Starlight: Wow! How so? Superman and Batman… It’s all turned into batteries! ( ̄△ ̄; )

John Constantine: It’s over, the three most powerful people in the Justice League, there is only one woman left!

Carol Danvers: Huh? Are you looking down on women?

Wonder Woman Diana: Or do you say… You just look down on me? (▼へ▼メ)

John Constantine: Does it have to do with not being able to see?

John Constantine: There are 7 Nightmare Batmen, and above them, there’s a dark dragon Barbatos!

John Constantine: What can you do alone in this situation?

The Flash Barry Allen: Ahem, I think… You seem to have forgotten about my variant.

John Constantine: It’s not me pouring cold water on you, that variant of yours. I’m afraid that even the Red Death Demon can’t beat it alone!

The Flash Barry Allen: ………

Captain America: Don’t give up hope!

Captain America: No matter how powerful the evil force is, as long as you work together to fight, there will definitely be a turnaround!

Loki Odinson: Mortals, those so-called heroes… Face the God of Darkness! So, you still keep this set of chicken soup for yourself.

In the live broadcast room, Bruce Wayne frowned, obviously trying his best to think.

Judging from the current situation, the situation on the side of the Justice League is indeed extremely bad!

Unless a miracle occurs, the odds of victory can be said to be infinitely close to 0!

“Even if the rest of the Justice League can really get the N metal and defeat those nightmare Batmen, what will they do against Barbatos?”

“What is the origin of this dark dragon? Why is there such a powerful force? ”

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Although Superman’s rescue of Batman failed, the rest of the Justice League knew nothing about it. 】

[According to the original plan, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman and others divided into 3 ways and tried to find n metal in the universe to use against the nightmare Batman. ] 】

[But at this moment, Steel Bone issued a warning to all the members of the Justice League. 】

【”Be careful! The enemy has already rushed in your direction. “】

[As soon as everyone heard this warning, a strange passage appeared in front of their eyes at the same time. 】


[That pitch-black passage released a strong suction force, sucking Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Aquaman and others all in. ] 】

[At the same time, the same passage appeared in front of the Flash.] 】

[However, instead of releasing the suction power from the inside, two nightmare Batman came out! ] 】

[It’s the killing machine and the destroyer!] 】

[As soon as the Destroyer appeared, he first destroyed the giant tower that Superman used to traverse. 】

[At this moment, Superman and Batman, who are deeply trapped in the dark multiverse, will never come back! ] 】

[Seeing that the enemy was too strong, the Flash’s companion told him to quickly escape to find help. ] 】

[Seeing the situation alone, the Flash suddenly moved and ran into the passage teleported by the two nightmare Batmen! ] 】

[But the Flash didn’t expect that this passage was simply a trap for him! ] 】

[After coming out of the passage, the Flash immediately found himself back in Midtown. 】

[Not long after, the ground under his feet suddenly cracked, trapping the Flash into a dark space. ] 】

[And, in addition to The Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman and others… They were all teleported into different spaces by that strange passage. 】

[All this is a trap set by the laughing bat. ] 】

[These places are the playgrounds he set up in advance.] The purpose is to make Nightmare Batman… Break these corresponding superheroes! 】

[What they entered was the killing bat cave of laughing bats! ] 】

[In every cave, there is a nightmare Batman dedicated to these superheroes… Waiting for them! 】


[In the wild laughter of the laughing bat, the four nightmare batmen face their fateful enemies at the same time. 】

[The Flash Barry Allen… It was the Red Death Devil who was targeted! 】

“Barry Allen, do you like this place? “】

[Hearing the voice of the Red Death, Barry Allen heard the prestige, but saw no people, only a scarlet chariot! ] 】

[It turned out that the Red Death Demon actually used his super speed to assemble this strange chariot driven by divine speed! ] 】

“So what? Bruce, I can outperform any car you’ve built! “】

[The Flash urged the supernatural force to try to distance himself from the chariot. 】

[But he forgot one thing…]

[“Hahaha! “】

[The Red Death Devil sitting in the driver’s seat laughed proudly:]

[“Barry Allen, your memory is always so bad, you forgot… Am I a rich man? “】

“I would never build just one car!”] “】

“What? “】

[As soon as the Flash turned around, the expression on his face immediately froze. ] 】

[I saw that from the yellow sand storm, I don’t know how many scarlet chariots poured out! ] 】

[And the most terrifying thing is that these cars are all driven by god-speed power, and the speed is by no means slower than Barry Allen!] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The army of scarlet chariots driven by super speed instantly drowned the Flash…]

[At the same time, the sea king who was teleported to the depths of the sea floor is not surprising… Again against the drowning grudge. 】

[At this time, the sea king was already full of anger in his heart. 】

[This strange woman, last time, not only defeated him, but also killed a large number of his people, and even… Also took Mela from him! 】

[Not soon, drowning grudge Brucy… Riding a strange and terrifying underwater beast, he appeared in front of the sea king. 】

[In line with the principle of shooting people first and shooting horses, Aquaman raised his trident as soon as he came up and aimed it at the giant beast at the feet of the drowned resentful soul… It’s just a punch! 】

[But surprisingly, looking at his attack, the drowning grudge did not stop it, but there was a smile of “conspiracy succeeded” on his face. ] 】

“What a stupid man, until now… You still haven’t even recognized your loved one? “】

“What? “】

[Listening to the ridicule of the drowning resentful soul, Aquaman suddenly seemed to sense something. 】

[He stared blankly at the terrifying underwater behemoth, and his face turned pale. 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[The drowning grudge harnessed the giant beast under his feet and rushed towards the sea king, while laughing proudly and maniacally:]

[“What’s wrong? Man! Can’t recognize your favorite Mela? “】

[“Mela! No…”]

[Aquaman’s eyes are about to jump out of their eye sockets, and his body seems to be frozen, completely unable to move, and he forgot to dodge! ] 】

[His beloved! 】

[The first beauty of Atlantis, Mela, was transformed into a terrifying sea monster hundreds of meters long! ] 】

[How could there be such a thing?] 】


[Wonder Woman Diana, at this time, was teleported to a desolate cave. 】

[However, this cave is full of all kinds of blades. 】

[Her opponent… It is the ruthless god of war! 】

[In the face of the variant of his deep love for women, the ruthless god of war is also generous advice… Diana chooses her weapons. 】

[The weapons here are all god-killing weapons, and they have the power to kill gods! ] 】

[However, Wonder Woman not only rejected him, but even put down her weapons! ] 】

[“Come on, let’s fight with our bare hands!”] “】

[Wonder Woman snorted:]

“When I kill you, I will go and destroy your dark kind!” “】

【”Good! “】

[The ruthless God of War didn’t say a word, threw down the weapon in his hand and rushed up! ] 】

[And in the midst of the battle, Wonder Woman is still unforgiving. ] 】

[She laughed at the ruthless God of War… Just a pathetic mortal pretending to be a god! 】

[Moreover, Diana even mocked the other party, thinking that the ruthless God of War fighting skills were too weak:]

[“Say it! Bruce, where did you learn this way of fighting? “】

“Wouldn’t it be Catwoman?”] “】

“Or rather… Is it your housekeeper? “】

“You taught me!”] “】

[In the face of Wonder Woman’s heart-attacking tactics, the mood of the ruthless war demon did not fluctuate in the slightest, and he casually dropped Diana to the ground with a back fall. ] 】

[“Impossible! “】

[Wonder Woman, who lost in hand-to-hand combat, was embarrassed, she raised the God Slaughter Sword she had abandoned before, and rushed towards the ruthless God of War again! ] 】

[The ruthless God of War also raised his blade to fight! ] 】

[And in this white-bladed battle, the ruthless God of War also used his killer weapon. ] 】

“Diana, you know what? “】

“After destroying the Olympian gods, I came to Paradise Island again. “】

“I spent three days and three nights killing all the Amazons! “】

[But that’s just the beginning.] 】

[Originally, after killing Diana’s sisters, the ruthless god of war also ordered the ferryman of the River Styx to seal all the souls of the Amazons into the bat cave… Among that huge coin! 】

[And that huge coin is now in this killing bat cave.] 】

[The ruthless God of War, even specially brought it to the main universe! ] 】

[And after speaking, as soon as the ruthless war god turned around, he knocked this big coin with the weapon in his hand! ] 】

[“Dang! “】

[With a dull sound, countless undead flew out of the coins! ] 】

[They are all Amazonian female warriors who cannot enter Hades after death and will never be born! ] 】

[This is the most powerful killer tool of the ruthless God of War! ] 】

[“Fighter Sisters, follow my orders and greet your princesses! “】

[With the order of the ruthless god of war, these Amazons turned into undead. ] It’s like a tidal wave… Rushing towards Diana, who was full of shock and could hardly believe her eyes! 】


[At this time, in the underground of Marina City, Green Lantern Hal Jordan is doing his best to make the green lantern ring in his hand shine. ] 】

[But no matter how he recited the green lantern’s vow, the light of the green light was always extinguished.] 】

[The reason for this is because he has fallen into the lights-out procedure of breaking dawn.] 】

[At the beginning, in the dark multiverse, the dawn lamp used this trick to destroy the entire Green Lantern Legion, and even the guardians of the universe! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[In the pure darkness, Green Lantern could not exert his power, and was constantly attacked by the dawn lamp, and was beaten all over his face with blood. ] 】

[But Hal Jordan was not discouraged, he not only laughed at the dawnbreaking lamp that would only sneak up, but even cast it… A new trick you’ve just figured out! 】

[Flash mode! ] 】

[As long as the green light ring shines quickly at a super fast speed and then goes out, you can restrain the lights-out procedure! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Successfully restrained the lights-out procedure, Hal Jordan used the green light of will to conjure up a powerful fighter mech, and knocked the dawn lights away with one punch! ] 】

“Tell you one thing, little ghost. “】

[Hal Jordan is covered in green light, and it looks like he is almost illuminating the dark space formed by the lights-out procedure! ] 】

“My ring was not given to me by someone else, but forged by me with my willpower!”] “】

“I didn’t carry it, I was it!”] “】

[Hal Jordan’s face is full of fighting intent and confidence, and he seems to have a ticket to this victory:]

[“My Lantern Ring and I once destroyed the world of war together! “】

“We even saved the gods together! “】

“Now… We will burn you to the ground!” “】

[Surrounded by a strong green light, Hal Jordan fearlessly launched an attack on the dawn lamp! ] 】

[A few seconds later…]

[“Bang! “】

[Green Lantern, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, fell to the ground and lost consciousness. ] 】

[Invincible Hal Jordan… Handsome again, but three seconds. 】

[“Hmph! “】

[Dawn Lantern used the power of his lamp ring to grab Hal Jordan’s body and drag it to the base camp of Nightmare Batman. ] 】

[And beside him, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash were all completely defeated, like trophies, dragged back by one nightmare Batman after another. ] 】

[If you add Superman and Batman who were captured before, Justice League… It can be said that the entire army has been wiped out. 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Looking at this scene in front of him, the laughing bat laughed proudly. 】

[Not far from him, the steel bone has been torn apart! ] 】

[It turns out that when the rest of the Nightmare Batman launched an attack on the Justice League, the Laughing Bat was not idle. ] 】

[He first took down the steel bone, and then he was ready to use the latest technology… Decompose the mother box in the steel bone. 】

[Few people know that the mother box is made of X element! ] Pregnant with the purest and most powerful Origin Energy in the universe! 】

[Once the Laughing Bat masters this metal. He can lead his nightmare Batman… Travel to more universes. 】

[At that time, all the light and hope in the multiverse will be destroyed! ] Despair and terror will be everywhere! 】

[Just when all hope seems to have been lost, imprisoned in the dark multiverse… Bruce Wayne, who was on the tower, suddenly opened his eyes. 】

[The passage of time in the dark multiverse is not the same as the main universe. 】

[Although Superman rushed to save her as quickly as possible, Bruce Wayne… In fact, it has been imprisoned on this tower for 30 years! 】

[The energy in the body is constantly extracted, and after these 30 years of pain and torture, Bruce Wayne has really reached the point of being a candle for a long time. ] 】

[But this time, what awakened Bruce Wayne from his nightmare were three other superhumans from the dark multiverse. 】

[They have all defected to Barbatos, and the reason why these three supermen awakened Bruce Wayne is not to save him, but to solve him! ] 】

[Because they have just caught the excellent “battery” of “Main Universe Superman”, there is no need for Bruce to exist at all. ] 】

[Although he was already gray-haired, Bruce Wayne looked at the three fallen supermen beside him, and his eyes suddenly lit up. ] 】

[From two of them, he saw very familiar equipment. 】

[And, as the brain of the Justice League, Bruce Wayne quickly figured out one thing. 】

[If you say… Those nightmare Batman were created by his own fears.

[Then, these three “nightmare supermen” in front of you… It should have been created by Superman’s fear! 】

[After figuring it all out, Bruce Wayne, taking advantage of the enemy’s unpreparedness, suddenly reached out, snatched a glove from the hand of one of the fallen supermen, and then put it on his own. ] 】

[“Huh… As far as I know, Clark is a complete layman in weapons making. “】

“So, if you were born because of his fear of me, then your weapons must also be based on the weapons he saw in the bat cave!” “】

“And I… I can recognize my own toys at a glance! “】

[Bruce Wayne’s right hand tightened. On the gloves on his hands, five kryptonite of different colors suddenly lit up! 】

“Hey, you know what? This weapon … I named it 5 Finger Killer Fist! “】

After activating the gloves, Bruce Wayne finally had a relaxed smile on his face. 】

“If I’m not mistaken, one of the kryptonite can make your bodies explode, while the other can dissolve you into mud. “】

“However, I am old now, and I can’t remember some places. “】

[Raising the “Infinite Kryptite Gauntlet” in his right hand and aiming at the three supermen in front of him, Bruce Wayne said coldly. ] 】

[“The peasant boy … Do you want to try your luck? “】

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