【Doomsday Future】

[Here, the ground is full of dilapidated buildings, and even a destroyed aircraft carrier can be faintly seen.] 】

[Steel Bones looked at Batman and said a little eagerly:]

“We have to hurry, or … That guy might come looking for it! “】

“Then let him come!”] “】

[Mela said with an angry face:]

“Superman killed Arthur! I must avenge him! “】

[Batman took a breath and tried to convince her:]

“I know how you feel, Mela! But we have to come according to the plan now, and only then can we win against him. “】

[Mela seems to have been carried away by hatred at this time, and actually shouted at Batman:]

“What do you know? Have you really loved someone? “】

[At this time, a strange laughter sounded next to it.] 】


[I saw the clown wearing the body armor of the police Fang, sitting on the police car and giggling:]

“You’re wrong, little mermaid. “】

“Batman knows perfectly well… What it’s like to lose a loved one. “】

“It’s like losing your father, your mother… Or an adopted son…”

[Looking at the Joker’s unobstructed appearance, Batman’s face was like frost, and he opened his mouth to warn:]

“Before you say the next word… Better be very careful! “】

[Looking back at Batman, the Joker’s face was full of unbridled smiles, and he said without hesitation:]

[“Maybe that stinky mermaid is not wrong…”

“How many dead people have you seen… Will you be completely dead? “】

[“My heart is long dead! Batman gritted his teeth and shouted:]

“But even so, if you really me off! I…”

[“How are you? “】

[The clown raised his chin and said proudly:]

“Bruce, will you kill me? “】

“You can’t do it because I’m your best friend.”] “】

“And… You need me. “】

[The clown stretched out his finger and drew a circle in the air:]

“You need me to help you… Restore the world to its original state! “】

“And the world is like this because you let her die!” “】

“Poor Louis, she’s been tortured. “】

[The clown sighed in an exaggerated tone similar to an aria, looking at the sun in the distance. 】

[Then, his words suddenly changed again:]

“Sometimes I also wonder, in how many parallel timelines have you destroyed the world? “】

“And all this is because you don’t have the courage to let yourself die!” “】

[In the face of the Joker’s unexpected accusations, Batman was speechless, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes. ] 】

[It’s like, he was really broken by this sentence! ] 】


[Watching his lips and swords work, the clown did not chase after the victory, but casually conjured up a clown playing card. ] 】

[“Truce! Bruce. “】

“As long as you keep this card, we won’t go to war again.”] “】

[“If you tear it in half…”

[The clown’s words suddenly brought a trace of cold murder:]

“At that time, I will be happy to talk to you, why did you send that little devil to do your dirty work?” “】

[Staring at the playing cards in the Joker’s arms, Batman did not take it, but said coldly:]

[“It’s funny, what else do you say… How many people died in my arms? “】

[“But I remember very well when Harry Quinn was dying in my arms covered in blood…”

“But she pleaded with me with her last breath to let me die as slowly as possible when I kill you!”] “】

[Looking at the clown who seems to be stunned, Batman’s eyes are even rare… Bring a touch of real murder! 】

“I will keep my promise to her!”] “】

[After saying this, Batman reached out and took the clown playing card from the dumb Joker’s hand. 】

And seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded.

Deadpool: Groove, what’s going on in this world? Why does something seem wrong!

Starlight: Indeed, in the previous video, didn’t that Aquaman Arthur die at the hands of Darkseid?

Starlight: How about this Mela… But looking for Superman for revenge?

Loki Odinson: At least a few things are certain, this futuristic world is still conquered by Darkseid!

Loki Odinson: Superman is also controlled by the anti-life equation. Also, that Louis Lane is dead!

Clark Kent: Louise…

As soon as he said this name, Clark’s mood suddenly became very complicated.

Now he does not have any male or female feelings for Louise Lane.

But it was clearly revealed in the previous images… Louis may be pregnant with “his” child!

In this case, if Louis dies, it will be one corpse and two lives!

This is really bad!

Captain America: The earth has actually been transformed by the apocalypse again, could it be… Have those three mother boxes been fused into one again?

Bruce Wayne: No, as far as I know, Apokolips isn’t just three mother boxes!

Reed Richards: Since this kind of thing is a supercomputer, then mass production is certainly possible!

Bruce Wayne: It’s not that exaggerated, it’s in the apokolips, and the mother box is also a very precious treasure, which can almost be described as an artifact.

Bruce Wayne: However, no matter how valuable the artifact, in Darkseid’s eyes, it is not comparable to the anti-life equation!

Wonder Woman Diana: Did Darkseid still come to Earth to capture this equation?

Bruce Wayne: That’s right! As long as the anti-life equation is on Earth, disaster will one day.

Bruce Wayne: So… It is useless to escape, we must find the location of the equation and then seal it completely!

Wonder Woman Diana: You already have a mother box, isn’t that enough?

Bruce Wayne: According to my guess, two master boxes have to be gathered before they can correctly predict the position of the equation.

Bruce Wayne: In the video, Steppenwolf also got the information of the equation after assembling two mother boxes.

Wonder Woman Diana: The mother box of Paradise Island cannot be given to you, and my mother will never compromise.

Bruce Wayne: No problem, I already know… There is one under the bottom of the sea in Atlantis, and the last one, which is kept in the hands of ZF.

Wonder Woman Diana: Atlantis! In this futuristic world, Arthur was actually killed by Superman.

Tony Stark: That’s what the Joker said… Parallel timeline!

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: Parallel timeline? Who is that guy with oil paint on his face? Does he have that strong superpowers? Able to travel through parallel universes?

Tony Stark: No, this clown doesn’t have any superpowers, he’s just a normal person.

Ganata, daughter of the star-swallowing family: Huh? What do you say? (⊙_⊙)Everyman?

Stephen Strange: I remember… When he resurrected Superman before, Victor the steel bone once saw a series of future images through the mother box.

Stephen Strange: In addition to the obvious contradiction of the death of Aquaman, in one video, there is also a clown playing card torn in half!

Bruce Wayne: It looks like in another timeline, I ripped off the playing cards and didn’t accept the Joker’s truce!

Loki Odinson: This is the multiverse! The timeline is bifurcated.

Wanda Maximov: If this is true! Well, maybe they need a time authority to fork these timelines… Crop it all! ^_^

Tony Stark: Ghost, it’s no joke.

Wanda Maksimov: →_→

Clark Kent: In short, in this futuristic world, both Batman and the Joker seem to have found a way to navigate the timeline.

Clark Kent: And, they’re all trying to save this apocalyptic world by this means.

Wonder Woman Diana: But it turned out… All failed!

Wonder Woman Diana: It seems that no matter what world, Louis will die! Superman will be controlled by Darkseid. The earth will fall!

Speaking of which, Diana couldn’t help but think of a certain timeline… Own death, as well as a funeral!

“Damn, that Darkseid… Is it so irresistible? ”

Diana gritted her teeth, and suddenly thought of it again in her mind… What Bruce Wayne said before in the live broadcast room.

“Darkseid and his subordinates belong to the new gods!”

“And the new gods… Stronger than the old gods! ”

At this time, Bruce Wayne also frowned slightly.

In the mouth of the clown, who is the dead adopted son of “himself”?

And looking at the way he looks, is it… Was this adopted son killed by a clown?

The Flash Barry Allen: I think… They should all rely on my variants to travel through time.

The Flash Barry Allen: Just for now. None of the results were good.

Bruce Wayne: The Flash keeps going back in time and trying to reverse the future. But in the end, it’s all just a creation… An equally bad parallel universe?

Wolverine: It’s really troublesome, isn’t it just killing people to reverse the future? , now it’s good, but you need to save people!

John Constantine: Just because of the death of one Louis, all the planets in the universe are finished!

Clark Kent: Actually… I don’t think you need to worry too much.

Clark Kent: After gaining the power of Silver Superman, I’m now very strong.

Clark Kent: Even if Darkseid comes, I will definitely be able to defeat him!

Deadpool: Aha! It is worthy of being a man of steel, and as soon as I listen to your words, my heart settles down.

Carol Danvers: You guy is not in their universe, what is there to worry about?

Deadpool: yes, you’re a woman so unsympathetic, I just empathize, can’t I?

Deadpool: Then again, the man called the death knell looks like me, just a little older.

John Constantine: If this guy is your variant, there’s too little nonsense about him!

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne’s eyes suddenly flashed.

“Harry Quinn! The clown’s expression visibly changed after hearing the name. ”

“Who the hell is this guy? What is the relationship with the Joker? ”

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Batman just took the Joker’s playing card, and suddenly only listened to the smack! ] 】

[A caped man fell from the sky and landed in front of Batman and others. ] 】

[It’s Superman! ] 】

[Blackened Superman controlled by Darkseid is here! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[“Oh! “】

[Seeing the current enemy, the Flash, Steel Bone, and Mela all took a posture of imminent battle. ] 】


[The clown, on the other hand, laughed unscrupulously.] 】

【“!!! “】

[At this time, in his room, Bruce Wayne woke up suddenly. 】

[It turns out that those just now were just a nightmare. 】

[Suddenly, Bruce Wayne heard a sonic boom outside the window. 】

[He came out and looked, and saw a green-skinned alien slowly descending down. 】

[This person is the one who used to pretend to be Superman’s mother before… Martian Manhunter! 】

[The Martian Manhunter came specifically to warn Bruce Wayne that Darkseid would not let Earth go!] 】

[The heroes on Earth must prepare early and find the anti-life equation as early as possible! ] 】

[In this way, you can deal with the final decisive battle! ] 】

[After that, the Martian Manhunter flew away.] 】

At this time, the screen also dimmed again.

[“Justice League” is over. 】

“Anti-life equation!”

Pressing here, Bruce Wayne’s eyebrows moved, and he had already secretly made up his mind.

After leaving this live broadcast room, he must find a way to take the third mother box from ZF!

Moreover, he can even take the opportunity to get in touch with it… That Martian hunter pretending to be a beautiful country general!

Even if he can’t be absorbed into the Justice League, Young Master Wayne must not let this alien go!

Clark, on the other hand, stood aside and suddenly nodded slightly.

Perhaps, I also need to continue to go to the sun and “practice” for a while.

Anyway, he just stood on the surface of the sun to absorb the yellow sunlight, and he didn’t have to do anything, he was just bored.

At this time, Tony Stark suddenly walked to Master Wayne’s side and asked with an excited face:

“If you are going to study this master box, can you give me a copy of the relevant materials of the research?”

“I can exchange scientific knowledge from other universes.”


Looking at Tony with a face full of expectation in front of him, living like a little boy who wants to get a toy, Master Wayne was speechless for a while.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! Random live streaming continues to turn on. 】

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected: Bruce Wayne.] 】

[The random target has been positioned as…”mother box”! ] 】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Aquaman”]

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