Chapter 0116 – This is a talent engraved in the bones!!

“Stop being in a daze! Cheer me up, the people of the headquarters have arrived, let them see the demeanor of the Westminster army,

Breathy Dantian, call me out!! ”

“Air Marshal…”

Seeing these little brothers pickled like dead fish, Yu Guang had already glanced at a large army of people coming from a distance less than a hundred meters away from them, and a prehistoric giant ship so big just now drove towards them, as long as they were not blind, they all saw it,

It was not Zefa who walked in the C position in the crowd, so he took the lead and shouted after teaching this group of little brothers a lesson.

“Okay, I’m here, no need to behave.”

“How’s it going, are you okay?”

Zefa who came looking at this kid with a black line was educating these little brothers seriously, if this kid’s eyes were not staring, he really believed it…

However, seeing that this kid was again red and smelling of blood, he knew that this kid had just gone on with Balorick Ledfeld before the Air Marshal arrived, which made him worried and didn’t know what to say.

It’s just that this kid’s fruit ability is enough, and in exchange for someone else, he has shed so much blood, and he is not dead or wasted…

“The little problem has long been good, this old dog’s attack is not as powerful as the golden lion, Renly,

It’s just a little mean, but the teacher has not lost weight for many days, the teacher should pay attention to the body!!! ”

Leonardo patted his chest and immediately licked a face after speaking, and said to Zefa with concern.

Looking at this guy’s face, the Fire Burning Mountain and others behind Zefa have a black line, which can’t be compared,

It’s really incomparable!

As soon as he opened his mouth, he offended the super sea thief to death, an old dog, they have this guts and do not have this confidence.

Look at how quickly this face has become, the thickness alone is already comparable to the righteous gate of the headquarters!

“See? You can’t learn his routine at all, along the way, Mr. Zefa is by your side, you didn’t think to care about Mr. Zefa’s body, looking at his blood, you know that this guy fought with Balorick Ledfield before Marshal Air came,

Before you learn his routine, you have to have the strength to single out the sea thief Baloli Clyde Field and survive…”

In order to let his friends turn back to the shore, countless also, do not forget to educate the ghost spider on the side.

This is a talent carved into the bones, you can’t learn it, and it is the right way to hone your eight swords and flow more pirates!

People can slap horses and fight with Balorick Ledfield at the same time…

“…… Did you find out why Balorick Ledfield came to the West Sea? ”

Zefa looked at this student, and the brain door was black, and he had no choice but to forcibly divert the topic.

It’s not that you make trouble, if you open the door with your mouth, I don’t have to worry so much about not being able to sleep at night.

His wife and son were killed by pirates in retaliation a few years ago, and his son is as old as Leonardo if he is still alive, plus he is the only son of Big Brother,

So all these years even he didn’t know that he subconsciously treated Leonardo as his own son.

“Not yet… This guy is the so-called Star of the West Sea, the little white face raised by the old dog in the West Sea, although he only went to sea three years ago,

But I guess I’ve been raising it for several years, and this guy is also tough, and he was beaten by Doberman into a mother who doesn’t know him and doesn’t say anything,

However, this guy has often attacked the branch base in recent years, and I guess it should be the meaning of the old dog. ”

“Made, just say it, these sea thieves are so shameless and bottomless,

Air Marshal come on and kill this old dog!!! ”

Leonardo grabbed the handcuffed leg cuffs, and his head was swollen like a pig’s head

The Star of the West Sea threw it forward like garbage, and as he spoke, he remembered that the old dog was standing well with him and suddenly attacked the three of Gion, and he was still angry and sprayed in the direction of the big war.

If it weren’t for the fact that Brother Yi appeared in time to resist the old dog’s slash and take him away the first time, the second time,

The girl of the third, fourth and fifth times is about to GG, where will he go to find such a rich tool man then?

The Draco girl is quite rich, but even his father who has lived in the bush of thousands of flowers is shocked, you can imagine how terrifying the oppression feels!

He still chooses to believe in love…

“Hahaha! No problem, you’ll see! ”


“Wow! How despicable! Old dog to die! ”

“Bang bang bang…”

Steel Bone Kong, who was singled out with Balorick Ledfield, suddenly heard Leonardo’s voice, stopped and waved his hand to this side in response, this kid he liked it more and more,

Capable and able to speak, doing things makes him comfortable,

Even thinking of making him a general, as for who the three nature systems let…

Or Sakaski? Anyway, that kid is too ruthless to be handsome…

But as soon as he finished speaking, his face was immediately punched by Balorick Ledfield…


A group of lieutenant generals behind Zefa, the major general saw a black line, and now he was fighting,

Can you fight well…

“Is there something in the West Sea Branch that attracts Balorick Ledfield…”

When Zefa heard Leonardo’s words, he not only began to ponder.

He is also a former admiral, and he has some knowledge of the sea pirates of the New World, and Barorick Ledfield is the golden lion,

Whitebeard, a sea thief of Roger’s level.

But I’m ashamed that he doesn’t know much about this Balorick Ledfield.

The four top sea pirates in the New World have different personalities, and Whitebeard is a family man who enjoys father-son time in the New World after raising a group of sons.

Golden Lions are extremely ambitious, and their value has always been the focus of their navy.

Roger used to be the saltiest fish, running around the world, except for a black wave when he had no money,

Never make trouble.

And this Baloorick Ledfield 0.7, although it is the same name as them, but has always been a loner, the most mysterious,

And he has always been the target of the Air Marshal’s main defense, so he really doesn’t know much about Balorick Ledfield.

However, a top sea pirate Gou has spent several years in the West Sea to train a younger brother to come out specifically to attack the West Sea Branch, if it is not something important to Balorick Ledfield in the West Sea Branch, it is that Balorick Ledfield is idle and has nothing to do.

This is certainly impossible, Balorick Ledfield asked the younger brother to attack the West Sea branch instead of doing it himself, obviously in order not to attract the attention of their own department,

But what is so important to Balorick Ledfield that he spends so much time, so much energy, so much thought…

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