
[Two Bruce Wayne, or ...... The laughter of the two laughing bats permeated the sky over the entire Wayne Manor!]

[The level of the Joker's toxin in Batman's body has reached the highest 100%. 】

[At this moment, he has no fear, no pain, only madness and ...... Laughs!]


[Batman's crazy smile can't be stopped at all.] 】

["Forget about the past Bruce and become the second me!"]

[The laughing bat stood aside, looking proudly at the unrecognizable Batman in front of him:]

"It feels so much better, isn't it, my brother !!"]

[At this time, the laughing bat already held a tube of serum in his hand. 】

[As long as the indicator light on this serum turns crimson, it means that Batman's "laughter" is completely completed!]

[At that time, the most perfect and evil "Nightmare Serum" will be born. 】

[This serum can not only "nightmarize" the people of all Gotham, but can even be used to infect the entire universe and even other multiverses!]

[But that's not what the Laughing Bat really wants.] 】

[If the target is the entire multiverse, then the ...... to carry out this "feat of destruction" It can only be one person. 】

[Staring at Bruce Wayne, who was smiling like a "man in the mirror" in front of him, the laughing bat seemed to appreciate a beautiful work, and sighed in a low voice:]

"Looking at you is like looking at a newborn baby bat. "】

Slowly stretch out your toes, let go of the stone, spread your wings, and fly into the sky. "】

"But what happens next? You're going to fall to the ground...... Or is it soaring?"]

["As the one who inherits my will, how will you devour and destroy the multiverse?"]


[With a terrifying laugh, the Laughing Bat turns its gun and aims it at its head.] 】

[It turned out that this was his final plan.] 】

[If the Laughing Bat wanted to kill Batman in front of him, just like he did when he killed the Justice League in his own universe, he would have succeeded long ago. 】

[And the reason why he didn't do it was for only one purpose, that is, to wait for Batman...... Become the 2nd self and inherit everything from yourself!】

[Let the enemy in front of you inherit his will!]

[Become a laughing bat like yourself, or even better!]

[This is the craziest and most complete victory!]

["Go high, my brother, Bruce Wayne!"]

[Holding a gun to his temple, the laughing bat let out a final scream:]

["As the real Batman...... The Real Laughing Bat...... Fly to the skies!Lead your universe!"]

["Hehe...... I will"]

[Batman's eyes were blood-red, yellow mucus flowed from his mouth, and he replied in a muffled voice, "Brother, I won't let you down.] "】


[At this moment, with a soft sound, the serum in the hand of the laughing bat ...... A red light came on. 】

[Everything is ready, and you're done. 】

[As soon as the serum's indicator light turns red, the laughing bat will pull the trigger and ...... everything It's all entrusted to the next generation of bats in front of you. 】

[This is the ...... of the Laughing Bats The perfect curtain call!]

[But in the next moment, the smile on the face of the Laughing Bat froze.] 】

[Immediately after, he twisted the muzzle of the gun violently and pulled the trigger on Batman!]

["Da Da Da ......"]

[Bullets rain down on Batman's body, sending several blood holes through it.] 】

["Haha, I almost fell for your trick. "】

[In the laughter of the laughing bat, the joy of sudden realization was revealed. 】

[He figured it out]

[The Batman in front of him must have guessed the serum syringe in his hand...... It's produced by Wayne Technology!]

[So, Batman is definitely a hidden mechanism on his body, and he secretly manipulated the indicator light on the syringe!]


["Sure enough, it's a red light on the surface, but it's actually still a green light!"]

[Sure enough, after transforming his thinking into a laughing bat, Batman also gained insight into the other party......'s psychology! He tricked the laughing bat into committing suicide. 】

["Hmph, though I don't know...... Why have you been delaying for so long and haven't fully converted, but I don't care anymore. "】

[For Batman, the Laughing Bat, there is still hope. 】

[After all, it has been eroded by the clown virus to this step, and it will be transformed no matter what. 】

[With a cold snort, the laughing bat rushed towards Little Bruce not far away.] 】

[Although he is not as good as Batman in terms of "happiness", this little Bruce, whose parents are still alive, can also refine the extremely pure "heart blood". 】

[As long as you can kill him, you can also create a powerful nightmare serum!]


[Bruce Jr. fled all the way to the cemetery at the back of Wayne Manor, shivering as he hid behind a tombstone. 】

["Hahaha...... Boy, where are you going?"

[The Laughing Bat laughs and chases after him, and takes out a sharp blade from his hand.] 】

[But at this moment, the sound of shotgun gunfire rang out next to him.] 】


[It's Alfred!]

["I won't let you hurt Bruce, no matter which one it is!"]

["Hehehehehe. "】

[The laughing bat that was shot several times in his body is still laughing wildly.] 】

[Just as the Laughing Bat was standing up again, someone kicked him in the back, almost knocking him to the ground.] 】

["What? It's you?"]

[Looking at Batman behind him, who looked hideous and terrifying like a ghost, but still posed in a fighting posture, the laughing bat was finally shocked. 】

[How long has he been infected by the clown toxin?]

[Why hasn't it been fully converted yet?]

[What the hell is going on?]

[Just when the laughing bat froze in shock, Batman also activated...... He had already installed a mechanism in the cemetery. 】


[Five depleted uranium harpoons that even a tank can penetrate...... Shot out from all sides, piercing through the body of the Laughing Bat!]

[In the next second, a strong high-voltage electricity spread through his body along the harpoon. 】


[In the face of this terrible attack that was enough to kill ordinary people several times, even if the Laughing Bat had a physique far superior to ordinary people, it was electrocuted into a human form! 】

[In fact, when Batman discovers that the Laughing Bat has reappeared, he is in every possible way... The place where the final battle will begin... These military-grade weapons are installed!]

[But the laughing bat, which has been transformed by the power of the dark multiverse, can no longer be regarded as a human being!]

[After encountering such a terrible attack, he actually ripped off the depleted uranium harpoon on his body. 】

[At this moment, Batman did something that even the laughing bat didn't expect. 】

[He held up the tombstone of his mother "Martha Wayne" and aimed it at the madman in front of him.] It's a hard hit!]


[With a miserable howl, the laughing bat was brutally broken by "Martha"!]

["Hahaha! laugh, why don't you laugh?"]

[Under the long-term erosion of the Joker virus, the "strings of reason" in Batman's brain seem to have finally been broken. 】


[He picked up Martha's tombstone and used all his strength to frantically beat the laughing bat, which had lost the power to resist, as if to beat him to meat sauce. 】

[At this time, Batman heard another crazy laugh behind him:]

"Hey, little bat. "】

[Batman turned his head to see a man in a purple suit, with green hair and white oil paint on his face, raising a gun and aiming it at him.] 】

["Hahaha! you don't have to thank me!"]

[The Joker laughs maniacally as he pulls the trigger on Batman.] 】


[Finally, the Joker has come to fulfill the oath he made to Batman.] 】

[But, is the Joker really willing to kill Batman?]

[Two weeks later.] 】

[In the Bat Cave.] 】

[A machine is in operation.] 】

[All the dark metal is transported to this machine, and then melted down into residue.] 】

[Since then, no one has been able to open the portal, and there will never be a dark universe invasion again. 】

[Not far away, Bruce Wayne, covered in bandages, is watching all this. 】

[He wasn't killed by the clown, and he didn't transform into a laughing bat.] 】

[Surprisingly, little Bruce, whose parents are still alive...... The blood in the body is similar to some kind of umbilical cord blood!

[This blood cured the clown virus in Bruce Wayne's body.] 】

[Butler is extremely proud of Bruce Wayne's performance, he thinks...... Bruce resisted the invasion of the Joker virus by his own volition alone. 】

But Bruce doesn't think so.] 】

[He thinks it's all in the Joker's plan.] 】

[The clown used some unimaginable advanced mathematics to calculate the exact dosage, and even added some kind of inhibitor to the clown virus.] 】

[All of this is to make Bruce Wayne transform into a "half-laughing bat"! 】

[Because...... Only Laughter can defeat Laughter!]

Seeing this, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maximov: The final victor turned out to be the Joker?

Stephen Strange: Advanced Mathematics?Calculating the Degree of Toxin Diffusion?Does the Joker still have such advanced knowledge of mathematics and medicine?( ̄△ ̄;)

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hmph, in the end, it was the "boyfriend" who defeated the villain. This Batman is not as good as the Laughing Bat.

Hermione Granger: Male ...... What are you talking about, boyfriend? (⊙o⊙)

Bruce Wayne: The Laughing Bat is as quick thinking as I am.

Bruce Wayne: And he doesn't have any moral constraints and does whatever it takes. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have been able to beat him.

Jerome Valeska: Hmm...... Teleport little Bruce, whose parents are still alive, to the main universe and use it as bait.

Jerome Valeska: He even used his mother's tombstone to beat people!

Jerome Valeska: You wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing.

Jerome Valeska: But if that "variant" of yours doesn't do that, then he will be completely depraved and will never be reborn!

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