Seeing Wolverine’s old and haggard appearance on the screen, the chat group became lively again.

Deadpool: Logan! Wolverine! How did you do it? Aren’t you immortal? How did it come to this?

John Constantine: yes, I can’t understand it!

John Constantine: In the image just now, that Zhitian wants to take Wolverine’s ability in order to live forever!

John Constantine: How did he become an old man in the blink of an eye?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, that’s ridiculous, that Ozhita, if you see the current Wolverine… Maybe even the whole person is going to collapse.

Loki Odinson: In his mind, the immortal and immortal powerhouse is not only too old to look good, but even blocks bullets for a car!

Wolverine: …………………

At this time in the tavern, Charles Xavier turned his head in surprise and looked at Wolverine sitting not far away, as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end he did not open his mouth.

From the screen, Charles can clearly see that the old Wolverine seems to value this luxury car very much!

Not only was he willing to use his body to protect it, but he was even more heartbroken when he saw the hole in the car being shot out of the car.

This…… It also looks too weird.

So far, Charles knows a lot about Wolverine.

This rough and wild man is a character who is not afraid of heaven and earth in his bones, and he will not bend his waist for money.

Therefore, even a woman like Mariko, who is worth hundreds of millions, will definitely not be able to keep him.

How could such a person work so desperately to maintain a car … Luxury cars?

“This… How can it be? ”

At this time, Wolverine was also stunned and inexplicable, and his heart was like turning over a river, and all kinds of emotions were tumbling, and he couldn’t calm down at all.

Having lived for more than 100 years, he knows very well that because of the existence of self-healing genes, his aging rate may be only one-tenth of that of ordinary people!

That being the case, he on the screen … And how did you become so old?

Moreover, judging by the current situation, the self-healing ability of this “old Wolverine” … It was also cut by more than half!

“Could it be that I fell for someone’s plot? That’s why it became like this. ”

At this thought, Wolverine suddenly shook his head slightly.


With his character, if he really falls for the enemy’s move, he will definitely search the ends of the earth… Go finish off that bastard! And find a way to get the body back to normal.

But right now… What’s going on?

Just when Wolverine was full of doubts and couldn’t scratch his head, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[While Wolverine was driving, an ominous conversation appeared on the car radio. 】

【“………… Mutants…”]

[“Hey, it’s 2029 now, what else do you mention mutants for? “】

While Wolverine was listening to the radio, in the back seat of his luxury car, a man in a suit was talking on the phone. 】

[It seems that this once fierce mutant powerhouse has become a ** taxi driver. ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Don’t mention mutants? Could this be…”

Hearing the conversation on the car radio, Magneto’s pupils contracted suddenly, his face gradually turned pale, and dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

At this moment, an ominous chill instantly soaked his heart and lungs! Almost cold to the bone!

In Magneto’s memory, humans mostly refer to mutants with a tone of caution, fear, and even hatred!

But on the radio, the man’s tone was completely different.

In his words, mutants already seem to be an outdated thing! There’s no point in even mentioning it!

That feeling, as if referring to some kind of completely eliminated … Outdated household appliances!

“What’s going on? What exactly happened? Don’t…… Is it a sentinel robot? ”

Magneto’s mind flashed, and he immediately remembered the image that appeared in the previous image… The kind of robot that can restrain mutants infinitely!

But through Wolverine’s time travel, that Dr. Gnomes has been captured, and the Sentinel Project should have been terminated!

What the hell is going on?

Just when Magneto was shocked and inexplicable, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[One day, Wolverine drove guests to the cemetery to attend the funeral. 】

[While sheltering from the rain under the tree, he limped around while drinking.] 】

[It turns out that Wolverine at this time is not only old and weak, but even has a lame leg! ] 】

[Just then, a woman found her, chanting Wolverine’s name and asking for help.] 】

[But by this time, Wolverine was no longer a superhero, he rejected the woman and drove her away. 】

[Even though Wolverine tried his best to avoid trouble, trouble still took the initiative to find him, and one day Wolverine went to the hospital and got some medicines. 】

But just as he was back in the car, a man with a mechanical left hand came to him. 】

[This Iron Hand Man seems to belong to a large organization and knows everything about Wolverine and his companions. 】

[However, this man is not here to trouble Wolverine, his target seems to be the woman.] 】

[After the iron hand man left, Wolverine sensed the danger and quickly called another person. 】

“Hey! That yacht, can you sell it to me now? “】

[“Seventy thousand? I don’t have that much money, I can pay you 45,000 now… What do you think? “】

[“Abominable! “】

[Rejected by the seller and unable to buy a yacht, Wolverine knocked on the steering wheel very angrily, and his old face was full of exhaustion and helplessness. ] 】

Next, Wolverine drove to an abandoned factory. 】

[This is his home and the other two.] 】

[As soon as he entered, Wolverine met Caliban a mutant with albinism. 】

[In the timeline of “Apocalypse”, this person is also an underground boss who turns clouds and rain. 】

[Now, he’s just a poor bug hiding in the shadows. 】

[Facing Wolverine, Caliban seems to be full of grumbling. 】

[It turns out that while Wolverine is driving outside to make money, Caliban is in charge of this abandoned factory… Caring for a special person. 】

[The world’s strongest psychic ability, Charles Xavier. 】

[90-year-old Professor X has suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and is not even conscious. 】

[Not only that, he even has epilepsy, once he has a seizure, he will frantically release his psychic ability to the surroundings without limit. ] 】

[The reason why Wolverine wanted to get some drugs from the hospital was for Charles. 】

[After seeing Wolverine, Charles’s problem attacked again, and terrible mental fluctuations began to erode Wolverine’s mind! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Gritting his teeth, Wolverine yelled and injected the drug into Charles’s body with his last strength. 】

[After the drug worked, Professor X finally regained his senses and recognized Wolverine. 】

[But even so, Charles is still babbling about “newborn mutants.] 】

“They’re in self… By··· Goddess, goddess, statue waiting for you below. “】

[Wolverine didn’t believe Charles’s words at all, and even thought that this old guy was completely crazy:]

[“Charles, since ·· By·· Goddesses, goddesses, and statues are long gone. “】

[Wolverine looked into Charles’s eyes and said word by word:]

“There are no new mutants for a long time, understand? “】

“No new mutants have been born for 25 years! “】

[Seeing that Wolverine didn’t believe him, Charles said with an angry face:]

“You’ve let me down so much. “】

[“Back then… You are nothing but a beast full of hatred! “】

“I accepted you and gave you a home. “】

[Wolverine said coldly:]

“That home is gone! “】

[Watching Wolverine tie himself to the bed and carry the plate away from the battered and worn water tank, Charles shouted:]

[“Logan! Tell me, why are we here? “】

[“Back then… What exactly happened? “】

[And the only thing that answered him was the sound of Wolverine closing the door after he walked out of the tank.] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Hearing this closing sound, Charles cried out in despair:]

[“Logan! You’re just locking me up here waiting to die…”

“I’ll go…”

“Oh God!”

In the tavern, Charles turned his head to look at Wolverine, their eyes meeting in the air, and I could see the horror and horror in each other’s eyes.


Charles swallowed his spit with difficulty, only to feel that his brain was heavy, the whole person was dizzy, and a creepy feeling arose.

In that video just now… The amount of information contained in it is simply too large!

Even Charles Xavier, who has the strongest brain on the planet, was stunned for a while, and his brain was almost out of use!

After a few decades, he actually became dementia?

And…… Mutants will not have a newborn for 25 years!

Isn’t it one dead, one less, and extinction?

And what is even more frightening is what Wolverine said when he left…

“That home is gone!”

What does that mean?

Don’t…… Own academy!!!

At this thought, a panic rose in Charles’s heart.

Now he has almost regarded X Academy as one of his legacies!

Those students inside were regarded by Charles as children and nephews.

How could such a big family suddenly not have it?

And at this moment, the chat group was also lively.

Deadpool: How did this work? X-Men… Or even the whole mutant finished?

Magneto: Nonsense! Impossible, mutants are a new race that replaces humans. How could it be…

Deadpool: Please, are you sensible?

Deadpool: Now we all know that the so-called mutants, created by the Celestial God Group through experiments, are not higher than humans, and of course, they are not lower than humans.

Deadpool: But replace humans? You think too much.

Wanda Maximov: Oh? Deadpool, you actually spoke so seriously, I really didn’t expect it.

Deadpool: Che, when I’m angry or panicking, I get serious.

Wanda Maximov: Panic?

Deadpool: yes, it’s clear now that in a few decades, all mutants will lose the ability to reproduce.

Deadpool: And Wolverine will weaken, the X-Men will be wiped out, and even the bald head will become a madman!

Deadpool: In the face of this situation, any normal person will panic.

Nick Fury: So… The result of your panic is to become serious? This is really…

Magneto: Now is not the time to talk this nonsense, Charles, can you guess what’s going on? Who is targeting us mutants?

Charles Xavier: This… I have no prophetic power. ( ̄△ ̄; )

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: I don’t know what the future holds. But…… If you really want to avoid this apocalyptic future, then I suggest that you take good care of that Jean Gray.

Charles Xavier: Huh?

Star-swallowing daughter Ganata: That little girl with the power of the phoenix is now under your care, and she’s still a mutant?

Deadpool: Yes! Gale! You are such a genius!

Deadpool: Baldhead! As long as you take good care of Jean Gray, with her phoenix power, no matter what difficulties and dangers you encounter in the future, you can push it all the way!

Charles Xavier: Ah… This one……

Hearing that death said this, Charles was a little bitter for a while.

That little girl named Jean Gray, although she has strong psychic abilities, her personality is really a little stubborn.

To educate her well, the difficulty is not ordinarily high.

Magneto: This is about the future of mutants, do you have to shirk this?

Magneto: No, I’m going to move into your academy from tomorrow too!

Magneto: The future of mutants must not be controlled by you alone.

Charles Xavier: You… Are you moving in? (⊙_⊙)

John Constantine: Wow! You are finally going to live together, gratifying, congratulatory.

Ganata, the Daughter of Star Swallowing: Ah… I’d love to say congratulations, but there’s one more thing you have to remember, it’s best… Don’t let that Wolverine get near Jean Gray.

Wolverine: ???

Deadpool: yes, if Jean Gray had been killed by Wolverine like in “history,” then it would be over.

Wolverine: What nonsense are you talking about? How could I kill a 10-year-old girl! Convex (艹皿艹)

Deadpool: When she grows up, you’ll not only kill… I’ll fall in love with her! Well, this order might have to be reversed.

Wolverine: …………


“Jean Grey girl… Is it actually related to the future of the entire mutant? ”

Professor Charles took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the heavy, unimaginable weight of his shoulders suddenly weighed on his shoulders.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[On the morning of the second day, while eating breakfast, Wolverine and Caliban had a quarrel. 】

[It turns out that Caliban already knows that Wolverine has been secretly saving money. 】

[The money was used to buy a yacht to carry him and Professor Charles away.] 】

[But Caliban suffers from albinism and can’t see the sun!] 】

[So, he simply can’t live his whole life… All hiding in the cabin of this ship! 】

[To make matters worse, Caliban even found an Edman alloy bullet from Wolverine’s clothes.] 】

[It seems that this bullet was specially prepared by Wolverine for himself! ] 】

[Years of pain seem to have almost crushed this iron man to collapse! ] 】

[In extreme despair, Wolverine even thought of using this bullet to his head to end all his pain! ] 】

[Caliban has detected Wolverine’s abnormality. 】

[It turned out that his physical functions were constantly declining, and not only did he lose most of his ability to heal himself. Even eyesight… It’s all down to the point where you can’t see clearly! 】

[Wolverine didn’t want to reveal his weakness, so he simply chose to go out directly and continue to carry passengers to make money. ] 】

[But this time, it was the South American woman who asked for help before. 】

[This woman is carrying a little girl who seems to be her daughter. 】

[That girl’s name is… Laura! 】

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