Accompanied by a strange narration sound, a series of terrifying and terrifying images quickly flashed on the screen.

[“In the records of the SCP Foundation, there is a special high-dimensional divine entity known as ‘Eldritch, being'”]

[“That is, the evil god! “】

[“Like the god of flesh and blood – Atabos, the devourer of the realms – the king of crimson, the lord of blind foolishness – Azathos… They are the most notorious evil gods. “】

“These terrifying high-dimensional beings possess powerful abilities that are difficult for ordinary people to understand, and are not bound by any cosmic laws known to mankind. “】

[“And the king of the seal is exactly such a ‘high-dimensional evil god’! “】

“The King of Seals is not located in the universe we are in, “it” is a super-dimensional entity that exists in another dimension. “】

[In the SCP Foundation, “it” is classified as SCP-2440. “】

“Although in theory, no one in our universe can observe the existence of the King of Seals at all. “】

“But for some reason, some people describe him as a huge glowing human figure with a large number of squid-like tentacles on his body. “】

[“The most terrifying ability of the King of Seals is that he can come from another dimension… Influence and control people on Earth. “】

“It” can do this by relying on memes. “】

“The King of Seals can penetrate dimensions and insert his own memes into any source of information on Earth. “】

“This includes text, images, and a variety of visual sensory information. “】

“As long as they are infected with the memes spread by the King of Seals, humans will have an uncontrollable urge to further spread the King of Seals’ message to everyone around them. “】

[Simply put, the more humans who know that the King of Seals “exists”, the stronger the power it can project onto Earth. “】

[“According to SCP Foundation research, if the overall number of humans infected with the King of Seal meme is less than 200, these people will exhibit… Special interest in mediums of horror, science fiction, fantasy nature. “】

“Whether these media are films, books, or any other nature, they will have a supernatural appeal to these people. “】

“As long as these infected people … Access to these special media artifacts increases the influence of the King of Seals meme. “】

[“If the number of people infected with SCP-2440 memes reaches 200,500, this Seal King in another dimension… You can penetrate the dimensional barrier with your own power and directly control an infected person on the earth. “】

“According to the Foundation’s records, in this case, the King of Seals can only control this ‘host’ for half an hour. “】

“During this time, this host will create more meme works related to the King of Seals to infect more people. “】

“Historically, Foundation members have encountered such a … A host controlled by the King of Seals. “】

“And through him, there was communication with the King of the Seal. “】

“In front of the members of the foundation, this high-dimensional evil god showed great hostility towards mankind and was honest about his purpose. “】

[“What the King of Seals wants… It is to continue to infect more and more individuals, which eventually enables it to appear directly on Earth without the need for a host! “】

【”That is also called “coming”! “】

“When the Seal King’s meme infects more than 1,500 people, it will be able to take full control of a host without a time limit. “】

“In this case, this evil god host will be able to enjoy without any restrictions… Direct communication with all humans infected by the Sealed King meme, similar to telepathy! “】

“If the number of people infected by memes exceeds 1,500, then the King of Seals will be able to project more power onto Earth. “】

“According to the Foundation’s records, in this case, this high-dimensional evil god once demonstrated the power to modify and reshape reality. “】

“Even at this point, the King of Seals is still attached to the core of his mission. “】

“It’s about spreading your own memes to infect more people.” “】

“What if… Knowing that the Sealed King exists with more than 10,000 humans, he will be able to break away from the human host and independently show his true appearance on Earth. “】

“In this case, the maximum time for the King of Seals to appear is no more than one hour. “】

[Once this boundary is broken, the power of the King of Seals will continue to increase, and it can implement larger-scale modified reality abilities and directly control up to 1,000 hosts! “】

“Under normal circumstances, the SCp Foundation will use various means to reduce the number of people who know the existence of the King of Seals to less than 100. “】

“The reason why I can do this is to rely on memory deletion potions! “】

[“Due to… The more people know about the existence of the King of Seals, the stronger the power he can project onto Earth! “】

“Then the easiest way to deal with it is to wash away all the memories of those humans infected by memes!”] Let them forget the existence of the King of Seals! “】

[“The SCP Foundation has used similar means to deal with many proliferation incidents of the “King of Seals Meme”. “】

“However, if the number of humans infected by the King of Seals meme exceeds 100,000, it will be difficult to control the situation by normal means. “】

And the reason is simple, the SCP Foundation does not have so many memory deletion potions. “】

[“Where did SCP3000 collect Y909… is limited. “】

Based on the information collected by the Foundation, the researchers predicted:

“Once SCP2440 is known to exist in more than 100,000 people, the time it takes for the Sealed King to appear independently outside of the host becomes long, possibly up to two hours. “】

“At that point, the King of Seals will be able to open dimensional doors on Earth and teleport abnormal individuals from other dimensions into our world. “】

Moreover, this high-dimensional evil god will be able to completely control all humans who know of “it” existence. “】

“Finally, once the number of humans infected by memes exceeds 1 million, the King of Seals will be able to achieve his final wish. “】

“At that time, this high-dimensional evil god will be able to completely and completely transfer himself to the earth. “】

“There is no longer a time limit. “】

“There is no longer a limit to power. “】

“It” will achieve a complete “coming.”] “】

[Once the situation evolves to such a level, it will lead to the occurrence of an “XK-level scenario”. “】

“That is, the so-called … Doomsday! “】

Seeing this, countless people in front of the screen were shocked.

Karma Taj.

“Emperor Weishan is on top!”

Master Mordo gasped, his face like a black pot was actually a little white!

As long as 200 people know the existence of the King of Seals, this high-dimensional evil god… to project power onto Earth.

And now the magic apprentices located in Karma Taj Square add up to dozens of people!

If you add to this the live broadcast scene in the rest of the earth, the people who know the existence of this evil god… It may be close to, or even break through 200!

As a senior mage of Karma Taj, Master Mordo is no stranger to the existence of the high-dimensional evil god.

To put it bluntly, Dormammu is actually a high-dimensional evil god living in the dark dimension!

And the vocation of Master Karma Taj is to defend the earth… Be protected from the invasion of these other-dimensional evil gods!

And now it seems that their act of watching the video itself may lead the eyes of the otherworldly evil gods to this earth!

This is no joke!

At the same time, Master Wang, who was standing beside Master Mordo, also had a fat face that sank.

As the administrator of the Karma Taj library, Wang is also a well-read book, and there is no ancient book that he has not read.

But what Atheros, Azathos, King of the Seals … He really hadn’t even heard of these names!

However, just listening to the nicknames of these evil gods was enough to make the king’s heart jump.

God of flesh and blood!

Devourer of the Realms!

The name sounds… It definitely does not belong to the right god!

“Ancient One Mage…”

Strange turned his head to look at Furuichi, a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Gu Yi had stopped the folding fan shaking in his hand at this time, and pondered for a while, before slowly saying:

“First of all, we don’t know that the evil god known as the King of Seals… There is no power to come to our world. ”

“Secondly, even if ‘it’ really has such power, it must rely on the human ‘cognition’ of ‘it’ to accumulate power to penetrate the dimensional barrier.”

Furuichi glanced at the screen in front of him:

“From this point of view, the memory deletion used by that foundation is also a good way to deal with it.”

“And if you just want to delete your memory, I know that several kinds of magic can do this.”


Grand Master Wang clapped his palms, his face showed a relaxed expression, and he let out a long sigh of relief:

“I’m confused too.”

“Don’t say one or two hundred people, as long as the Supreme Mage casts a spell, even if it is to clear the memory of all mankind!”


Strange was also stunned when he heard this, and asked involuntarily:

“Erase the memory of all mankind? Is magic really that magical? ”

Hearing this, the ancient mage said lightly:

“That kind of ‘memory magic’ is indeed very powerful, but it also has great hidden dangers.”

“If the process of casting spells is disturbed by people, it is likely to break the dimensional barrier and bring the existence of other dimensions … Introduce our world. ”


The ancient mage glanced at Strange gently:

“If you want to cast a similar spell, you need to practice for a while longer.”

“Whew… So it was. ”

Hearing the ancient mage’s affirmative answer, Strange also breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, he looked at Gu Yi’s eyes with a little more admiration and expectation.

With the power of one person, erase the memory of the entire human race.

What a powerful trick!

Although he had long known that the ancient mage’s magic power was boundless, Strange really never dreamed that she could cast such powerful magic.

And the thought that he could learn in the future, and even use similar methods, Strange felt that his heartbeat was slightly faster.

At this moment, the chat group was also lively.

Nick Fury: Just the more people know he exists… The evil god who can cross the border, this is really bad!

Nick Fury: How many people are watching this video now? (⊙o⊙)

Tony Stark: This… It shouldn’t be counted.

Tony Stark: But in my opinion. The audience in front of the screen is located in different parallel universes, and the number of people in a single universe should not be very large.

Nick Fury: This… I can’t take that risk.

Nick Fury: Well, our secret vault of S.H.I.E.L.D. also stores methods that can be used to clear memories.

Nick Fury: When the broadcast is over, including Tony, you all come to the designated place, let me erase your memory!

Wanda Maximov: Huh? Are you kidding me? I’m not going to let you mess with my brain.

Nick Fury: It’s also for the planet, are you playing with it? (▼ヘ▼#)

Rocky Odinson: Mortal, want to erase the memory of this god, I see you are dreaming!

Thor: Whahahaha! Well said, if that evil god really comes, I will definitely fight with him on behalf of Asgard! ^_^

Nick Fury: The world is going to end… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Stephen Strange: Guys, you don’t have to be so nervous.

Stephen Strange: The Ancient One Mage just told me that she has a way to clear certain memories in an instant.

Stephen Strange: And the object… Even all of humanity!

Stephen Strange: So, even if that evil god really had a way to transmit his memes to our earth, the ancient mage could do it in an instant… Eliminate them all!

Wanda Maksimov: Divine Horse??? (⊙_⊙)

Nick Fury: It’s crazy to erase the memory of all mankind! ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

Even the well-informed black brine egg only felt that his world view had been greatly impacted for a while, and even his thinking was stiffened.

Magic for the memory of all mankind!

And you can even clear specific content!

Doesn’t that mean… Are all human memories, even cognition, on Earth already under the control of that bald woman?

Karma Taj’s Supreme Mage is so powerful?

Tony Stark: Incredible, is this the power of magic?

Wolverine: Hiss… And this operation? ”

Agent J: Okay guys, a memory eraser for all humanity? Can’t afford to mess with it! Can’t afford to mess with it!

Sentinel: Wow! It’s amazing, it’s really surprising to me.

Loki Odinson: I said… What surprised you? Can’t you do something similar yourself?

Sentinel: Is it? Sorry, I forgot.

Wanda Maksimov: It’s incredible. (O_O)

And seeing such information, Xiao Wanda’s heart actually rose a throbbing.

Magic cultivation has reached a high place, and it can actually reach this … Almost unreasonable powerful!

If Karma Taj’s White Magic can do that, what about Scarlet Witch’s Chaos Magic?

Can you use Chaos Magic to modify the entire Earth in an instant?

At this time, someone in the chat group bubbled up again.

Lori Jinx: Hahaha, that’s interesting.

Lori Jinx: Just now, it was also said that the foundation made memory deletion potions by sacrificing D-level personnel.

Lori Jinx: Now it seems that without this potion, maybe that world… It has long been destroyed by the evil gods! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o


PS: Don’t say the god of blind foolishness, even “Lovecraft” exists in the world of the SCP Foundation. ^_^

If there is anything else you want to see the SCP evil god, please leave a message in the comment area.

PS2: “The Witch Hunter, Sorceress Fight, Pile Machine, Geralt White Wolf Saga” starring Clark Kent has started season 2. O(∩_∩)O

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