[Video continued]

[Seeing the fighter plane falling into the sea, Diana immediately jumped into the water to find out, and then rescued a pilot from the fighter. 】

[Seeing the man she had never seen before, Diana's eyes were full of surprise and curiosity. 】

[At this moment, another Mondstadt naval fleet, chasing the downed plane, also broke into the territorial waters of Paradise Island,]

[In the face of the enemy's invasion, Diana's mother, Queen Hippolydi, led the Amazonian warriors to arrive in time and started a big battle with the incoming Mondstadt soldiers. 】

[Since the Mondstadt army is equipped with modern weapons, the Amazons, who are only armed with spears and bows and arrows, are still falling behind. 】

[These women are not only skilled in combat, but also physically far superior to ordinary humans, and in the end, they successfully fought back and wiped out all the landing Mondstadt troops. 】

However, despite the victory, the Amazons also lost a lot of people in the battle. 】

[The queen wanted to know why these men had suddenly come to Paradise Island, so she began to interrogate the male pilot.] 】

[Under the power of the artifact mantra lasso, this man poured out all the truth, including his name. 】

[It turns out that his name is Steve Trevor, and he is a spy sent to Mondstadt's army by the Netherworld.] 】

[Not long ago, he found out that General Ludendorff of Mondstadt was asking "Dr. Poison Gas" to develop a new type of poison gas that could kill millions of people. 】

[Steve was unable to stop the development of Poison Gas, but he stole the research notes of "Dr. Poison Gas" anyway.] 】

[Those Mondstadt soldiers pursued him for this reason. 】

[After hearing the truth, Diana believes that it must be Ares, the god of war, who provoked the war. 】

[So, she hopes that her mother can let him go back with this human named Steve, defeat Ares, and save the human!]

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Captain of the United States: General Ludendorff......! Is this World War I?

Diana, you have lived from the era of the First World War to the present? How is it that your appearance has not changed at all??? (⊙o⊙)

Wonder Woman Diana: Back then. When Zeus used his divine power to build Paradise Island, he also set up an enchantment.

Wonder Woman Diana: As long as they are within the barrier, the people on the island can live forever and will not die.

Bruce Wayne: No wonder there are no children on the island, since they don't age, there is no need for them to reproduce.

Bruce Wayne: But...... It seems a little strange that under the protection of this magical enchantment, you can still grow from a child to an adult.

Wonder Woman Diana: Bruce Wayne! If you keep snooping on women's privacy like this, it's going to be annoying.

Bruce Wayne: Haha! I'm a very likable guy in Gotham City's social circles.

Bruce Wayne: And, Diana, you're not really answering our questions.

Bruce Wayne: According to my research, the name Diana Prince has been around the world for a long time.

Bruce Wayne: In other words, you've lived on earth for decades since World War I, and you haven't returned to Paradise Island!

Bruce Wayne: You've left the magical enchantment set by Zeus, why...... Can you still maintain your youthful looks?

Wonder Woman Diana: ...... Bruce Wayne, what exactly do you want to know?

Bruce Wayne: I want to know everything about you.

Ganata, the Daughter of the Swallowing Stars: Wow!Bruce!What do you mean by that?Woo declaration?O(∩_∩)O

Wonder Woman Diana: No, it's just a patient with severe persecution paranoia, who is experiencing symptoms at the onset of the disease.

Wonder Woman Diana: He first suspected that Superman was going to harm the world, and now, he just pointed the finger at me.

After watching so many images, Diana has a deep understanding of Bruce Wayne's character.

In the eyes of this man, everyone is suspicious, and everyone can be a threat.

Clark Kent: Heavy ...... Severe persecution paranoia? (⊙_⊙)

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Is this how the big guys quarrel?

Rocky Odinson: What is a quarrel? Fight! Fight! ^_^

Bruce Wayne: Hehe, where did you go? Diana and I just had an in-depth exchange of views on issues of mutual interest in a cordial and friendly atmosphere.

Bruce Wayne: Also, I've guessed what was going on now.

Bruce Wayne: Diana, you're not just the only little girl on Paradise Island. And, even if you leave the island, you can still live forever!

Bruce Wayne: All of this points to one person, and that's your mysterious father!

Wonder Woman Diana: ............ Sigh, it seems that no matter what I answer, you can guess the answer.

God of War Kratos: Hehe...... Interesting, a little girl with a mysterious father. Moreover, this child is not only immortal, but also able to control the artifact!

Kratos: Woman, I already know who you are, your father is a god and you're a demigod!

Kratos, the god of war: Those disgusting gods often sow seeds everywhere in the world, and the first ones bear the brunt of ...... Naturally, it's Zeus!

After sitting on the throne of the god of war, Kratos's vision and experience are far beyond ordinary people, and he naturally knows more about the gods and goddesses.

And the actions of these hypocritical gods also intensified his contempt and disdain for the gods.

Starlight: Sowing ............ ( ̄△ ̄;)

Stephen Strange: I remember that in Greek mythology, Zeus, the god-king, was very indecent.

Stephen Strange: At one point, he even transformed into a horse and robbed the Phoenician princess Europa.

Starlight: A horse?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): This and this...... I feel a little dizzy. ╥﹏╥

Wanda Maximov: Scum!Is this kind of product also worthy of being called a god king?(╯‵□)╯(┻━┻

Thor: This kind of garbage-like guy. To be able to add the same title as my father's king is simply a mistake!

Wonder Woman Diana: ...............

Watching everyone in the group scolding Zeus, Diana herself was speechless.

In all fairness, she has no feelings for her biological father, who she has never even met.

But in the face of this situation, Diana still felt a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Diana suddenly discovered that Bruce Wayne had said even more shocking things in the group!

Bruce Wayne: That's right, Ares, the god of war, killed all the Olympian gods, leaving only one Zeus!

Bruce Wayne: So, Diana's father could only be him!

Bruce Wayne: Now that we know that Diana's biological father was Zeus, then ...... All these clues can be connected.

Peter Parker: All the clues, what else? My head is still a little dizzy.

Bruce Wayne: From the previous footage, we know that Zeus, after defeating the god of war, Ares, used the remnants of his divine power to create Paradise Island, and also left a god-killing weapon on the island.

Bruce Wayne: But now it's clear what he left on the island...... Actually, it's a daughter!

Wonder Woman Diana: You !!

Kratos, the god of war: A demigod daughter? worthy of Zeus, that's really his way of doing things.

Kratos, the god of war: Never dirty your hands unless you have to, but only use others as tools! This is the god king of Olympus! Hahaha!

Starlight: Uh...... What are you talking about? I still don't understand. (O_O)

Stephen Strange: I see, in all the Greek mythology I've read, the most powerful characters are often not the real gods, but the demigods!

Stephen Strange: Once these demigod heroes are in power, even the true gods can't beat them!

Bruce Wayne: The ...... that Zeus hit That's the idea!

Bruce Wayne: What Zeus wants, Diana to kill Ares!

Bruce Wayne: The real god-killing weapon he left behind on Paradise Island wasn't the sword, it was Diana herself!

Wanda Maximov: What? Diana is the god-killing weapon?

Invincible Young Hero: Treating people as weapons, and the object is still his own daughter, this is too much!

Thinking of his father's love for him, the face of the invincible young man Mark suddenly showed a trace of anger.

By now, he has accepted the existence of so-called "parallel universes", or "otherworldly gods".

However, as the king of the gods, he ...... his own flesh and blood It's too much to treat it like a tool!

Mount Olympus, the Temple of the God of War.

"Use people as god-killing weapons to kill Ares!"

Sitting on the throne of the god of war, Kratos's face suddenly sank, his eyes were fierce, and his body was even more murderous.

Bruce Wayne's words just hit the old scar in his heart.

Back then, the gods led by Zeus regarded him as a ...... A weapon to take down Ares!

And the most hateful thing is that after Kratos killed Larys, the gods actually broke their promise and continued to put him in this situation surrounded by endless nightmares!

The thought that even if you are a god of war, you will still see it in nightmares...... The wife and daughter who were killed by his own hands, Kratos gritted his teeth with hatred!

The veins on his forehead protruded, and Kratos said a word from between his teeth.

"Zeus, no matter what world you are in, your meanness has not changed in the slightest!"

DC Cinematic Universe, in a luxury condominium.

“............ What a great guy. "

Looking at the constantly flashing barrage on the screen without blinking, Diana Prince's eyes widened, and there was already a faint hint of amazement in his eyes.

She really didn't expect that although she hadn't leaked any news from beginning to end, this Bruce Wayne, just based on those few images on the screen, would turn his life experience and Zeus's plot ...... It's all deduced!

This guy's mind is really unbelievably smart!

"If this man's suspicions weren't so severe...... It's a good object. "

The corners of her mouth curved slightly, and Diana suddenly smiled easily.


Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Queen Hippolydi refused Diana's request to participate in human strife, but Diana insisted on going, so one night, with an artifact, prepared to sneak out of Paradise Island with Steve. 】

[Just as the two were about to get on the boat, the queen arrived. 】

[Sensing that her daughter had made up her mind, Queen Hippolydi did not continue to stop her, but gave Diana the crown that represented the strongest warrior. 】

[After coming to the human world with Steve, Diana made a lot of jokes because she didn't adapt to modern society. 】

[Steve finally succeeded in handing Dr. Poison Gas's notes to his boss, but no one was able to decipher the text on the notes.] 】

[Fortunately, as a princess of Paradise Island who knows hundreds of languages, Diana showed her skills and successfully deciphered the contents of the notes in front of a group of generals. 】

[It turns out that Dr. Poison Gas has invented a new poison gas, and even the gas mask can't resist it, so Steve decides that he should take the initiative and completely destroy the factory that produces poison gas.] 】

[But the generals believed that the German army was already about to surrender, and there was no need to do more.] 】

[Diana was furious when she heard this, and pointed at the generals' noses and scolded them.] 】

Seeing that they can't count on the army, Steve and Diana decide to recruit some people privately and go to the front line to destroy the gas factory. 】

[Moreover, they also received the patronage of Sir Patrick, who was in a high position.] 】

[On the way to the front line, Diana found a lot of displaced civilians. 】

[And she also heard that there are many civilians trapped on the other side of the no-man's land.] 】

Faced with this tragic situation, Diana decided to cross the no-man's land to save the civilians there. 】

[But Steve says they should concentrate on their mission :]

["I'm sorry, Diana, we can't save everyone, it's not our mission!"]

[Listening to Steve's words, Diana turned around unconvinced, reached out to untie the bun on her head, and put on the crown of being the champion warrior of Paradise Island. 】

[Next, she said to Steve:]

["No, saving these civilians is my mission now!"]

[Stripped off her modern outfit, Diana equipped all the artifacts she brought out of Paradise Island, and then walked into the line of fire in a dignified manner. 】

【Wonder Woman Diana...... Now it's time to go to war!]

PS: Regarding God of War, it was decided to start broadcasting the manga first, and finally finish the seven parts in chronological order. ^_^

This week, after God of War, it's Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet!

PS2: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for full support!

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