[When young Dr. Anderson finally arrives at the containment site, he is greeted by the top person in charge of the SCP-231 project...... Dr. Gregory, who is very old. 】

[The two barely exchanged pleasantries, just walked silently towards SCP231-7's containment site.] 】

[Dr. Anderson can't hear anything but footsteps.] 】

[Finally, the two walked to a double door, and Anderson clearly saw the nameplate embedded in the door. 】

[Item No: SCP-231-7]

[Object Class: Keter]

[Just seeing the term "Keter" makes Dr. Anderson's heart move.] 】

[In the Foundation, so-called "Keter"-class containments are anomalous individuals that are difficult to eliminate, uncontrollable, or even nearly impossible to contain. 】

[Dr. Anderson has been with the Foundation for a long time, but he does not know how many anomalous individuals the Foundation contains. 】

[Of all the individuals he knows, the most well-known "Keter"-class containment object is SCP-682, the Immortal Lizard!]

[This big lizard not only has a fierce personality and kills people when it sees them, but also has an almost absolute immortal body!]

[The Foundation has tried to kill it countless times, but in vain.] was also found by 682 to find an opportunity and escaped many times, causing many casualties. 】

[If there was even a little bit of luck in Dr. Anderson's heart before this, it is now gone. 】

[As he could see, the rumored "Seventh Pregnant Woman" was indeed a dangerous SCP!

[At this moment, Dr. Gregory opened the door directly in front of the two of them.] 】

[Dr. Anderson walks in and sees that this is not a containment room, but a monitoring room with several large screens. 】

[But on all screens, only one empty room is displayed.] 】

[Not only that, but Dr. Anderson also noticed that on the main console of this monitoring room, a large amount of medical information and vital organ statistics were also displayed.] 】

[Including heart rate index, brain wave curve, etc., etc., etc., etc......., etc.,

[The thought of the meaning of this medical information sends a chill down the back of Dr. Anderson.] 】

[Just when Dr. Anderson was a little restless, a voice suddenly sounded on the radio in the monitoring room:]

["Warning: The Montauk process is about to begin in 5 minutes, all personnel are requested to report to their posts."] "】

[As soon as he heard this voice, Dr. Anderson felt that he was overturned for a moment, and he almost vomited.] 】

[At this time, Dr. Grigory, who had been silent, suddenly patted him on the shoulder:]

"Take it easy, Doctor, I think you'll find that this mission isn't as bad as you think. "】

["Not that bad?"]

[The muscles on Dr. Anderson's face twitched, and he managed to squeeze out an ugly smile.] 】

[A few minutes later, the radio in the monitoring room sounded again:]

["Attention all personnel: The Montauk procedure begins now!"]

[Dr. Anderson desperately suppresses the tension in his heart and turns his gaze to the surveillance screen in front of him.] 】

[I saw the empty room on the screen, and suddenly opened the door, and two nurses walked in with a girl.] 】

[When Dr. Anderson saw the little girl's face, he felt that the blood in his body was about to freeze, and he almost fainted for a while. 】

[This child, how can it be the 7th ......]

[Soon, Dr. Anderson noticed the anomaly!]

[The little girl's belly bulges unusually, and it looks like she is pregnant!]

[It was only then that he remembered some of his previous investigations into SCP-231.] 】

[The 7 pregnant women were kidnapped by the "Son of the Crimson King" Shoe Sect, and then they became pregnant inexplicably. 】

[It wasn't a man who caused them to conceive a fetus, but a bizarre shoe ritual.] 】

[That is, the fetus in their womb...... It was not conceived, it was "given" by a powerful and terrifying otherworldly being. 】

[This situation is somewhat similar to the "Virgin Mary" in religious myths and legends. 】

[The only difference is that the existence given to them is not a god, but a demon from another world.] 】

[At this moment, Dr. Gregory gives the order to the intercom in front of him:]

["SCP-231-7 is in place, release D-class personnel."] "】

[Immediately after, the door to the little girl's room opens again, and a D-class personnel wearing standard Foundation clothing enters.] 】

[The D-class is still holding an object in his hand, but due to the angle, Dr. Anderson has not been able to see it clearly.] 】


[When this tall and strong, even somewhat hideous D-class personnel...... As he walked over to the little girl, Dr. Anderson felt his heart beat to his throat, and he almost couldn't breathe. 】

[Due to excessive nervousness, his eyes turned a little black!]


[Just then, he heard Dr. Gregory's voice:]

"You can get started. "】

[As Dr. Anderson watched in horror, the D-class walked up to the little girl, sat down in a chair, and spread what he was holding on his knees.] 】

[That's a book.] 】

["Hello, Catherine, see you again,"]

[D-class personnel say softly:]

["Tonight I brought you a new story called Goodnight Moon, do you want to hear it."] "】


[The little girl nodded vigorously, and at the same time grabbed the toy in her hand in front of the murderer.] 】

[It was only then that Dr. Anderson discovered that the little girl with a strong belly was still holding a stuffed bunny toy in her hand.] 】

["It was ...... a long, long time ago"]

[D-class reads a children's book in their hand and tells Catherine a bedtime story.] 】

[In the soft voice, the little girl grabbed the stuffed rabbit toy and fell asleep on the pass. 】

[After telling the story, the man closed the book and stood up, reached out and touched the little girl's head, then turned around and walked out of the room. 】


[Looking at the incredible sight in front of him, Dr. Anderson was completely stunned. 】

[At this moment, he stood stiffly and motionless. The expression on his face became extremely exciting, and he could hardly believe his eyes for a while!]

[This is the Montauk procedure?]

[How is that possible?]

[Is he crazy?]

[Could it be...... Is this some kind of spirit, spirit, pollution, and pollution?]

[When he saw SCP-231-7, he was already hallucinating and couldn't help himself?]

[At this moment, a calm voice sounded in the monitoring room:]

["The Montauk procedure ends."] "】


[Dr. Anderson turned around and saw the white-haired Dr. Gregory standing behind him, looking at him calmly:]

["How's it going, Dr. Anderson?

["Uh, I- no, nothing out of the ordinary, except, uh...... Except-"]

[Dr. Anderson was completely stupid, not only did he not make sense of the words, but he almost bit his tongue when he spoke. 】

[Seeing this, Dr. Rigori has a strange smile on his face:]

["The only anomaly, I guess...... It's just that the Montauk program is not what you expected. "】

[Dr. Anderson only felt a dry throat and swallowed involuntarily:]

["As far as I know, the Montauk program ...... It seems like...... No...... This one. "】

"What have you heard...... It's what the Foundation wants you to know. "】

[Dr. Grigory puts his hand on the shoulder of the young man in front of him.] Explained the ins and outs to him. 】

[It turns out that the Montauk program has never been some kind of terrible suffering... Punishment. 】

[But if you want this kind of program to work, you have to deceive everyone and make them all believe...... It really is. 】

[Especially...... The Scarlet King himself!]

PS: The big chapter can't be sent, and there will be 2 more chapters later.

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