[“The abhorrent chaos of ambushing, dreaming in the abyss…”]

[“In the crumbling human city, corruption spreads…”

[Dressed in pure black armor, the black manta ray stood in front of Arthur and Mela, chanting strange verses in his mouth, and his two huge eyes suddenly burst into dazzling red light. 】

[“Boom! “】

[With the blessing of Atlantis Technology, two blazing red rays of light shot out! ] 】

[Arthur was beaten up to protect Mela.] 】

[“Ah! “】

[Hit a hundred meters away by the black manta ray, Arthur could hardly get up for a while. ] 】

[This direct attack of the enhanced plasma ray caused him not light damage. 】

[Mela wants to go to the rescue, but is surrounded by elite Atlantean soldiers brought by Black Manta.] 】

[Arthur finally got up from the ground, and was cut by a black manta ray with a sharp weapon.] 】

[With the blessing of Atlantis-powered armor, Black Manta is strength, speed, attack, defense… All above Arthur! 】

[While the Black Manta Ray was fighting Arthur, Mela finally found an opportunity, grabbed her weapon, and cut down several soldiers in a row. 】

[These elite soldiers in red power armor, although their strength is not weak, they have a fatal weakness. 】

[As long as their face armor is broken, the sea water inside will flow out! ] 】

[Ordinary Atlantis civilians can’t breathe in the air! ] 】

[Next, Arthur and Mela are fighting and walking, wandering and looking for victory.] 】

[In the midst of the chaos, Mela seized the opportunity and shattered the breathing apparatus of an Atlantean soldier! ] 】


[The soldier who had difficulty breathing fled into the bathroom with a roll. 】

[Just when he was about to suffocate, the soldier’s eyes suddenly lit up and he saw one in the toilet… Toilet! 】

[“Ah! “】

[With the last bit of strength, the soldier removed his helmet and stuck his whole head into the toilet.] 】


[Lying on the toilet, the soldier finally relaxed…]

In the live broadcast room.


Looking at this strange scene on the screen, Little Wanda’s face was wrinkled, and his face showed an undisguised look of disgust.

Except for her, the expressions of the others were mostly ugly.

Tonis Dak snorted coldly and said directly:

“Don’t you think the situation of the Atlanteans is strange?”

“Nobles and royals are not only powerful and physically amazing, but they can also live freely on the ground and in the sea, with no restrictions at all.”

“And these ordinary Atlanteans … You can’t get out of the water at all, otherwise you will suffocate alive! ”

“I suspect that this is not the result of natural evolution at all, but human genetic intervention!”


Bruce Wayne nodded thoughtfully:

“You mean that the rulers of ancient Atlantis deliberately ‘set’ the genes of their subjects so that they could live under water forever?”

Tony spread his hands:

“Other than that, I don’t see any other possibilities.”

At this time, Loki also sneered and said:

“These Atlanteans may have some high technology, but essentially… It’s a bunch of primitive barbarians! ”

“As long as you get what ancient artifact trident, you can get the recognition of the people? What a laugh! ”

“Whether you can become a king or not, what does it have to do with artifacts?”


Hearing Loki’s words, most of the people in the live broadcast room looked at him speechlessly, and their eyes became extremely strange.

Your words… Is it really talking about Atlantis?

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the chaotic battle, Mela used her super ability to control the flow of water to turn all the wine in the cellar into water arrows, killing two elite soldiers in one move. ] 】

[Arthur used the large stone ball on the ground as a weapon and severely damaged the black manta ray, knocking him off the cliff.] 】

[Because he was so badly injured in battle, Arthur also fainted directly.] 】

[Before fainting, Arthur reminded Mela that she had a monitor installed on her.] 】

[Mela angrily breaks the bracelet that King Orm gave him and takes the unconscious Arthur on a ship. 】

[The next target of the two is where the Sea King Trident is located. ] 】

[This is where Arthur’s mother was sacrificed, the fallen kingdom that has perished.] 】

[At the same time, King Aum came to the Fishman Country, where he killed the Fishman King in cold blood and coerced the king’s daughter into forming an alliance with him. 】

[At this time, of the only four remaining kingdoms of Atlantis, three have been unified by Orm! ] Only the last one remains. 】

[On the sea, Arthur and Mela come to the location of the Trench Country and encounter terrible sea monsters. 】

[In the chaos, they were swept up by the turbulence of the bottom of the sea and taken to an island deep in the center of the earth. 】

[Here, they met a woman…]

[She is actually Arthur’s mother, Atlanta! 】

[It turned out that the king of Atlantis sacrificed her to the monsters of the Trench tribe, but Atlana did not die. 】

[For 20 years, she has been living on this island in the center of the earth! ] 】

[Atlana told Arthur that this island in the center of the lake can only enter and exit, and the only way to leave is to capture the Aquaman Trident. 】

[But that trident is guarded by a sea monster named Karasen, and any creature that comes close to it will be eaten!] 】

[Looking at Arthur with an unconfident face in front of him, Atlanta encouraged him:]

“Now, the Atlanteans need someone greater than the king, that is, a hero! “】

[“Kings will only fight for their own people, and heroes will fight for all!”] “】

[With the encouragement of his mother, Arthur finally plucked up the courage to enter the waterfall and prepare to challenge the ancient sea monster Karason! ] 】

[As soon as he entered the water, he encountered a monster larger than a building. 】

“I have guarded the Trident for 1,000 years!”] “】

“Of all the challengers, you are the lowest!”] “】

[The voice of this terrifying troll, like some kind of telepathy, echoed in Arthur’s mind. 】

[“You, a filthy half-blood wild species, even want to get involved… Atlantis’ most precious treasure! “】

[In the face of Carlason’s attack, Arthur resisted, but was easily sent flying. 】

“You think you can be king, you wild species… The mere appearance tarnishes this sacred position! “】

[Knocking Arthur to the ground easily, Karason raised his huge tentacle and was about to slam down. 】

[At this moment, Arthur raised his hand sharply! ] 】

[Just like when he was a child in the aquarium, he unleashed his “communication” power! ] 】

“That’s right, I’m a half-breed. “】

[Arthur said in a deep voice:]

“I didn’t come here to be king… Because I know I don’t deserve it…”

【“??? “】

[The moment Arthur spoke, the sea monster Karasen was actually stunned. 】

“You can understand me, incredible! “】

“For so many years, no one other than the original king could talk to me. “】

“Who are you?” “】

“I’m just a nobody. Arthur said with a low expression.

“I came here just to save my loved ones… And my home! “】

[Looking at Arthur in front of him, the sea monster Karasen actually groaned for a while, and then said:]

[“No one has ever … Can take out a trident from the hands of King Atlantis. “】

[“If you can do it, then you are the new king, if you can’t do it…”

[“Huh… I haven’t eaten for a long time, and now I’m hungry. “】

[Seeing that the sea monster seemed to let himself go, Arthur did not hesitate and swam directly to the king’s throne. ] 】

[He stretched out his hand to hold the golden trident in front of him, and with just one force, it was from the body of King Atlantis… Take this artifact over! 】

[And the moment he held the trident, Arthur’s consciousness seemed to connect every sea creature in this sea! ] 】

[At this moment, he truly became the king of the sea. That is, Aquaman! 】

[Outside the waterfall, Atlana and Mela all felt the fluctuations released when Arthur held the trident, and suddenly stood up in surprise! ] 】

[Soon, Arthur walked out of the waterfall holding the trident and slammed the artifact in his hand on the ground! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Looking at the mighty son in front of her, Atlana said with joy on her face:]

“This is the only true king! “】

[At the same time, in order to conquer Atlantis, the only remaining saltwater country in the country, King Orm and King Zebel are preparing to launch a strong attack! ] 】

[For a time, countless warships under the sea were concentrated! ] 】

[The inhabitants of the saltwater country were originally also humans, but after sinking to the bottom of the sea, they have transformed into some kind of crustacean for thousands of years. 】

[Unbelievably, these fish, shrimp and crabs also have amazing high technology! ] 】

[Moreover, the saltwater people are not only murderous and violent, but also unruly, and resolutely refuse to obey the rule of King Aum. 】

[Under irreconcilable contradictions, the war finally broke out! ] 】


[“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! “】

[Plasma rays… Various lasers, guides… Play…… Fly around deep under the sea. 】

[Countless strange underwater creatures are fighting madly together. 】

[King Aum took the lead and rushed into the battlefield alone and defeated the king of the saltwater country. 】

[But this crab king swore to death. ] 】

[Just when King Aum was angry and ready to kill the other party…]


[With an earth-shattering loud noise, countless huge tentacles and giant claws emerged from the depths of the sea! ] 】

[Simultaneously gushing.] And scarlet hot magma! 】

[“Wow! “】

“What the hell is this?”] “】


[Before a large number of fighters on both sides could react, they were engulfed by overwhelming magma. 】

[Immediately afterwards, an unimaginably tall monster emerged from the depths of the earth’s center! ] A terrifying roar came out that shook the entire battlefield. 】

[“Roar!!! “】

[This monster is none other than the ancient sea monster Karasen! ] 】

[Standing above its head, it is Arthur who holds the Aquaman Trident! ] 】

[In front of Karason, King Orm’s army and warships… It’s like an ant that is easily swept away! 】

[“Hula la…”]


[A series of explosions sounded one after another in the depths of the seabed. 】

[Not only that, Arthur also holds the Aquaman Trident. took control of tens of thousands of sea creatures in the sea, ordered them … A frontal assault was launched on Arthur’s troops! 】

[Seeing that the tide of battle began to gradually reverse, Mela persuaded Arthur that he should defeat Orm one-on-one in order to avoid more casualties. 】

[Only by winning this duel of kings can the subjects of Atlantis truly identify with Arthur, the new king! ] 】

[Reminded by Mela, Arthur lures Orm to the surface and begins his second duel. 】

[The last time he dueled underwater, the inexperienced Arthur lost to Orm, and this time the battlefield was changed to the surface, and the situation was very different. 】

[In the battle, Arthur did not fall behind from the beginning, and finally used the defensive tricks that Vico had taught him to knock King Orm away! ] 】

[Finally, in the presence of all the Atlantean troops, Arthur used the Aquaman Trident to smash Orm’s weapon, completely defeating his younger brother. 】

[Completely defeated, Orm suddenly felt like ashes, and shouted, asking Arthur to kill himself, a hundred. 】

[At this time, Atlana suddenly appeared. 】

[Looking at his mother, who had “died”, Orm was suddenly taken aback. 】

[This ambitious king, who drank a meal of chicken soup from Atlanta, was actually convinced. 】

[Next, holding the Aquaman Trident in hand, and just defeating Arthur of Orm head-on in the King’s Duel, it is logical… Become the only king of Atlantis! 】

[After Arthur became Aquaman, Atlana also returned to land and hugged Tom. 】

[At this point, the screen dimmed.] 】

[End of “Aquaman” broadcasting.] 】

In the live broadcast room.

Seeing this, Little Wanda shook his head with an unhappy look and said:

“What the hell, this stupid big man became a king like this? It’s child’s play. ”

“More than that.” Loki sneered and continued:

“This Arthur said to stop the war… But how many people did that sea monster of his kill? He is the one who kills the most! ”

“Besides, what’s wrong with that King Orm wanting to dominate the kingdoms of Atlantis?”

“What’s wrong with him trying to stop land-based humans from continuing to pollute the sea?”

“This silly Arthur, how can he … To be able to become a king? ”

“Just because he raised that hammer… That trident? ”

Due to excessive anger, Loki almost leaked his mouth.

Glancing at Loki with a smile, Tony chuckled and said:

“In any case, it is always good to avoid a war.”

“If you really let that Orm go to all-out war with the ground people, God knows how many people will die?

“If you can do this, Arthur can be considered a great king.”


Loki snorted from his nostrils and turned his head away, as if he didn’t want to talk about the topic anymore.

At this time, the sentry suddenly interjected in a low voice:

“Don’t you think… That Aum King is a little too miserable? ”

“In addition to the throne, even his own fiancée was taken away by this Arthur.”

“Well, at least he’s alive.”

Tony said nonchalantly:

“And… Looking at his appearance, it seemed that as long as his mother was there, he was satisfied. ”


At this time, everyone was speechless again.

At this time, the sound of the system sounded again.

【Ding! Random live streaming continues to turn on. 】

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected object: The Flash Barry Allen.] 】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Flash Point”]

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