“What? You’re not interested in such technology, are you also a Rick? “】

[Hearing that the middle-aged Rick actually rejected himself, “Rick in the other dimension” was immediately furious. ] 】


[Middle-aged Rick turned his head and said with a calm smile:]

“Maybe… I’m just a different Rick. “】

[“Hmph! “】

[“Rick in the other dimension” immediately pulled down, and while opening the dimensional portal, he coldly left a sentence:]

“You’ll see. “】

[Another version of Rick just left, middle-aged Rick’s wife… Diane walked in. 】

[Looking at his beloved wife, middle-aged Rick made a shocking statement. 】

[He actually decided to give up studying science and spend his time with his family! ] 】

[And Diane was not surprised by this, but said that he was going to take his daughter “Beth” and hang out with her husband. ] 】

[Seeing this scene in his memory, the old Rick helplessly covered his eyes, seemingly not wanting to see what happened next. ] 】

[Just when the middle-aged Rick drove the car over and was about to pick up his wife and daughter, a dimensional door suddenly opened in the air. ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[A small bomb fell out of the dimensional portal and landed right at the feet of his wife and daughter! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying explosion not only completely evaporated middle-aged Rick’s wife and children, but also blew up his car. ] 】

[Obviously, it was that “Rick in Another Dimension” who shot! ] 】

[Because the middle-aged Rick rejected him, this is the revenge of “Rick in the Other Dimension”! ] 】

[And just because he refused the invitation of another dimension, Rick, who was still middle-aged, lost all his relatives! ] 】

“This is the greatest tragedy of his life. 】

[“No!!! “】

[Go and see my wife and daughter instantly turned into nothing, and I can’t even find the body! ] The middle-aged Rick covered in injuries… Suddenly there was a heart-rending scream! 】

[Seeing this scene, the bug agent of the federal government suddenly concentrated. 】

He felt that what he wanted might be about to appear. 】

[At this moment, the picture suddenly turned to the other side.] 】

[In the world of Cronenberg, Morty and Sammy are brought home by the completely barbarized Jerry Smith. 】

[Looking at this barbaric world where Ru Mao drinks blood, the pair of sisters Sangmei were suddenly taken aback. ] 】

[And Morty also felt that he couldn’t waste this opportunity, so he simply told Sammei directly that this extremely bad “hell world” was created by Rick! ] 】

[Seeing Sangmei’s shocked look, Morty felt that it was time to leave. ] 】

[Although this place is also his original home, and the three barbarians in front of him are also his real blood relatives, Morty has no intention at all… Stay in this Cronenberg world. 】

[Morty stood up and was about to take out the teleportation gun, but he never expected it… This gun was taken by the barbaric Jerry! 】

[“This damn thing is stained with the stench of Rick!”] 】

[Savage Jerry shouted, and smashed the teleportation gun with one sword. ] 】

[Finding that he may be trapped in this Cronenberg world forever, Morty suddenly went completely crazy and cursed at his biological parents. 】

[And at this moment, a portal suddenly opened next to it, and several Ricks walked out from it. ] 】


[The Jerry family, who had been savage, raised their weapons and rushed over frantically, and in an instant, they were subdued by Rick with freezer guns. ] 】

[“Wait! Don’t shoot, I’m Morty C137! “】

[Seeing these Ricks menacing, Morty quickly reported the “codename” he knew in Rick City, and escaped. ] 】

[It turns out that these “parallel Ricks” are all from Rick City. 】

[Through high technology, they detected the fluctuations released when the dimensional teleportation robbery was destroyed, so they came to take a look. ] 】

[Seeing these “parallel Rick” who look exactly like Rick, Sangmei seemed to see a life-saving straw, and quickly explained the fact that Rick was captured by the Galactic Federation, and hoped that “Parallel Rick” could help. ] 】

[She never dreamed that Rick from these parallel worlds immediately decided after learning the situation… Kill somebody to do away with a witness! 】

[“That’s too bad! We must not risk it… Let the intelligence of Rick City be leaked. “】

[A “parallel Rick” said coldly:]

[“Next, we will send Rick’s commando team to break into the prison of the Galactic Federation and take the captured Rick… Solve it! “】

[“Huh? “】

[Upon hearing this, the self-defeating Sammei was suddenly stupid. ] 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: This, this, this… That’s pretty miserable.

Hermione Granger: This Rick, obviously didn’t do anything bad, his wife and daughter were killed!

Hermione Granger: And he’s not only in jail now, but there’s a bunch of other Ricks coming to kill him. ( ̄△ ̄; )

Looking at those parallel Ricks in Rick City, Hermione only felt that her little head was almost out of went, and her whole person fell into a messy state.

Loki Odinson: Why didn’t you do anything bad? Whahahaha…” (*^▽^*)

Loki Odinson: You said that… I was dying of laughter.

Nick Fury: Yes, this Rick did a lot of evil “later”, but now it seems… His “great change in temperament” may also be related to the killing of his wife and daughter.

Bruce Wayne: It’s a shame that because a loved one died, it was completely blackened.

Wolverine: yes, it looks like those “fallen Batman”.

Bruce wayne:………… →_→

Deadpool: Wow haha! You don’t understand this, this is the so-called “blackening is three times stronger, whitewashing is three points weaker”!

Deadpool: This Rick has actually been blackened, then, he will definitely be able to take revenge!

Morty: Yes… Is it?

In the bedroom, Morty looked back at Rick, who looked indifferent and was constantly pouring wine into his mouth, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Through the previous images, and such a long time together, Morty is vaguely sure… He should be Rick’s “grandson”!

But if Rick’s daughter had been blown up long ago, where did his grandson come from?

As soon as he thought of this, Morty was like a blessing to the heart, and instinctively blurted out:

“Did that memory really happen?”


Rick didn’t respond to Morty’s words, just continued to drink in silence.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Memory world. 】

[Driven by the anger of the death of his wife and daughter, the injured middle-aged Rick began to frantically conduct research in the bloodstained garage. ] 】

[I don’t know how long it took, he actually wrote the formula for the development of the dimensional teleportation gun on the floor of the garage! ] 】

[“It worked! “】

[The middle-aged Rick shouted, raised the dimensional teleportation gun in his hand, opened a portal, and then rushed in. ] 】

[He wants to find… The Rick who attacked his wife and daughter, and then crushed his corpse into ten thousand pieces, this can be a hatred in his heart! 】

“Oh… Is this the formula for the dimensional teleportation gun? “】

[Agent Bug turned around and asked the sad-looking old Rick. 】

[After receiving an affirmative answer, it immediately excitedly used the device in its hand to photograph the formula on the ground, and then transmitted it back to the prison headquarters. 】

[And in addition to the excitement, the bug agent even laughed and said to “Old Rick”:]

“In fact… When your brain becomes paste, the brain detector will automatically stop. “】

[“So, you just wait here to die! Hahaha…”]

[But when the agent contacted the control center again and wanted to leave the memory, there was no answer.] 】

“Hey! Take me out! Did you hear that? “】

“No, they can’t hear it. “】

[Old Rick stood aside and said with a calm face:]

[“Because, the code you just passed out is not the formula of the dimensional teleportation gun! “】

“Rather… A virus that gives me complete control over the brain detector! “】

[“What are you talking nonsense? “】

[Although I already feel that something is wrong, Agent Bug still said in disbelief:]

【”This is the space where memories are formed, and you can’t change the details in your memory!”] “】

“Well, you’re right. “】

[Rick finally showed a smug smile on his face that “the plan went well:]

[“However, for completely fictional stories, then I can change it at will! “】

[As Rick speaks, the environment he and Agent Bug are in begins to quickly fall apart, and then… Changed back to a restaurant! 】

[Here, it’s the bug agents they… The first illusion forged with a brain detector! 】

[“Damn, this is a trap! “】

[As soon as he saw this restaurant, Agent Bug was immediately stunned and trembled from the bottom of his heart! ] 】

[It turns out that from beginning to end, Rick has not left this restaurant! ] 】

[They just went to buy hot sauce, and then came to Rick’s house to witness the killing of his wife and children… Wait, it’s all an illusion that Rick constructed with his imagination! 】


[With a smile in his eyes, Rick carefully admired the panicked appearance of the bug agent, and then used his authority to issue an order to the control center:]

[“Mission accomplished, guys, take me out!”] “】

[Through the uploaded virus, Rick has completely controlled the brain control machine! ] 】

[After he gave the order, an incredible thing happened. 】

[I saw Rick’s body slowly rising in the restaurant, and his body still emitted golden light. ] 】

[At first glance, it looks as if he has changed from a man to a god!] 】

“Nope! No…”


[In the desperate screams of Agent Bug, and Rick’s smug laughter, Rick’s consciousness left his body and entered Agent Bug’s brain instead! ] 】

[This guy actually took this bug’s house! ] 】

[At the same time, the consciousness of that bug agent is trapped in Rick’s own brain! ] 】

[The scariest thing is that due to the effect of that brain detector, Rick’s brain… It was melted quickly! 】


[After completing the seizure, “Rick the Bug” took off the high-tech hood on his head and stood up with a smug look. 】

“Well done, Detective, you’ll be rewarded.”] “】

[Seeing this, another bug supervisor quickly came up to express his congratulations. 】

[However, the supervisor immediately thought of another thing. 】

“Strange, Rick, this guy… Why on earth did you surrender to us? “】

[“Ha! “】

“Rick the Bug” said mockingly:]

“I may just be a stupid bug, but most likely Rick knows… We will bring him here for interrogation. “】

“Moreover, this place not only holds the most dangerous wanted criminals, but also the most sensitive data.” “】

[“Anyone who controls the authority of the 9th level can make the entire Galactic Federation fall in an instant! “】

[Just after Rick the bug, after saying this inexplicable word, he immediately asked his colleagues for level 9 permissions. ] 】

[But at this moment, only listening to the “boom”, the Rick commando from Rick City broke the wall and stormed the prison of this Galactic Federation. ] 】


[After these guys arrived, they immediately opened a killing ring and killed the insects present. ] 】

[Not only that, a Rick commando team also walked up to the brain detector and shot the “Rick” who was bound to it to the brain. ] 】

[But he never dreamed that this Rick’s body actually contained the “consciousness” of a bug agent.] 】

[Seeing that the situation was wrong, “Rick the Bug” immediately put on the helmet of the “Brain Detector” and forcibly instilled his meaning into the brain of one of the “Rick Commandos”! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[At this moment, Rick, the smartest in the multiverse, was full of blood and demons and resurrected in place! ] 】


[After losing the shell of the “parallel universe himself”, Rick immediately turned his gun and killed the group of Rick commandos. ] 】

[Not only that, but he also learned from one of Rick’s mouths that Morty and Sammy had been captured in Rick City. 】

[In that case, the next target of Rick, who has been fully resurrected, is this one composed of countless Rick in parallel universes… Rick City! 】

[First, he steered the spaceship and left the prison of the Galactic Federation and went to the base camp of Rick City. 】

[Then, he connected the improved “brain detector” to the communication instrument. 】

[After everything was ready, Rick contacted Rick City and asked to talk to the top leader. 】

[The commander-in-chief of Rick City didn’t know what was going on, so he picked up the communicator. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[But at this moment, a bright light flashed, and the commander-in-chief suddenly trembled and was stunned in place! ] 】

[It turned out that after Rick’s improvement, he was able to use the communicator to put his consciousness… Forcibly passed into the head of the commander-in-chief. 】

[This guy actually did such a thing as “taking away from the air”! ] 】

[After capturing the commander-in-chief of Rick City, “Commander Rick” came directly to the teleportation center in the city, and used his authority to take the entire Rick City… Teleported to the Galactic Federal Prison. 】

[“Boom! “】

[With an earth-shattering explosion, the Galactic Federal Prison immediately “engaged” with Rick City! ] 】

[Now, the inmates in the Galactic Federal Prison, the guards, and the countless parallel Ricks in Rick City… Suddenly a scuffle began! 】

[“Kill! “】

“Hell, where did these guys come from?”] “】

“How do I know?”] Slaughter them first! “】

[For a time, there were all kinds of killings in “Galactic Federal Prison” and “Rick City”, blood flowed like rivers, and the situation was suddenly chaotic to the extreme! ] 】

And seeing this, there was an uproar in the multiverse.

“Oh my God, this old ghost… What exactly was done? ”

“He changed his body and did it several times in a row!”

“How can there be such a thing, is this guy still not human?”

“He put those two forces … It’s all mixed up. ”

“Is that an old ghost’s plan? What a scary guy! ”

For a time, countless people in the multiverse were shocked by the scientific research genius and strategic mind shown by Rick!

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