Chapter 0118: MVP! mvp! mvp!!!

“That old dog is dying! All up! Cheer up! Let Marshal Air know that we are always standing behind him. ”

“Toot toot!”

“Air Marshal!”


“Air Marshal!”


At six o’clock in the morning of the sixth day, the sky was dark, and the battle with Balorick Ledfield was nearing its end,

Leonardo, who had returned to the port ship, looked ahead at the island that was already dilapidated and the existing area was less than the original size, and the sound of the outbreak of the battle gradually weakened, and a stirring spirit woke up the little brothers who were still sleeping,

Continuing to pull out the small horn and the small bunting, he began to become a cheerleader again.

And this time, not only the younger brothers of the West Sea Branch, but even those younger brothers from the headquarters also joined in, and the loud cheering sound spread throughout the sky.


“Or… We also cheer for the Air Marshal? ”

The ghost spider on the prehistoric giant ship next door slapped his stinky face fiercely, secretly annoyed himself why he forgot about this, and snatched the blood for that guy again.

But it seems that it is not too late to join now, he has snorted several boxes of golden voices in the past two days, and his voice is absolutely loud to ensure that the Air Marshal can hear it.

However, his face is not solid enough, it is all some little brothers cheering, and it is a bit humiliating for him to join a major general of the headquarters,

So you have to pull a few people into the group, even if you lose face, someone will share it with him…

“…… Why don’t you try it? ”

“Try it, try it…”

Around a couple of lieutenant generals, major generals you look at me, I look at you,

Hearing the cheering sounds of the younger brothers around him, although they felt a little humiliated, they were also thrilled,

From the fact that the first two sky marshals would rather risk being flown by the sea thief Balorick Ledfield to respond to Lieutenant General Curry, you can see that the Air Marshal likes him, and why does the Air Marshal like Lieutenant General Curry?

Isn’t it Curry’s lieutenant general?

Look at this wave of operations of people, never give up the slightest opportunity, and now see that the battle preparation over there is over,

If they don’t make a little noise for the Air Marshal to hear, then there will be no chance at all!

If they were loud enough for the Air Marshal to hear it, there would be an impression in the Air Marshal or something,

It’s hard to say about promotions and raises, but there will be good things in the future, and the air marshal will definitely be indispensable for them…

After such a brain supplement, first of all, someone couldn’t help it, and followed a group of little brothers to shout.

“Air Marshal!”


“Air Marshal!”



The squirrel next door to the ghost spider saw that his friend could not turn back, and could only sigh helplessly and shake his head, these silly children screamed so happily but did not know that they were all counting money for Lieutenant General Curry…

“Hahaha! All good boys! ”

“Ladfield die!”

“Bang bang!”



It was still the steel bone space in the shape of black iron Donkey Kong, and I heard the cheering sound of the little brother getting louder and louder

Loud, haha smiled, Yu Guang looked at Leonardo, who was standing on the deck directing his little brother to refuel, the more cordial he looked,

It’s like looking at your own son.

If that beautiful lady hadn’t died back then, their children would have had such a big impact now, right?

Thinking of that year, the beautiful lady in the rainy season, the steel bone was empty and immediately angry,

Full fire, buttoning off the defensive button, regardless of the sword that Barorick Ledfeld slashed at him, scolded Balorick Ledfeld was a wild bombardment.

As the saying goes, the weak are afraid of the hard, and the hard are afraid of death,

Steel bone space suddenly changed the style of play, the attack was more fierce than before, this time Barorick Ledfield can not hold,

He himself had stood with Leonardo for dozens of rounds before the steel bone came to the air, and finally resisted Leonardo’s slash with the big sword hall symbol, although the injury was not very serious,

But in the end, he was already injured, his state was not at his peak, and then he fought against the steel bone for five days and five nights,

The body has reached a critical point, the reason why it has not fallen down is all supported by one breath, and now in the face of this wave of sudden outbreak of steel bones,

Flat A was slammed into the ground by the stormy and matchless steel bone, and did not stand up for a long time.

“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One!! ”

“Yay! Win! Air Marshal Overall Champion…! MVP! ”


As Barorick Ledfield did not get up for a long time, Leonardo jumped to the island and came to Barorick Ledfeld in the giant pit to announce the result dozens of times after determining that the old man had passed out, and sent a wave of rainbow farts by the way,

The sound spread throughout the island.

“MVP! MVP……! ”

“MVP! MVP……! ”

The little brother in the distance heard Leonardo’s voice shouting MVP, although he didn’t know what it meant, but it was right to shout,

One by one, the younger brothers, including some lieutenant generals and major generals who were pulled into the gang by the ghost spider before, also pulled their throats and shouted, before the air marshal would not pay attention to them I don’t know, but now the air marshal has finished fighting,

The chance of paying attention to them is definitely very large, and a promotion and salary increase is not a dream!

Some of the more chicken thieves shouted with some sight, for fear that the air marshal would not be able to tell whose voice it was…

“Handcuff Balorick Ledfield, return to the Great Route, and send him to Advance City!”

The steel bone that changed back to human form listened to the cries of the little brothers, it was refreshing, and the wound that was stabbed by Balorick Ledfield a few times in the past few days did not hurt,

With a wave of his rather imposing hand, the little brother handcuffed the unconscious Balorick Ledfield in the big pit.

Originally, he really wanted to avenge the death of Balorick Ledfield to the beautiful lady in the rainy season that year, so that he could also untie his heart, but after thinking about it,

He is not only a brother of the Navy now, looking at Leonardo and the adoring eyes of the younger brothers around him, and now he is also a national idol of the Navy,

As a public figure, naturally you can’t do this, otherwise it’s not good to give your younger brothers a bad head!

As a righteous navy brother, he must not declare personal vendetta, even if the pirate is committing a heinous crime, he will be frightened by the punishment of the law!

Thinking about it like this, the steel bone hollow is much more comfortable, and the heart seems to have been sublimated…

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