After learning of Pierce's horrific plot, the crowd was shocked at first, and then after the shock dissipated. What followed was anger.

Wanda Maximov: One-eyed dragons, are you S.H.I.E.L.D. crazy?

Nick Fury: ...... That Pierce is a hydra, you should already know this, right?

Stephen Strange: It doesn't make a difference, the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. is probably all Hydra except for you.

Tony Stark: Hmph, not necessarily! maybe...... This black braised egg has also been recruited by Hydra. Now it's just playing dumb and deceiving us.

Nick Fury: Hey, Stark, you can attack my personality, but you must not attack my loyalty.

Nick Fury: I swore I was going to fight to defend the Earth! Hydra guys are my enemies too.

Tony Stark: Without further ado, tell me first, how is your Insight program going?

Nick Fury: I was about to say that, actually...... You're all worrying too much.

Nick Fury: My Insight Project, it was only last year that Pierce proposed it at an internal meeting of S.H.I.E.L.D. It was only this year that it was officially adopted and implemented.

Nick Fury: Those aircraft carriers just started construction last month! It will take at least three or four years to ascend to heaven.

Wanda Maximov: Three, four years, is it really that long?

Nick Fury: Little girl, this is an aircraft carrier! And not one, two, but three!

Nick Fury: It can be delivered in three or four years, which is already beyond imagination!

Stephen Strange: If this man's words are true, then it seems like we can breathe a sigh of relief for a while.

Indeed, after hearing this speech, many people put their hearts back in their stomachs.

If that...... A flying carrier, which is enough to target the removal of anyone in the world, is about to take off, and no one can sleep peacefully.

After all, who is sure that he will not be ...... by Dr. Zola's algorithm Judged to be a danger to the hydra?

Hearing this, Tony's mentality relaxed a little. But his determination for revenge did not slacken in the slightest.

"After this live broadcast is over, we must immediately prepare to attack S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

His eyes froze slightly, and Tony only felt ...... I've never been so serious in my life as I am now!

Magneto: Hehehe, you humans are so pathetic!

Magneto: If S.H.I.E.L.D. is located in my universe, then as long as I'm here, their Flying Helicarrier will instantly turn into a pile of scrap metal!

Tony Stark: Oh, listen to your tone, plus your name. Do you have some kind of superpower that can control the magnetic force?

Magneto: You...... Hmph, human, you're a little clever.

Charles Xavier: Eric. If there really were air carriers in our world, then what do you want to do...... I don't think it's going to turn it into scrap metal.

Magneto: Huh. Charles, do you really think you know me that well?

Charles Xavier: Of course, the whole world...... No one knows you better than I do!

Faced with this simple and somewhat excessive answer, Magneto was stunned for a while, completely unsure of how to answer.

Wolverine: You two guys...... Are you flirting over the air? Don't stop me! When I see these disgusting speeches again, I don't even taste when I drink alcohol.

Wanda Maximov: Wowhahaha! Wonderful, we've got an extra couple here besides Loki and his silly brother. It's really fun. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o!

Magneto: Humans, what are you talking about? I don't understand.

Tony Stark: Is this guy really that innocent? And what does he mean by the word "human" on his lips all day long?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Well, Mr. Stark, I think we'd better not get into it.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Recently, I learned a strange term on the Internet. Called...... Secondary two diseases.

Tony Stark: Huh?

While everyone was chatting, the image on the screen also changed completely.

[Image continues.] 】

[In order to stop the implementation of the Insight Plan, the Captain, Black Widow, Falcon, and others drove to the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. 】

[But halfway through, the "bald head" of S.H.I.E.L.D. was suddenly dragged out of the car and died tragically in the traffic. 】

[It wasn't until this time that the captain and the others found out...... The Winter Soldier has been killed!]

[Just when the captain's car was stopped by the Winter Soldier, a military jeep crashed into it from behind!]

[The whole car is pushed forward by the military jeep, and the Winter Soldier also takes the opportunity to attack.] 】

[Faced with this terrible situation, the captain hurriedly grabbed the Black Widow and the Falcon, used the shield as a buffer, and jumped out of the car. 】

[Before everyone had time to catch their breath after they landed, the Winter Soldier fired a howitzer straight at him.] 】


[The captain only had time to raise his shield to defend before he was blown away by howitzers!]

[Seeing the captain being sent flying, the Winter Soldier and his subordinates raised their automatic weapons and fired wildly on the road. 】

[The most terrifying thing is that at the end of the fight, a Hydra actually showed up the Gatling gun!]

["Dada....... "】

[With the rotation of the barrel, the tongue of fire that was enough to tear the car apart suddenly swept like a storm!]

Looking at the amazing battle screen on the screen, even little Wanda's eyes were a little straight.

"Is there any mistake? Are those hydras waging war on the streets?"

Peter's expression was dull, and he said in a tone of disbelief:

“...... Even with this heavy weapon, they really don't care about anything. "

"Hmph, these lunatics are ready to murder millions of people in public, who cares about that. "

Tony said coldly, a hint of disdain in his eyes.

After mastering the Void Engine, this low-level firearms combat was not worth mentioning in his eyes at all.

Unless it's an army of thousands or missiles or something, ......

The definition of matter and the rewriting of concepts can turn the weapons in the hands of the enemy into scrap metal in an instant, or directly brainwash the enemy into one of their own.

The Void Engine, the power to modify reality, is so unreasonable.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the face of the enemy's Gatling gun, the captain actually picked up his shield and rushed over against the fire of the machine gun. 】

[In the end, he finally joined forces with the falcon and knocked down the enemy in front of him. 】

[But on the other side, Black Widow confronted the Winter Soldier, but turned out to be no match at all, and was even shot in the shoulder by him.] 】

[Seeing that the Black Widow was in a critical condition, the captain hurriedly came and faced the winter soldiers, and the battle was inextricable for a while. 】

[During the battle, the captain pulls the mask off the Winter Soldier's face. 】

[As soon as he saw the true face of the enemy in front of him, the captain was immediately stunned. 】


["Who is Bucky?"]

[The Winter Soldier doesn't seem to recognize the captain at all, and just raises his gun and wants to return fire.] 】

[However, due to the interference of the falcon and the black widow, he finally retreated.] 】

Seeing this, Tony said with a puzzled expression:

"The Winter Soldier is that Bucky? and...... He didn't even recognize Captain Mi Guo! This is really weird. "

As a doctor, Strange quickly came up with the answer:

"Perhaps...... It was someone who brainwashed him with some kind of drug, turning this person into a killing machine that only knows how to fight. "

"Is that so? What an unlucky fellow. "

Tony shrugged, a hint of regret on his face.

Captain Mi and his partner Bucky, in this universe, can be said to be the well-known heroes of Mi country!

I don't know how many children grew up reading their legends.

Who would have thought...... Such a legendary hero, but in the end, he fell to this step?

[Video continued]

[After the winter soldiers retreated, the captain and Falcon were surrounded by a large number of police officers. 】

[Faced with this situation, the captain still chose to surrender directly. 】

[But they were soon rescued by Agent Maria Hill.] 】

[Agent Hill took the three of them to a secret base, and no one expected that they would meet a boiled egg here who was recuperating from their injuries!]

[It turned out that although the boiled egg was injured at that time, it was not fatal. 】

[And in order to lure out the hydra hidden in S.H.I.E.L.D., he simply used puffer fish venom to weaken his pulse, and suspended his death through this means.] 】

"Haha! It's a variant of me, it's really a clever one. "

Seeing himself on the screen, with a confident and eloquent look, the boiled egg was also relieved, and the whole person relaxed.

It seems that even if you are defenseless, you still have the ability to turn the tables!

Not to mention, now he learned all of Pierce's conspiracies in advance!

In this case, if he can't catch all these Hydra remnants, it will be a big joke.

At this moment, the satellite-encrypted phone on the table rang.

"Oh, is it Coulson, you've already picked up Agent Melinda May?"

"Well done, then you're heading to a new base, where you're waiting for my orders. "

After arranging his subordinates who were completely loyal to him, the boiled egg turned his attention to the screen again.

He also needs more intel before he can take action against Hydra.

[Video continued]

[At the pre-war meeting, Lu Dan asked the captain and others to replace the chips on the flying aircraft carrier, so as to thwart the entire insight plan. 】

[But when the captain heard the words of the boiled egg, he fiercely objected:]

"We're not just going to destroy the carrier, Nick. We're going to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. as well. "】

[The boiled egg was immediately furious when he heard this: "S.H.I.E.L.D. has nothing to do with this. "】

[The captain said, "The hydra is developing right under your nose, but no one has noticed. "】

[The boiled egg retorted: "Why do you think we met in this cave? It's because I found the trail of the hydra!"]

[The captain said with a heavy face: "Before you found it, how many people paid with their lives?"]

[Now, the old face of the braised egg is finally a little unbearable. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the captain directly had a showdown with the boiled egg: it showed ...... As long as S.H.I.E.L.D. exists, then Hydra won't disappear!]

[The captain said categorically: "S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA, no one can be left!"]

[The boiled egg was shocked by the captain's words, and involuntarily looked to both sides. 】

[He never expected that both Maria Hill and Natasha Romanoff would be on the captain's side. 】

[Seeing this status quo of betrayal and separation, Lu Dan leaned back in his chair helplessly:]

"Alright, Captain, looks like it's time for you to call the shots."] "】

Seeing this, Tony clapped his hands and laughed out loud.

"Haha, that's a good point, it's worthy of being the captain of the United States! A place like S.H.I.E.L.D. should be uprooted!"

Strange nodded beside him.

"That's right, since the tumor has grown to such an extent, the only solution is to cut it off completely with a scalpel so that the cancer doesn't continue to spread. "

The Black Widow didn't move, but said calmly: "I also think that the current S.H.I.E.L.D. really doesn't need to continue to exist." "

And the boiled egg was sitting in the office at this time, and the whole person was completely confused.

Is this going to be hairy?

Didn't you say you'd go fight Hydra? Why is it now a ...... Going to take out Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. together?

If S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone, what should he, the director, do?

The more I thought about it, the more I had a headache, and I only felt that my thinking was stiff, and the whole person could only stay in this state of confusion and be speechless for a long time.

[Video continued]

[S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters.] 】

[Pierce will come from afar to serve as five members of the World Security Council...... Conference rooms have been introduced. 】

[But just as they were sipping champagne, the voice of Captain Mi came over the radio. 】

[It turned out that the captain had already sneaked into S.H.I.E.L.D. with Falcon and others and took control of the broadcast room. 】

[Next, the captain informed everyone in S.H.I.E.L.D. of Pierce's conspiracy through the radio. 】

[Seeing that his identity had been revealed, Pierce immediately ordered his subordinates to launch an insight plan in advance to lift the flying carrier into the air. 】

[At the same time.] Pierce also led his men to kidnap five directors. 】

However, the Falcon flew to the mothership with the captain. 】

[The two of them went their separate ways and finally succeeded in installing the two chips. 】

[Just then, the Winter Soldier appears and defeats Sam.] 】

[Next, the captain and the winter soldier finally face off.] 】

[Although there were some twists and turns, the captain still managed to stun the winter soldiers. 】

[On the other side, seeing that the success is about to fall short, Pierce angrily wants to execute the director who has been kidnapped by him. 】

[But no one expected that a female director would suddenly take action! 】

[It turned out that this lady was disguised by Black Widow.] 】

[Next, Black Widow starts to operate the computer in the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, to unlock everything!

[Seeing this, Pierce hurriedly said to Black Widow:]

["If you do this, your past will be revealed!"]

["Are you sure you want the world to see your true colors?"]

[In the face of Pierce's questioning, Black Widow's action to unlock the file did not slow down at all, but only asked a rhetorical question. 】

["Are you ready?"]

Seeing this scene, the braised egg, who had already fallen into sluggishness, couldn't help but exclaim.

Nick Fury: Natasha? Isn't that going too far? If you do...... S.H.I.E.L.D. is completely finished!

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