As a result, this kid was actually stimulated by Kuzan’s achievements, and took the initiative to find him to apply for a record at sea, which he really didn’t expect, and he really didn’t read it wrong, this kid’s talent is really strong, only eighteen years old is already a top swordsman, the fruit ability is well developed, the two-color domineering has also reached the level of mastery, the proper elite lieutenant general’s combat power, this talent frantically dumped the big brother several kapu straight after Dorag, on this child’s talent, no matter what era, As long as they do not die on the way, the future can definitely become the pillar of their navy.

It’s normal to think about it now, although this kid is deeply influenced by Big Brother, but in the end he is still a teenager, young people, especially excellent young people, have some arrogance in their bones, and it is normal to compete with each other, didn’t he and Kapu compete all the way.

“But speaking of which, the new world seems to have calmed down a lot in the past year, especially the hundred beasts and bibmom are too quiet, not at all like the style of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, will they be plotting something?”

Lieutenant General Duncan couldn’t help but frown when he said that the two sea pirate groups of Hundred Beasts and BIGMOM couldn’t help but frown

The New World has been stormy over the years, and it is not uncommon for sea pirates to attack each other, and in recent years, due to the lifting of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the BIGMOM Pirate Group, the situation in the New World is more chaotic than ever.

In the past year, although the new world is still a sea thief fighting each other, two days, a small fight, three days and a big one, but it is not as violent as in the past years, especially the most crazy hundred beasts and BIGMOM two sea pirate groups seem to have entered the sage mode in this year, a look of calm years, with his understanding of the two, this is not their style at all, the years are quiet, that is the exclusive talent of the special white beard…


“….. The World Government and the headquarters have also discovered this situation, after the Roger Pirates left, they once appeared on the territory of Hundred Beasts and BIGMOM, and then ran to meet Whitebeard, and they are also investigating the relationship between the three…”

Sengoku also nodded when he heard Lieutenant General Duncan’s words, and his fingers kept tapping on the table to think.

If the years of Whitebeard are quiet, he believes it, after all, Whitebeard has always been a person in the New World over the years, and I accompany my son to drink and fart the sage attitude, as long as others do not mess with him, he will rarely participate in the war of the New World, but the Hundred Beast’s Kado and the fat woman of BIGMOM are obviously not such people, the two have rampant personalities and are born to do great things, and it is only in line with their deserved character to dominate the New World and become One Piece to do a big career.

He got more news than Duncan’s, knowing that Roger’s pirate group once appeared on the chassis of Hundred Beasts and BIGMOM, these two pirate groups fell completely silent, to say that they were influenced by Roger to change evil from good is bragging, both of them are from the Rocks Pirate Group, the idea of dominating the world is deeply ingrained in their psychology, if Roger can influence them, look for more than ten years ago, Charlotte Lingling was still a beautiful woman who was still beautiful and was touched by Rayleigh, and there is no need to wait until now.

And after Roger went to the chassis of the two, the two immediately calmed down, and then ran to Whitebeard’s chassis to contact Whitebeard, just like a diplomat, the most important thing is that when Roger left the Whitebeard Pirates, I don’t know what PY deal Roger did with Whitebeard, and the captain of Whitebeard’s second team and the indisputable son of the general of the country appeared on Roger’s ship.

Roger’s wave of operations gives the Warring States reason to believe that Roger has done something on their chassis, or whether Roger has changed the previous salted fish mode and is going to do something big?

But this seems unlikely, although he does not know Roger as well as the bastard of Cap, but he understands human nature better than Karp, through Roger’s career over the past few decades, in four words can describe “no big mole”, this guy neither wants to dominate the world nor think of occupying the mountains as king, saying that they are pirate groups is better to say that they are tourist groups, the members of Roger’s pirate group, from top to bottom, all reveal the word freedom.

This is also why for so many years their navy has turned a blind eye to Roger’s pirate group, except for Karp, their navy rarely pays attention to the affairs of Roger’s pirate group, because among these four super pirates, Roger ignores the least righteous threat to the world government or the navy to maintain, and even sometimes does some black to help their navy clean up some garbage on the sea.

Compared to Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Balorick Ledfield, Roger is simply a good guy…

This kind of salted fish for decades, salted fish for a long time really become salted fish, how can they suddenly think of doing big things?

Even if Roger is old and talking, Fu Junior wants big things.

Does he have this brain?

Then his grace has this brain, and his mouth does not have so many votes to support ah.

Doesn’t the pirate group that wants to do big things in history need a lot of tickets to support, and the golden lion has no money to support so many little brothers?

Whitebeard paints the land as king, and it doesn’t cost money to hide with those sons who are not sons all day?

Roger doesn’t have this ability!

But if Roger wasn’t planning to do something big, then what was going on with Kaido and that fat woman? Hundred Beasts and BIGMOM really fell silent after Roger went to their chassis, and Moonlight Ota is Whitebeard’s second team captain, Whitebeard’s worship brother, Whitebeard will actually let Mitsuki Ota get on Roger’s ship?

To say that there is no untold story in this, he will not believe it.

Unfortunately, at present, whether it is an undercover agent sent out by their navy or an undercover agent of the world government, the status of these pirate groups is too low, and there is no useful news at all, and at present, it is only known that the Roger Pirate Group left the new world some time ago and did not know where to run, and the Kapu guy once again chased people away….

“If you want to say this, will the Roger Pirates be plotting something big, you must know what kind of target this kind of person once he finds it, but it is very terrifying, the golden lion robbed the sky gold in order to feed those little brothers…”

Hearing the news said by the Warring States, Vice Admiral Duncan couldn’t help but feel up, super sea pirates like Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Roger on the sea are the most difficult, once they find any target, it is very terrifying to do whatever they want, why has the Golden Lion been focused on by their navy for many years? Isn’t this forcing people to shout all day long about dominating the world?

“….. I hope we think about it. ”

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