
Watching the little girl eat deflated, Loki laughed proudly:

"I think too, that Scarlet Witch...... There's definitely a conspiracy with him!"

"The blackening mutation of these superheroes is probably not an accident, but the result of her careful consideration. "

"Loki, don't talk nonsense!"

Watching Loki desperately buckle the black pot on "himself" head, little Wanda jumped up angrily:

"You say, what kind of conspiracy can my variant have?"

"If she wants to monopolize the Book of Darkness, it's in her hands......! What do you do superfluously?"

"Huh...... Say whatever you want...... You can't deny that these 5 heroes were completely cheated by the Scarlet Witch!"

Looking at little Wanda's angry appearance, Loki suddenly felt relaxed and happy, only to see him spread his hands, suddenly his mind opened, and he said in an astonishing voice:

"I guess that the ultimate conspiracy of that Scarlet Witch must have something to do with the god of the underworld!"

"Perhaps, she wants to take refuge in Sithorne!

"Nonsense, nonsense!"

Little Wanda listened to it like thunder, and kept jumping on her feet, but she couldn't find any reason to refute it for a while.

After all, the Scarlet Witch in the video ...... It's too suspicious indeed!

If she hadn't asked Iron Man and the others to read the Dark Divine Book, how could this have happened?

At this time, Young Master Wayne stood aside and did not speak, but lowered his head and groaned.

"By watching the Dark Divine Book, you can see your own version of 'Darkness and Madness', and then. These versions will become a reality!"

"It seems...... How is it a bit like the Dark Multiverse?"

At this time, Tian Xiaoban suddenly asked weakly:

"What do you think, that Iron Man, why did he turn himself into a monster?"


Hearing this, everyone in the live broadcast room looked at each other for a while.

After a while, Young Master Wayne said in a deep voice:

Judging from the image just now, although this Iron Man once took off the armor on his limbs, his breastplate ...... But he never took it off. "

"And he often has to recharge his cuirass!"

"Combined with this intelligence, I think ...... This Tony Stark shouldn't have invented the Ark Reactor!"


Hearing Bruce Wayne's analysis, Peter Parker was slightly startled, and then suddenly realized:

"By the way, without the Ark Reactor, he can only live in that cuirass for the rest of his life!"

"This kind of thing...... Who can stand it?"

"That's why this Tony is so desperately researching that set of medical armor, just to get the shrapnel out of his body and turn himself into a healthy person completely!"

"Healthy people?"

The sentry suddenly sighed faintly:

Probably, he finally found out...... No matter what, it can't deal with those shrapnel. "

"That's when I had a psychological breakdown and went completely crazy. "


Tony listened to the black lines all over his head.

Is the psychological quality of "me" so fragile?

But when he thought that he had to wear steel-chested armor for the rest of his life, Tony also felt a little chill in his back.

Faced with such terrible mental pressure, mental problems...... It's not unusual.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[This is New York City.] 】

[Today, the city, as usual, is in a crisis. 】

["Snort...... Snort!"]

[Spider-Man swept over the city, spraying a large number of cobwebs incessantly!Wrapping all the buildings in cobwebs!]

[At first glance, the entire city looks like it's a spider's nest, with cobwebs everywhere.] 】

["Damn, what did that damn molecule do?"]

[While spraying cobwebs desperately, Spider-Man was still extremely nervous in his heart, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. 】

[Now the whole of New York City, both buildings and people, is slowly starting to crumble. 】

[Buildings began to crumble, and humans began to slowly turn into walking dead...... And madmen!]

[In desperation, Spider-Man can only carry all his spider web pages on his back and spray cobwebs frantically! 】

And while doing these things, Peter remembers Gwen's instructions to himself before going out:]

"Peter, remember to bring back a bottle of apple cider vinegar. "】

[During this repair journey, Spider-Man suddenly heard a familiar cry. 】

["Little spider!, come here, fight with me!"]

["No...... I will take this hostage. "】

[It turned out that Doctor Octopus was standing at the head of the bridge, waving something in his hand, threatening Spider-Man to start another showdown with him.] 】

[But worst of all, Doctor Octopus has it in his hand.] It's not a hostage, it's a ...... The arms of humanity!]

【Doctor Octopus...... Otto Octavis, like everyone else in New York City, became a madman. 】

["Otto, for God's sake, what are you holding on to?"

[Looking at the "arm" in Dr. Octopus's hand, Spider-Man only felt chills all over his body, but he had to step forward to face it!]


[And while the two were fighting, the mechanical tentacles on Doctor Octopus's back ...... It actually fell to the ground. 】

[Everything in this city is collapsing, even the steel tentacles. 】

[After calming down the Doctor Octopus, who was on the verge of a mental breakdown, Spider-Man came to the Baxter Building with his spider silk.] 】

[Here, he meets Mister Fantastic, barely sane: Reed Richards.] 】

[Standing in front of Mr. Fantastic, the little spider said in a voice full of exhaustion:]

"Tell me what you want, I have to go home and have dinner with my wife." "】

"Don't dwell on that fantasy. "】

[Reed Richards said in a deep voice:]

"Child, it is your duty to protect this city. "】


[Upon hearing this, Peter immediately became furious, and reached out to pull off his hood!]

[Underneath the hood is a tired man with sunken eyes and a bearded face.] 】

[It turns out that Peter's spider silk only lasts for three hours, and then it will decompose.] 】

[So lately, he has to wrap New York City in spider silk every three hours!]

[This practice made his whole person exhausted, both mentally and physically, and he was already on the verge of collapse. 】

[Mr. Fantastic sighs, and he tells Spider-Man that he has discovered a substance that can replace Peter's spider silk and will not break down so easily.] 】

[And to make this substance, you need "Venom", as well as a truncated finger of Mr. Fantastic.] 】


[Although shocked, in order to save New York City, Peter still reluctantly rushed to the streets to find Venom. 】

[It took a lot of effort for Peter to find Venom on the streets of New York.] 】

[But the host of Venom...... Eddie Bullock had already had a nervous breakdown and died. 】

[The venom now is no longer loveless. 】

[Seeing another old friend pass away, Peter couldn't help but shed tears. 】

[He invites Venom to possess himself, but Venom refuses.] 】

[Soon, the black symbiote that lost its host turned into a pile of lifeless slime in front of Spider-Man. 】

[At Reed Richards' orders, Peter collects a portion of Venom's corpse.] 】

[And at this moment, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned his head desperately...... Rush to your own home!]

When Peter opened the window and entered the house, he was stunned like a lightning strike. 】

In Peter's house, a female corpse was sitting on a chair, as if waiting for his return. 】

[That's exactly what it is...... Gwen Stacy's corpse. 】

[It turns out that Gwen, like everyone else, died because of a collapse.] 】

[It's just that Peter Parker, who is no longer in his right mind, admits this, and tries to deceive himself with various hallucinations to make himself believe...... Gwen is still alive. 】

[Stares at Gwen Stacy's corpse in front of him.] Peter Parker's face kept changing. 】

[In the end, he suddenly blew out the candle on the table in front of Gwen, and his body was also extinguished because of the candle...... Hidden in the darkness. 】

[In the Baxter Building, Reed Richards, who is alone, is doing research.] 】


Soon, he noticed a sound behind him. 】

[Reed looks back and sees Spider-Man crouching on the table, silently looking at him.] 】

["Peter, I'm sorry for Gwen, I shouldn't have talked like that before......"]

["Did you get Venom?"]

As he spoke, Mr. Fantastic turned around and continued to observe his research. 】

"Just add my finger...... You can craft a new cobweb......"]

["Peter, why don't you speak?"]

["What are you doing?"


[With a series of screams, the Baxter Building falls silent again.] 】

[On the second day, the whole of New York City was wrapped in blue cobwebs. 】

[It seems that the city has stopped collapsing, but the people in the city are still the walking dead.] 】

[Everything, not for the better. 】

[But at least, Spider-Man doesn't have to ...... every three hours anymore I'll go out and spray beads once. 】

Moreover, Peter did not wear a face mask anymore. 】

[Anyway, those walking dead in the city can't recognize who he is. 】


[Floating freely over New York City, Spider-Man suddenly stops on a blue web. 】

[He...... I am admiring my masterpiece. 】

And at this moment, Spider-Man's ears were heard. Suddenly, a small voice sounded:]

["Peter, please, help me ......"]

["I...... I hurt so much. "】

"I know, Reed. "】

[Peter's face was full of weird sneers, and he said softly:]

"But do you remember what you once said? You are responsible...... Protect this city. "】

Seeing this, there was another uproar in the chat group.

Reed Richards: Oh my God! !

Reed Richards: Is this Spider-Man a spider-web?

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