In the live broadcast room.

Looking at the screen in front of him, Clark Kent suddenly let out a long sigh, with a look of regret and loneliness on his face.

When he saw this, he could already guess what would happen next.

Just like the previous images in “Superman Red Son”, Superman must confront the world’s government ZF if he wants to maintain world peace.

This time, the first to bear the brunt is the United States ZF.

If he insists on going down this path, the final result can only be to use the power of himself and the Justice League… Rule the world!

This is the only way to maintain world peace.

If Superman really came to this point, then there would definitely be many people around the world who would think… An alien with superpowers who is not qualified to rule them!

In the face of these rebels, what should Superman do?

At this time, Jerome, who had been observing Clark, suddenly interjected and asked:

“Excuse me, are you and the Superman on the screen…”

Clark did not speak, while Peter Parker, who was standing on the side, scratched his head and said casually:

“Have you ever heard of parallel universes? This Clark… It is the superman of his universe. ”


Jerome took a step back, lowered his head slightly, his eyes flashed, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

And at this moment, Tony Stark suddenly walked to Clark and gently patted him on the shoulder:

“In the human world, there is a saying …”

“If you want to wear a crown, you will bear its weight.”

“You have made your choice, and Superman of another universe has also made his choice.”

Hearing Tony’s words, Clark nodded to him, and the expression on his face finally relaxed.

Already with the power of silver superman, it is not difficult for Clark to destroy the earth, or even the sun.

However, after having such great power, the most difficult … It’s not how to use it, it’s how to “not” use it.

To be fair, Clark himself wasn’t sure…

If he also encounters the tragic fate of the superman on the screen, will his mind also become extremely upright, and even want to control the peace and peace of the entire world!

At this moment, Young Master Wayne finally looked at Clark and said in a deep voice:

“When I return to our world, I will use all the high technology at my disposal to thoroughly monitor your adoptive mother…”

“I’m definitely not going to let anyone… Hurt Martha’s! ”

In Young Master Wayne’s opinion, any possibility that is enough to blacken Clark must be blocked in advance!

Otherwise, if there is an accident, the consequences are unimaginable!

And that’s Martha!


Hearing this strange words of concern, Clark’s eyes widened slightly, his face was stiff, and he didn’t know what kind of expression to show for a while.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Next, after rescuing Superman’s parents, the entire Justice League and began to carry out some kind of … Peacekeeping operations on a global scale. 】

[Among them, rushing to the front and showing the most positive is Wonder Woman Diana. ] 】

[On a remote battlefield, Wonder Woman faced the enemy army in front of her alone. 】

[“Boom! Thundered! “】

[In the deafening sound of artillery fire, Wonder Woman is invincible, and where she passes, it is like entering no man’s land. ] 】

[Both fighter jets and combat vehicles collapsed in front of her divine power. 】

[Superman doesn’t kill mortal soldiers at will, but Wonder Woman doesn’t care about that. 】

[No matter who it is, as long as they do not obey Superman’s “peacekeeping orders” and dare to attack her, there is only one way to die! ] 】

[And just when Wonder Woman was killing all sides on the battlefield, a god dressed in full armor suddenly came. ] 】

[He is one of the 12 main gods of Olympus… God of War Ares! 】

“As the god of war, I have witnessed every war on this planet! “】

[Standing on the battlefield with gunsmoke and staring at Wonder Woman, Ares’s words suddenly carried a hint of sarcasm:]

“However, Diana, as a demigod, you are fighting an army of mortals! “】

[“Such a war is really rare! “】

“Hmph, I’m not at war with these mortals. “】

[While beating the mortal army in front of her, Wonder Woman indifferently claimed that she was just stopping these mortals from killing each other. ] 】

[And looking at the God of War who suddenly appeared in front of him, Wonder Woman judged Ares’s intention in an instant. ] 】

[“Hahaha… Don’t deny it, you’re afraid of Superman! Because…… He might actually be able to create a world without war. “】

“And then, how should you, the god of war, deal with yourself?” “】

[Looking at Ares, the god of war who was tightly wrapped in armor in front of him, Diana’s face suddenly showed a mockery full of malice:]

“Maybe… Then you can be individual gods, gods who have nothing to do with violence. “】

[“Come, read with me: ‘I am the terrifying Ares, the famous god of pony!’] ’”】

[Diana’s eyes looking at the God of War were full of ridicule, as if looking at a … The king who is about to roll dust from his throne. 】

[“Woman! How dare you challenge me on the battlefield? “】

[Enraged by Wonder Woman’s words, Ares angrily grabbed Diana’s hands! ] 】

[Because he is in the battlefield, the divine power of the God of War is unprecedentedly powerful, and he really suppressed Wonder Woman! ] 】

[But at this moment, a thunderous roar suddenly sounded behind Ares. 】

[“You are so daring! “】

【“!!! “】

[Ares turned back suddenly, but saw a fist like steel… From small to big in front of him! 】

[Then, an unimaginable sharp pain swept through the whole body from the face! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[It’s Superman! ] 】

[Superman shattered Ares’ helmet with just one punch and knocked the god of war to the ground! ] 】

[“How is that possible? “】

[Falling to the ground, Ares could hardly even stand up, and his exclamation was more than pain and fear, but also unbelievable! ] 】

[He has long known that Superman is strong, but… Knock yourself down with one punch? 】

[This kind of thing… Even the god king Zeus can’t do it! 】

[And in the face of the fallen Ares, Diana did not hesitate at all, and directly hit the falling water dog! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[First a sword cut off Ares’s right hand, and then Diana struck another sword, nailing him to the ground.] 】

[Such an injury cannot kill a god, but it can bring unimaginable pain and shame to Ares. 】

[Ares, who fell to the ground, felt the sharp pain coming from his body while also feeling an unimaginable sense of frustration hit his body. 】

[In his opinion, although Superman has supreme power, his personality is his greatest weakness. 】

[However, Wonder Woman is no stranger to war, destruction, and killing. 】

[Moreover, she will never hesitate to use tough means to solve the problem! ] 】

[If these two people really come together, then… Wonder Woman may even change Superman’s personality! 】

[Until then… No one on Earth can stop them! 】

“A world without war…”]

[Ares, who was nailed to the ground by a long sword, said with deep fear:]

[“The god of ponies…”]

[And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.] 】

[God of War Kratos: Hahaha! Well done, although I don’t like that Diana, but it can make Ares so scared, this Superman is indeed a strong man! 】

[Wonder Woman Diana: ……… →_→】

[Starlight: Excuse me, I want to ask, this Mr. Kratos, why do you hate Diana? 】

[God of War Kratos: Can’t you see this? Although she says she wants world peace, this Wonder Woman… Truly enjoying war and killing! 】

[God of War Kratos: Not only that, he also wants to use his beauty to seduce Superman, and wants to turn this strong man into a puppet at her disposal! ] 】

[Wonder Woman Diana: This… Wrong! No matter what universe I’m in, my variant is also a glorious Amazon! 】

[Wonder Woman Diana: How could you make this… ( ̄△ ̄; )】

Halfway through, Diana suddenly felt weak in her heart, and the follow-up words couldn’t continue!

Seeing now, she did sense that something was wrong!

That Wonder Woman on the screen, from the very beginning, is pushing Superman… Go in a radical direction!

Not only that, when Wonder Woman conducts peacekeeping operations, she treats those human soldiers mercilessly! Blood on your hands!

If such a woman really combines with Superman, how will it affect him?

No matter how you think about it, the situation is very bad!

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[After Batman disappeared for a while, Superman finally came to the Batcave alone and met his old friend. 】

[In the face of Superman, Batman calmly claims that he must stop what he is doing.] 】

What Superman is doing now is almost terrorizing the world into the so-called state of peace he wants. 】

[Hearing this, Superman angrily took off the mask on Batman’s face and shouted at Bruce Wayne:]

“They should be afraid!”] “】

[“Only in this way will they dare not kill each other!”] “】

[“The use of fear to destroy evil and killing, this method … I still learned it from you! “】

[Upon hearing this, Bruce Wayne didn’t know what to say for a while. 】

[The reason why he dressed up as Batman is to take advantage of the superstitious psychology of criminals and scare them with this terrifying appearance! ] 】

[But no one expected that Superman would get inspiration from here and use this terrifying means to intimidate the world’s ZF! ] 】

[Next, Superman simply turned against the guest directly and began to accuse Bruce Wayne! ] 】

[In Superman’s opinion, the reason why the Joker was able to kill Louis and then destroy the entire Metropolis was entirely because…”

[Batman let him go! ] 】

[Superman yells at Bruce Wayne, thinking he spends too much time and effort playing games with the Joker!] 】

[If Bruce had killed this inhuman madman in the first place, I don’t know how many people’s lives could have been saved! ] 】

“Every time you let that madman live, you are equivalent to sentencing countless innocent people to death! “】

“Have you ever blamed yourself for this? “】

“Have you ever felt guilty about this? “】

[In the face of Superman’s accusations, Bruce Wayne lowered his head sadly and whispered:]

[“I will every time…”

[But even so, Bruce Wayne still believes that Superman should not kill the Joker. 】

[It’s not because the clown doesn’t deserve to die. 】

[It’s that once Superman opens the killing ring, there will soon be a 2nd, 3rd, or even more…”

[Watching Bruce Wayne put on the mask again and turn back into an expressionless Batman, the anger in Superman’s heart finally could not be contained. ] 】

[I saw him sneering and saying:]

“You love that clown, don’t you? “】

“That’s why you killed him on me… So angry! “】

[“You like to play with clowns that… You chase me away with cat and mouse game! “】

“But I don’t care at all, how many people died because of that madman!”] “】

[Listening to Superman’s accusations getting more and more outrageous, Batman just shook his head and didn’t want to argue with him. ] 】

[But Superman at this time, apparently a little irrational, simply yelled at Batman:]

“If you really have nothing to do with that clown, why don’t you stop him sooner?” “】

“Why would you want him to… Do that crazy thing? “】

[Next, Superman began to accuse Batman of being indifferent to the people around him, and did not fulfill his father’s responsibilities to his son Damian. 】

[Hear Superman last… Even mentioning his dead parents, Batman finally couldn’t stand it anymore and punched Superman in the face. 】

[Of course, in the absence of kryptonite, Batman’s punch… Just almost broke his own phalange. 】

[Just when Superman and Batman were fighting each other, an alarm suddenly sounded in the Batcave. ] 】

[It turns out that Arthur, the king of the sea, because of a whaling ship in Inazuma Country, has a big fire and a frontal conflict with the Justice League led by Wonder Woman. ] 】

[Superman finally calmed down and invited Batman to join him to stop the conflict, but Batman still rejected him. 】

[The friendship between these two former friends has seen an irreparable rift. 】

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