[At this moment, the picture suddenly turned and came to the police station in Rick City. ] 】

[A newcomer “Police Officer Rick” completed his training at the range and became a full-fledged police officer. 】

[After taking office, he got into his new partner’s car on the side of the road. 】

[Unexpectedly, this police officer Rick’s partner is not another Rick, but a chubby Morty.] 】

[Just as Rick and Fat Morty were driving on patrol, they happened to meet a group of Morty who was marching on the street. 】

[And Fat Morty directly scolded… These Morty without Rick are similar to beasts! He also activated the shock equipment on the police car and electrocuted a Morty to the ground. 】

[Seeing this scene, the newcomer Rick Police was immediately taken aback. ] 】

[A policeman Morty, actually scolded other Morty as beasts? ] 】

[That’s probably too much.] 】

[Seeing Rick’s surprised look, Fat Morty said coldly:]

[“You are also a Rick, do you really believe those P words during police academy training? “】

“In the beginning, there was a fool who believed this like you, so… The seat you’re sitting in is vacant! “】

[Next, Rick and Morty were informed that there had been a robbery in “Morty Town”.] 】

[The so-called “Morty Town” is the place where Morty who lost Rick gathered, which is similar to the slums.] 】

[Although these Morty are not old, they have become social garbage and can only engage in all kinds of evil behavior. 】

[After listening to the statement of the boss who was robbed, the fat Morty police immediately used violent means to ask the location of the suspect from several Morty mouths on the side of the road. ] 】

[Next, the “Rick and Morty” police duo came to the place where the suspect was.] 】

[As a result, they found out that these “Morty suspects” robbed things in order to raise funds and make a crazy Rick… Developed a dimensional teleportation gun! 】

[This kind of action is a felony in Rick City! ] 】

“Don’t try to catch me!”] “】

[Seeing the police rushing in, Mad Rick immediately raised the unfinished dimensional teleportation gun and wanted to open the portal and escape. ] 】

[Who knows… There is a problem with this gun at all, “Mad Rick” did not teleport to other dimensions, but was burned alive into dust by the portal! 】

[Next, police officer Rick went to search the other rooms, and in one of the rooms, he saw a crying Morty. 】

[Police officer Rick felt sympathetic and stepped forward to pick up this Morty, who knew this little ghost… He actually took the opportunity to stab him in the back. 】

[“Abominable! “】

[Police officer Rick took a shot and killed this evil Morty on the spot.] 】

[Only then did he really realize… How terrifying the dark side of Rick City is. 】

And what the police academy taught him is simply useless in the real world. 】

[Fat Morty came to pick up Rick and told him to leave the building and go outside to bandage his wounds.] 】

[Rick police just bandaged the wound, and as soon as he turned around, he found that Fat Morty had actually taken the entire building… Together with the few Morty suspects inside, they all turned to ashes! 】

“This… What happened? “】

[Looking at everything that was in front of him, Rick police officer was shocked. 】

[And Fat Morty just said with an indifferent face:]

[“The old-fashioned plot is that Morty kills each other. “】

[Next, Fat Morty took Rick police to a nightclub. 】

[Here, they met the underground gangster boss of Rick City. 】

[It turns out that Fat Morty has long colluded with this gangster boss. ] 】

[He just now… The reason why all those Morty suspects were killed was actually to eliminate dissidents for this gangster boss! 】

[The gangster gave Fat Morty a sum of black money, and Fat Morty gave a part to Rick Police. ] 】

[Rick police, but insisted on not asking for the money. 】

[Seeing this, the gangster turned his head and sneered:]

[“Fatty! Your last partner was so hard-boned, but… His end doesn’t seem to be good! “】

[Seeing that Rick police are willing to accept black money no matter what, the gangster is immediately ready to turn his face! ] 】

[Seeing that the situation is not good, Fat Morty has to start first! ] Shot with Rick cop! 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[After a series of laser gun fire, two professionally trained policemen finally defeated the rabble gang. 】

[But after defeating the enemy, Fat Morty immediately prepared to kill the gangster to avoid the secret of his collusion with the gang… Leaked out! 】

[But the righteous Rick police officer insisted that Fat Morty was not allowed to casually kill people. ] 】

[Seeing that Rick police insisted on stopping himself from killing, Fat Morty actually shed tears and pretended to be pitiful. ] 】

“Grandpa Rick, I don’t want to stay in this Rick City anymore! I want to be like a normal child… Get out and play! Go play a game console! “】

[Looking at the fat Morty in front of him and communicating with tears, pitiful look, police officer Rick still put down the gun in his hand. ] 】

[But all this is the trickery of this little fat man! ] 】

[As soon as he saw policeman Rick put down the gun, Fat Morty immediately pulled the trigger and killed the gangster boss! ] 】

[And then, he turned the muzzle of the gun and wanted to kill the policeman Rick to extinguish the mouth! ] 】

[However, I have already experienced Morty’s criminal’s “pretending to be pitiful” before, and the stab wound on his back is still painful! ] The current Rick cop… It’s not that easy to fool! 】

[Seeing that Fat Morty pointed the muzzle at himself, Rick police didn’t say a word, raised his hand was a shot, and burst this kid’s head! ] 】

[After killing Fat Morty with his own hands, police officer Rick walked out of the nightclub. 】

In front of the other policemen who heard the news, he knelt down on his knees and raised his hands in surrender.] 】

[Seeing this, the other policeman Rick was also shocked. 】

“Oh my God, what happened? “】

[And after a night of ups and downs, the mentality of “Police Rick” has also undergone earth-shaking changes, and in the face of the questions of his colleagues, he just said indifferently:]

[“The cliché plot is that Rick kills Morty. “】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Starlight: It’s outrageous, why is this Rick City so bad?

Wolverine: Outrageous? Little girl, this kind of thing is actually very common, you can see it everywhere in the streets and alleys.

Starlight: Huh? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Nick Fury: Well, compared to the previous factory that used “brain secretion” to make cookies, this is just a black… The story of the police…

Jeromé Valeska: Huh… I don’t think it’s that simple.

JJEROME Valeska: Don’t you see that? That cookie factory… On the one hand, it consumes Rick’s energy with simple repetitive work, and on the other hand, it uses the “happiness cookies” produced to consume their will.

Jeromé Valleska: And that “Morty Town” is to gather those extra Morty together and leave them to fend for themselves.

Jerome Valeska: Even used the hands of Morty cops to eliminate them!

Bruce Wayne: “Corny plot, Morty killing each other”?

Jerome Valeska: You finally get it, the ruling class of Rick City… That’s what I want!

Jerome Valeska: Rick’s energy and will are worn out, Morty is killing each other, who else can challenge their status?

Starlight: This Rick City… It’s terrible!

Starlight: If it were me, I would definitely find a way to escape.

Jeromé Valeska: Well said, the question is how do you escape?

Jerome Valeska: This city is located in space, and the manufacture of dimensional teleportation guns has been strictly prohibited!

Charles Xavier: It’s so sad that these “Rick and Morty” originally came to the city to escape danger, but it turned out … but became prisoners and even slaves here!

Captain America: No matter what kind of oppression you face, there will definitely be people who will summon up the courage to fight! Fight to regain your freedom!

Loki Odinson: Human, can you stop shouting these slogans, I’m a little sick to my stomach.

Captain America: Courage and freedom are not slogans! Only by fighting hard can you win them back.

Loki Odinson: Fighting? That working Rick was fighting. Let’s see how it turns out.

Rocky Odinson: Not only has nothing changed, but the owner of that factory can also make more money by relying on the “fantasy” in his head!

Captain America: …………

Just when the captain of the United States was speechless, a new image finally appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Since Rick killed all the members of the council when he raided Rick City last time, the current Rick City finally ushered in their first ever general election. ] 】

[Although, there is a Morty among the candidates, everyone is not optimistic about him. 】

[Even in the newspapers, they are just speculating… Which “Rick” will become president this time! 】

[And the hosts on the TV news are also mocking this Morty’s arrogance and ignorance. ] 】

[Seeing this, the campaign manager claimed directly to the Morty candidate… Their choice has no chance of winning and can simply give up! 】

[But candidate Morty said he had full confidence in tonight’s “final debate!] 】

[And in this final debate, those “Rick candidates” are all talking high-sounding nonsense. 】

[One of them, Rick, even juggled on the spot! ] 】

[It can be seen that these guys don’t take the election seriously at all! ] 】

[Or rather… In their eyes, all the electors are idiots! 】

[Finally, when Morty’s candidate spoke, his first words were amazing:]

“I don’t think there’s a difference between Rick and Morty! “】

“However, Rick City is artificial… Between Rick and Morty, there’s a difference! “】

“Not only that, but those who set the rules even encouraged Rick and Morty to fight each other and even kill each other! “】

“In the factory, the money that those part-time workers Rick can earn is only a fraction of the money of their boss! But in reality, their IQ is exactly the same! “】

“The biggest problem with this Rick City is that this city… It’s actually devouring those Rick and Morty and using them as food! “】

“But the most important thing is…”

[Speaking of which, seeing that he had attracted the attention of all Rick and Morty in the audience, Morty raised his right hand sharply. 】

“All the Rick and Morty in the city, please remember, in this city… You are the majority! “】

[“Yay! “】

[Hearing this inspiring speech, almost all of Rick and Morty applauded! ] Some even stood up excitedly. 】

[For a time, there was applause and cheers everywhere in the venue, and almost everyone… All cheering for this Morty candidate! 】

“No! This kid…”

[“How so? “】

[Seeing this amazing scene, the other Rick candidates looked at each other, their faces full of amazement and disbelief. 】

[They really didn’t expect that this little ghost… To give such an amazing speech! 】

[Moreover, it has caused such an amazing response! ] 】

[In contrast, their previous performances can be said to be completely crushed. 】

When Morty’s candidate stepped down from the podium, a surprised campaign manager stepped forward to congratulate him, but was immediately fired. 】

[Obviously, Morty candidates don’t need one, and they don’t trust their subordinates at all. 】

[The frustrated campaign manager comes to the bar and pours his sorrows on alcohol, but suddenly a mysterious Rick appears and gives him a document.] 】

After seeing the contents of the document, the campaign manager was shocked. 】

[On Day 2, the campaign manager was immediately desperate… He tried to assassinate the Morty candidate, but he failed and was arrested. 】

[However, because of this failed assassination, coupled with the previous inspiring speech, Morty’s popularity suddenly broke through the sky! ] 】

[Although he was not lightly injured in the assassination, Morty’s candidate was also a blessing in disguise and was elected president of Rick City with a high vote! ] 】

[And just after Morty was elected, the major business giants of Rick City immediately gathered in his general mansion. ] 】

[Facing the young president in front of him, a rich man Rick said nonchalantly. 】

[“Boy, listen up, we don’t care who sits in your seat! “】

“Whether it’s Rick, Morty or what’s a, b, c, d… It doesn’t matter! “】

“Even before that council was formed, the city was controlled by us, until now … It’s still the same! “】

[“Oh? “】

[President Morty asked calmly while asking a “barber Rick” to fix his hair:]

“Everyone agrees… What did he just say? “】

“Of course! “】

“That’s right! “】

Almost all the “business magnates Rick” in the conference room nodded, except for two. 】


Seeing this, President Morty stretched out his hand and gently snapped his fingers. 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[The two guards in the conference room immediately took out their laser guns and killed all those nodding Ricks! ] 】

[“Wow! “】

[Looking at the bloody scene in front of them, the two “commercial ricks” who did not express their consent were all stunned and stiffened on their seats, and the blood on their faces suddenly disappeared! ] 】

[They never dreamed that this little ghost president who had just taken office would be so ruthless! ] 】

PS: After the story of the evil Morty, next up, the second part of the Stan Lee album!

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