Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: Help me? What do you mean?

Carol Danvers: Let’s just say that not long ago I got news that someone claimed that he saw a moving planet in the universe.

Carol Danvers: When I heard this, I thought the guy was talking gibberish, but now it seems… He probably saw Igo!

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing stars: Hmm… It does sound a bit like it, but I don’t seem to have much friendship with you, so why are you helping me?

Carol Danvers: Humph! This Iago scattered its seeds everywhere in the universe! Especially on Earth!

Carol Danvers: Destroying this monster is not only good for the earth, but also for the entire universe.

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: Hmm… It makes sense, then you tell me the coordinates now.

Carol Danvers: The exact location, right in…

At this time, in the underground base of S.H.I.E.L.D., the black egg let out a soft breath, and his face showed approval.

“Worthy of being Captain Danfoss. Sure enough, witty enough. ”

Looking at the black widow on the side, she also said softly:

“This Star-Devouring Daughter’s devouring desire and desire must not be underestimated, so… If you can feed her, it will be an absolute blessing for the earth. ”

Hawkeye was next to him, and his face was full of realization:

“Is that so? I still wonder why that Captain Marvel suddenly came out like this…”

Seeing the appearance of Hawkeye, the black brine egg also sighed secretly in his heart.

He could see that Captain Marvel had another intention in doing this.

That is, to transfer the swallowing sister away from the earth as much as possible, even if it is only for a moment, it is good…

At this time, in a certain wilderness, Swallow Mei stretched out her hand against her chin, revealing a pensive look.

Standing aside, the Ghost Knight couldn’t help but ask:

“Miss, are you really going to that coordinate to find the living planet Igo?”

“After such a long time, maybe he has run away and disappeared.”

Speaking of “no figure”, the skeleton face of the Evil Spirit Knight actually showed a strange expression.

After all, he is not a person at all! It’s a planet!

Faced with the questions of her own messenger, Swallowing Mei said calmly:

“With such a big planet, the trajectory of movement in the universe cannot be covered at all, and I don’t need to be in such a hurry.”


Speaking of this, Swallowing Mei’s eyes actually showed a trace of regret,

“Does this woman really not want me to stay on Earth so much? I said it all… I won’t eat earthlings…. ”

【Image continues】

[At this time, in the hall of Planet Igo, Igo is still selling his set to Star-Lord… A grand plan to expand to the entire universe. 】

[Xingjue was a little moved, but suddenly thought of his friends. 】

[Seeing this, Iago said as if he didn’t care:]

“You are just superficial mundane feelings, not worth mentioning. “】

“We’ve gone beyond those things. “】

[Hearing such cold words. Star-Lord seemed to have finally come to his senses and asked rhetorically:]

[“My mother is also mortal, according to you, did you really love her”]

[When Iago heard this, he suddenly sighed a little helplessly:]

“Your mother. I did love her. “】

“At that time, I even went back to Earth three times just to see her! “】

“I know that if I go a fourth time, then I will never be able to leave. “】

“At that time, what grand plans, what expansion of the universe, everything is over. “】

[The expression on Iago’s face actually became a little sad for a while:]

[“When I was forced to get her a brain tumor, it really broke my heart”]

[“What do you say? “】

[Xing Jue’s whole demeanor suddenly changed, and his eyes quickly returned to normal. ] 】

[Next, he did not hesitate for a second, directly raised his two guns, and beat the Igo in front of him into a human-like shape! ] 】

[While shooting, Star-Lord also roared wildly! ] 】

“You killed my mother!!! “】

[Seeing that the situation was revealed, and the two sides had completely turned their faces, Igo no longer pretended, and directly controlled the energy tentacles to pierce Star-Lord! ] He also casually crushed Star-Lord’s walkman. 】

[It turns out that he is planning to use Star-Lord’s body as a living battery to drive its plan to “cover the entire universe”! ] 】

[After absorbing the energy in Star-Lord’s body, Igo officially launched his plan! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[At the same time, on countless planets in the universe, those Celestial God Doppelganger seeds began to expand wildly, covering everything around them! ] Engulf! Bury! 】

[If this continues, these seeds will assimilate all of the planet they are on and become Igo’s doppelganger! ] 】

[At this moment, Gamora, Drax and others broke into the hall, and Yongdu also manipulated the spaceship and rushed in directly! ] 】


[With a loud bang, Igo’s doppelganger was completely crushed by Brave’s spaceship, and Star-Lord also broke free from the energy tentacles. 】

[Now, the Guardians of the Galaxy are finally reunited again. 】

[In all parts of the universe, the Igo seeds, which are in a state of crazy expansion, have all calmed down. ] 】

[However, Iago only lost one doppelganger, and his body was still undamaged. 】

[In order to destroy this living planet, the Guardians of the Galaxy must rush into the depths of the planet, where Igo’s brain center is located! ] 】

[Only by destroying Igo’s brain can it be truly destroyed! ] 】

[But no one expected that in order to avenge the previous revenge, the fleet of the Sovelins also rushed over! ] 】

[The Guardians of the Galaxy had just arrived at the location of the planet’s hub when they encountered the fleet of the Sorvilins! ] The two sides immediately fought together! 】

[Seeing that the situation is critical, Rocket Raccoon is ready to take the energy battery he stole from the Severins before… Make a time bomb! 】

[Then, blow up the brain of this living planet in one breath! ] 】

[But to sneak into the brain center of the living planet Igo through the gap, only the body of little Groot can do it. ] 】

[At this time, Iago also noticed the traces of Rocket Raccoon and others, and tried to release terrifying energy to destroy them! ] 】

[At this critical juncture, Drax the Destroyer suggested that the Mantis Woman repeat her old trick and use her superpowers to put Iago back to sleep! ] 】

[Inspired by Drax, the praying mantis woman plucked up the courage to successfully send Iago to sleep by touching the surface of the planet’s center. 】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, little Wanda clapped his palms and laughed loudly:

“This girl is so powerful, she can actually hypnotize a planet!”

Peter next to him also nodded and praised:

“No wonder… In Avengers III, she can stun Thanos!

“If it weren’t for that stupid person of Star Lord, maybe there wouldn’t be so many things behind.”

Temple Two.

“That praying mantis woman… Can you stun me? ”

Thanos looked at the picture-in-picture at the bottom right of the screen, and his eyes flickered.

In just an instant, he regained his composure.

In Thanos’s opinion, a small praying mantis is not something to be afraid of at all.

Besides, judging from the conversation between Swallowing Sister and Captain Marvel just now, it is very likely that the daughter of the Planet Devourer will soon find this living planet!

At that time, I don’t know if this praying mantis woman will survive!

At the same time, Thanos is aware of another fact!

That is, through this chat group, different group members belonging to the same universe… You can communicate with each other and exchange important information!

If you can make good use of this platform, you can do things that you can’t do alone!

However, Thanos soon put this idea behind him.

After all, he didn’t think anyone in this universe would want to help him!

[Image continues.]

[Everything went well during the bomb making, but when Rocket Raccoon taught Groot to press the button, something went wrong.] 】

[It turns out that this bomb has two buttons, one is pressed to explode immediately.] 】

[One is to press it, there is a 5-minute delay, which can allow Groot and the people of the Guardians of the Galaxy to escape.] 】

[But I don’t know what’s going on, no matter what Rocket Raccoon says, little Groot always wants to put his finger on that instant explosion button! ] 】

[“Oh! Oh, my God! Then you will kill everyone, you can’t press it! “】

[Seeing that no matter how much teaching is useless, the rocket raccoon is also useless, so I had to ask Star-Lord to find someone else to ask for tape, let him attach the “instant explosion” button. ] 】

[But no one expected that just when Rocket Raccoon and Star-Lord were fighting endlessly, little Groot directly picked up the bomb and rushed into the gap in the center of Igo! ] 】

[When the rocket raccoon turned his head and found that the little Groot and the bomb were all gone, he suddenly showed an unloveable look on his face and muttered in a low voice:]

[“We’re all dead…”]

[At the same time, due to the loss of energy batteries, the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy also lost its ability to attack, and was be. Surrounded by Sovelin’s spaceship, it was about to be shattered! 】

[Just in the nick of time.] Nebula connected the ship’s wiring to his robotic arm and forcibly restored the ship’s weapon system! 】

[“Whoops! “】

[In an instant, countless energy beams shot out from the spaceship, sweeping away the surrounding enemy spaceships. ] 】


[With a series of earth-shattering explosions, the pursuit spacecraft of the Sovelins all turned into countless fragments, and not even one was left! ] 】

[At this time, except for the little Groot who entered the gap with the bomb, all the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy gathered together! ] 】

[But just before this great achievement was about to be completed, a fragment of the spaceship slammed into the mantis woman’s head, smashing her to fainting! ] 】

[With the fainting of the praying mantis woman, Iago, the living planet Igo, who had originally fallen into a deep sleep, woke up again! ] 】


[In the center of the planet, it seems that everything is falling apart, and the foothold where everyone is located is beginning to fall apart! ] 】

[Seeing that the situation was critical, Star-Lord put his protective suit on Drax and ordered him to leave quickly with the unconscious mantis girl. 】

[Including Star-Lord himself, the other members of the Guardians of the Galaxy stayed in the area to delay time and wait for the bomb to explode.] 】

[But Igo, who woke up, his strength is unusual, and everyone is not an opponent at all. ] 】

[“Peter! Soon we will be united again, so… You better not me off! “】

[Igo’s terrifying roar echoed in this underground space, and endless energy tentacles flew from all directions, beating the Guardians of the Galaxy to pieces! ] 】



[Under the full efforts of the living planet Igo, soon… Yongdu and the others were either buried by sand and gravel or tied by energy tentacles! 】

[Even the spacecraft that had just landed was entangled in Igo’s tentacles, and it couldn’t even fly! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Xingjue only resisted for a while, and then it was penetrated by several tentacles, and the energy in his body was frantically absorbed. 】

[With his energy supplement, on countless planets throughout the universe, those seeds that had originally stagnated began to expand again! ] 】

[Depends on the situation, it won’t be long before these planets will be devoured by Igo’s doppelganger! ] 】

[And this includes Earth!] 】

[At this moment, the courage that was covered in sand and gravel, which was almost breathless, suddenly shouted loudly. 】

[“Child! I don’t use my head to control the arrows, I use my heart! “】

[Hearing Yongdu’s guidance, Xingjue immediately recalled his past experiences with relatives and friends. 】

[Finally… He has awakened! 】

[“Ah! “】

[Xingjue shouted loudly, truly controlling the energy in his body! ] 】

[He stared at Igo, who had reformed into human form in front of him, and said with great resentment:]

“You shouldn’t have killed my mother and crushed my Walkman!”] “】

[“Pon! “】

[Controlling the surging Celestial God energy in his body, Star-Lord’s body shot out like a sharp arrow, instantly grabbing Igo’s doppelganger and rushing him into the air! ] Then they started beating him like crazy! 】

[And just when Star-Lord slammed Igo’s doppelganger, the energy tentacles scattered in this central space actually lost their power! ] Let go of Gamora and the others. 】

And seeing this scene, Little Wanda’s expression suddenly became a little strange.

“Walkman? What does this guy mean? ”

Bruce Wayne stood aside and shook his head slightly:

“Abducted from Earth since childhood, that Walkman … It should be Star-Lord’s only sustenance for the identity of the earthling. ”

“This thing was crushed, and the blow to him was also quite big.”


Although hearing this explanation, little Wanda still frowned and shook his head.

She couldn’t understand why someone would take revenge on killing her mother… Compare with a Walkman?

[It was in this gap that little Groot also reached Igo’s brain center and successfully started the countdown to the bomb.] 】

[Drax the Destroyer and the others also seized this opportunity and boarded the spaceship that came to the rescue! ] 】

[But Yongdu refused to leave, saying that he wanted to stay and wait for Star-Lord. 】

[Seeing that he could not be persuaded, the rocket raccoon only left a set of protective clothing for Yongdu, so he took the first step. ] 】

[Seeing that Star-Lord has never returned, Gamora is preparing to go to the rescue. The rocket raccoon immediately made a decision, directly stunned her, and then said helplessly:]

“Sorry, I can only afford to lose one friend today. “】

[In the end, the spaceship still left Star-Lord and Courage and left the living planet. 】

[Seeing that the bomb was about to explode, Iago looked at Star-Lord in front of him excitedly and roared loudly:]

“You are a god, if you kill me, you will become as mediocre as everyone else!”] “】

[And Xingjue just responded coldly:]

“So what? “】

[For him, whether it is divine power, the identity of the heavenly god, or even his own life is not important, as long as his companions can survive! ] 】

[The next second, the bomb that was put near the brain center of Igo by little Groot… Finally exploded! 】

[“Boom! “】

[In an instant, Iago’s brain was blown to pieces! ] 】

[And the expression on the face of his humanoid doppelganger also instantly froze, and then turned into dust and dispersed with the wind! ] 】

[Living planet Igo… Die! 】

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