[On the holiday, 5 college students, led by Thor, the god of thunder, rode in an RV and prepared to vacation in a cabin in the forest. ] 】

[Among these 5 people, in addition to Thor’s girlfriend, there is also his girlfriend’s girlfriend “Beauty”, a black brother, and a decadent scholar brother. ] 】

But these excited college students don’t know that since they left the university, their every move has been monitored by others.] 】

[On top of the RV, five college students are still excitedly discussing this vacation cabin. 】

[It’s a real wilderness place, not even searchable by GPS, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, perfect for vacation and relaxation. 】

Halfway through, several college students stopped to refuel their RV. 】

[But at the gas station, they meet a very unfriendly old man and have a verbal conflict.] 】

Soon, the college students drove into the tunnels. 】

[At the same time, a bird also flew towards the mountains on the other side of the tunnel.] 】

[But soon, I only heard a sharp cry! ] 】

[“Squeak! “】

[I saw that flying bird, actually in mid-air… Crashed headlong into an invisible enchantment! 】

[A large number of feathers splashed out and scattered from mid-air. 】

In the live broadcast room.

“What’s going on?”

Looking at the bird that was inexplicably killed on the screen, Tony Stark’s eyes suddenly became solemn.

Previously, only a variant of Thor appeared on the screen, and Tony was not very concerned about it, but now the situation is completely different!

At the moment when the bird hit and died just now, Tony saw… A looming electronic barrier appeared in the air!

In other words, this strange enchantment is likely to be the product of some kind of black technology!

At this time, Bruce Wayne also said in a deep voice:

“When these college students left the city, they were at the top of the building… There are also special agents who are responsible for monitoring them! ”

“Now it seems… Behind this trip, I am afraid that there is some incredible conspiracy hidden! ”

Looking back at the serious expressions of the two men, Little Wanda suddenly shook his head with some suspicion.

No way?

That variant of Thor looks like an ordinary person with developed limbs.

Could it be that in this world, he is also a Thor waiting to awaken?

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the five college students arrived at the hut, they settled in their rooms. 】

[And the black brother found that a painting in his room looked extremely bloody and terrifying, and took it down.] 】

[But after taking the painting down, a double-sided mirror appeared on the wall, reflecting the scene in the next room! ] 】

[It is the “beauty” who lives in the next room.] 】

[Seeing that the beauty was about to change clothes in front of the mirror, the black brother quickly stopped her with strong self-control. ] 】

[Next, the beautiful woman and the black brother changed rooms with each other, and then several college students came to the lake to jump into the water and play. ] 】

【On a holiday in the mountains, everything seems so peaceful and beautiful. 】

[But these college students never dreamed that their every move, from the very beginning, was closely monitored by a mysterious organization… Even under control! 】

[Inside an underground base, a middle-aged man wearing black-framed glasses is holding a betting convention! ] 】

[“Those sacrifices are about to bear fruit! If you didn’t buy it, hurry up and bet ah! “】

[“If you haven’t bet yet, hurry up, it’s overdue!”] “】

[“It’s almost over! “】

[In the hall of the base, it was already crowded at this time, and countless people gathered here. 】

[A large group of suit-clad employees are all excited to come here and bet on their favorite goals! ] 】

[Noisy, discussing, all kinds of sounds mixed together, it’s just… It’s like a real casino. 】

[In the hall, a huge board was erected, which was filled with countless monster names…]

[If you look closely, you will find that there are not only familiar monsters such as “mummies”, “werewolves”, “ghosts”, “zombies”, “vampires” on the board…]

[There are even rare things such as “aliens”, “dragon bats”, “demon lords” and so on.] 】

[These cows, ghosts, snakes and gods that only exist in urban legends and even mythological stories have now all become a bet in the eyes of everyone. ] 】

[“I bet … Corpse! “】

“No! Last year was these guys, it won’t be the same every year! “】

“Perhaps, this year it will be the turn of the alien. “】

“You’re talking about those face-hugging bugs? No kidding! “】

[“Dragon bats can too! Maybe…… A sacrifice will be sucked dry of blood by this bat. “】

[A large number of well-dressed staff are now making loud noises, some arguing with each other, some holding beers together, and discussing the final result. 】

[These people are all full of excitement, and they look like a group… Players waiting to open the jackpot are general. 】

[An extremely robust black guard, standing alone. 】

[Looking at the frenetic scene in front of him, the black man’s brows were tightly furrowed, his expression was extremely ugly, and his eyes were like looking at a neuropathy in a group of madhouses.] 】

[Suddenly, a female researcher in a white coat slowly walked up and asked him with a smile:]

“Don’t you place a bet? “】

“No thanks. “】

The black man looked unmoving and shook his head indifferently. 】

[The smile on the female researcher’s face suddenly became a little bitter, she walked to the black man’s side, and asked faintly:]

“It looks cruel… Isn’t it? “】

“But they… It’s just a vent of stress. “】

“This job is difficult for ordinary people to bear, but fortunately, they have survived. “】

[The black man stared at her for a while, and suddenly asked:]

“What’s the point of your bet on these monsters?”] “】

[“Isn’t the ending of those college students set by you a long time ago? “】

“No…, you’re thinking too simply. “】

[The middle-aged supervisor with black-framed glasses suddenly turned his head and said with a smile:]

“We just lead these ‘sacrifices’ into the cellar and let them make their own choice. 】

“We will not interfere with this. “】

“They must choose the monsters to kill them according to their own will, otherwise the whole ritual will not work. “】

[Hearing this, the beautiful researcher immediately continued:]

“Those monsters we shelter are all existences on ancient earth! “】

[“The legends and horror stories of today’s world… It’s all from them. “】

[Speaking of which, the female researcher glanced at the screen:]

“These sacrifices, since they entered that cabin in the woods, their end… It won’t change. “】

In the live broadcast room.

“What are they talking about?”

Little Wanda looked at the image on the screen dumbfounded, her eyes were round, and her face was full of stunned.

Standing next to Peter Parker, he also took a deep breath and shouted with a shocked face:

“Offerings! Sacrifice! These guys… Is it what shoe teaching? ”

“It’s possible.”

Bruce Wayne’s face sank like water, and he said slowly:

“Judging from the current information, this unknown organization not only has powerful high technology, but even secretly shelters a lot of terrifying monsters!”

“The next ritual they will perform will include using these monsters to kill the five college students.”

“And the scariest thing is that, for some reason, they seem to need these college students … Pick out the monsters yourself to use to murder them! ”

“What? These people are even crazier than me. ”

The sentinel’s face was full of strangeness, and he instinctively asked:

“Why, why bother?”

“If you just want to kill people, just arrest those five people… Isn’t it enough to feed the monsters? ”

“I don’t know…”

Young Master Wayne slowly shook his head, his brows furrowed.

Now, he was thinking, what is the purpose of this mysterious organization to house those legendary monsters?

Is it just to perform this crazy sacrificial ritual?

At this time in Asgard, Thor’s face was stiff, and the whole person was completely sluggish, and only that sentence echoed in his mind.


In this parallel universe of living hell, its own variant… It actually became a living sacrifice!

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