At this time, the chat group also exploded instantly!

Everyone was stunned by the "power to destroy the world" displayed by Professor X.

Venom: This ...... This bald head in a wheelchair...... Can all of humanity be exterminated?

John Constantine: Unbelievable, is this the power of mutants?

Miss Polaris: No! Professor X is the only one out of countless mutants in the world to do this!

Miss Polaris: He's the strongest psychic on Earth!

And at the moment of speaking, Polaris only felt hot all over, and even his face turned red.

She had no intention of exterminating humanity.

But at this moment, Polaris couldn't help but think......

If Charles could use his superpowers to reverse humanity's malice and discrimination against mutants...... How nice that would be!

Nick Fury: It's terrifying, killing all the humans on Earth with precision, even the Black Bullet isn't so powerful!

At this moment, the black braised egg also gasped, and his heart was pounding.

In fact, the boiled egg itself is hidden in an underground base that is strong enough to resist the black attack!

Even if there is a black war going on outside now!

However, if he is faced with Professor X's invisible psychic attack, unless he escapes to the outside of Earth, he ...... No matter how you hide, you're dead!

"It's terrible, in the future, I have to find a way to prepare a ...... A device that defends against psychic attacks. "

"Otherwise, if you encounter such an enemy, I'm afraid you won't even know how to die!"

The more I thought about it, the more shocked I became, and the black braised egg only felt that his throat was dry, and he couldn't help but swallow several mouthfuls of saliva.

At this time in the tavern, Wolverine turned his head, looked at Charles, who was bare-headed next to him, and asked curiously:

"You...... Have you already completed that brainwave booster?"

Charles shook his head stiffly:

"There are some technical difficulties that have not been overcome, and now, this machine cannot cover the whole world. "

"Hoo ......"

Wolverine breathed a sigh of relief, casually put down the wine glass in his hand, took out a cigar from his arms and lit it:

"That's good news, at least...... You can't kill the whole world yet. "

"This ...... I ......"

The expression on Charles's face was wonderful, and he wanted to speak for himself, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

Only with a brainwave booster can Charles accurately locate all mutants in the world.

So, in order to establish a kingdom of mutants, this machine is an absolute must.

But when you think about it...... Once he is manipulated, the catastrophic consequences that may be triggered, Charles is also cold, and cold sweat keeps coming out of his forehead.

At the same time, new images appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After converging with Magneto, Wolverine and the others worked out a plan to attack. 】

[First of all, the Demon Girl relied on her transformation ability to infiltrate the base alone, and then he directly transformed into William Stryker and controlled the computer system of the entire base with one person. 】

[Seeing this, he sensed that something was wrong, and Stryker immediately came to the side of "Transformation Man 143". 】

[Putting his head to his son's ear, Stryker coldly gave the final order:]

["Manipulate Professor X and let him kill all mutants!"]

[At this time, outside, because the door to the base was opened in the model, Wolverine and the others all rushed in. 】

[But after breaking in, they found out that Stryker actually used that special potion to control the ...... including Cyclops.] Several mutants!]

[A fierce battle broke out!]

[And as soon as Wolverine entered the base, he felt a sense of familiarity. 】

[Guided by this strange feeling, he came to a laboratory.] 】

[In the center of the laboratory, there is a sink. 】


[Walking around the sink, Wolverine's face kept changing, and a large number of memories flooded into his heart like a tide. 】

[He remembered!]

[More than ten years ago, I was injected with Edelman metal here!]

[At this time, Stryker also brought the "Dead Girl" Yuriko to Wolverine. 】

[Yuriko also seems to have the same abilities as Wolverine, and has even been injected with Erdman alloy and has alloy steel claws!]

[And it also has physical skills and combat skills that surpass Wolverine!]

[Faced with this female version of herself, Wolverine suddenly fell into a bitter battle. 】

["Boom, boom, boom......"]

[Wolverine and Yuriko fought fiercely for a long time, but neither of them could help each other!]

[The abilities of these two people are almost identical, and even their self-healing power is almost the same!]

[But Yuriko's movements are extremely sensitive, and the Wolverine that she quickly fights is miserable.] 】


[At the moment of crisis, Wolverine suddenly saw the Edelman alloy syringe not far in front of him. 】

[In a hurry, he hurriedly grabbed the syringe and injected the Edman alloy into Yuriko's body. 】


[A huge amount of Edman alloy, stuffed with Yuriko's internal organs, even flowed out of her seven orifices.] 】

[The internal organs are completely "metallized", and Yuriko sinks into the water like a large piece of iron, and there is no more movement.] 】

[Relying on the Edelman alloy, Wolverine killed the female version of Wolverine!]

[On the other side at this time, Grey, the Phoenix Maiden, spent a lot of effort to bring Cyclops back to his senses, which had been manipulated by Stryker. 】

[But at that time, relying on the strengthening muscles of the brain, Professor X had already connected to all the mutants on the earth, and immediately after, he launched its global psychic attack!]


[At this moment, all the mutants on the earth felt as if there were countless sharp knives...... Cut in their heads!It's painful!]

[Including Jean Gray, Cyclops, Wolverine, Demon Girl and others all held their heads and rolled to the ground!]

[This is the power of Professor X!]

[After connecting with the brainwave enhancement machine, he is simply a god in the world!]

[But among all the mutants, there is still one person who is immune to Professor X's psychic attacks.] 】

[That's Magneto!]

[I already knew how powerful my old friend was, and as soon as I entered this base, I put on that helmet that was enough to resist psychic attacks!]


[Relying on magnetism, the door to the brainwave enhancement machine was opened, and Magneto King walked in in a grand manner. 】

[Master of illusions who has been transformed...... Instinctively trying to hallucinate him. 】

[But even he can't break through Magneto's helmet!]

[Walking up to Professor X, who was blinded and had been mind-controlled, Magneto smiled and issued a new order to him:]

["Now...... It's time to play by their rules. "】

[Next, Magneto ordered the Changeling to take on William Stryker's form, and then gave a new order to the Master of Illusion:]

"Plans have changed. "】

"Find all the humans, and ...... Kill them all!"]

Seeing this, everyone in the chat group was shocked.

Deadpool: Wow! Magneto is really ruthless!

Jerome Valeska: Huh...... It's not simple, not only can you quickly detect the flaws in the other party's plan, but you can also make good use of the "shapeshifter" under your command.

Jerome Valeska: This Magneto, really is an amazing character!

Carol Danvers: I want to kill all of humanity, and you're still complimenting him?

Jerome Valeska: If it wasn't for the Colonel Stryker who did it first...... If you want to kill all the mutants, where is there so much to do?

Jerome Valeska: At the end of the day, that Magneto is just fighting back.

Hermione Granger: Anti-...... Counterattack?( ̄△ ̄;)

At this moment, Hermione's jaw was about to drop in fright.

This while the X-Men universe fights...... It's terrifying, isn't it?

At this moment, mutants will be exterminated, and the next moment, it will be humans who will be extinct!

In comparison, the battle in their wizarding world is like a child's house.

Miss Polaris: Father, have you really thought about exterminating humanity?

Magneto: I'd say I didn't think about it, I'm lying to you.

Charles Xavier: Eric......!

Magneto: Calm down, Charles, I just "thought about it", but I didn't say I had to do it.

Magneto: And, don't you think...... Can this "extermination plan" be used as the last trump card for our mutants?

Magneto: If one day, we mutants are pushed to the extreme by humans, it's time to use this move!

Wolverine: You...... Do you really want to......

Magneto: If humanity wants to exterminate us, then we fight back...... What's wrong?

Magneto: A world where no mutants exist, and there is no need to continue to exist!

Looking at Magneto's categorical speech, everyone in the chat group was stunned for a while.

But after thinking about it, everyone didn't know how to convince him.

After all, it's a matter of survival for the race!

At that moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Soon, Professor X will be ...... to every human being on Earth.] Launched a psychic attack!]


["Impossible, how can this be!"]

[From the President of the United States in the White House to William Stryker who escaped from the base......]

[Every human being on the earth rolled to the ground with their heads in their hands, letting out a terrible and painful cry. 】

[It won't be long before all mankind will be exterminated by Professor X!]

[At this critical moment, the X-Men and others also came to the outside of the brainwave enhancement machine. 】

[Seeing that the situation was critical, the Storm Girl immediately decided...... Let the Blue Devil take her and teleport into the room to stop this!]

[At the risk of teleporting into the reinforced concrete, the Blue Devil successfully completed the teleportation with the Storm Girl!]

[But as soon as they entered the room, the two fell into the hallucination of the master of illusions.] 】

[Instead of trying in vain to get out of the illusion, Storm Girl unfolded her superpowers and rained a blizzard in this room!]


[Under the terrible howling storm, the Master of Illusions was almost frozen, and his hallucinations disappeared. 】

["This is ......"]

[Professor X, who came to his senses, quickly took off the helmet of the brainwave enhancement machine.] 】

[Recalling everything that happened just now, Professor X's bare head was suddenly covered with cold sweat.] 】

[In just a few minutes, he almost wiped out two races!]

[But in the next moment, the entire underground base began to shake.] 】

[It turned out that the previous battle of Jeangree and others destroyed the main structure of the base, and caused the dam next to the base to begin to collapse!]

[Soon, everything will be flooded.] 】

[In the face of the raging waves, Jeangree made a surprising decision. 】

[She came to the ground alone, used her superpowers to resist the water, and bought time for the Blackbird fighter to take off!]

[And just as Jean Gray was doing her best, her eyes shot a golden light]

[At this moment, there seems to be a golden flame burning on her body!]


[With the Blackbird fighter taking off, Jeangree was completely submerged by the turbulent waves!]

[In order to save the X-Men, the Phoenix Girl sacrificed her life......]

[And after thwarting Stryker's evil plot, Professor X seems to have woken up a bit.] 】

[He directly influenced the Commander with his psychic abilities, coercing the Boss to continue to live in peace with the mutants.] 】

[However, the sacrificed Phoenix Girl will never come back......]

[At this point, the screen dims.] 】

["X-Men 2" has ended.] 】

in the tavern

"Phoenix Girl...... Dead?"

Charles Xavier frowned deeply, and there was a thought lingering in his head, and he couldn't let go.

Jean Gray is the host of the Phoenix's power, is she really so easy to die?

Moreover, at the last moment, the golden fire released from her body was obviously a symbol of the power of the phoenix!

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