Morty’s bedroom.

“I wipe! This…… Is this really me? ”

Watch the screen like a demon god killing all directions, killing those cat-eared people with rivers of blood. “Himself”, Morty was so shocked that his face was covered in sweat, and the cold sweat almost wet his clothes.

And Rick, who was standing beside him, also surprisingly put down the wine bottle in his hand.

Looking at his grandson with regret, Rick let out a long sigh:

“Sure enough, is this the inheritance of the bloodline?”

“You and your mother… All the same. ”

“What? My mom? ”

Hearing Rick’s sigh, Morty was suddenly taken aback again.

I saw him staring at Rick deadly, and exclaimed in disbelief:

“What do you mean by that? What is pedigree? ”

“And… What happened to my mom? ”

It seemed that because he had drunk too much, he would lose his words, and Rick turned his head and closed his mouth at this time, as if he didn’t want to tell the secret.

However, under Morty’s endless shaking and questioning, Rick finally became impatient:

“Well, you want to hear it, don’t you?”

Rick yelled at Morty:

“Your mother is just like me, a crazy person!”

“When I was a child, in order to prevent her from killing her neighbors, I even did not hesitate to create a different dimension… Come and make her a playground. ”

“This is the blood of the Sanchez family!”

“We are fierce, we are cruel, we will stop at nothing to achieve our ends, and we will never regret it!”

“Human life … It’s worthless in our eyes! ”


Hearing these shocking words, Morty was like being struck by lightning, and the expression on his face was completely frozen, almost unable to believe his eyes!

In his impression, his own mother … Beth Smith has always been an ordinary mother, no different from other middle-aged women.

But if what Rick said was true, Mother, and within his own body… All flowing with the evil and murderous “Sanchez blood”!

How is this possible?

Morty instinctively wanted to refute, but he immediately recalled the scene that appeared on the screen just now…

On that alien planet, he first inadvertently killed the owner of the lamp tower, and after putting on the steel suit, he even killed the fleeing cat-eared people!

Is this the horror of Sanchez’s bloodline?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[It took some effort, Rick and Morty, who put on steel suits, finally found their spaceship. 】

[That ungrateful cat-eared lady finally didn’t know how to drive the spaceship and crashed the spaceship to the ground. ] 】

[Facing the murderous grandfather and grandson, the cat-eared lady begged for mercy again and again, and claimed… She just wants to use this spaceship to kill the rich people who rule the planet! 】

[It turns out that it was the rich people who lived in the highland castle who invented this “cleansing day”! ] 】

For thousands of years, they used this method to kill poor people in order to preserve their rights and status for a long time.] 】

[And the cat-eared lady wants to completely end this nightmare by killing these rich people.] 】

[However, Morty had already killed his brain at this time, and he couldn’t hear the cat-eared lady’s words at all. ] 】

[“Rick, don’t stop me, I’ll kill this woman now!”] “】

[In the face of Rick’s blocking, Morty even frantically claimed… He’s going to kill Rick too! 】

“Damn! I’m going to slaughter you old bastard!” “】

“I’ve wanted to kill you for a long time, you this……… Aaaaaa

[Before Morty finished speaking, Rick directly fired an electric current at him, stunning this kid. 】

[After defeating his crazy grandson, Rick directly ripped off his steel suit and put it on the cat-eared girl’s body. ] 】

[Then, Rick and the cat-eared lady came to the castle on the highlands. 】

[Here they killed all the rich people in the castle, and it ended completely… The “Day of Washing” program has been going on on the planet for thousands of years. 】

[On the second day, Morty, who came to his senses, felt very remorseful for yesterday’s actions. 】

[And Rick advised him that if he still wanted to take his sister, now might be the last chance.] 】

[However, in the face of Morty, the cat-eared lady still shows the routine of the universe:]

“I thank you very much for ending the ‘cleansing day’ for us. “】

“I already have a boyfriend, though. “】

“You’re a good man, but… We just don’t fit…”

“Enough, don’t talk any further. “】

[Hearing this nutritious green tea rhetoric, Morty finally came to his senses. 】

[This girl was planning to use herself from the beginning…]

[Seeing that the problem has been solved, Rick and Morty get on the spaceship and leave the devastated planet. 】

[However, just after they left, without the rich ruler, the remaining cat-eared people on the planet did not know what to do for a while. ] 】

Soon, under the new strife, people began to fight each other again. 】

[Finally, a smart man finally moved and said a word to everyone:]

“Why don’t we just set a specific time each year.”] “】

[“During that time, let’s release the hatred, killing intent and anger in our hearts! “】

“So that we can have other days … Life is peaceful…”

Seeing this, the chat group was speechless for a while, and it seemed that everyone had lost interest in speaking.

After half a day, someone got up weakly and bubbled.

Hermione Granger: This… Why is this? Are these people crazy? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Hermione Granger: They can already live a peaceful life, but they actually … Walked back to the old way.

Loki Odinson: Ha! This is the inferiority of lower organisms.

Loki Oddinson: To put it bluntly, these guys just need a strong ruler to enslave them!

Loki Odinson: That kind of blood, violence, killing, hatred… is the most suitable for them.

Stephen Strange: You said… Sounds like the King of Crimson. (O_O)

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, maybe this is the ultimate truth beyond the multiverse! ^_^

Bruce Wayne: No! This idea is too simple.

Loki Odinson: Huh?

Bruce Wayne: It seems to me that those cat-eared people have survived this brutal “purge plan” for thousands of years.

Bruce Wayne: In their minds, there is no other way to survive! That’s why it will…

Divine Kesha: Sure enough, there is no cure for these sinful creatures.

Divine Kesha: So, such a planet full of evil should still be destroyed…

Bruce Wayne: Wait a minute, I didn’t mean that.

Bruce Wayne: If someone could guide them and give them all the time, maybe…

Jeromé Valeska: These guys… Since you have already chosen such a lifestyle, let them go.

Jerome Valeska: No one is obliged to guide these bloody madmen!

Lori Jinx: Yes, and that cat-eared little slut, it would be nice to be “cleared” by others earlier! Ha ha……

Bruce wayne:…………

Tony Stark: To be honest, let’s not talk about “purge” and “reincarnation.” That Rick’s invention is really amazing.

Tony Stark: The means of putting a steel suit on your body in an instant seems a bit like nanotechnology, but… It’s really fast.

Wanda Maximov: How, Stark. More powerful than you?

Tony Stark: No kidding, my steel suit, even in the multiverse… Also the strongest!

That being said, a sense of urgency also flashed in Tony’s heart.

It seems that in addition to magic research, he can’t slack off in scientific research!

Otherwise, maybe it will be overtaken by this nervous “Rick”!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[On this day, the Smith family was having breakfast together. 】

[Rick and Morty are also sitting around the table. 】

[Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and the head of the family, Jerry, went to open the door, but found a meat ball flying in. ] 】

[It turns out that this is a messenger from the universe who came to deliver a letter to Rick.] 】

[The birdman who once came to Smith’s house is now marrying Morty’s sister’s classmate.] 】

[Rick didn’t want to attend any wedding at all, but because he was careless, he took Morty’s father, Jerry… I gave it away as a gift. 】

[In order to save Jerry, the Smith family had to board a spaceship and go to another planet to attend this wedding. 】

[At the wedding, Morty’s mother “Beth” approached Birdman specifically to ask about the story of him and his father, Rick. 】

[Birdman claims that the road he and Rick have traveled is stained with the blood of friends and enemies. 】

[Moreover, they are still being hunted by the Galactic Federation, just at this wedding… There are more than a dozen wanted criminals of the Galactic Federation! 】

[Next, at the official wedding, Rick expressed his blessings to the two newlyweds and made an unusual speech. 】

[But no one expected that at the next moment, the bride standing next to the birdman suddenly took out her own documents! ] 】

[It turns out that she is an agent of the Galactic Federation, and this place has been surrounded! ] 】

[This wedding, from the beginning, was to capture fugitives like Rick… And the trap set! 】

[“Bang! “】

[Immediately afterwards, the bride killed the birdman with one shot, and various Galactic Federation agents also killed them. ] 】

[After a melee, Rick finally took his family, got on a spaceship, and escaped from the trap planet. 】

[Although he escaped, Rick told the others that they would never return to Earth,]

[Because, that place must have been taken over by the Galactic Federation, and going back is to throw yourself into the net. ] 】

[Later, Rick used the computer in his hand to find three planets that were suitable for human habitation but were not under the jurisdiction of the Galactic Federation. 】

[In the end, they finally found a habitable planet.] 】

[But this planet is too small, just walk for a while, you can circle the planet. ] 】

[Rick wandered around the planet, found a cave, and crawled for a while to cross the planet to the underground of their home. 】

[Underground, Rick overhears the family’s conversation. 】

[It turns out that Jerry Smith claimed to his wife and children that they should hand Rick over in exchange for a smooth life! ] 】

[But everyone, including his wife Beth, is against it!] Claims that Rick must never be handed over. 】

[After hearing these words, Rick’s face showed a look of sorrow greater than death. 】

[Next, he climbed out of the hole in the ground, said goodbye to Morty, got on the spaceship and left the small planet.] 】

[On the spaceship, Rick reported himself to the Galactic Federation in the name of Jerry Smith and revealed his whereabouts! ]

[And he only put forward one condition, that is, to let the Smith family have a peaceful life.] 】

[After doing all this, Rick came to a bar, silently waited for the pursuers of the Galactic Federation to come, and then raised his hand to surrender. ] 】

[The smartest Rick in the multiverse, Rick Sanchez! ] That’s it…… Completed his own surrender! 】

[He traded his freedom for the normal life of Morty’s family! ] 】

Among Morty’s bedrooms.


Although his brain was blank when he was shocked by his “bloodline secret”, seeing this scene in front of him, Morty still gasped and looked at Rick beside him in amazement.

He couldn’t believe that this man who went his own way and did whatever he wanted would actually do it for their family… Make such a big sacrifice!

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