Looking at Tonis Dak, whose eyes were wide and his face was full of confusion, Young Master Wayne bowed his head slightly and said thoughtfully:

“There are many possibilities why this can happen.”

“Perhaps, it was Stan Lee who used his power as the creator of the universe to erase the memory of your variant…”


Tony was taken aback. A chill involuntarily rushed straight from the back to the heavenly spirit cover!

What does this mean?

Why did this Stan Lee go to such great lengths to do such a thing?

Don’t…… Is he trying to amuse himself?

Seeing that Tony’s face was not good-looking, Young Master Wayne quickly said the second possibility:

“Of course, there is also the possibility that Stan Lee appears with ‘you’ every time, but… He is actually located in a different parallel universe! ”

Bruce Wayne said word by word:

“He is in the multiverse created by himself… Travel through parallel universes and come into contact with the new Tonis Dak! ”

“In this way, you can explain why your variant always does not recognize him!”

“This… Just kidding! ”

Tony’s face was full of horror when he heard it, and he stiffened in place with a thick shock, and the whole person was completely stunned.

Did I make a mistake?

This Stan Lee, who did not hesitate to travel through various parallel universes, also turned himself into various mortal appearances, just to get close to himself?

That’s an exaggeration!

Tony Stark has always had a very high opinion of himself.

Even deep down, Tony has always considered himself the number one scientific genius on the planet!

But…… If you compare him with the Creator God who created countless multiverses, what is it?


This Stan Lee… Why pay so much attention to yourself?

At this time, Loki, who had been silent, suddenly glanced at Tony, and then sneered:

“Human, what are you thinking about?”

Loki pointed to the screen, and then said coldly:

“Whether this Stan Lee is not the Founding God, he has appeared in countless images so far!”

“If you ask me to guess, I think… ‘he’ probably has some kind of special interest in superheroes as creatures!”

“He loves to observe superheroes, even going through parallel universes to observe heroes in different worlds!”


Hearing this, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but look at each other.

For a while, everyone remembered a person.

“That big bald head… Observer! ”

Little Wanda blurted out:

“If that’s the case, then this Stan Lee… It’s very similar to an observer! ”

“It’s really… Is that so? ”

Tonis Dak and Bruce Wayne looked at each other, and they both saw the doubts and puzzlement in each other’s hearts.

But…… They were all just mere mortals, how could they guess the thoughts of the God of Creation?

Just when everyone was full of doubts, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The camera turned, and it came to a while later.] 】

[Tony Stark has disclosed his identity as Iron Man at this moment. 】

[As the first well-known superhero, he was sought after by countless people as soon as he appeared. 】

“Tony! I’m the CEO of Oracle and it’s nice to meet you. “】

[Shaking hands with the middle-aged man who took the initiative to come up, Tony greeted a white-haired old man in the lobby. 】

“Hey! Larry King! Long time no see. “】

[Looking at the old man in front of him “Stan Lee”, Tony stepped forward and gently hugged him. 】

[Next, the picture changes again.] 】

[In order to avoid the desperate virus holders, Tonis Dak pretended to be an ordinary person and boarded a TV broadcast van. 】

[On this car, TV programs on various channels are broadcasting, including a beauty pageant. 】

[I saw that on the TV screen, a white-haired old man “Stan Lee”, looking at various beauties in swimsuits on the screen, raised the scoreboard in his hand with a smile on his face. ] 】

[I saw a big 10 points written on his scoreboard.] 】

[But in the next second, Tony Stark turned off the TV channel.] 】

See here, in the multiverse… Another series of bursts of laughter sounded.

“Hahaha… It’s so interesting, you don’t see that Stan Lee’s expression? ”

“This old man is really cute, it seems that he really likes those women.”

“Incredibly, is the aesthetic of the Creator God the same as that of the earthlings?”

“In legend, God relied on his own image… Created by humans! Is this true? ”

“Hehe, anyway, as long as he also likes earth beauties, I have a common language with this old man!”

Although he couldn’t hear the laughter in various universes outside the live broadcast room, Tonysdak’s eyes lit up at this time.

From these two scenes in front of him, he could already be sure of one thing.

This variant of himself, not only can not recognize Stan Lee, the identity of this mysterious old man is also constantly changing!

In other words, Bruce Wayne, for Stan Lee’s speculation, may indeed be true!

This supreme creation god really likes it… Observe its creation on earth in various capacities.

Moreover, no matter how his identity changed, this old man seemed to be truly enjoying the life of the world!

Perhaps, Stan Lee is really the OAA who is high above and above all else.

But at the same time… He is also a kind and lovely old man!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the desert in New Mexico West Ge. 】

[A group of people are competing here to see who can pull out that hammer in the desert.] 】

[But whoever it was, it all failed in the end.] 】

[“Get out of the way!” “】

[When the manpower was ineffective, someone finally started to crook their brains. 】

[I saw someone wrap a large iron chain around the handle of the hammer, and the other end of the chain was tied to a small truck.] 】

[“It’s already tied, hurry up and drive, pull it out!”] “】

[Upon hearing this, the person in the driver’s seat of the pickup truck immediately stepped on the accelerator. 】


[The accelerator of the pickup truck was stepped on to the extreme, and the tires suddenly spun on the sand! ] 】

[But even so, the hammer remained motionless, as if it was one with the earth!] 】

[After a few seconds, just listen to the “bang”! ] 】

[The back bucket of the pickup truck was actually torn off abruptly, and it fell to the ground with a “bang”. ] 】

“Wow! “】

[Seeing this, everyone next to them was taken aback. 】

[This hammer… It’s so hard to pick up! 】

“Hey! “】

[At this time, from the driver’s seat of the pickup truck, an old head suddenly poked out, it was Stan Lee! ] 】

[“How? Did that hammer pull out? “】

[Hearing Stan Lee’s words, the people around the land of the falling hammer all laughed loudly. 】


Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Bruce Banner: No way, Stan Lee would actually pull out a hammer?

Thor: Hmph! That’s of course, only those who are qualified to become a strong man of Thor are qualified to lift Mjolnir’s hammer!

Thor: Such a bad old man, how could it be…

Rocky Oddinson: Stupid, shut up for me!

Loki Oddinson: Do you think he’s an ordinary old man? That is the God who created countless universes! ( ̄△ ̄; )

Loki Odinson: And, don’t you see? Stan Lee didn’t touch that hammer at all, but pulled it with a human vehicle!

Captain America: No! Why did he do it?

Rocky Odinson: Humph! How can you lower humans understand the actions of the gods?

Loki Oddinson: Maybe he just likes to use it this way… Have fun with humans!

Captain America: This… It’s unbelievable.

Rocky Odinson: Nothing strange, the life of the gods is much more boring than you think!

Rocky Odinson: Otherwise, why do you think I chose to live on Earth?

Stephen Strange: Game on Earth? It’s really a bit weird…

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the Battle of New York, all the media… They all focused their attention on the Avengers. 】

[For a time, almost all the TV programs were broadcasting reports and interviews related to the Avengers. 】

“This team, called the Avengers, performed amazing heroic feats. “】

[A host, when broadcasting the news, said with emotion:]

“Their behavior is not only a comfort for many people, but also worth celebrating! “】

[In the face of the TV camera, many citizens also expressed their feelings with joy:]

“It’s great to know that these heroes still exist. “】

[“It turns out … We are still guarded. “】

[But among the people, not everyone believes in so-called superheroes. 】

[I saw a white-haired old man turning his head to the camera, his face full of doubt:]

[“New·· About superheroes? You’re kidding me, right? “】

[After speaking, the old man… Stan Lee turned directly away, and with another old man, continued their chess game. 】

Seeing this, a series of laughter broke out in the multiverse.

“I went, it was awesome, created the ‘OAA’ of superheroes, and said he didn’t believe in superheroes!”

“The Creator God actually deceives people! I almost believed it just now! ”

“Incredible, this old man acted like the real thing!”

“It’s so funny, I can’t wait to know… What else will he do next? ”

If you say that when you heard the term OAA before, everyone’s hearts were still full of horror and awe.

But now, their opinion of Stan Lee is only excited anticipation!

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of surprise this unfathomable old man will bring them?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Some time has passed since the Battle of New York. 】

[On this day, when the Avengers were gathering in Tonis Duck’s mansion, Thor also took out his treasured wine from his arms. 】

“You know what? This wine has been cellared for thousands of years. “】

[“Such a divine wine is not something that mortals can endure! “】

“Yes?” 】

[Just as Thor was triumphantly praising his wine, an old man’s voice suddenly came from next to him. 】

[“Blonde! Omaha landing… Nor can ordinary mortals endure it! But not only have I been, but I have returned. “】

[Thor turned his head and saw an old man with sunglasses, and said to him with no care:]

“Don’t scare us, hurry up and pour me a drink.”) “】

[Although most of his face is covered by sunglasses, everyone can recognize at a glance that this old man is Stan Lee! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“What? Omaha landing? ”

Upon hearing this, including Tony and Bruce, there was an exclamation in the live broadcast room.

“This old man… Did you still fight World War II? ”

“That’s outrageous.”

Little Wanda looked at the screen dumbfounded, her face full of amazement and shock.

Even she knows what “Omaha” is all about.

That’s Norman Landing!

Did the Creator God still participate in human wars?

PS: Stan Lee really fought in World War II. ^_^

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