in the live broadcast room

Everyone turned their heads to look at Tony Stark, mostly with strange expressions.

After a while, only to hear a flutter, little Wanda couldn't help but laugh:

"Everybody has Stark's intelligence, that's interesting. "

"This variant of yours is really a genius for making trouble. "

And Bruce Wayne frowned and said with a serious face:

"That's too bad, who knows how many people are committing adultery in all of New York City?"

"Make these people super geniuses! Weapons Specialists! That's madness!"

Hearing Master Wayne's words, Tony's mouth was a little bitter, but he couldn't think of anything to refute for a while.

Seeing that he had already understood now that this variant of himself in the 616 universe was a weirdo who was both good and evil, and was particularly prone to extremes!

To put it mildly, it's the typical mad scientist!

Only such a person will put super wisdom ...... To all in one city!

At this time, even Peter Parker, who has always been honest, couldn't help but mutter:

"It's okay, this Tony...... Didn't make people all over the world become geniuses. "


Loki laughed maniacally as he listened:

"If he really does such a thing, he is only afraid of that earth...... It's going to be blown to pieces soon!"

Seeing that the more people talked, Clark Kent couldn't help but interject and ask:

"If it's really as serious as you say, wouldn't that 'Stark' be miserable for all of New York City?"


Hearing this, Tony's mind suddenly lit up, and he immediately said casually:

"How can you be so exaggerated? Have you forgotten Rick and Morty?"

I saw Tony pointing to the screen, his face full of confidence:

"You know, it's all over that Rick City...... It's all genius Rick!"

"Don't you still have screws?"

Looking at Tony's appearance, the live broadcast room was silent.

In the end, it was Bruce Wayne who said quietly:

"In Rick City, the Ricks can't actually leave because of the transfer guns that have been taken away. "

"But that's not the case in New York!"

"What if citizens with the same intelligence as you were scattered around the world and used their wisdom to do evil?"


As soon as he heard this, the smile on Tony's face suddenly froze, and he regretted it even more in his heart.

He wanted to defend himself so much!

I forgot such a simple thing for a while!

And at this embarrassing moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

["What did you say?"]

["Make New Yorkers as smart as you are!"]

["Tony, stop!"]

[Hearing the words of the iron god Tony, the Avengers and others were immediately shocked, and they all spoke out to stop him. 】

[But Tony said with a smug face:]

"It's too late, I'm done. "】

"But don't worry, I've only changed the whole of New York City. "】

["Before I change all of humanity, I want to see ...... Small changes, what will happen. "】

[Seeing this, the invisible woman Susan Stone hurriedly looked at her husband and asked in a low voice:]

["Reed, how are you feeling?"]

[Reed Richards' expression was a little confused, and he was silent for a while before whispering:]

["I think...... I seem to have become stupid. "】

【“......... (⊙_⊙)"】

[Susan, the invisible woman, was speechless with words written on her face, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.] 】

[She already knew that her husband was a peerless genius!]

[But now it seems...... Even Iron Man can't compare to him!]

At the same time, the citizens of New York City have undergone amazing changes. 】

[In a car repair shop, an Asian customer is driving his car over to have it repaired.] 】

[While he was chatting with the owner of the car shop, the style of the two became more and more strange. 】

["Maybe...... You can make some tweaks to the engine that will avoid "oxygen mode decay". 】

["It's too simple, give me two days, and I can help you change a plasma engine......"]

[On the other side, on a baseball field, a teenage little serve shook all over, and a wise glint flashed in his eyes, and then stood in place with the ball in his hands...... Let's start talking :]

["Guys, have you thought about it? The so-called 'life' is nothing more than an oversimplified form of expression. "】

["If we take into account the hierarchy and mass of the universe, the behavior pattern of this species of human beings...... It's just a randomized ontology radiation model ......"]

In other words, the essence of life is inanimate. "】

[Hearing this inexplicable nonsense, the little batsman in charge of hitting the ball first pondered for a while, then nodded and said:]

["Well, this is really a thought-provoking point, and it is worth thinking about it. "】


[The same strange thing happens everywhere in New York City!]

[It seems that "Tony the Iron God" has not only given these people ...... His own IQ and even gave them his "knowledge"!]

[Among them, a supervillain who has been in a coma in the hospital for several years not only suddenly woke up, but also rushed out of the hospital with a sinister smile, as if he was preparing to do something big!]

[Sure enough, after gaining Tony Stark's knowledge and wisdom, this supervillain, nicknamed "Big Wheel", actually used black technology to create a huge unicycle. 】

[Not only that, but he also used this unicycle to shoot a strange beam of light at all the vehicles on the streets of New York City.] 】

[Seeing that the situation is not right, Tony the Iron God and his girlfriend Hellcat...... Immediately fell from the sky, ready to stop this supervillain from continuing to do evil. 】

[But this "big wheel" has been completely reborn, and he casually took out a black technology weapon and knocked the ground anchor to the ground with one shot. 】

["Damn! How dare you hurt my girlfriend!"]

[Seeing that his girlfriend was injured, Tony, the iron god, was furious and immediately showed his original form!]


[I saw the steel god who was hundreds of meters tall, and two rays of light shot out of his eyes!]

[A ray of light hits Hellcat, instantly healing her injuries, while another light hits the "Big Wheel", dissociating his "Super Unicycle" into elementary particles!]

[But at this moment, Hellcat suddenly stopped Tony, the iron god:]

["Wait a minute, Tony!"]

[Hellcat leans into Tony's ear and whispers:]

["In the battle just now, I read his thoughts!"]

[Hellcat originally has telepathic abilities, which is equivalent to a weakened version of Professor X!]

[I saw her continue.] "The reason why this person uses which beams to label cars with is that he wants to use his own 'super quantum algorithm' to solve the problem of traffic jams. "】


[Tony was first taken aback, and then overjoyed:]

["Wow! Someone has finally decided to use my wisdom to make this world a better place!]

["This move of mine is indeed correct!"]

[Looking at Tony, whose face was full of joy, Hellcat suddenly lost his temper again:]

["Are you mistaken, this person is a villain, and...... He almost killed me before!"]

["Didn't I restore you, why are you always so negative?"]

["Who do you say is negative energy?"]

[Watching Tony Stark and his girlfriend arguing on the street, "Big Wheel" quickly turned around and secretly wanted to run. 】

[Annoyed by his girlfriend's quarrel, Tony Starck finally couldn't help it, and once again showed the true body of the Iron God!

"Even with my wisdom. You'll always be so small-bellied!"]

["When I fix the whole world, you will know how powerful I am!"]


[Looking at the main body of the god of the universe...... The boyfriend who played the prestige in front of him, Hellcat just snorted coldly, turned around and left. 】

[After leaving Tony Stark, Hellcat has already made a judgment, that is...... My boyfriend has gone crazy and needs to be stopped!]

[And the person who can do this, and is incompatible with Iron Man in terms of position...... There aren't many on Earth!]

[After some consideration, Hellcat chose the object of his help, and that is Dr. Doom!]

[Just as Hellcat is preparing to search the world and find heroes and villains from all walks of life...... When he came to defeat the "Iron God Tony", the situation in New York City was getting weirder and weirder. 】

[On the TV show, the reporters came to the Manhattan Hospital and found that the doctors here have overcome dozens of diseases, including 4 terminal diseases!]

[The most outrageous thing is that there are several diseases...... It was permanently wiped out by several drivers, a cook, and a septic tank plumber. 】

[Iron Man's wisdom can still be applied to medical skills!]

[On the dock, a 57-year-old dock worker built dozens of robots with his own hands, and used them to collect, sort, and reuse all the garbage on the dock...... Converted into a renewable fuel!]

[The students in the New York school not only got the world's highest scores in the exams, but also all abandoned the school and left the school, thinking that the teachers in the school were ...... Can't teach them anything at all. 】

[But at the same time, the IQ of all New Yorkers has skyrocketed, which has also caused a series of side effects.] 】

[In the past 24 hours, there have been more than a dozen supercriminals in New York City who want to rule the world!]

[In order to deal with these high-IQ criminals, Tony Stark, who calls himself the "Iron God", also used his divine power to create a "Flying Prison"......!

[However, even the prison built by the Iron God himself can't hold these high-IQ criminals!]

[In the past few hours, there have been several "high-IQ prison breaks"!]

[In desperation, Tony, the iron god, had to reduce the IQ of these criminals back to 80......]

[On TV, the female anchor just said this, and suddenly sighed at the camera:]

["To tell you the truth, with my IQ, engaging in this kind of work is simply a tyrannical thing!"]

["Moreover, I have already developed a means of 'space' and even 'time' travel!"]

["Now, I'm going to the family of the future...... Trillions worth of interstellar cargo companies are off to work!"]

["Good night everybody!"]

[After finishing speaking, the female anchor suddenly turned into a phantom on the screen!

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