[In the video, the Riddler not only claims his nickname, but also claims...... He killed the mayor because he was a hypocrite!]

[Moreover, the Riddler is still in the video, showing the second unlucky guy caught by him!]

["I'll keep killing!"]

["Until the day comes when justice will be restored!"]

["Until the truth of our city is revealed to the world!"]

[Seeing this, Catwoman suddenly pointed at the unlucky guy who was caught and shouted:]

["I know this guy, I've seen him in the Penguin's club!"]

[Batman learns from Catwoman.] The Penguins have another secret club!]

[Only the dignitaries of Gotham City are qualified to have fun in it. 】

[The mayor of the dead ghost also met Annika in this secret club. 】

[The reason why Catwoman pretends to be a hostess is to be able to attack those dignitaries and nobles in secret, and steal their valuable belongings. 】

[And the money she stole was used to help the victimized women in the club, such as the former junior of the Dead Ghost Mayor...... Anika. 】

[In order to find out the truth of the incident, Batman gave Catwoman a piece of his contact lens. 】

[This lens is equipped with a stealth camera, and as long as Catwoman wears it, Batman can see through the camera and see what Catwoman sees.] 】

[It didn't take long for the body of the unlucky guy who was kidnapped by the Riddler...... was discovered by the police. 】

[In the future, to find out the truth, Batman came to the morgue of the police station.] 】

[Here, Batman finds another greeting card left by the Riddler.] 】

[The envelope of the greeting card still reads "To Batman."] 】

[Batman opens the greeting card and discovers that there is indeed a new puzzle inside.] 】

[Leaving the task of solving the puzzle to Ah Fu, Batman and Catwoman team up to further investigate the Penguin's entry into the club.] 】

[Putting on the glasses that Batman gave him, Catwoman infiltrates the "secret club" again.] 】

[Relying on the camera on his contact lenses, Batman recognizes the ...... in this secret club.] High-ranking officials from all walks of life, including a prosecutor. 】

[However, unlike Batman, who tries to find out the truth, Catwoman only wants to find her friend Annika.] 】

[Soon, Catwoman meets the boss of the Penguin Man...... Gangster Falcone. 】

[During the investigation, Catwoman and Batman had an argument, and this "first infiltration operation" ended without a hitch. 】

[No one expected that the prosecutor who flirted with Catwoman in the club had just left the gate...... I was captured by the Riddler!]

[After returning to the Batcave, Ah Fu approached Bruce Wayne and said that he had solved the riddle about the maze. 】

[The answer to the puzzle is a sentence in Spanish:]


["You're a mouse with wings!"]

[This sentence can be used to describe both penguins and bats!]

[The second day is the day of the mayor's funeral.] 】

[Bruce Wayne had to attend the funeral in a formal attire,]

[As soon as she arrived at the funeral, she found that the gang boss Falcone was also here. 】

[Arriving in the car with Falcone is Catwoman Selena Kyle.] 】

[Watching Falcone put his arm around Catwoman's waist and the two walked into the church together, Bruce Wayne was stunned for a moment. 】

[What's going on??...... these two people]

[Many years ago, Falcone was shot in the chest, and his men didn't have time to take her to the hospital, but actually delivered her to the door of Wayne's house!]

[Thomas Wayne, as a doctor, performed surgery on Falcone in his own home!]

[After entering the church, Bruce Wayne overhears the anger of an ordinary citizen towards the mayor:]

["This guy is a damn vampire, he doesn't care if ordinary people live or die, he died well!"]


[Bruce is speechless.] 】

[Soon, Bruce's gaze involuntarily fixed on a child. 】

[In a trance, Bruce seems to have returned to his childhood. 】

[Back then...... He attended his parents' funeral alone. 】

[At this moment, a series of exclamations suddenly came from outside the church. 】

["Be careful!"]

["What's going on with this car?"]

[Everyone in the church stood up, and Bruce Wayne first glanced back at the child, then instinctively looked up. 】

[I saw that on the second floor of the church, a person was looking down on it all with his back to the sun!]

[Next Second......


[A sedan crashed through the door of the church and rushed straight in!]


[Seeing that the situation was not good, Bruce turned his head sharply, rushed to the kid desperately, and hugged him!]


[The car drove a path through the church like a madman and crashed into a pillar.] 】

[Bruce falls to the ground and looks at the second floor again.] 】

[I saw that the mysterious person he saw just now had disappeared.] 】

[At this time, the frightened Officer Gordon hurriedly surrounded the car with a large number of policemen:]

["Whoever is inside, come out quickly! Hands up!"]


[A few seconds later, with a muffled scream, a man with his whole body tied up, struggled out of the car. 】

[This guy is the prosecutor who was kidnapped by the Riddler last night!]

[At this moment, the prosecutor's mouth was not only tied with duct tape, but even his body and right hand were tied with something. 】

["He's got a bomb on him!"]

[A scream suddenly came from the crowd! Everyone was so frightened that they took several steps back!]

[The next moment, there is a noise from the thing tied to the prosecutor's right hand.] 】

[It turned out to be a mobile phone.] 】

["Di Di Di ......"]

[Seeing that the situation was not right, Officer Gordon hurriedly ordered his police to evacuate all the people in the church. 】

[Bruce Wayne's eyes were wide open, and there was a hint of consternation in his eyes. 】

[He saw a note tied to the prosecutor's chest that read:]

"To Batman. "】

[Next, the police completely emptied the interior of the church, leaving only the prosecutor alone, and then sent a special bomb disposal robot in.] 】

[Through the footage above the bomb disposal robot, the police chief and others finally saw the appearance of the prosecutor. 】

[His mouth was completely sealed with duct tape, and the words "No more lies" were written on it, just like the mayor back then.] 】

[At this time, the prosecutor's eyes suddenly changed.] 】

[I saw a man in a bat costume come out of the darkness next to the church.] 】


He was invited. 】

[Batman rips an envelope from the prosecutor's body, and sure enough, there is a third greeting card inside.] 】

[Without rushing to solve the puzzle, Batman first pressed the mobile phone tied to the prosecutor's right hand.] 】

[Sure enough, on the other end of the video call, it was the Riddler who appeared!]

[In the face of Batman, the Riddler confessed: He did so much just to expose the dirty truth about the city!]

["Let's join forces, Batman!"]

["This matter...... It has something to do with you!"]

[Hearing the Riddler's words, Batman was quite puzzled, how could he have something to do with this madman?]

[The next moment, the Riddler gave the prosecutor several puzzles through his mobile phone, claiming that as long as he answered three correctly, he would be free.] 】

[However, the riddler's riddles all point to the corruption crimes committed by the prosecutor in the past.] 】

[The prosecutor gave the first two answers with great difficulty, but the third puzzle was completely different.] 】

["Tell me, which parasite are you protecting?"]

[Hearing the riddler's question, the prosecutor's face changed.] 】

["No, if I say that person's name, don't say that I will die, my whole family will be doomed!"]

【“5,4,3,2...... 1!"】

[Seeing that the prosecutor would rather die than confess to the boss behind the scenes, the Riddler simply detonated the bomb. 】


[With a violent fire, the prosecutor was blown up on the spot, and Batman was blown away by the shockwave!]

[Batman, who fainted, was arrested by the police and returned to the police station,]

[Thankfully, Batman woke up when someone tried to pull off his hood!]

[Seeing that Batman has become a turtle in an urn, Officer Gordon is in a hurry and claims to everyone that he can persuade Batman to surrender, but secretly gives him the portkey. 】

[In the end, Batman knocked him down with one punch according to what Gordon said, and staged a bitter ploy!]

["Catch him!"]

["Don't let this kid run!"]

[Angry cops rushed up, frantically trying to catch Batman!]

[Faced with this situation, Batman can only escape to the top floor of the police station.] 】


[When he climbed the railing and walked to the top of the gargoyle's head, Batman looked at the amazing height downstairs, and he also gasped, even his face changed, and his body almost trembled!]

[In the end, Batman finally mustered up the courage to catch him before the police caught him...... Activated the gliding gear on the batsuit and jumped off a tall building!]


[Like a real bat, Batman's body streaks across the night sky of Gotham City!]

[But the parachute he opened was entangled in the moving overpass.] 】

["Oops...... Bang!bang!bang!"]

[Batman first crashed into an overpass, then the roof of a bus, and finally rolled to the ground.] 】


[Kneeling on the ground, Batman struggled for a long time before he straightened up, turned his head, and limped away. 】

in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha! Why is this Batman so funny?"

Seeing Batman's embarrassed appearance, little Wanda laughed heartlessly again.

Surprisingly, Young Master Wayne behaved calmly instead, and even shrugged his shoulders:

"It's nothing, when I first debuted, I often made this mistake. "

At the same time, Young Master Wayne also sighed secretly.

This variant of my own, it seems to be very inexperienced......

[At this time, a new image appears on the screen.] 】

[Image continues.] 】

[After escaping, Batman finally figured out one thing!]

["Mouse with wings", this puzzle can refer to a bat or a penguin!]

[Could it be the Riddler...... Is it alluding to the penguin people?]

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