[With more and more people taking the stage to tell the story, Batman finally exposed another character flaw. 】

[He may value the lives of others, even his enemies, but Batman doesn't care about his own lives. 】

[The ninja master of the League of Assassins, facing all the guests present, preached:]

["I told Batman that if you join us, you can get eternal life!]

["However, he didn't hesitate for even a second, and turned around!"

[The ninja master's face was full of amazement, which quickly transformed into determination and coldness :]

["I gave him the pool of Lazarus, but he didn't give a damn!"]

["From that moment I knew that this person must die!"]

[He first used a conspiracy to frame Batman for murder, so as to force Gotham City to hunt down Batman!]

[Master Ninja originally believed that Batman could be mentally defeated by this means. 】

[However, although everyone is against him, Batman still persists!

[But when Batman was looking for a ninja master, he was stung by a poisonous scorpion in the desert and was poisoned to death......]

[Although this Batman didn't look like a super strong man at all, the ninja master's face was still full of respect when he told all this. 】

[He has already realized one thing:]

You may be able to kill Batman, but you can't take him down. 】

[The last person to take the stage was Superman. 】

[In Superman's narration, his last meeting with Batman was not very pleasant. 】

[At the time, as the embodiment of sunshine and hope, Superman did not share Batman's philosophy of fear. 】

"Our task is to inspire the masses, and we must do better than the average person, so that we ...... They can also surpass themselves by emulating us!"]

["And what are you doing? You're pretending to be a bat and terrorizing the people in the city!"]

["What is the difference between your approach and those wicked people?"]

[And Batman retorted:]

["Clark, I'm different from you!"]

"My mission is to act as a shield and protect the good people in the city...... Protect yourself from the wicked!"]

[Seeing that he couldn't convince his friend, Superman shook his head:]

"The wicked people of Gotham City have formed an alliance, and if you return to that city, they will definitely kill you. "】

[Speaking of which.] Superman, who was standing in front of the coffin, turned blue with an iron face :]

"You hear me say that. A terrible grin appeared on Batman's face. "】

He said...... If that's the case, they won't hurt other innocent people until they kill me!"

"That's good, take me home."] "】

[Superman lowered his head and said the last sentence sentimentally:]

"That was the last time I saw Batman. "】

[After listening to Superman's story, Ghost Batman, who was standing on the side, finally understood something. 】

[And at the moment of his "epiphany", a door suddenly appeared on the wall behind the coffin. 】

[Ghost Batman pushes open the door and walks inside.] 】

[There is darkness in the gate, but in this darkness, Ghost Batman feels ...... His own body began to gradually "take shape". 】

[At this moment, a flash of realization also flashed through his mind. 】

["Is this the brain's reaction before human death?"]

["I'm not wrong, am I?"]

[Batman looks at a pillar of light in the depths of the darkness, and the mysterious woman stands inside.] 】

"This is called a near-death experience. "】

["In this experience, my life began to repeat itself over and over again, that is, 'marquee'!"

"Although, those stories ...... It's not exactly my life. "】

[The mysterious woman whispered back:]

"Yes, Bruce, you're very close to death. "】

[Batman's face did not show fear of death, but used a bystander tone, analyzing all this:]

"During near-death experiences, humans also encounter deceased relatives and friends. "】

["That's why I met your ......"]

"Mother. "】

[In the pillar of light, the mysterious woman who had never shown her figure finally revealed her true face. 】

[Martha Wayne.] 】

[She was dressed exactly what she was wearing that day, when she took Bruce to the movies at night.] 】

[Around his neck, there was even that pearl necklace. 】

[But looking at the familiar face in front of him, Batman is still full of doubts, and his heart is full of doubts. 】

[He suspects that what he sees in front of him is just an illusion in his brain.] 】

[Martha Wayne didn't distinguish for herself, but just asked rhetorically:]

["Bruce, what did you learn from your own funeral?"]

["There are not many people who are lucky enough to attend their funerals, you must have understood something. "】


[Batman groaned and nodded slightly:]

["I see, even if they are not talking about me, but they are ...... Batman indeed. "】

["No matter what kind of world he is in, Batman will never retreat, he will do whatever it takes to protect Gotham City!

["For this, no matter what happens, I will never give in, and I will never back down!"]

[Facing his mother, Batman's tone was full of consciousness and understanding. 】

"I may die a vigorous death and die to save the whole city. "】

"I may die a trivial death and fall silently in a small alley. "】

["Maybe...... Everyone will betray me, attack me, and kill me in the end, but I will never give up. "】

["Because, I can't give up!"]

["My life is to save the innocent, protect Gotham City, fight against evil, and uphold justice!"]

[Batman's mind flashed the first story told by Catwoman.] 】

[Catwoman thinks Batman's life is too painful, but he can't stop.] 】

[In order to save the man she loves the most, Catwoman ends up killing Batman.] 】

["Batman's ending must be death, and there is no second possibility. "】

["Otherwise, can he still retire and play golf?"]

["I'm going to die as Batman, but until then, I'll fight to the end!"]

[After listening to her son's words, Martha nodded gently:]

"Yes, Bruce, you will fight until the last moment and then die. "】

"Because, you can never stop our tragedy. "】

[Martha stretched out her hand and placed it on Batman's shoulder:]

"I haven't seen much perfect happiness in my life. "】

["But your whole life...... Blissful indeed. "】

"When you were a child, you were with me, and your father, and had only a few happy years. "】

["This time, you've reached the end ......"]

[Batman asks in a low voice where he will go when he dies.] 】

[Martha tells him that Batman can't go to heaven or hell.] 】

[The only reward for being Batman is to continue to be Batman!]

[After getting the answer, Batman doesn't show fear or timidity.] 】

[He whispered good night to all the people, things, and things in his memory, and then ...... Along with Martha, he disappeared into the night. 】


[In the night sky. A flash of white light flashed. 】

[Under the illumination of white light, the bat lantern logo in the sky has changed.] 】

[The bat's wings changed into two hands, and it lifted a newborn baby.] 】

"Great, it's a boy."] "】

[In the delivery room, a nurse handed over the baby to the mother who had just finished giving birth. 】

[Martha Wayne, although still a little weak, still tried to hold her child tight, and a smile appeared on her face. 】

"Hello, little Bruce. "】

At this point, the screen gradually dims.

[End of "The Fate of Batman: Cloak Fighter"]

The chat group was silent for a while, and then there was an uproar.

Wanda Maximov: Hey, what kind of joke is this, after he's dead...... Becoming yourself again?(⊙o⊙)

Gen Mordo: This is the reincarnation of the East, or rather, reincarnation!

John Constantine: Bruce Wayne ...... Do you have to live your life all over again? It's terrifying!

Ghost Rider: The only reward for being Batman is to continue to be Batman......

Ghost Rider: What a terrible fate, he has been trapped in this reincarnation and can no longer break free!

Deadpool: Wow, I thought I was miserable enough, but I didn't think there was anyone worse than me!

Seeing this, most of the people in the chat group only felt a chill on their backs.

Before, they also knew that Bruce Wayne's life was unfortunate.

But now it seems that the word "unfortunate" is not enough to describe him!

Torrecchia: Because of the tragic experience of his childhood, he can only fight to the death as a strange disguised hero!

Torrecchia: Even dead...... We all have to go back to our infancy and restart this cycle!

Torrecchia: Whahahaha! It's horrible, it's terrifying!

Torrecchia: That human named Bruce Wayne, have you offended the Grim Reaper in your world?

Bruce wayne:............

Looking at the images that went black on the screen, and the various speeches in the chat group, Master Wayne first closed his eyes, and then exhaled heavily.

Bruce Wayne: If that's my destiny, then I'll accept it!

Bruce Wayne: At least ...... My mother was right, I was quite happy for the first 10 years of my life.

Bruce Wayne: As long as you can relive those years, no matter what life holds for you, it's worth it!

Wolverine: ............ Good fellow, even I'm starting to admire you.

Wolverine: In the face of such a fate, if you are weak-willed, you are afraid that you will kill yourself immediately.

Bruce Wayne: If I die, who else will protect the people of Gotham City?

Rampage Lori Jinx: You ...... You're sicker than I am. (⊙_⊙)

Clark Kent: Clark, no matter what the others say, I'm absolutely behind you!

And at this moment, the voice of the system sounded again.

【Ding...... Pick a random lucky member ......】

[Selected: Godzilla.] 】

[Start streaming the relevant multiverse live.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided to be: "Godzilla vs. Kong"]

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