"Will you ask Azathoth for divine magic?"

Hearing this appalling answer, the vast majority of people in the live broadcast room were stunned.

And they looked at little Wanda as if they were looking at a ghost.

Tony Starck also felt that his throat was a little dry, and he couldn't help but swallow his saliva, so he tentatively asked:

"What kind of conditions do you need to perform this kind of magic trick?"

At this moment, there was still some hope in his heart.

Perhaps, the conditions under which this spell is cast are extremely harsh.

Even...... You have to be some kind of archmage to use it!

Little Wanda lowered her head, as if she didn't dare to touch Tony's gaze, and whispered:

The conditions for Azathoth's spell were so simple that they didn't even require sacrifice, they just needed to "draw a circle outdoors" in the "dark night" and "recite the incantation". "

Speaking of this, Xiao Wanda only felt that his scalp was numb, and even cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

In fact, among the summoning rituals recorded in the Book of Death, Azathoth's Divine Divine Technique is actually the best one!

So, the other day at Kama Taj, the little girl even thought about trying this spell at one point to see how it turned out!

It's a pity that in the past few days, Kama Taj's outdoor sky has been clear, the stars and the moon are shining, and the condition of "dark night" cannot be met, so she dispelled the idea.

And now that I think about it, Xiao Wanda's whole person is like falling into an ice cellar, almost cold to the bones!

One is not good, she may have destroyed the world!

And looking at the little girl's pale face and silent appearance, Young Master Wayne turned his mind and immediately guessed what was going on.

After thinking about it for a while, Bruce Wayne suddenly thought of something.

I saw him staring at the Book of Necronomicon held in Xiao Wanda's arms, his face became extremely serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"The author of this book is definitely a very dangerous existence!"

"It's as if the dangerous summoning ritual of Azathos was recorded in a book, as if it were ...... Make a toy from the button that controls the launch of the black bullet and put it on the supermarket shelf!"

Master Wayne said word by word:

The author of this book may be looking forward to the day when he ...... Someone on Earth who casts this set of spells, summons the clone of Azathoth, and then destroys everything!"

Upon hearing this, the rest of the people were shocked.


"There are still such people?"

"Is he crazy?"

Little Wanda was even more shocked that the corners of her mouth twitched, and the cold sweat almost wet the clothes on her back.

It's just a little bit ......

Almost enough, she fell for the trick of the mastermind behind the scenes and became the culprit of the destruction of the earth!

"Damn, who the hell is it?"

After the initial fright, Peter Parker shouted indignantly:

"Was that guy crazy when he wrote this book, and why did he set such a trap?"

"Isn't he an earthling?"

There was silence......

Hearing your words and the last question, Tonis Darker and Bruce Wayne glanced at each other, and both saw the horror in each other's eyes...... With the clear.


Suddenly, Loki laughed coldly.

I saw Loki pointing to the ancient book in Little Wanda's arms, and said in a cold tone:

"In this book, there is an ancient secret of the creation level of the universe!"

"How is it possible for a human being who lives on Earth to know these things?"

"The author of this book is definitely not a human, but an outer god!"

Listening to Loki's high-pitched tone, which was full of arrogance as a god, little Wanda was suddenly furious, and even forgot his fear for a while, and instinctively ridiculed him:

"Don't talk nonsense! An outer god came to earth and taught the earthlings about God!"

"How can there be such a thing?"

"Do you think the outer gods are as boring as you?"

Loki retorted without showing weakness:

"Hmph! The actions of the gods are actually understandable to you as a mere mortal. "

"And, did you forget?"

As if thinking of a killer idea, Loki smiled and said:

"In the previous SCP world, those outer gods even gave that ...... in a dream What about a novelist named Lovecraft!"

"If they can tell a novelist about it in a dream, why can't they tell someone else and let them write that necromantic book?"

"This ......"

Hearing Loki's reasoned rhetorical question, little Wanda was speechless for a while, and suddenly blushed.

Young Master Wayne didn't join the argument, just pondered on the side.

"Azathoth himself has been asleep for many million years. "

"Moreover, as a blind and foolish god, he has no wisdom, no purpose, and no way to invent any magic and then teach it to the people of the earth in his dreams. "

Thinking of this, the name of a god immediately flashed through Young Master Wayne's mind.


This outer god, who is said to be the messenger of Azathoth, is the ...... of all the gods The only being who can understand the will of Azathoth.

Perhaps, only "Him" could invent such a crazy and dangerous and easy-to-use magic as "Azathoth's Divine Technique"!

And at this moment, Peter Parker suddenly pointed to the Book of Necrons in Little Wanda's arms, and said weakly:

"Uh...... I wonder if we're going to overreact a bit. "

"Ah, even if Miss Wanda performs that set of Azathoth's magic tricks, she can really do it...... Don't you know which parallel universe summoned Azathoth's doppelganger to your universe?"

"That seems like an exaggeration. "

"Please. "

Loki shook his head slightly and said with a look of disgust

"The god named Azathoth can create the universe with a single thought!"

"Do you think that such a god is incapable of traveling through the multiverse?"

Seeing that there was a faint hint of respect in Loki's tone, everyone in the live broadcast room looked at each other, and their expressions became a little strange for a while.

It seems that although Loki usually has his eyes above the top, he still maintains respect for those truly powerful gods in other universes.

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The calm narration sounded again.

"The nameless fog and darkness that grew from Azathoth's body...... It wasn't just the birth of Nyaratotip. "】

【"After countless years of gestation, out of this boundless darkness and mist, two more gods were born. "】

["If you say Nyara Totip...... Inheritance is the chaos of Azathoth, and these two gods inherited the laws and laws of the origin of the universe from Azathoth's body. "】

["Out of the endless darkness, the black goat of the forest was born...... Sabu Nicholas. "】

["The appearance of Sabu Nicholas laid down the rules of life in the universe!"]

["It is precisely because of the appearance of this exalted god that other life forms can be born in the universe. "】

["Sabu Nicholas, known as the supreme mother goddess, has given birth to countless gods. "】

"These newborn gods...... Although not as powerful as the original group of outer gods, they are also true gods. "】

["Ordinary creatures, just seeing their existence will cause a mental breakdown, or even a broken body. "】

["And almost at the same time, a god was born from the nameless thing in Azathoth's body. "】

["That's the "Ruler of Time and Space", "The One Who All Things Are One", "Yog Sototh"!"]

["Since the birth of Yog-Sotos, "time" and "space" have gradually been fixed in the universe and have become regular. "】

["It is because of Him that time and space are truly given meaning"]

["As the master of time and space, Yog Sotos "exists in all time and space, knowing everything about the past and the future"]

["It is precisely because of the existence of "Yog Sototh" that the so-called physics and mathematics have appeared in the universe...... And the law of everything. "】

"He is one, and He is infinity. "】

["All things are one, all things in one life!"]

["Yog Sototh" is the embodiment of the truth of the universe, the absolute omniscient and omnipotent!"]

["And His essence does not exist anywhere in the universe, but is located outside all the multiverses!"]

["As the embodiment of the truth of the universe, if a primitive race sacrifices to Yog Sothos and succeeds in pleasing 'Him', they can obtain infinite knowledge beyond imagination!"]

["But primitive races, it is difficult to understand such a huge amount of knowledge, and it often leads to madness and self-destruction in the end. "】

["The Chaos of the Bush" Nayarathotep, "The Goddess of Darkness and Abundance" - Shabu Nikolas, The One Who All Things Are One - Yog Sotos.] "】

["Them" all possess a part of the primordial law of Azathoth. "】

["After countless years, these three outer gods received the title of "Three Pillar Gods". "】

["It is rumored that Sabu Nicholas has endless desires and desires. "】

["He is giving birth all the time, multiplying and reproducing, which is the meaning of His existence!"]

["Sabu Nicholas not only gave birth to almost all life and race in the universe, but even once combined with Yog Sotos to give birth to a large number of offspring and offspring. "】

"Among these descendants there was a god who came to earth in the future. "】

"His honorable name...... It's Cthulhu!"]

["Since the advent of Yog Sothos and Sabu Nicholas, countless children born to the Most High Mother God have begun to conquer, demarcate borders, and establish kingdoms in this established universe. "】

"Countless planets have been brought under the rule of these gods. "】

["Even the Earth is included!"]

["Countless primitive races in the universe, with a feeling of reverence and fear, call "them" "the rulers of the old days"!"]

["But with the passage of time, some of the Old Rulers have also been defeated and even sealed by another group of beings known as the "Old Gods"]

["And among these sealed Old Dominators is the Cthulhu ......"]

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Starlight: It's unbelievable that the gods who were able to create the universe in my dreams felt like my brain was about to explode!

Hermione Granger: I can't read it, and I'm blown away. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Only 11 years old, Hermione's little head melon, really can't accept such a scale of information bombardment for a while!

At this moment, she only felt that her brain was running out of resources, and her psychological shadow was even bigger than she could imagine!

A dream can create a world!

Once you wake up, you can destroy the world!

Just thinking about this kind of thing is enough to make people have three views collapsed!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: This ...... If such a god really exists, I'm afraid that even the court of life can't be compared!( ̄△ ̄;)

In the face of the incredible horror of Azathos, even the swallowing sister who is used to seeing the world. was also shocked that his eyes widened, his body trembled slightly, and even his mentality was a little unbalanced.

His dad swallowed stars, at most, he ate some planets...... Galaxies or something.

Even for him, the power of "opening his eyes and destroying the universe" is really a bit exaggerated!

Wonder Woman Diana: Time, space, and even the universe itself all depend on "Him" to exist, is this called a real God?

Diana exhaled softly, and a look of relief suddenly appeared on her face.

Originally, she had always been haunted by the fact that she was the illegitimate daughter of Zeus.

But now it seems that those so-called gods of Olympus are in front of the true cosmic gods...... It's not even a speck of dust!

Thanos Thanos: Even if he has the power to destroy the universe, he has no intuition, no intelligence, and no will!

Thanos Thanos: Such a deity...... No matter how powerful it is, I will never envy it!

Deadpool: Ahaha! You're interesting, and I'd love to take a look if I have the chance...... What does the "god of fish eating" who can't speak look like! ^_^

Wanda Maximov: Che, the evil god named Cthulhu alone has killed you, and you dare to touch Azathoth?

Deadpool: Deadpool, I don't know what death means, if that octopus head really dares to appear in my dreams again, see if I don't continue to fight with him for 300 rounds!O(∩_∩)O haha~

Wanda Maximov: ............ What a mistake I made when I spoke to you.

Dr. Manhattan: That's interesting, is this the multiverse-level creation god?

Dr. Manhattan: It's been a long time since I've finally seen something that interests me.

Deadpool: Whahaha, what do you want to do?

Dr. Manhattan: If I have the chance, it's what I want!

Star-Swallowing Daughter Ganata: Hey, even if you do see the blind and foolish god, you won't be able to communicate with him, he's sleeping!

Bruce Wayne: Ph.D....... I don't want to wake up that god.

Manhattan Doctor: ...... It depends.

Captain Rice: Wait a minute, do you want to destroy the universe? This is no joke. (⊙_⊙

Deadpool: Whahahaha, have you forgotten? The Blue Eagle has destroyed several ...... before. A feeder universe created by time travel!

Deadpool: Even if you destroy another one, what is it? ^_^

Hermione Granger: Destroying the Universe?? (⊙o⊙)

Daddy: Daddy's head is a little dizzy.

Dr. Manhattan: It doesn't take much time just to locate the blind and foolish god in the infinite multiverse.

Dr. Manhattan: So, with the longevity of a human being, I think...... You don't need to worry about that.

Captain Mikoku: This ......

Morty: It's horrible! You're even more terrifying than Rick, at least he hasn't destroyed the universe yet.

In Morty's bedroom.

"Knock Knock Knock ......"

Rick poured several sips of wine into his mouth with an unhappy face, and then knocked Morty on the head and said angrily:

"Stinky boy, are you looking down on me?"

"If it's just to destroy a universe, believe it or not, I'll destroy it for you next time?"

In this moment of chaos, a new image finally appeared on the screen.

["The image continues."] "】

"On Earth, the Old Dominator...... Cthulhu, who was sealed by the Old Gods, had to fall into a long slumber. "】

["Unless the stars are in the right place, the seal of Cthulhu will last forever. "】

In this case, Cthulhu could not break free from the seal, but in his slumber, he remained conscious. "】

["In this case, he can only rely on his powerful psychic ability to project his will and image into the dreams of those highly perceptive human beings. "】

"After dreaming of Cthulhu, someone will carve a statue of it and create a poetic book. "】

["Someone will spontaneously ...... Spread the greatness of Cthulhu and do everything in their power to solicit believers. "】

"Others will become explorers, trying their best to find the true location of Cthulhu in order to see for themselves the face of the old ruler. "】

["However, if the contact with Cthulhu's dream is made by some mortals who are not strong enough, then ...... They either have insomnia, go insane, or even die of complete fright. "】

["And this terrifying, yet mysterious and abnormal dream is "Call of Cthulhu"!"]

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