And hearing the words of pity, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Wanda Maximov: How could this happen?

Wanda Maximov: The woman...... I even knew the name of Dagu! Moreover, I knew that he would definitely become light and resurrect Tiga!(⊙o⊙)

Bruce Banner: That's weird, isn't this woman from a supercivilization tens of millions of years ago?

John Constantine: yes, and in that time capsule, it's supposed to be a video of the past!

John Constantine: Could it be that this woman called Mercy can predict the future?

Reed Richards: Predicting the future in tens of millions of years, there is such a science in the world?∑ ( ̄△ ̄*|||

Stephen Strange: Maybe...... You can do it with the Time Gem.

Mage Mordo: Stephen, you're still too young.

Gen-la Mordo: The future is not a single linear, but there are almost infinite possibilities.

Mage Mordo: In the Avengers footage, that variant of yours has observed more than 10 million futures!

Hermione Granger: More than 10 million !! I'm stupid! (O_O)

Deadpool: Hahaha, after all that, you still haven't made it clear, that pity, how do you know about Dagu!

Stephen Strange: At this point, there doesn't seem to be any explanation other than predicting the future......

Reed Richards: Hey! Accurate prediction...... Tens of millions of years from now, what will happen? What an amazing super-technology!

Nick Fury: Compared to this, such an amazing super civilization was destroyed in the end!

Nick Fury: It's even scarier than monsters!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): yes, it's hard to figure out.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): If this super civilization. If you can really predict the future tens of millions of years from now, why can't you predict your own demise?

Hearing Lu Dan and Peter's question, the chat group fell silent for a while.

No one knows how to answer.

But soon, Tony Darkk laughed.

Tony Stark: Haha, I think you're all overthinking.

Nick Fury: Huh?

Tony Stark: Before I answer your questions, I have a question for you.

Tony Stark: Why is it that out of so many team members, only Dagu has turned into light and merged with Tiga?

Tian Xiaoban: Because he was lucky? Or is there anything special about it?

Bruce wayne:......... Something special?

Tony Stark: Bingo!

Tony Stark: Being able to transform light and fuse stone statues is definitely not something that ordinary people can do!

Tony Stark: I guess...... People like Da Gu are extremely rare, if not unique, on earth.

Tony Stark: So, it's probably no coincidence that the time capsule was opened in front of Dagu!

Big bones boiled into soup: I ...... I still don't understand. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Bruce Banner: I see, I get it.

Big bones into soup: Huh? What do you understand?

Bruce Banner: Tony, is your answer artificial intelligence?

Tony Stark: That's right! And it's not any kind of artificial intelligence!

Tony Stark: The woman named Mercy is supposed to be something like "Jarvis".

Tony Stark: The reason why she showed up was because she sensed that Dagu was different......! He can awaken Ultraman Tiga!

Bruce Banner: According to you, that conical time capsule, and the detection function?

Bruce Banner: Because I found out the candidate for "Turning Light", I ...... This capsule starts automatically?

Tony Stark: Compared to foreknowledge that spans tens of millions of years, that sounds a lot more reliable.

Wanda Maximov: Wow! I finally got it.

Tian Xiaoban: If that's the case, you can become a person from Tiga...... Isn't there more than one Great Gu?

Tony Stark: Who knows, maybe there is only one choice left on Earth now.

Big bones boiled into soup: this ......

Hearing Tony's words, Dagu was surprisingly not flattered, but felt the pressure on his shoulders even heavier!

That mercy is saying that humanity is about to face a catastrophe! So...... Gorzan and Melba will appear!

If he is the only one on earth who can transform into Tiga.

Then, the responsibility of saving the world falls all on him!

Loki Odinson: Haha, the man who invented Ultron, Tonis Dark, you're smart enough.

Tony stark:............ →_→

As soon as he heard Loki's words, Tony's good mood disappeared at once.

But in the next moment, Da Gu suddenly bubbled up in the group again.

Big bones boiled into soup: this ...... Mr. Tony. Please, do you know...... What is the last "Divine Light Stick" to appear?

Tony Stark: Well, have you seen this thing before?

Big bones boiled into soup: No, when I attacked, I never carried anything with me!

Tony Stark: Hah, that's kind of interesting.

Tony Stark: In my opinion, this magic light stick is probably the same as Tian Xiaoban's watch, which can transform you!

Big Bones into Soup: Transformed into ...... Ultraman Tiga?

Tony Stark: What, can you be anything else?

Tian Xiaoban: Wow, there is another person in the group who can transform like me. ^_^

Hermione Granger: "Omnitrix" and "Divine Flashbar"?

Wanda Maximov: Not only Oh, but even the transformation is time-sensitive...... It's all the same!

Wanda Maximov: I wonder if Xiaoban and Dagu are variants of each other.

Tian Xiaoban: Variants?

Big bones boiled into soup: What is that?(⊙o⊙)

in the live broadcast room.

Young Master Wayne ignored the bickering in the group, and instead thought about something else.

"Ultraman, that's exactly the same as the evil Superman from Earth 3!"

"Is this a coincidence?"

"Or ...... Even Superman has a dark and evil variant, so will Ultraman ......"

"Did I think too much?"

As Bruce Wayne fell into deep thought, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Ultraman defeated Melba, the world seemed to be at peace again, but this calm did not last long. 】

[On this day, on a certain island in the southwest, there seemed to be traces of monsters. 】

[Locally, many miners have mysteriously disappeared! It is said that they are all under the hands of monsters!]

[In order to investigate the specific situation, TPC also sent someone to the island.] 】

[Faced with TPC's investigators, local miners, mention the legendary monster...... Gakuma!】

[It turns out that there has always been folklore on this island, claiming ...... There's a stone-eating monster here!]

[The local miners believe that it is because they have dug up Gakuma's food stones that they will be retaliated against by Gakuma.] 】

[In order to investigate what happened on the island, TPC also sent exploration team members into the mine to investigate. 】

[Unexpectedly, they really met a monster here!]

[Moreover, some team members were "petrified" by monsters!]

[At TPC's headquarters, after receiving reports from the remaining explorers ahead, the Victory Team was asked to attack against the new monsters that had appeared on the island...... Gakuma!】

[The female captain Megumi Kuruma believes that the victory team was originally a team that investigates strange phenomena, that is, it has no combat ability, no weapons and equipment, and it is impossible to fight monsters at all. 】

[Faced with this situation, the director of the EPC ordered...... Modify the Victory Team's aircraft and turn it into a combat aircraft!]

[When transforming the Feiyan into a fighter jet, Ogu and Norui also analyzed the battle mode of Ultraman Tiga through the previous video. 】

[According to the analysis of the members of the wild Rui team, Dagu also learned about the three battle forms of Ultraman Tiga, in the red form, Ultraman has the strongest strength, but the speed will decrease. 】

[And if it transforms into a blue-purple form, it has the fastest speed and agility, but the attack power is not strong enough.] 】

[If you convert to red, blue, and white, you have the most balanced physical abilities.] 】

[Next, the Yerui team member opened the time capsule again and put on the projection of pity. 】

[But when Youlian said the last sentence, Da Gu was taken aback. 】

["There is only one way to awaken the Tiga giant, and that is to turn Dagu into light!"] 】


[Da Gu was dumbfounded when he heard this, how could this woman of ancient civilization know her name?]

[But the weirdest thing is that Ye Rui, who was standing next to Da Gu, actually said...... He didn't hear it clearly!]

[It's like, the words of mercy can only be understood by Da Gu alone!]

[And when Ye Rui left the room, things became more and more bizarre.] 】

[The projection of mercy actually took the initiative to start a conversation with Dagu:]

["Dagu, your other name is Ultraman Tiga. "】

[Da Gu was taken aback:]

["Aren't you a holographic projection, why do you ......"]


[You said with a smile:]

["This is indeed a projection, but that time capsule also contains advanced artificial intelligence. "】

[Da Gu is still quite puzzled: "Why, only I can hear your voice?"]

[You Mercy claims that in the genes of the Great Gu, the genes of the ancient warriors are hidden!]

[Facing the bewildered Da Gu, Youlian said some secrets of ancient civilizations. 】

[It turns out that most of the super civilizations tens of millions of years ago were destroyed, but some of them left this world. 】

[Ultraman is powerful, but he does not interfere with human choices. 】

[Because, they are all "light"!]

["But Dagu, you're different!"]

[The words of mercy turned sharply:]

["Da Gu, you are both light and human!"

[After saying this, the projection of mercy disappeared automatically.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Wanda Maximov: Wow, Stark, you guessed it, this ghost is really an artificial intelligence.

Tony Stark: It's nothing, but I'm more concerned about it than that...... It's still the gene in Da Gu's body!

Bruce Wayne: Is Ultraman Tiga genetic?

Bruce Wayne: It's both light and human, is that saying that the Great Ancient is a hybrid of aliens and humans?

Bruce Wayne: So, he was able to be a bridge between Earthlings and Ultraman?

Deadpool: Huh? ^_^

Clark kent:............

Big bones boiled into soup: I ...... Is there an Ultraman gene?( ̄△ ̄;)

Tian Xiaoban: Wow, that's cool, if only I had alien genes, maybe I could become some new aliens.

Venom: Imp, is there something wrong with your head?

Tony Stark: In short, two things are clear now, the first is that Dagu can transform into Ultraman Tiga!

Tony Stark: The second is that the earth is in crisis, and monsters are constantly emerging!

Tony Stark: Possibly, only Tiga can defeat the monster and save the planet!

Ganata, the Daughter of the Star Swallower: Haha, this is the fate of heroes, it's funny! ^_^

Big bones boiled into soup: Hero?

Just when Da Gu's heart was in chaos and couldn't calm down for a long time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Not long after, the TPC director, who had just gone to that monster island for field exploration, suddenly came with an order,]

[The victory team must be dispatched immediately!]

[It turns out that the monster Gakuma has reappeared.] 】

[After receiving the order, the members of the victory team immediately rode on the two Feiyan fighters that had been modified......... Attack!]

[As soon as they arrived on the island, they were immediately confronted with terrible monsters...... Gakuma!】

["Shoot a laser!"]

[In the face of monsters, Feiyan No. 1 immediately used the newly modified laser cannon!]


[But Gakuma is too thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and even a laser cannon can't penetrate it!]

[And in the battle, Feiyan No. 1 was even hit by a monster and unfortunately fell. 】


[The two team members finally escaped from death, and hurriedly abandoned the plane and fled!]

[But Gakuma radiated his housekeeping skills at this time...... Petrified Ray!]


[I saw a blue-white light shoot out of Gakuma's mouth!]

[The bulldozer hit by the petrified light turned to stone in an instant!]

[This kind of petrified light can even be petrified by steel!]

[At the moment of great crisis, Feiyan 2, which was converted into a heavy fighter, came down with a bang and released a powerful light cannon!]


[The light cannon on Feiyan 2 is unusually powerful, and with just one blow, it will shatter Gakuma and completely lose all bones!]

["Hahaha! This monster is not very powerful!"]

[After the victory, the victorious team members laughed heartily, and Horii was even more open-mouthed:]

["It's not fun just now, I really want to fight the monster again."] "】

[As soon as Hori's words fell, the earth suddenly shook again!]


[With the shock of the earth, another monster came out of the ground!]

[It turns out that the monster Kakumar...... It turned out to be a couple!]

[Seeing that the situation was critical, the members of the victory team didn't even have time to board the Feiyan fighter again!] Dagu hurriedly ran to the side and took out the divine light stick. 】

["Ultraman, can I really transform into Tiga?"]

[There are still some doubts left in his heart, but Dagu still pressed the button on the divine light stick!]


[A bright light suddenly illuminates the four directions!]

[In an instant, Da Gu transformed into a Tiga giant again...... Ultraman!】


[In the face of the angry Gakuma, Diga did not hesitate to start a melee battle with it!]

[However, this monster that looks like a dinosaur is not only extremely powerful, but the horns on its head can even emit electricity!


[Seeing Ultraman being knocked away, Gakuma's claws popped out sharp claws and rushed forward...... It's a fierce attack on Ultraman!]


[Gakuma's claws are not only sharp, but they will also use their head horns to hard top during the fight! Ultraman Tiga was defeated for a while. 】


[Ultraman finally stood up, Gakuma suddenly opened his bloody mouth, and a blue petrified beam suddenly shot out, hitting Tiga's legs. 】


[After being hit by the beam, Tiga's leg turned to stone!]

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Rampage Lori Jinx: Hey, how did this happen? Diga was able to win 1 against 2 before, why is it now...... 1 to 1 was beaten so badly.

Wonder Woman Diana: Something's wrong, this time Tiga, who moves too slowly, looks like an ordinary person.

Wonder Woman Diana: It's completely like the Ultraman from before.

Bruce Wayne: Wait...... I understand!

Bruce Wayne: Now this Tiga, inside is Dagu!

Hermione Granger: "You...... What are you talking about? Ultraman was originally a great changer.

Bruce Wayne: No, I think the Ultraman from before was very sophisticated in his way of fighting, and he probably ...... It's the real Tiga!

Big bones boiled into soup: Ah? (⊙_⊙)

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