[At this time, a new image appeared in the light screen.] 】


[The rocket raccoon lying on the hospital bed in the Guardian of the Galaxy spaceship, his body suddenly twitched violently. 】

["What's going on?"]

Star-Lord nervously threw himself in front of the hospital bed, and hurriedly looked at Nebula with a solemn face. 】

"There was fluid in his lungs. "】

[Nebula sighed in a low voice:]

"The situation is dangerous. "】

[While the rocket raccoon was struggling on the hospital bed, in a trance, he seemed to recall a scene many years ago. 】

[On one night, the seemingly mentally abnormal "Supreme Evolution" called the rocket out of the cage and took it all the way to the laboratory. 】

["Tell me, P13, how did you know about the problem with microamino proteins last time?"]


[The frightened Rocket Raccoon didn't know how to answer, but stood in place with his feet stunned, looking at the Supreme Evolution's subordinates, and put a rabbit into the experimental cabin. 】


[After the experimental chamber was activated, the rabbit inside was instantly affected by the unknown fog and was forced to evolve into a rabbit-headed monster. 】

["Hum Hum ......"]

[Looking at the successful experiment in front of him, a crazy smile appeared on the face of "Supreme Evolution". 】

[Then, he lowered his head to look at the overwhelmed rocket raccoon and roared loudly:]

["Tell me, how did you do it?"]

["This ......"]

[Rocket Raccoon shrunk into a ball and said in horror:]

["I found out that there was a problem with the filtration system of the test chamber, which is why it caused ......]

["I know!!"]

[Supreme Evolution" waved his hands frantically and shouted restlessly:]

["With your reminder, we solved this problem. "】

["Then how do you know?"]

[The black man's roar grew louder and louder, causing the rocket raccoon to tremble.] 】

["I created your !!"]

["But how did you become so smart?"]


[Faced with this unimagined question, Rocket Raccoon is speechless, and he doesn't know how to answer at all.] 】

[At this time, a staff member next to him gently opened the experimental cabin and released the orcs inside. 】

["The original anger problem has been completely resolved......]

[The voice of "Supreme Evolution" is full of unspeakable emotions :]

"Now, we have finally created the perfect creature of peace. "】

["They're ready to go to the New World......]


[As soon as he heard the term New World, the rocket raccoon, who was still a little frightened, suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly asked:]

["Are we really going to go against Earth?"]


[Looking at the little animal in front of him, the face of the Supreme Evolution first showed a trace of astonishment, and then he sneered and said: (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

["You don't look at yourself, you're like a bunch of tattered stuffed animals!"]

["The only species that can go to the new world are perfect species, how can it be that you can be included?"]

["You're just a lab animal, we created you to learn lessons!"]

["You are the 89th batch of laboratory animals, P13."] "】

[The face of the Supreme Evolution is full of contempt and indifference:]

"Laboratory animals were never meant for the New World. "】

"However, as an animal, your brain is unusually smart. "】

[Reaching out and grabbing the head of the rocket raccoon, Supreme Evolution carefully observes:]

["This organ of yours, I would love to study it carefully. "】

"Get ready, I'm going to remove your brain tomorrow morning."] "】


[Rocket Raccoon was dumbfounded, but then he heard an even more terrifying conversation.] 】

["My lord, what should I do with the other experimental animals in the 89th batch?"]

["Do you need to ask? Cremate them all."] "】

[After leaving these words, Supreme Evolution didn't even look back, and left the experimental cabin directly.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group was also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: Good guy, this black man is really a complete mad scientist.

Tony Stark: Ahem, frankly, maybe you hate him. But...... It is not illegal to experiment on animals.

Tony Stark: In fact, most of the world's new drugs would not have been invented without animal experiments.

Bruce Banner: That being said, this rocket raccoon clearly has the same intelligence as or even more than humans!

Bruce Banner: Such creatures can't just be thought of as animals

Tony Stark: I'm sorry, I'm a big believer in scientific progress, but that doesn't mean it...... I'm going to "progress" to seeing animals as human beings!

Tony Stark: However, I don't approve of what this Supreme Evolution is doing.

Tony Stark: A raccoon who is even smarter than himself, and all he thinks about is dissecting each other and taking out their brains to study?

Tony Stark: What kind of idiocy is this?

Tony Stark: If he really wants to promote the evolution of the species, he should let the Rocket Raccoons join his group and become his right-hand man.

Bruce Wayne: This man must have been too arrogant.

Bruce Wayne: He doesn't see the creatures he creates as equal to himself at all.

Bruce Wayne: Probably, this Supreme Evolver has seen himself as some kind of god in the universe, a creator who can create other creatures!

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