“Good guy…”

Loki’s eyes became a little puzzled.

Unknowingly, you can seize the specific memories of others! This method is truly amazing!

Imagine that on the battlefield, you were prepared to fight the enemy for life and death.

But while fighting… You forget who your enemy is!

Who can withstand this kind of thing?

However, as the god of trickery, Loki’s brain also moved extremely fast, but as soon as he rolled his eyes, he immediately thought of something:

“It’s that pet!”

And at the same time that Loki shouted, Bruce Wayne also whispered:


“This female minister of the anti-meme ministry… She didn’t come alone. ”

Hearing Wayne and Loki’s words, Tony reacted immediately, and his face changed slightly:

“This woman really domesticated an anti-meme SCP into her own pet and used it to attack the enemy!”

“Isn’t this a dog?”

“Put the reverse meme SCP… Turn into your own dog? ”

Little Wanda opened her mouth slightly when she listened, and her eyes actually showed a faint look of envy.

This…… A dog that can seize the memory of the other party at the sound of an order, she also wants to get one.

Tony just glanced at the little girl, seemed to see through her mind, and said lightly:

“That you didn’t say a long time ago, to have such a pet, you must regularly feed her interesting memories.”

“If he eats the wrong memory, he can’t get it right… You won’t even forget who you are! ”


Little Wanda’s little face crumpled when she heard it, lowered her head, and never spoke again.

Although she likes fresh pets, she doesn’t plan to joke about her memories.

At this time, Magneto also said in a tone of amazement:

“I went to see my top boss and actually brought this anti-meme pet with me.”

“Is this female minister ready for war from the beginning?”

“Who knows?”

Young Master Wayne said calmly:

“Maybe… She was just prepared in advance. ”

“However, it is unlikely that someone who can become a minister in such a dangerous place as the anti-meme department is unlikely to be an ordinary woman.”

“Wait a minute!”

Seeing that everyone seemed to be praising the female minister’s methods, Peter Parker finally couldn’t help it.

“What’s going on? Why did this woman suddenly kill the male assistant? ”

“Boy, do you still need to ask?”

Loki said with some impatience:

“This guy must be an anti-meme SCP!”

“That O5… It must be because of him that he lost his memory! ”


Peter was stunned for a moment, and instinctively asked:

“That… How did women ministers know? Did he see something strange? ”


Upon hearing this, even Loki was stunned.

To be honest, so far, the assistant named Gray really didn’t seem to show any flaws.

How did this Marianne see through him?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

Marianne unloaded the magazine of the pistol, put the pistol down, and said lightly: ]

“Many intelligent SCPs can sometimes be domesticated. “】

“Provided they are docile enough and have no ill will towards humans.” “】

[Looking at the corpse of the assistant beside him, O5-8 slowly shifted his gaze to Marianne and asked expressionlessly: ]

“I think that’s the case, but… How did you guess it was his? “】

“It’s simple. “”】

Marianne glanced at the desk next to her: “]

“Because this person is not your assistant at all, he is an SCP. “】

“This room has only one table and no chairs at all. “】

“There’s already a front desk outside, if he works for you, where does he usually sit?” “】

“It’s this SCP that affects your mind and makes you forget to take your medication, and thus forget me and my department. “】

O5-8 took a breath, and by taking the two pills just now, the memories in his mind seemed to gradually come out. “】

Feeling the familiar memory, O5-8 asked the last question: “】

“You said that this medicine must be taken for a long time, do they have side effects? “】

“Long-term use will make you feel nauseous, and the risk of pancreatic cancer will increase significantly. “】

Marianne picked up her bag, turned and walked out of the office: “]

“And… It can make you have very serious nightmares. “】

Looking at her expression, it seems that this last side effect has the greatest impact on her. “】

At this moment, the picture suddenly changed and returned to Pietro. “】

“Above the wilderness, Pietro was carrying the bag containing SCP-055, and an urgent thought suddenly popped up in his mind. “】

“This bag must be given to SCP-579. “】

“Although the world is now facing the end of the world, … This is the most important thing at the moment! “】

[“Even if Pietro fights for his life, he must do this! “】

He had no idea where the idea came from, but Pietro seemed to be able to sense that something was calling him in some direction. “】

[“Out of some weird sixth sense, Pietro can be sure that if you go in that direction, you will find SCP-579.] “】

So he set out on his journey. “】

“And during the journey, Pietro discovered something strange. “】

“Whenever she opens her purse, she faints in a burst of light. “】

“And when Pietro wakes up again, time jumps weeks, even a month.” “】

“Long-distance travel is definitely not a pleasant thing in the process of Armageddon, so Pietro has also begun to use this method more and more frequently… to escape the pain and despair of the journey. “】

With this convenient “fast forward” and “jump,” Pietro found that his journey became much more convenient. “】

“And during the journey, Pietro did not forget to understand what was happening in the world. “】

“Once, through a laptop, he discovered that the Foundation had used special means … Detonated Huang Shi Fire Mountain! “】

“He knew immediately that what the Foundation really wanted was to destroy SCP2000.”] 】

[“Mechanical séance. “】

“This SCP was originally created by the Foundation to restart human civilization in the most extreme doomsday situation. “】

“And now it seems that the foundation is really determined to cut off the last way back for mankind.” “】

“Not only that, because of the eruption of Huang Shi Fire Mountain, the entire sky of the United States was covered in smoke and dust caused by volcanic ash, and it was only a matter of time before the sun could no longer be seen. “】

“The end is getting closer and closer. “】

“Not only that, the foundation released other SCPs, and it is still killing around the world. “】

After seeing enough of the images, Pietro dropped the laptop and continued his journey. “】

“One day, he saw something strange in a wilderness. “】

Walking closer, Pietro found that these monsters seemed to be statues of Foundation soldiers. “】

“But there is nothing in the eye sockets of these statues, it seems that the eyeballs have been gouged out, and their arms have also turned into blades, which look like praying mantis from a distance.” “】

[“Originally. Pietro thought these were real statues, but soon his mind changed. “】

“I saw a group of civilians walking past these statues. “】

[“They were a little curious at first, looking around these statues.”

“But when these people’s eyes take off these statues,…… Terrible things happened. “】

[“Aaaa “】

“The terrifying screams broke the silence. “】

[“Pietro looked dumbfounded… Those statues that had been standing motionless in place suddenly moved at an astonishing high speed, using the blades of their arms to cut these civilians into pieces! “】

【“!!! “】

[” Pietro was so shocked that his hair stood on end, and he quickly turned around and ran desperately, running for a long time before daring to stop and gasp. “】

And at this moment, a flash of realization flashed in his mind. “】


“Pietro has long heard of this famous statue. “】

“It is said that this concrete statue is usually harmless to humans and animals, but whenever someone sees it and looks away, it will burst into murder. “】

[“Damn it! Those statues must have been based on 173 by the Foundation … Manufactured weapons! “】

[“Wait a minute… No, the foundation used real soldiers to create this weapon! “】

[“The more I think about it, the more I am afraid, seeing that the location of SCP527 is not too far away, I quickly summoned up my last strength and continued to rush up. “】

It didn’t take long for him to enter the foundation’s base 62c. “】

“SCP527 seems to be in the basement here. “】

“In the corridor under the base, Pietro found severe damage to the walls, as if they had been cut by some kind of great sword. “】

Soon, the lights on this underground corridor began to flicker. “】

[“One light and one extinguished…”]

Letting the lights come on again, Pietro only felt that the blood in his body was about to coagulate. “】

[“Before, the kind of “173 Blade Soldier” he saw in the wilderness actually appeared in this underground corridor! “】

Pietro controlled his body with the greatest self-control, and slowly moved past the blade soldier. “】

But the moment his gaze left the soldier’s body, Pietro heard the sound of blades cutting across the concrete. “】

[“173 Blade Soldiers” moved! ] “】

He couldn’t see Pietro wearing an anti-meme-like suit, but relying on instincts similar to SCP-173, the Blade Soldier began to frantically attack in the direction of Pietro. “】

[“Ahhh! “】

In the dark corridor, Pietro had nowhere to maneuver and dodge, so one of his legs was slashed by the Blade Soldier. “】

At the last moment, he finally found an iron door in the corridor, and then rushed in with the last bit of strength. “】

[“It’s like when the mobile task force was evaded … And the same when you found the SP5000 suit. This time, Pietro seems to have survived. “】

But after entering the door, as soon as he saw the situation in the room, Pietro’s expression immediately changed again. “】

“This is an observation room filled with instruments for monitoring SCP-579. “】

“And the real containment chamber is underground. “】

“When I looked down, I saw a hole in the floor. “】

[“It is clear that SCP-579 is inside this cave again. “】

“Pietro originally wanted to throw out the bag with SCP-055 in his hand. “】

But he found that he couldn’t let go of his hand. “】

“It seems that no matter who issued him this task, the other party wants him to hand over this bag with his own hands. “】

In other words, he had to jump into the hole himself. “】

[“Oh! Boom! Boom! “】

Behind Pietro, there was a sound of sharp weapons cutting at the iron door. “】

“Apparently the blade soldier did not leave, but kept trying to rush in and split him into pieces. “】

Hearing this noise, Pietro had a wry smile on his face. “】

“What other options does he have now?” “】

“The only exit has been blocked by a murderous monster, and as soon as he opens the door, it will be cut into pieces. “】

[Moreover, in Pietro’s mind, there was always that uncontrollable urge to make him jump into that hole! “】

[“Only then can SCP-055 and SCP-579 come together. “】


Pietro looked up and let out a weird laugh. “】

“At this point, he has only one way to go. “】

[However, before jumping, Pietro used his last bit of time to leave his record with the SCP-5000 suit. “】

“Why is this happening? “】

“Why did the Foundation kill everyone? “】

“Why do I run around the world with this bag?”] “】

“Why did I jump into this hole?”] “】

“Why do I… Am I going to die? Is there any reason? “】

“If anyone is reading this, please, please, figure it out. Explain it to me. “】

[“Who … Anyone. I don’t understand. I don’t understand…”

[“Hearing the sound of cutting on the iron door getting louder and louder, apparently about to be broken by the blade soldiers, Pietro took a deep breath and jumped into the big hole in the ground”]

“Signs of life are lost. “】

“This is the last record left on SCP-5000’s suit. “】

[“According to the Foundation’s records, this suit suddenly appeared at Base 62C on April 12, 2020… SCP-579 containment chambers. “】

“Inside the base, no one knows where this suit came from, nor why it contains the body of Pietro Wilerson. “】

“The most bizarre thing is that, according to the Foundation’s survey. Pietro is an employee of Base 6 of the Outer Site and is alive and well! “】

“After reviewing all the records contained in SCP-5000, the Foundation’s researchers have come to a startling conclusion. “】

[“This suit and the Pietro inside may have crossed over from another parallel universe! “】

[“This person, through unknown means… Traversed the timeline! “】

At this time, the strange narration voice sounded again. “】

Even Pietro himself couldn’t understand what was going on. “】

[“To understand all this, one has to start with a foundation on a certain timeline… The soul project developed is talked about…”

“On that day, the Foundation discovered that they had found the masterminds behind human suffering. “】

“In the collective subconscious of all humans, there is a monster lurking. “】

The Foundation calls this monster “IT.” “】

“In order to put an end to this monster that has caused suffering to all humanity, the Foundation has come to the conclusion that they must destroy all of humanity. “】

“To do this, the Foundation spread a cure for IT among all its employees through memes. “】

“He can deprive these employees … Everything from pain to compassion, turn them into some kind of walking dead. “】

“Only in this way can these employees be free from the control of IT and calmly and rationally engage in the act of exterminating humanity.” “】

“This it is a creature that dwells in the minds of all human beings. “】

“It” manipulates and controls all human beings, drives them, and acts for “it” purposes. “】

“However, this IT must have a human presence to survive. “】

“If you wipe out all of humanity, IT will die out too. “】

It is precisely because he realized the true face of IT that the O5 Committee will pass unanimously and completely eliminate all mankind. “】

[Moreover, it was precisely because it manipulated Pietro’s mind that he could uncontrollably take SCP-055 and go to SCP-579’s containment room. “】

“In the end, he even jumped into the deep hole and sacrificed his life. “】

And with his final jump, the two SCPs came together, creating a new reality. “】

[“These two SCPs are actually used by the Foundation to prevent the XK-level apocalyptic scenario… The ultimate ace! “】

“If these two SCps fused together, then the universe would completely reset into one… A world where there is no XK-level apocalyptic scenario, and this apocalypse has been prevented from happening again. “】

In this “new reality” after being “reset,” the Foundation never discovered the existence of IT and would not have created any plans to wipe out humanity. “】

In other words, IT succeeded in saving the world by controlling Pietro. “】

“The end of the world was avoided. “】

[“Gratifying, congratulatory. “】

In other words, Pietro couldn’t help himself, but he did save the world in which the foundation operated. “】

“He was an amazing hero… Is it? “】

“What? it…… Controlled all humans. ”

Hearing the explanation made by that strange voice, almost everyone in front of the big screen was stunned.

Indescribable horror and horror swept through their hearts.

All human beings are controlled by some monster in the mind world and know nothing!

And in order to completely destroy this monster, the SCP Foundation did not hesitate to destroy humans.

What exactly is this IT?

At this time, in some Marvel parallel universe.

“Don’t want to be manipulated in secret, so you simply want to eliminate everyone?”

Deadpool sat on his shabby sofa, his chin molded, as if he had thought of something.

“How do I feel… This story seems a little familiar. ”

“It seems to be in some parallel universe…’I’ used to do this!”

PS: About the 3125 in the reverse meme department, cosmic starfish and other stories, I will tell it when I broadcast it live next time.

PS2: The story of the first series of SCP is nearing its end, and tomorrow it will start telling the story of “The Battle of Two Cities”, the legend of Jinx!

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