[After washing away Donna's memories, the Doctor sends her back to her home on Earth in a coma. 】

[Settle Dona, the doctor told her parents that she couldn't recall any memories of herself anyway!]

[Otherwise, Dona's life will be in danger!]

So, in order to keep Dona safe, his parents must hide everything from her. 】

[Whether she's seen the Doctor before, traveled with the Doctor, or saved the world with the Doctor...... It must be completely hidden!]

And just after the doctor said all this, Donna, who woke up, suddenly pushed the door and walked in. 】

[She didn't recognize the doctor at all, she just greeted her parents by herself, and then began to talk on the phone with her best friend. 】


[Looking sadly at the "companion" who had forgotten everything in front of him, the doctor turned around and left Dona's house, and walked into the heavy rain alone~. 】

[Walking into Tadis, the drenched doctor, looking at the empty time machine, suddenly appeared a trace of old age. 】

[He traveled alone for countless years, and finally found companions like Rose and Donna on Earth. 】

But now, everything is back to zero.] 】

[The Doctor Alone starts Taddis again, and the endless journey through time and space has opened a new chapter. 】

[At this point, the screen gradually dims.] 】

[Doctor Who plays ends.] 】

At this time, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: No, two companions...... It's all gone. (⊙o⊙)

Wanda Maximov: I can't say it's gone, at least they're all alive.

Wanda Maximov: Also, that Ross has a doctor by his side, so what's there to be up to?

Tian Xiaoban: It's not dissatisfaction, it's just ......

Ida Wang: Even if you have two confidantes for a short time, the real doctor, you can only choose loneliness in the end.

King Ada: What a pity.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, it's better not to have met them in the first place!

Doctor Who: No!

Doctor Who: As long as I can meet her, I'll spend as much time with him as I can.

Doctor Who: Whatever the future holds, cherishing and feeling the present as much as possible is the way I choose to live.

Dr. Demonized Strange: Hmm...... The Time Lord, who can travel through the timeline as he pleases, can only maintain mental stability by maintaining such a mentality.

Doctor Who: Bitter smile. If I couldn't do that, I would have been crushed by what I had been through.

Tian Xiaoban: However, the universe you live in is really dangerous, doctor.

Tian Xiaoban: There are even monsters trying to destroy the entire multiverse!

Wanda Maximov: Hmph, these madmen who live in cans should be completely wiped out, not even the scum left! Otherwise, the entire multiverse will be in danger.

Doctor Who: The Dalek race does have a penchant for destruction and killing, but simply exterminating them won't solve the problem.

Wanda Maximov: I think the problem is solved, since they are all extinct, it is impossible to pose a threat anymore

Doctor Who: What ...... Will I, who was able to easily exterminate Dalek, become a new threat in the future?

Wanda Maximov: ???

Bruce Wayne: "You" were worried about this, so you deliberately left Ross with the "Second Doctor".

Doctor Who: ............

Just as the doctor was silent, the system's voice rang out again.

[In 1968, a certain television station. 】

[In the studio, two scientists are guests discussing issues with the TV host.] 】

【“...... No, no, no, I'm not talking about viruses. "】

[An expert shakes his head:]

"Although humanity has always been at war with the virus, if we talk about the real threat...... Neither bacteria nor viruses, but fungi!"]


["Hehe......"] (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Hearing this unexpected answer, there was a commotion in the auditorium of the studio.] Many of the audience began to exchange heads and even laughed disdainfully. 】

"Well, I know what you guys think. "】

[The expert was not annoyed, but began to elaborate his theory.] 】

In his view, the fungus does not seek to kill the host, but to control the other. 】

["You all know that eating poisonous mushrooms will cause hallucinations, right?"]

"That's the biggest difference, bacteria and viruses can make us sick, but fungi can change our minds. "】

["And some people can even control the ant's brain after infecting the ant!At the same time, the ant's flesh and blood are used as food!"]

["Even so, the ant won't die yet!' because the fungus needs it to live!"]

[In the end, experts solemnly claim that such a fungus cannot survive in the human body, because the human body temperature is too high for them.] 】

[But if global warming, fungi may evolve to survive in human bodies......]

["By that time, tens of millions, if not billions of human beings...... can be controlled by fungi and become their puppets. "】

[Speaking of this, the expert's tone became heavy:]

["It is impossible for humans to prevent the invasion of this fungus, and it is impossible to treat ......"]

["If that happens, we're going to fail!"]

[Hearing such a terrifying "prophecy", everyone in the studio was stunned. 】

[Then the picture dimmed, and then lit up again.] 】

[Time has gone from the 70s of the 20th century to 2003.] 】

[In a house in Texas, there is a family of two. 】

As the head of the family, Joel is a single dad who lives with his youngest daughter, Sarah. 】

[Today is Joel's birthday, but he still decided to go out to work with his younger brother Tommy, and before leaving, he promised his daughter that he would bring her a cake back.] 】

And Sarah is also a sensible little girl, who is going to repair one of her father's old watches and give it to him as a biological gift. 】

[However, when she entered the watch shop after school to repair her watch, Sarah was hurriedly pushed out by the proprietress . 】

["Let's go, we'll close now."] "】


[Although full of doubts, at least the watch was repaired, and Sarah had to take this birthday gift for her father and embark on the journey home.] 】


[After returning to her street, Sarah is invited to her neighbor's house. 】

[But just when he was at the neighbor's house, looking for the video he watched with his father at night, an old lady sitting behind her suddenly began to writhe!]

["Quack ......"]

[This old woman in a wheelchair seems to be possessed by something, and it looks very weird!]

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