Determined to find Freya, Atreus secretly left the Dwarven Treehouse. 】

[On the way, he happened to meet the world snake Jörmungad, and learned a new place name from the mouth of this giant snake. 】

[The refuge of giants, the Iron Forest. 】

[After breaking up with the World Serpent, it took some time for Atreus to really find Freya in the forest~. 】


[But before he could get closer, a large number of plant vines grew from the snow, and bound Atreus tightly.] 】

[This is Freya's magic!]

["Hmph, little ghost, did your father send you?"]

[Freya draws her long sword and aims it at Atreus, her eyes are full of anger, and it seems that she is about to stab it in the next moment!]

[Seeing this, Atreus first pleaded softly, and then immediately released a killer feature:]

You should know that my father was not the culprit who killed your son. "】


[When Freya heard this, her face immediately became ugly, and she turned around and said coldly:]

"I know that Odin is also responsible for this. "】

["But first, I can't deal with Odin!"]

["Secondly, he doesn't need me to do it, Ragnarok will take him!"


[Atreus immediately said:]

["I'm telling you, Odin came to the atrium not long ago, and came to my house, wanting to live in peace with our father and son!"]

"Odin himself told me that he had avoided the effects of Ragnarok. "】


[Freya was taken aback when she heard this, and at this time, Atreus continued:]

["Did you know? I've already read the prophecy that in Ragnarok, there will be an army of giants against Odin!"]

["I...... It may be the only remaining giant in the world!"

["Not only that, but the commander of the prophesied army of giants is none other than Tyr!"]

["My father and I didn't go before to save him from the dwarven realm!"]

["My father, me, and Tyr! as long as we add you, we have hope......"]

[At this moment, Atreus seems to have incarnated into Loki, the god of lies! 】

["Don't say it!"]

[At the end of the hearing, Freya's face changed drastically, and she suddenly cast a spell, summoned plant vines, and threw Atreus far away!]

[Immediately afterward, Freya drove Atreus away and asked him never to come back. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Wanda Maximov: Hah! Even the mad woman was almost bewitched by him.

John Constantine: It's worthy of Loki, even if he is still young, he has already awakened the most powerful ability!

Rocky Odinson: What's the "most powerful ability"? You bastards, will you just go against me?

Wanda Maximov: Well, that Konstantin was right.

Wanda Maximov: Your most powerful ability...... Isn't that the mouth?o(**)o

Thor: Brother, I think they have a point.

Thor: Growing up, you've never won me in a fight, but I've never won a fight either!

Thor: And you always like to lie to me, and I never find out.

Thor: Your mouth...... It's really amazing.

Loki Odinson: That's because you're stupid!

Loki Odinson: Listen to me, as an Archmage of Asgard, my greatest skill is magic!

Wanda Maximov: Magic?Isn't it a knife stabbing someone?O (∩∩)O haha~

Loki Odinson: Ahhh

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Ahem, stop arguing, now I have a question, can any of you answer me?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Why did that Lady Freya throw Atreus out and not listen to him?

Deadpool: Haha!

Deadpool: She's afraid that if she listens to it any more, she might be tricked by this little Loki!^

Loki Odinson: Hmph, what a foolish person who can't even see something so obvious.

Deadpool: Oh, do you really see something, and if so, why don't you speak it out and listen to it?

Loki Odinson: Hey, you think I don't know...... Are you trying to provoke me?

Rocky Odinson: But if I don't say, you really don't know how smart I am!

Brünnhilde: ......... It's ravens.

Deadpool: Huh?

Loki Odinson: Damn, why are you stealing my head?

Bruce Wayne: Odin's ravens?

Valkyrie Brünnhilde: That's right, Freya must have found it in that grove...... Atreus is followed by Odin's raven!

Valkyrie Brunhilde: That's why she stopped Atreus from continuing, or everything they said would fall into Odin's ears.

Tian Xiaoban: Wow! Speaking of which, that Nine Realms God King knows everything.

Rocky Odinson: That's right, and even I'm going to start reevaluating him!

Loki Odinson: Perhaps, this Odin is not as stupid as I thought it would be......

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[To no avail, Atreus can only return to the treehouse in disgrace. 】

[Before going to bed, he suddenly thought of the "Iron Forest" that the World Snake had told him before, so he silently recited the name of the place and fell asleep. 】


[Atreus really never dreamed that when she opened her eyes, she found that she had actually left the tree house and entered a strange forest. 】

["Here...... Where is it?"]

[Atreus wanders around the forest with a confused expression, and accidentally meets a black girl, and learns the truth from her. 】

[It turns out that this is the "Iron Forest" in the mouth of the world!]

[And this black girl is actually a giantess! 】

[Under Angelberda's guidance, Atreus saw a "prophecy mural.] 】

[This painting is a follow-up to the mural Kratos I saw on the "Temple of the Giants"!]

"This is...... Father!"]

[Looking at the mural, Kratos falls to the ground, and "himself" spits out "strange snakes"!] 】

[And more amazing things are yet to come.] 】

[I saw that the mural behind it was clearly depicted...... Atreus actually took refuge in Odin and became his subordinate!]

["This!this can't be!"]

[Atreus pounces on the mural in disbelief, his eyes full of disbelief.] 】

[And at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in his heart......]

[No wonder, Odin didn't hurt himself before, and said that he had found a way...... Escape Ragnarok!]

[It turns out that this is the end of Ragnarok!]

[Kratos will die!, and he will become Odin's lackey!]

["No, no, no!"]

[Under extreme horror and shock, Atreus's emotions lost control again, and his body also changed!]

["Roar...... Roar...... Roar!"]

[With a terrifying roar, Atreus's body swelled, changed, and finally turned into a huge wolf!]


[Atreus, who turned into a giant wolf, frantically scratched the mural in front of him with his paws, as if he wanted to destroy it!]

"Hey, hey, calm down. "】

[The black girl hurriedly rushed forward and tried her best to comfort the giant wolf, and finally calmed it down. 】


[The giant wolf, which has regained its composure, falls to the ground, and its body emits golden light again, and it changes back to the appearance of Atreus.] factory].

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