, it was too late. 】

[Here, the winter soldier meets the person he knows best, Captain Steve Rogers, who has turned into a zombie! ] 】

[And after being attacked by Captain Zombie, Agent Sharon Carter also turned into a zombie! ] 】

[In the face of his best friend for many years, the only thing the winter soldier can do is give him a decent end! ] 】

[Thankfully, Captain Zombie seems to have been completely dominated by instinct, and there is not much left of his combat skills before his death. ] 】

[Facing the shield thrown by the zombie captain, Bucky took it with one hand, and then he threw the shield back, cutting the captain in two in an instant! ] 】

[The two remaining corpses of the captain rolled into the underground tunnel. 】


Seeing that he was killed by Bucky on the screen, Captain America took a deep breath, and the whole person suddenly relaxed.

In his opinion, after turning into a zombie, that “self” is already a walking corpse.

Whoever can rest in peace can be considered a good deed.

Of all the people, being able to finally die at the hands of Bucky Barnes, a dear friend, maybe… It’s probably the most gratifying thing.

At this moment, someone in the chat group was bubbling.

Deadpool: Wow, that winter soldier is so cruel that he also gave such a poisonous hand to his friend.

Captain: No, I think Bucky did it right.

Captain USA: If I swapped the places between the two of us, I would do the same for him.

Wolverine: Do you give a longtime friend a relief with your own hands? Sounds pretty good.

Alice: Well, there’s something I probably didn’t make clear.

Alice: After turning into a zombie, it is useless to just slash the waist, and the brain must be completely destroyed… to kill the zombies!

Deadpool: Horse ???

Captain America: That is… That I…

Alice: Unfortunately, he should not be dead yet, just half of his body.

Alice: Even in this case, he can still move! In the underground base of the Umbrella Company, I have seen such zombies!

Captain America: ………… (⊙_⊙)

At this moment, the captain almost raised the urge to vomit blood.

Bucky! What the hell are you doing?

Since you want to do it, just give me a pain!

At this time, I am in the live broadcast room.

“Harpy… You idiot. ”

Looking at Harpy on the screen, holding the steel suit handguard given to him by “himself”, but still being killed by a large number of zombies, Tony felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Perhaps, he should also give Harpy something more to protect himself.

Such…… Even if there is some unknown disaster, this fat driver has at least the ability to save his life.

【Image continues】

[At the same time as Captain Bucky, Hope the wasp also encountered the zombie Sharon Kat, she shrunk her body, and then sneaked into Kat’s mouth to grow larger again, blowing up the zombie Sharon’s body to pieces. ] 】

[But unfortunately, during the battle just now, Hornet Hope’s suit and skin were cut. ] 】

[The zombie virus has invaded her body. 】

[Everyone is reassuring Hope that there is a cure at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, but Hope has realized that he must die. 】

[Soon, the train arrived at New Jersey West, but it was still some distance from the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, and outside the train, as far as the eye could see, there were walking dead. 】

[Facing the apocalyptic scene, whether it is the winter soldier or the female general of Wakanda, there is despair in their eyes. ] 】

[At this last moment, Hope, who knew that she would die, decided to atone for what her father had done! ] 】

[She turned her body into a giant, took Spider-Man and the others through the army of walking corpses, and put them down in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. ] 】

[After doing all this, Hope finally lost his strength and fell into the sea of corpses. 】

[Seeing Hope’s sacrifice, the remaining people are very sad. 】

[But at this moment, they suddenly noticed something strange, the fence of this base for 4 weeks had been broken, but those zombies were all very calm, and no one took a step forward. ] 】

[It’s like… What invisible force is holding them back! 】

[Just when everyone was wondering, a robot suddenly appeared in front of her,]

[He is Vision!] 】

[Bruce Banner hugged Vision excitedly and lamented that he had finally met a friend he knew. 】

[It turns out that the reason why those zombies did not dare to enter this base was because bad things used the Mind Gem to release sub-frequency sound waves. ] 】

[Because of this, Phantom Vision may be able to use the Mind Gem to heal those who turn into zombies.] 】

[Experiments have proved that this therapy is indeed effective. 】

[Vision used the Mind Gem to heal Ant-Man who had turned into a zombie… Scott Lang! 】

[Although, he only cured Scott’s head.] 】

[Scott Lang, who survived, became a man with only a head! ] 】

[Seeing this, Banner suggested using satellite radio to send the frequency sound waves of the Mind Gem to the world.] 】

The female general thinks that Wakanda’s science and technology can do this. 】

[And, due to the presence of force field shields, maybe Wakanda … It is the only refuge in the human world that has not been attacked by zombies. 】

[At this time, Bucky decided to go inside the base to find transportation to get to Wakanda. 】

[Seeing Bucky leave, Vision’s tone suddenly became very strange. 】

“Sergeant Barnes, you can’t find what you’re looking for. “】

[And just after Bucky left, Bruce Banner suddenly discovered new information.] 】

“Strangely, based on these safety records, we are not the first to respond to the Vision signal. “】

[Spider-Man listened and asked excitedly:]

[Are there any other survivors?] So where are they now? 】

[Inside the base, Bucky heard a strange movement, he turned his head and saw a zombie woman dressed in red in front of him. 】

[This is actually the zombie witch Wanda! ] 】

[Moreover, she is still locked up in a secret room! ] 】

“I’ve become a zombie too?”

Looking at the “self” with a hideous face and a big mouth on the screen, Xiao Wanda’s eyes were round, and he only felt that the sweaty hairs all over his body stood up.

At this moment, Loki suddenly slapped his palm and laughed:

“So it is, I see. Hahaha…”

He looked at Little Wanda and said with a gloating smile:

“You know… Where did the other survivors who responded to the signals go? ”


Looking at the smug Loki, little Wanda swallowed his spit, and suddenly only felt that his heart was beating uncontrollably.

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