[Video continued]

[With the ability to predict the future, Dr. Manhattan had long predicted Rorschach's arrival and knew the purpose of his trip. 】

[Rorschach wants Dr. Manhattan to watch the future and find the real culprit. 】

[Manhattan, however, says that his vision of the future has been blocked by a large number of tachyon particles.] 】

[The reason why this happened is probably because in the near future, there will be a full-scale black war. 】

[Rorschach wanted to continue the discussion, but Dr. Manhattan had lost patience and saw that he teleported Rorschach away with a stretch of his hand.] 】

[Hearing Manhattan's terrible future, his girlfriend Second Generation Silk Soul was a little worried. 】

[Dr. Manhattan explains that if the new energy plan he and the Pharaoh worked on together could succeed, then the war between the beautiful country and the eastern kingdom of Solstice could be avoided.] 】

[Next, Dr. Manhattan said that Silk Soul would call the second-generation night owl and hear her clearly.] 】

[It turned out that he had predicted that Silk Soul would invite him to go out to dinner with him, but once he refused, she would call the night owl. 】

[Manhattan said that he had to complete the experiment, so the Silk Soul could go out with the Night Stalker without having to stay in the empty room.] 】

Seeing this, most of the people in the chat group were stunned.

"This ...... What does that mean?"

Seeing the scene in front of her from between her fingers, little Wanda still couldn't help it and let out a shocked sound.

This blue-skinned Manhattan, it shouldn't be a brain problem, right?

It's normal that I'm busy with work and don't have time to spend with my girlfriend.

But you want your girlfriend to accompany another man?

What kind of brain circuitry does this require...... To do such a thing?

But unlike little Wanda, Tonydak's expression at this time also became very weird.

There are too many women he has experienced in his life to count, but almost all of them are dew, marriage, and fate, and he is not emotionally invested at all.

And this Manhattan doctor lives with his girlfriend.

In this case, he actually let his girlfriend go out and date other men?

Feeling the sense of disobedience in this behavior, Tony's gaze was a little more solemn.

This kind of thing is basically impossible for a normal man to do.

And this Manhattan mind...... Is it really okay?

Remembering Dr. Manhattan's previous statements in the group, Tony was almost certain that the blue-skinned man ...... Quite possibly the most powerful presence in the chat group!

Such a character...... If something goes wrong with the spirit, no one knows how much disaster it will cause!

[Video continued]

[During the dinner with the night owl, the soul reluctantly said that Manhattan predicted the Black War, and he seemed to be completely unable to keep up with his thinking. 】

[In fact, Dr. Manhattan has not only alienated her, but has even begun to alienate humanity as a whole. 】

[On this day, it was the funeral of the laughing artist, but the soul was teleported to her mother by Dr. Manhattan.] 】

[It turns out that the mother of the soul is also the soul of a generation, and she was once guilty of the laughing craftsman Qin back then. 】

[Therefore, the soul has always been obsessed with the laughing craftsman. 】

[On top of the funeral, Dr. Manhattan remembered that the laughing craftsman was with him in Vietnam·· What happened in the south. 】

[By Dr. Manhattan's side, the laughing master was able to kill the enemy with impunity. 】

[And what's worse is that before the withdrawal of the beautiful country's troops, the laughing craftsman even shot and killed a Huai·· Pregnant women. 】

[At that time, Manhattan, who was standing aside, accused the laugher of being too cruel, but the laugher ridiculed him:]

You could have turned my gun into steam, or melted the bullets, but you didn't do anything. "】

"You never cared about the lives of human beings. "】

"Doctor, you've been flying too high. "】


Seeing this, Loki suddenly had a smile on his face, and nodded thoughtfully:

"Interesting! This guy calls himself a 'laugher,' but he doesn't want to amuse anyone else...... Instead, they think the whole world is a joke!"

"Hmph! It's just a pregnancy... A madman who kills women. "

Little Wanda stomped her foot indignantly:

"This bastard deserves to be killed, this is retribution!!"

"This laughing man has even assassinated the barrel, what kind of thing did he do...... None of them are surprising. "

Bruce Wayne's eyes were slightly gloomy, and his heart fluctuated for a while.

In his eyes, a guy like the laughing master is at best an antisocial sinner.

But Dr. Manhattan is far more dangerous.

Judging from the current video, this PhD has extraordinary abilities and is able to observe the past and the future...... Much of humanity has been clearly lost!

Although he behaved ...... It seems that he still cares about the earth and the human race.

But who knows how long this relationship will last?

And the thought that such a terrifying superhuman might lose control made Bruce Wayne shudder a little.

According to the Pharaoh, even in the face of tens of thousands of black warheads, Dr. Manhattan is still capable of intercepting 99% of them!

What is the concept?

This means...... This blue-skinned bald head is itself the most terrifying superweapon on earth!

His very existence means destruction!


Thinking of this, Bruce Wayne's pupils suddenly shrank, and an incredible thought rose in his mind.


In the X-Universe, both Charles Xavier and Eric Lanshel have the ability to destroy the world.

But none of them seem to have lost their humanity and feelings, huh?

That Manhattan Dr. ...... Why is it so special?

[Video continued]

[Manhattan is becoming more and more alienated from human feelings, and once again the silk soul is angry. 】

[Looking at his distant girlfriend, Manhattan's eyes faintly revealed a trace of sadness, as if he already knew that the relationship between himself and this woman was completely over. 】

[After packing up his mood, Manhattan put on a suit and prepared to be interviewed on TV.] 】

[But because he was blocked from the ability to predict the future, he couldn't see it...... This interview turned out to be a trap set for him. 】

[As soon as the interview began, Dr. Manhattan's ex-girlfriend rushed out!]

[Ex-girlfriend sued Manhattan and made everyone around him get cancer, including herself!]

[Hearing this exciting news, all the reporters in the TV station were boiling, and they surrounded Manhattan and kept asking him all kinds of questions. 】

[Manhattan, who has always been calm, is finally angry in the face of this almost crazy verbal attack. 】

["I said, don't bother me !!"]

[With a loud roar, Manhattan teleports away all the reporters around him.] 】

[But this scene was also watched by thousands of people through the camera of the TV station. 】

[After teleporting all the reporters away, Manhattan also left Earth and came to Mars.] 】

Here, he recalls how he gained superpowers. 】

[When Manhattan was a human, he was a physicist. 】

[But in an accident, his body was wiped out, but his mind entered a high-dimensional realm. 】

[After many attempts, he reorganized his body like a clock and returned to the world. 】

Since then, he has the ability to disassemble and reorganize objects, predict the future, move in space, etc., and his strength continues to grow stronger over time. 】

[The high-ranking people of the beautiful country treat him like a treasure and regard him as an existence like the Manhattan Project.] 】

[Hence the name...... Dr. Manhattan!]

[When he first gained superpowers, Dr. Manhattan still retained a considerable degree of humanity, including men's strange thoughts. 】

[A few years later, when Dr. Manhattan first met the young and beautiful second-generation Silk Soul, he immediately abandoned his ex-girlfriend and got together with the Silk Soul. 】

[After all, his girlfriend was half old at the time, but Manhattan was eternal. 】

[Later, the general barrel personally asked Manhattan to intervene in the Vietnam War, and he agreed.] 】

[Within a week, Dr. Manhattan ended the war with godlike strength, and all enemies surrendered to him.] 】

Dr. Manhattan has been working for the Pretty Nation ZF ever since. 】

But now, he is tired of the chaotic life of human beings. 】

[After all, the universe is so big, there are too many things that only he has studied. 】

[In contrast, human feelings are too complex and have no value at all.] 】

[On Mars, Manhattan built a Crystal Palace, and it was left here. 】

Seeing this, the chat group was quiet for a while, and then there was an uproar.

Deadpool: Wow! Eagle!, are you really abandoning the earth like this? Living alone on Mars, aren't you afraid of being bored?

Dr. Manhattan: Even on Earth, I'm alone.

John Constantine: I'll go! What do you say...... Why is the forced grid so high?

Stephen Strange: That's probably what the big guy is.

Carol Danvers: Hmph, what kind of big guy? It's just a guy who sees a pretty girl and thinks differently!

Wanda Maximov: Sigh, man, it's all like that.

Tony Stark: Wanda, what are you talking nonsense? That's not what you're supposed to be talking about!

Wanda Maximov: Hehe, you're not supposed to ...... I'm defending that Manhattan doctor. Sure enough, the man ...... Ouch!

Wanda Maximov: You hit me on the head again!

Nick Fury: Ahem, Dr. Manhattan, I don't want to interfere with your personal choices. But you should also be able to see it. Behind this incident, there is definitely a mastermind behind the scenes!

As the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the boiled egg is definitely true love for the beautiful country.

So, even if it was instinctive, he didn't want to see Manhattan...... Abandon the beautiful country and run to Mars!

Dr. Manhattan: Huh...... I've already guessed who's behind this? Thank you for the reminder.

Dr. Manhattan: But I still have some questions, what is he doing all this for, and what good is it for him to force me away?

Wanda Maximov: He?

Just then, a new change appeared on the screen.

[At this time, the beautiful national high-level is already a chicken flying and a dog jumping.

[It turns out that after learning the news of Dr. Manhattan's disappearance, the Solstice Nation has already sent their blanket and guide... The bullet car advanced several kilometers. 】

[Under the analysis of the beautiful country's think tank, the move of the Solstice Country may be just a trial. 】

[Once they are sure that Dr. Manhattan has indeed disappeared, they will launch a full-scale attack.] 】

[Faced with a grim situation, the head barrel of the beautiful country directly decided to prepare to launch a preemptive black guide against the Solstice country·· Bullet attack. 】

[Even if you risk turning most of your beauty into a black wasteland, you will completely destroy the Solstice Kingdom!]

["It takes two days to prepare for launching a full-scale preemptive strike!"]

[The general barrel issued an order with a gloomy face:]

"Two days later, if Dr. Manhattan hasn't returned, what can we do...... Just pray that God is on our side!"]

"I'm going to go! Those regulars are really crazy. "

Looking at the total barrel and the military and senior officers on the screen...... decided to take the initiative to provoke the black war while talking and laughing, and Xiao Wanda and the others were all stunned.

"Destroy most of the beautiful country?"

Peter's eyes were a little dazed, and his whole body seemed to have lost his soul, and he almost fell to the side.

He really never dreamed that someone would make such a crazy decision in a matter of seconds!

"In the face of tens of thousands of black warheads, dare to launch a preemptive attack!"

"The fate of all mankind...... Is it in the hands of this group of neuropaths?"

Tony Dark's brow furrowed tightly, and even his eyes changed.

He really couldn't have imagined that just because of the disappearance of one person, all mankind might have to face a war of annihilation!

At this moment, the distrust of Zhengke in his heart was suddenly brought to the top!

Seeing this, the black widow sighed softly and said:

"The only way to see this situation is to get Dr. Manhattan back from Mars. "

"Otherwise, humanity may be finished. "


When little Wanda heard this, the expression on her face immediately became very weird.

Do you have to use beauty tricks again?

But in this case, who knows if Manhattan still loves his girlfriend?

What's more, that silk soul seems to have empathized and said goodbye!

[Video continued]

[On the other side, Rorschach is still trying his best to find the prisoner who killed the laughing man. 】

[But during one operation, he fell for a conspiracy set up by the enemy and was arrested by the police.] 】

[After being caught, Rorschach's true colors were revealed. 】

[It turned out that he was the homeless man who had been standing on the street holding signs!]

[Even if he is reduced to the bottom of the society, this man ...... I still haven't forgotten the just cause of promoting good and punishing evil!]

[Rorschach was imprisoned in a felony prison, and more than half of the felons in this prison were sent in!]

[In the middle of lunch, a black criminal tried to kill Rorschach. 】

[But Rorschach defeated him in an instant, and poured all the boiling oil in the cook's pot on the head of this criminal.] 】


[Seeing the black man being burned with boiling oil and letting out a scream of pain, Rorschach looked around at the sinners around him and said fearlessly:]

["You don't seem to have figured it out, it's not that I'm forced to be locked up with you, it's you who are locked up with me!"]

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