Previously, Bruce Wayne received the “Manhattan Energy Generator” in the Watchmen universe through the reward. ”

This thing was originally developed by the Pharaoh and Manhattan under the guise of solving the energy crisis.

But from the very beginning, Pharaoh was ready to use this Manhattan energy as a bomb! to advance his ultimate plan for “world peace”!

And Bruce Wayne was also a treasure in the early days after getting the “energy generator”.

After a period of research, he found a problem.

This “Manhattan energy” itself is indeed extremely powerful, seemingly with infinite possibilities, but… He had absolutely no idea how to use it!

For example, it’s like a primitive person has obtained a latest-style fighter, even if he knows that this iron guy is very powerful, he can’t drive it!

According to Master Wayne’s calculations, manipulating this “Manhattan Energy” requires incredible computing and control.

With the current technology of the earthlings, it is simply impossible to do it.

It is impossible for Young Master Wayne to use this energy to create any ultimate bomb like the pharaoh.

So for a long time, this “Manhattan energy generator” could only be deposited by him in a confidential warehouse to accumulate dust.

At that moment just now, Bruce Wayne suddenly thought… This special energy may be able to help Swallow Sister!

Seeing Bruce Wayne’s proposal, Swallowing Mei was also a little confused for a while.

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: a Manhattan energy generator? What is this? I know about Manhattan, but what is the energy of Manhattan?

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! That’s a big deal. Gale, that Manhattan guy, but a multiverse-level cowman!

Tony Stark: No! I think…… That blue guy is far more than the multiverse level!

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing family: Huh? (⊙_⊙)

With Xiao Wanda’s explanation to her, Swallow Mei’s eyes widened more and more, and the expression on her face was even more wonderful to indescribable.

All realities can be created and destroyed at will, even a single universe!

Is there actually such a character in this group?

At this moment, Manhattan himself bubbled up in the group.

Dr. Manhattan: Huh… Interesting. I didn’t expect that kind of device could actually come in handy at such a time.

Dr. Manhattan: That little girl of the secondary cosmic gods, the device I worked with Pharaoh can only produce a very small amount of quantum energy, but if you can understand the mode of operation of this energy, it will definitely be good for you.

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Quantum energy! Is…… Unbelievable! Hahaha…. ^_^

After understanding the strength of Manhattan, Swallowing Mei’s heart was not only shocked, but also a glimmer of hope.

As a secondary cosmic deity, Swallowing Sister also inherited amazing super technology from the Planet Devourer!

If Manhattan is right, even if she can’t analyze the nature of this energy, as long as she can transform this generator to make more quantum energy, maybe… You can fill your stomach!

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallower: Bruce Wayne, I promised to exchange with you! You hurry up and send me that energy generator.

Bruce Wayne: According to the system, as long as it belongs to me, I can transmit it to you across time and space at any time.

Bruce Wayne: So what can you give me… In exchange?

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: What do you want? Whatever you want, as long as I have it, I will give it!

Bruce Wayne: If it is… What about the ultimate eraser?

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing family: Huh? You want this! (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: How? Doesn’t it work?

In fact, what Young Master Wayne pursued at the beginning was this so-called destructive power that was not under the Infinity Gauntlet… The ultimate artifact!

Although he also thought that due to the different universes he was in, the “Ultimate Eraser” might also be ineffective!

But…… What if it really works?

With such an artifact, even in the face of the threat of the legendary Darkseid, maybe… Don’t be afraid!

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: I’m not refusing to give it. It’s just that…… The ultimate eraser is located more than a billion light years away!

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: In a few minutes, I can’t get that far anyway! ╥﹏╥

At this moment, Swallowing Mei was really anxious.

I finally have the opportunity to relieve my hunger, is it… Is that hope about to be dashed?

“Not enough time? This is trouble…”

Young Master Wayne raised his hand and looked at his watch, his brows furrowed.

Now, most of the 5-minute trading time proposed by the system has passed, and there is only more than a minute left!

If it drags on any longer, this cross-universe transaction will fail!

At this time in the Marvel Universe, Swallowing Sister gritted her teeth and suddenly recovered her true body as a cosmic god.


I saw that her eyes lit up, gently raised her right hand, and a large amount of cosmic energy condensed together, and finally turned into something similar to a USB flash drive.

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: Bruce Wayne, I’ve packed all the technological knowledge I inherited from my father into a storage tray!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: This even includes… Technology before the birth of the monolithic universe I am in! Definitely helpful for you.

Wanda Maximov: The universe… Technology before birth? (⊙_⊙)

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: Haven’t I said that before? My father is a remnant of the last universe. But it doesn’t matter anymore.

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: Bruce Wayne, I’m going to exchange this for that Manhattan energy generator of yours, how about it?

“Is it a fusion of the god technology of the two universes?”

Bruce Wayne took a deep breath and tried to control his expression, but there was still an uncontrollable surprise in his eyes.

In his bones, he still rejects those so-called superpowers and appreciates the power of science and technology more!

Seeing that the 5 minutes were about to pass, Young Master Wayne made a decision without hesitation.

Bruce Wayne: Okay, I agreed.

Soon, the system sound sounded.

【Deal closed! 】 “Bruce Wayne” uses the Manhattan Energy Generator to exchange the “Star Swallowing Daughter Ganata” technology storage disk! 】

“This is Manhattan Energy?”

On the wilderness, Swallow Mei looked at the device that suddenly appeared in front of her, and the device seemed to contain infinite possible blue energy, her mouth gradually opened, and a drop of saliva actually flowed out.

“Eh, Miss, you are…”

The Evil Spirit Knight was next to him, and he was a little embarrassed for a while.

How did such a magnificent and elegant cosmic god meet something to eat… Is this virtue?

“Ouch, not good.”

As if she found her gaffe, Swallowing Mei quickly reached out and wiped the corners of her mouth.

Then, she inhaled deeply and inhaled all the blue energy bodies released from the device in front of her.

“Wow! This special energy is unbelievable! ”

Although the devouring quantum energy is not very much, but the swallowing sister for a while… I actually felt like eating ice cream on a hot day, and my whole body was numb!

At the moment when energy enters the body, various unheard of energy modes of operation… Even the information of the origin of the universe all poured into Swallowing Mei’s mind!

At this moment, although it was only a glance, she seemed to have spied the most ultimate mystery in the universe!


Swallowing Mei shouted, her body suddenly became hundreds of times larger, becoming like a towering mountain, and directly rushed into the clouds!

“Wow! Miss, what are you doing? ”

The Evil Spirit Knight stood on the wilderness, looking up at the “giantized” swallowing sister, and was also stunned for a while.

What is this operation?

How did he, the lord monarch, seem to have changed a person all of a sudden?

And at the same time. In the live room.

“Technology that encompasses two universes…”

Looking at the storage disk that suddenly appeared in Bruce Wayne’s hand, Tony Stark also showed curiosity in his eyes.

Soon, he withdrew his gaze.

Just to create the two-way foil, he had already put all his energy into the development of dimensional knowledge, and he really didn’t have time to study any more god technology.

Looking at the storage disk in his hand, Young Master Wayne nodded with satisfaction and put this valuable USB flash drive into his pocket.

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[5 minutes have passed, and the “random item exchange process” is over.] 】

[Next, start playing “The Strongest Mutant”]

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: The Strongest Mutant! I don’t know who it will be.

Magneto: No need to ask about this, it’s definitely me!

Magneto: In the image of the apocalypse, I can do it on my own… Destroy the world!

Magneto: Which mutant has more power than this?

Charles Xavier: Eric, you probably don’t have such dangerous thoughts now.

Magneto: Humph! If humans are always unwilling to recognize the status of our mutants, then maybe one day, I will use similar means to teach them a lesson!

Wolverine: Hmph, I’ve seen Apocalypse too. In that video, you were developed by that blue skinhead guy to have the power to destroy the world!

Wolverine: Now you… Is there such a skill?

Magneto: You !!! Hum! If you don’t believe it, forget it.

At this time, the screen that had been dim gradually lit up again.

At the same time, there is also the voice of the narrator.

[This is the 616 universe.] 】

[Mr. Fantastic’s wife Reed Richards… The invisible woman Susan Stone is pregnant and about to give birth. 】

However, she encountered serious difficulties during childbirth. 】

[It turns out that the cosmic radiation that originally gave the magical four superpowers is still left in Susan Stone’s body, and caused her difficult birth. ] 】

[If this situation continues, it is likely to be one corpse and two lives. 】

[In order to save his wife and unborn child, Reed Richards decides to enter negative space and go there in search of some kind of “antimatter artifact”. 】

[Reid firmly believes… Only this artifact is Susan’s only hope. 】

[Through a portal, Reed Richards came to negative space with Thunderfire and the Stone Man. 】

[In this magical world, he encounters a terrifying supervillain named “Annihilator”]

[The Fantastic Three joined forces, defeated the “Annihilator”, and seized an artifact called the “Cosmic Control Stick” from the opponent.

[This cosmic control rod can not only give the user the divine power of immortality, but also allow the user to transform matter from the molecular level, and even distort and control the laws of the universe! ] 】

[After returning to Earth, Reed Richards relied on the power of the cosmic control rod to cure Susan’s difficult birth problem, and then helped her give birth to a healthy boy. 】

[This baby, Franklin Richards… The most powerful mutant on Earth. 】

See here. The chat group was stunned.

Magneto: No kidding, how can such a hairy child be the strongest mutant, is there no me in that world?

Reed Richards: Me? In this universe, Susan’s child and I are mutants?

Magneto: What happened to the mutants? Are you looking down on mutants? (艹皿艹)

Reed Richards: … You think too much.

Tony Stark: 616 universe, isn’t that the Sentinel universe?

Sentinel: Uh… I’ve heard of Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards, but… Whether he and his wife have children, I don’t know.

Reed Richards: It’s complicated…

He looked back at the empty lab. Reid’s face also showed a hint of loneliness.

After watching the image of the “zombie universe”, Susan directly left her with her brother, and even the stone man “Ben” has rarely contacted him recently.

In this universe, he is afraid that it is unlikely that he will have a child with Susan.

Shaking his head, shaking his messy thoughts out of his mind, and looking at the screen again, Reid also had a little curiosity in his heart.

In another world, why is his own child called the strongest mutant in the world?

What superpowers does he have?

【Image continues】

[As a child, Franklin Richards had already shown amazing power. 】

[One day, when he was playing the Rubik’s Cube, he was a little annoyed because he couldn’t put the Rubik’s Cube back in place. 】

[At this time, there happened to be a sentence on the TV:]

“Why haven’t you grown up yet?” “】

[Upon hearing this, Franklin’s superpower suddenly activated and turned himself into an adult! ] 】

[Not only that, after becoming an adult, Franklin also mastered superpowers that are enough to control all matter! ] 】

[As long as he has one thought, he can modify reality at will, and he can also decompose all matter into elementary particles! ] 】

[Relying on the powerful force, Franklin was still in a confused state, and he beat the rest of the Fantastic Four to the ground! ] 】

[In the end, it was Susan who recognized him, which ended the farce.] 】

After realizing his mistake, Franklin turned himself back into a child. 】

[A few years later, what Franklin did was even more appalling! 】

[At that time, out of anger and frustration with humans, Magneto and Charles taught the dark consciousness of these two powerful mutants… Mix together to create a monster called Onslaught! 】

[Berserk Attack has all the mutant abilities of Professor X and Magneto, and can constantly fuse the power of other superheroes and villains.] 】

[In the face of the onslaught, all the superheroes went to the battlefield. 】

[But because the opponent’s strength is too strong, including the X-Men, Avengers Fantastic Four, almost all superheroes have died! ] 】

[Although the war won the final victory, the losses were too great! ] 】

[Desperately missing his deceased parents, as well as those superheroes, Franklin Richards created a pocket universe in an unconscious state. 】

[In this universe, there is a whole new Earth. 】

[And those heroes who died in battle are all living normally on this earth! ] 】

But the most bizarre thing is that Franklin didn’t even know what he had done.] 】

[He just found that there was an extra blue ball around him!] And I don’t know, inside this ball… It’s a whole universe! 】

“Divine horse? He created a universe? ”

“This… It can’t be! ”

See on the screen, a few years old Franklin… Holding the blue ball with a confused face, everyone in front of the screen was dumbfounded.

“This is … Hand rubbing the universe? ”

Stand in the live room. Magneto trembled slightly, his eyes lost his mind, and even his spirit was a little trance,

It was before, he was still a little dissatisfied, and felt that such a little ghost… It is impossible to compare with yourself!

But now, Magneto is completely obedient.

Such a power like a creator is really the strongest mutant who deserves it!

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