["In extreme panic, the young man frantically rushed into the elevator and pressed the button on the -8th floor. "】

"This is the lowest floor underground. "】

Even though his mind was in turmoil, the young man still tried to take the "man in suit" to the deepest ground. "】

And then, if possible, he wanted to put himself with this monster...... Sealed in the ground together!"]

["Everyone is doomed together!"]

And at this moment, the young man remembered another thing in the descending elevator. "】

["If today isn't my first day at work. "】

["And the memory of my work here...... Eaten by that monster. "】

["In addition to me, will other people in this base also run into "him"?"]

["It's just...... No one remembers!"]

[Just thinking of this, the young man's mind suddenly flashed a scene in the restaurant before. "】

["It's such a big restaurant, but there are only about 20 people eating at you!"]

"This is so abnormal. "】

["Will it be ...... The rest of the base has already been eaten by that monster?"]

"If it's true, that monster ...... How many years have you been hunting in the base?"]

Thinking of this, the young man's face suddenly showed a look of determination. "】

"Perhaps, he can't stop that monster. "】

"Perhaps, today is the date of his death. "】

"But before I die...... He's going to have at least something left!"]

["For example, leave some warnings for future generations!"]

[The young man pulls out the Foundation-specific cell phone from his bosom. "】

["He wanted to redact the information about the man in the suit into the Foundation's SCP database."] "】

And that's when he found out. There seems to be one more SCP item regarding antimemetics. "】

["It used to be 5, but now it's 6."] "】

[The young man opened the newly appeared "Antimemetic SCP" information column and was taken aback. "】

["If you're reading this, you're definitely completely cut off from the outside world. "】

"Don't try to call for help, there's no point. "】

["You are now stuck in SCP-4739's throat, halfway between swallowing and digesting. "】

["If you want to survive, you must go to Lab 053 as soon as possible. "】

"There are only two paths in front of you, be killed by that monster, or find a way to stop him. "】

["The young man just saw this, and only heard a ding, and the elevator door opened in front of him. "】

["-The 8th floor has arrived. "】

But after the elevator door opened, a man in a suit and leather shoes happened to be standing at the door, looking at the young man with a smile on his face. "】


["That monster actually has the ability to pass through entities!"]

["He had already come underground in advance and blocked the young man's way!"]

["Looking at this monster in front of him that can devour human memories, the young man did not hesitate at all!"

["Just by instinct, he raised the phone in his hand and threw it at the other person's head. "】


["Surprisingly, the man in the suit who was hit on the forehead by the mobile phone actually took a few steps back, even hit his head against the wall, and the expression on his face became a little stiff. "】

["It seems...... He didn't expect this at all. "】

[Seeing that the other party was smashed by himself to get out of the way, the young man hurriedly rushed out of the elevator. "】

["Now, his only hope is that Lab 053!"]

And just as the young man was rushing for the road, he was ...... behind him Suddenly, the voice of the man in the suit came again: "]

["Do you remember your mother?"]

[At this time, the young man had just found Laboratory 053 and was desperately trying to unlock the combination lock outside the door. "】

[Hearing the cry of the man in the suit, he replied without thinking:"]

["I don't know who my parents are, I've been an orphan since I was a child!"]

After answering, the young man suddenly felt that something was wrong, but the password door in front of him also opened at this moment. "】

The young man hurriedly rushed into the door, then closed the door. "】

However, he didn't know whether the door and the lock were meaningful. "】

["That monster in a suit was able to pass through the space at once and come to the door of the underground elevator to block him!"]

["Or, this guy can teleport,"]

"Or, it's capable of passing through solids. "】

"Whichever way it is, it enters this room and finds itself...... It's only a matter of time. "】

["The young man didn't dare to delay for even a second, and hurriedly turned on the computer in the laboratory and began to search for information related to the man in the suit. "】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Morty: Wow! This SCP is terrifying! He doesn't even need to touch you, he can eat your memories!

Jerome Valeska: First I ate the memories of the young man's father, and now I eat the memories of my mother.

Jerome Valeska: What a dangerous monster.

Bruce Wayne: It's so hateful to eat other people's memories of their parents!(▼Dish▼;)

Seeing the actions of the man in the suit on the screen, Young Master Wayne was shocked...... couldn't help but grit his teeth, and the anger that was rare among the fierce ignited.

After the death of his parents, the most important thing for him now is ...... Maybe it's the memory of my parents!

If there really is any monster that dares to hurt this sacred memory, even Bruce Wayne will kill it!

Anyway, there's no law that says humans can't kill monsters!

Captain Mikoku: This kind of monster that can devour memories is really too dangerous!

Captain Mi Guo: If this guy is not so confident and takes the initiative to expose it, maybe that young man will die until his memory is sucked dry...... I don't even know where the enemy is!

Stephen Strange: I look at "it's" weakness!

Stephen Strange: It's so confident that it doesn't believe humans can beat itself.

Stephen Strange: Such self-confidence and arrogance are the monster's greatest weakness!

Bruce Wayne: Weakness?

Bruce Wayne: By the way, just now, the young man was using his phone...... And they repelled him!

Bruce Wayne: What does that mean? Is his weakness the phone?

Wanda Maximov: Impossible, it's hilarious! How can a memory-eating monster be afraid of a mobile phone?

Tony Stark: Memories are information, and there is information in the phone!

Tony Stark: This antimemetic SP may be afraid of "information attacks".

Captain Mikoku: What are you talking about?

Bruce Wayne: Is it an item that contains information? Great, there's a computer in that lab!

Tony Stark: Now, it's up to the young man to guess it.

Wanda Maximov: Uh, excuse me, what are you talking about? Why didn't I understand? (O_O)

Tony Stark: Little girl, don't turn to that Necronomicon in the future, and learn more science from me!

Wanda Maximov: No! I just like to read!

Tony stark:............ →_→

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

["Through information on the computer in Lab 053, the young man learned that the man in the suit was an antimemetic SCP, codenamed SCP-4739. "】

"He will be attracted to people who are knowledgeable, have complex experiences, and have interesting personalities. "】

["Once targeted by this SCP, the victim will be dragged into an "antimemetic realm" by him, and will be cut off from the outside world. "】

["In this field, no matter what the victim does, it will not be observed and remembered by the outside world. "】

In other words, the victim and all information related to him will be turned into an antimeme. No one can see it, and even if they do, they can't remember it. "】

This is the so-called "reality erasure". "】

"Maybe you still exist, but no one remembers you. "】

["When trapped in this antimemetic area, SCP-4739 will devour the victim's memories and knowledge until the victim dies."] "】

["This process lasts from 15 minutes to two hours. "】

["In other words, young people can live for more than an hour at most."] "】

Moreover, after being trapped in the "Antimemetic Field", they can only leave relevant messages to warn future victims. "】

And the most terrifying thing is that the messages left by the victims can only be read by those who are trapped in the "antimemetic field". "】

["In other words, all ScP entries related to SCP-4739 were created by the victim of this ScP...... and maintained. "】

"When you see it, you're not far from death. "】

["Your only hope is to find a way to defeat this SCP from the messages left by your predecessors. "】

["According to previous victims, 79 Foundation personnel have updated this entry since 2013."] "】

["If you are reading for the first time, please add 1 to this number."] "】

["And according to our estimates, at least 50% of the victims have no chance of entering Lab 053 at all."] "】

"So the number of real victims is at least twice that number. "】

["At the critical moment of life and death, the young man read all the relevant information on the computer at a glance and ten lines. "】

[But after reading it, his mood became even more gloomy. "】

["According to this information, the man in the suit is immune to all physical attacks, and cannot be slowed down by any means. "】

["Some people have tried to poison their memories with incomprehensible information, hoping to use these messy memories to drag this monster down, but to no avail. "】

["In addition to this, there are all kinds of attempts to manipulate my own memory. "】

"But these people all failed, and they ...... in the end Either with dignity, or with dignity swept away by the hands of the man in the suit. "】

["The young man's heart was cold when he saw it. "】

["Those who came before them can be said to have tried everything, both feasible and unworkable, and all of them have failed. "】

["Then what else can he do?"]

["Under extreme nervousness and panic, he instinctively reached out to get his mobile phone, but he touched it. "】


At this moment, the young man's eyes suddenly changed. "】

He remembered very well that just after the elevator door opened, he used his mobile phone to fight off the monster. "】

["But it's very clear on the computer that this monster should be "physically immune"!"]

["Before, those desperate victims used to attack men in suits in various ways, and as a result, their attacks all passed through the other party's body without exception. "】


["Why can a mobile phone hit him?"]


The young man's eyes widened suddenly, and an uncontrollable look of surprise shot out of his eyes. "】

["My phone is full of all kinds of information!"]

["No one had ever attacked that man in a suit with such an object before!"]

[The young man looked next to the computer and saw rows of hard drives on the nearby racks. "】

["Before, someone tried to use the information on the hard drive to attract men in suits, but the result failed. "】

["This SCP is only interested in the information in the human brain. "】

Next, the young man recorded his thoughts in the computer, and by the way, changed the 79 people in the back to 80 people. "】

["If his attempt fails, at least leave something for posterity."] "】

["Keeping hope, the young man used several network cables to bundle several hard disks together to form a portable "hard disk meteor hammer"!"]

["He doesn't know if this weapon will work, but it's already his desperate gamble!"]

At this moment, the man in the suit was like a ghost...... Walked in from outside the wall!"]

["He's coming!"]


[Looking at the man in the suit, the young man raised the "Hard Disk Meteor Hammer" in his hand and hit the other party's head with a fierce blow. "】


The body of the man in the suit flew out fiercely, knocked over a table, and rolled to the ground with a clatter. "】

And on his head, he also left a terrible hole, and the whole head was deformed. "】

[Seeing this scene, the expression on the young man's face can only be described as wonderful. "】

["This terrifying monster is like this...... Defeated by his men?"]

["Information...... It's really a weapon!"]


["After taking out the enemy, SCP Foundation, Head of Antimemetics...... Marianne Wheeler found the young man. "】

["Looking at the middle-aged woman in front of him, the young man suddenly realized. "】

["This isn't my first day at work!"]

["I worked under you 10 years ago!"]

["It's just, that monster devoured my previous memories!"]

Marianne Wheeler smiled and nodded. "】

["The reason why you are able to ...... when your memory is almost completely lost" Defeat that monster because you've had enough training and enough battles before. "】

"It's all carved into your instincts. "】

["Staring at Marianne Wheeler, the young man suddenly laughed:"]

"It's not even the first time we've had a conversation like this. "】

["I've been exposed to antimemetic SCPs before, and I've lost my memories. "】

"And you were sitting there, waiting for me to come back. "】

Marianne smiled and nodded. "】

["In a few months, you'll be able to fully regain your memory. "】

["But I still need you to come to work tomorrow, because we need all the information related to the man in the suit, and...... Your way to defeat him!"]

"After all, he's likely to come back. "】

["Because...... Ideas don't die!"]

At that moment, the screen dimmed.

["The enemies targeted by the Antimemetics Department may not be the most powerful, but they are definitely the most bizarre and terrifying. "】

["And among all these enemies, there is even a supreme divinity!"]

["An antimemetic of a supreme divine being!"]

["The antimemetics department has been at war with it for generations!"]

After a while, the screen lit up again.

["Director of Antimemetics Division...... Marianne Wheeler stood in front of an old man. "】

["This old man is over 90 years old this year, and he has long since reached his prime. "】

["When he was young, he was a big man, more than two meters tall, and just standing in front of a person could scare the faint of heart. "】

But now, due to old age and sickness, the old man has shrunk into a ball, and the man has healed like dry wood. "】

["However, even though the deadline has come, the old man still vaguely remembers that he was once the leader of a powerful organization in the past years. "】

["In memory, he commanded countless men to fight against terrifying enemies!"]

But now, he can only lie on the pass, and he can't even sit up. "】

Marianne Wheeler looked at the dying old man, gently took out a needle, and injected some kind of medicine into the old man's body. "】

["What he just injected is the most powerful of the antimemetics department...... Class X mnestics. "】

["This potion can rejuvenate the human body and mind, and restore memory with the greatest intensity. "】

[But when the effect of the medicine wears off, the suppressed "old" will rebound wildly. "】

["As long as the recovery time" is more than 18 months, the person who has been injected with the drug...... I'm going to die!"]

["Silently waiting for the potion to take effect, Marianne Wheeler asked slowly:"]

["Do you remember who you are?"]

The old man's face was once again glowing with vitality, and his eyes were lit up. "】

["I remember!"]

["I'm Dr. Marris, founder of the Antimemetics Division!"]

PS: Next, there is the tragic showdown between the Antimemetics Department and the Fifth Starfish!

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