God of War Kratos: If I had to say, this "variant" of mine has indeed become weaker.

God of War Kratos: However, this "weakness" has little to do with his age.

Rocky Odinson: Haha, isn't it because of old age? So what?

Kratos: It's because of family affection.

Kratos, God of War: The bow and arrow of that Atreus imp have no deterrent effect at all.

Kratos: However, "I" reacted a little slower to the arrow shot by my son, and this is why I will be shot.

Wonder Woman Diana: Even a God Slayer with the blood of countless gods on his hands will have flaws when facing his own son......

Kratos, God of War: I'm not going to refute it, but if you don't even have the most basic family affection, wouldn't it be the same as those ruthless gods!

Thor: Hey, whoever said the gods must be ruthless.

Thor: At most, it's the gods you've encountered.

Kratos: Ha, stupid Thor, what do you think...... Are you qualified to say this?

Thor: You said that the god horse ??? (▼へ▼メ)

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.


[In the face of his father's reprimand, Atreus, who was already weak-hearted, didn't dare to speak up at all, but silently admitted his mistakes. 】

[Seeing that his son had ruined Kratos, he also suppressed his anger and continued on the road with Atreus. 】

[Actually, according to his heart, he actually wants to teach this stinky little 820 a good lesson!]

[However, now that the father and son are in the underworld "Helheim", crisis 4 is really not a good time to "train the son". 】

And just as the father and son were trying to leave the underworld, they actually met the phantom of Atreus here. 】

[It turns out that this is a vision unique to the underworld!]

[Whether it is life or death, as long as the person who enters here...... Memories of the past will appear as illusions. 】

[After receiving Mimir's explanation, the two move on. 】

[On the way, they actually ran into the immortal god "Badr", who also fell into the underworld. 】

[Although this unlucky bastard is immortal physically, he is also tormented by the illusion of his own memory. 】

[In front of Badr, a vision of himself and another woman appears, and the two "men" seem to be arguing. 】

["Witch! you don't have the right to do this to me!"]

["Badr" growls at the "woman.] 】

["Of course I have, I'm your mother!"]

["Shut up!"]

[Looking at the female illusion in front of him, the voice of "Badr" was full of pain:]

["Now. I can't taste anything I eat, I can't smell any kind of smell, I can't even feel the temperature!"

["Food, wine, woman, none of this means anything to me!"]

[The witch in front of "Badr" said softly:]

"Then you won't feel pain anymore, and most importantly...... You'll never die!"]

["Phew, I'd rather die if I live like that!"

[Listening to the voice of the witch's vision, Kratos and Atreus glanced at each other, and both saw the realization in each other's eyes.] 】

["This voice...... It's Freya the witch!"]

["It turns out that he is Badr's mother!"]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Rocky Odinson: Hehe, everything gets figured out.

Loki Odinson: This is called Freya Witch who "cursed" her son with magic.

Loki Odinson: Although Baadel will not die, he has also lost all sense and has become worse than dead!

Thor: It's so bad that you can't feel anything, whether it's a drink or a woman!

Thor: If it were me...... I'm afraid I don't want to live anymore!

Rocky Odinson: The Woman and the Wine ...... Is that what you're after?

Thor: And fighting!But what's the point of fighting if you can't even feel the pain?

Loki Odinson: Enough, don't say this crazy thing in front of me.

Loki Odinson: Now, Kratos only needs to find the "mistletoe" arrow and guarantee that one arrow will kill the tattooed man "Badr"!

Tian Xiaoban: Well, that arrow seems to have been burned by Freya.

Rocky Odinson: Stupid! It's hard to find this plant? It's all over the wilderness forest!

Tian Xiaoban: Even so, Freya and Kratos have a good relationship, are they really going to kill her son?

Thor: The battle between the gods is absolutely unforgiving!

Thor: That witch doesn't understand the meaning of a battle between men!

Thor: If I were replaced by Badr, I would rather die on the battlefield than live like a walking corpse!

Kratos, God of War: Stupid Thor, you're a real warrior despite your poor head.

Thor: Huh. Of course. []

Thor: Eh, were you just calling me stupid?

God of War Kratos: ............

[Image continues.] 】

Kratos and his son trek through the underworld, and eventually they found a large ship, which they transformed into a hot air balloon and rose all the way into the sky. 】

[But right in the sky, right in the sky of the underworld, Kratos once again saw the vision in his memory.] 】

[And this time, it is the image of him killing his biological father Zeus with his own hands!]

["This ......"]

[Looking at his young self and beating Zeus frantically, Kratos was stunned for a while. 】

["Boom la la ......"]

[At this moment, the hot air balloon ship crashed into a huge skeleton statue, and the hull of the ship jolted!]


[Kratos, led by Atreus, jumped off the ship and fell into a temple in the underworld. 】

"This place...... It belongs to Odin!"]

[Mimir's head, which had just fallen into the temple and hung on Kratos's waist, said with a look of disgust:]

["Even if I close my eyes, I can smell that old guy's disgusting taste!"]

[Kratos and his son enter the depths of the temple and find an ancient drawing board with Tyr's past depicted on it.] 】


With the help of Mimir's power, they succeeded in deciphering the secrets on the drawing board. 】

[It turns out that a long time ago, the god of war Tyr also designed the second ...... How to traverse through the 9 Great Kingdoms!】

[After learning Tyr's secret, Kratos and his son immediately turned back, found the pair of dwarven brothers in the temple of Tyr, and with their skillful hands, created a key!]

[It turns out that under the teleportation room of the Temple of Tyr, there is Tyr's secret room!]

[In the secret room, Kratos finds the "Unity Stone" left by Tyr]

[With the "Unity Stone" in hand, Kratos and his son enter the portal again.] 】

[However, this time they didn't take the "right path", but jumped off the teleportation channel!]


[Just as the two fathers and sons jumped into the "void" on both sides of the teleportation channel, the "Unity Stone" in Kratos's hand lit up violently!]


[With the help of the power of the "Unity Stone", Kratos and his son entered a certain realm outside the Nine Realms]

[Back then, it was through this "Tenth Kingdom" that Tyre freely shuttled between the nine kingdoms at will!].

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