[Supreme Evolution looks at the "anti-earth" outside the window of the pyramid and continues to talk rhetorically. 】

"Without ignorance and bigotry, the earth would be a wonderful place. "】

["It is precisely because of this that I have spent so much effort to reproduce an anti-earth in the universe. "】

"Here, you can only see the good and the good, and absolutely nothing negative. "】

["Okay, are you finished?"]

[Listening to the chatter of the Supreme Purification, Star-Lord just felt impatient :]

["Okay, okay, maybe your mother doesn't love you, so you want to conquer the universe, I've heard too much about things like that. "】

"I didn't want to conquer the universe. "】

[Hearing Star-Lord's words, Supreme Evolution looked at him with slanted eyes, and said with an unkind expression:]

"I'm just perfecting it. "】

["Less nonsense," 217 "I just want the key!"]

[Star-Lord suppressed the anger in his heart and roared in a low voice:]

"Give it to me. "】

["Then you give me that raccoon!"]

["You go die, I know what you did to my friend!"]

[In the face of Star-Lord's accusations, the Supreme Evolution suddenly became angry:]

["Everything I do is to make this universe a better place!"]

"Don't talk nonsense. "】

[Star-Lord remembers...... What I saw on the way to the pyramid by car before, I couldn't help but sneer and complained:]

["This wonderful world you have created is full of sin!"


[In the face of Star-Lord's accusation, Supreme Evolution took a deep breath and suddenly calmed down. 】

["You're right, this anti-earth is indeed far from perfect. "】

["So...... Like I've done so many times before. "】

[Supreme Evolution walked to the glass wall at the top of the pyramid, looked at the beautiful "Earth View" outside the window, and said coldly:]

"I'm going to destroy this scrap and start from scratch. "】


[Hearing this, Star-Lord was stunned for a moment, and his mind could barely turn for a while. 】

And see here. The chat group is also lively.

Tian Xiaoban: What? I heard you right, this guy wants to destroy this earth!(⊙o⊙)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Damn, he's playing for real!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): And, listen to him, this black man...... I've done a lot of things like this before!

Tony Stark: What kind of crazy "utopian plan" is it to create a replica of the Earth, and then artificially create a perfect group of "peace orcs" to occupy it?

Bruce Wayne: I have the impression that plans to create "heaven" in the human world often end up creating "hell".

Clark Kent: Ahem, to be honest, this "anti-earth" isn't heavenly, but it's pretty good overall.

Clark Kent: At least, it's better than most cities I've seen.

Wanda Maximov: This supreme evolutionary ...... I've long thought he had something wrong with his brain! Now it's really a real hammer.

Charles Xavier: I'm afraid it's not that simple, I think, what covers his face is probably not a mask, but a real face!

Wanda Maximov: Huh?

Charles Xavier: At the beginning, when the Rocket Raccoon was on the run, it probably hurt him more than he imagined.

Charles Xavier: Maybe it's because of this kind of trauma that this man's mentality is distorted.

Wolverine: Good guy, I've peeled off everyone's faces, but I didn't expect this little raccoon to have really ruthless hands.

Wolverine: But...... It's kind of weird.

Wolverine: This black man can even replicate the earth, and he has mastered such a powerful super-technology, why can't he recover from even a little trauma?

Charles Xavier: Who knows, maybe he has a different physique, and the general technology doesn't work for him.

Just when this kind of person was talking, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At the top of the pyramid, when Star-Lord is supremely evolved...... When he was stunned, a staff member next to him suddenly received a communication. 】

["I've caught 89P13 and I'm on my way back!"]

[It turned out that when Star-Lord and the others came to the lair of the Supreme Evolution to look for the secret key, the Supreme Evolution also played a "stealing home" and directly sent people to the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy to snatch the unconscious rocket raccoon back!]

["Well done!"]

[The staff listened to the spirits lifted, and hurriedly opened their mouths to report to the Supreme Evolution:]

["The object has fallen into our grasp... 0"】


[Supreme Evolution's expression remained unchanged, but he nodded slightly.] 】

[And in the next moment, the mechanical pyramid suddenly began to vibrate violently, and then slowly left the ground and floated into the sky!]

[It turns out that this pyramid is not a palace at all, but a huge spaceship.] 】


[Just as the pyramid spacecraft was flying off the ground, a series of earth-shattering explosions also occurred on the ground of the "anti-earth". 】


[In the terrible explosion, countless orc residents were all swept into it by the flames and shock waves, and died a miserable death!] (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[This is the Supreme Evolution's "Clear Plan"!]

[He wants to completely destroy this failed planet and build a new one!]

["I'm Groot?"]

[On the top floor of the Pyramid Spaceship, sensing that something was wrong, Groot hurriedly asked Star-Lord for advice. 】

[Seeing this, Star-Lord gave the order without hesitation. 】

["Shoot, kill them all!"]


[But in the next moment, before Groot could draw his weapon, Supreme Evolution used his superpower and blasted out with a gravitational wave. 】


[Star-Lord and Groot are hit by gravity waves at the same time, and they roll miserably to the floor, blood coming out of their mouths.] 】


[Seeing that the Supreme Evolution had gone, the staff who stayed on the top 2.1 laughed proudly: "You two fools, you can't even see the trap, and you even jumped in by yourself!"]

"This is not a trap. "】

[The corner of Star-Lord's mouth was bleeding, and he gritted his teeth and said:]

["As long as you prepare in advance, then this is a battle!"]

[At this moment, Groot's chest made of wood suddenly opened, and a round object fell from it. 】


[Groot throws the round ball into the center of the top layer of the ship, and then it explodes!]



[All the guards left behind by the Supreme Purification were all turned on their backs by the shock wave caused by the grenade explosion!]

[It turned out that Star-Lord had long expected that this place would be the Longtan Tiger's Den, so he let Groot ...... all over his body It's all full of weapons!].

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