Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1036: go to the provincial capital

Ignorance and ignorance, I can't tell her!

Shao Yunyun is embarrassing enough, and in the end, she has to suffer from her embarrassment!

What does she think the champion is? There are so many scholars in the whole Daqin who are the top ones. Is it so good? He opened his mouth and asked him to come back as the champion. Is this to comfort him or deliberately bury him?

If this wasn't his own mother, he almost suspected that she was deliberately blocking him.

How can such luck come so easily? Shao Yunyun's luck has always been better than his...

The matter of Shao Liulang being a scholar was passed without a sound.

In the past, Mrs. Ma and Uncle Shao still held their breath, secretly swearing that what is so great about Zhongxiu? When my son becomes a scholar, I have to put a drink to celebrate! You can't just let the big house get all the limelight!

Who knows that Shao Yunyun's pace is too fast, Xiucai, Xie Yuan, Zhuangyuan, Sanfang has not recovered yet, Shao Yunyun has already reached the peak of a scholar.

Shao Liulang was suppressed to the death! If Shao Liulang was an outstanding talent three years ago, it would have been great, but now... I can't even mention it, it's really bad luck!

When Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun arrived in the provincial capital, there were so many people and great strength that everyone started working together, and they quickly cleaned up their residence and stayed happily.

It was night, and it was too late to make dinner, so Qiao Xuan asked Song Shi to order two tables of meals from a nearby restaurant.

The dishes of the restaurant are exquisitely presented and the ingredients are sufficient. The special dishes are also ordered. The three-cup chicken, sauce hoof flowers, lion head, blood duck, steamed fish head, etc. are also full of taste.

After a long day of traveling and driving, I was a little tired by now. After dinner, we talked for a while, and then went back to our rooms to rest.

However, for Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun, two people who have experienced and practiced, such a short distance is nothing.

After sending everyone away and walking out of the hall, Shao Yunyun gently held Qiao Xuan's hand, Qiao Xuan turned her head to look at him, and the two smiled at each other.

"Is the lady tired?"

"Well, it's alright, let's walk back slowly? Take a walk around the garden by the way?"


The moonlight is like water, the clear splendor pours out, and the flowers and trees are covered with a faint silver light. In such a night, everything seemed quiet and gentle.

Accompanied by a lover who is equivalent to the newly married Yan Er, this tenderness and this quietness will only be doubled, and the mood will be inexplicably happy, as if dipped in honey.

I don't know since when, Shao Yunyun changed from holding Qiao Xuan's hand to hugging her shoulder, and the two became more intimate~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The footsteps gradually slowed down, until they were in a clump of gardenias. Stop before flowers.

The flowers and trees in this garden have been nourished by Qiao Xuan's wood-type ability, and they grow more prosperous than other places. In the morning, hydrangea, hibiscus, crape myrtle, gardenia, rose, canna, etc. that bloom so well are quietly blooming and revealing fragrance.

The green branches and leaves of this clump of gardenias are covered with egg-sized snow-white flowers.

The evening wind blows, and the fragrance bursts into the heart, and the lovers who are in the tender affection are drunk and slightly drunk.

Qiao Xuan raised her hand and stroked the flowers gently, and praised with a smile: "This flower is so beautiful!"

I'm proud of myself by the way, it's great to have supernatural abilities!

Shao Yunyun's heart swayed slightly, leaned over and kissed Qiao Xuan's cheek, took advantage of the opportunity to lightly place a kiss on her lips, and smiled lowly: "No matter how good a flower is, it's not as good as my wife..."

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