Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 1503: It's lilac

"Could it be that Mr. Qiao is back again?"

"Hey, envy can't come, envy can't come!"


Of course, everyone thought that this was going to the Shao family's big house.

Although I'm used to being numb to this scene, but every time I encounter it, I can't help but sigh and envy.

Unexpectedly, after entering the village, the convoy actually stopped, Zhou Chong jumped off his horse, clasped his fists at a peasant, and smiled politely: "Excuse me, everyone, where are Mrs. Ding Xiangding's parents? There is also a Shao Yunshao. Where are the adults?"

"The big house of the Shao family, just over there, that! The biggest house is theirs! You, what did you just say? Ding, lilac?"

This peasant happened to be a member of the Ding clan, and he was relatively close to the Lilac family. Logically, Lilac had to call him his cousin.

Hearing Lilac's name, he didn't startle him, and asked in confusion.

Zhou Chong hurriedly said: "Yes, it's Mrs. Ding Xiangding, it's our wife! Our wife said that her mother is Zhou's and her father's name is Ding Erzhu. I don't know where Ding's family is?"

"What! It's really lilac!"

The peasant screamed in surprise, his mouth was so big that he didn't regain his senses for a while.

The surrounding villagers who were watching the lively "Hula!" all of a sudden crowded up, and they exploded with babble!

"What! Cloves? Which cloves!"

"My mother is the Zhou family, and my father is Ding Erzhu. Isn't that the granddaughter of Ding Wuye's family who died two years ago!"

"Bah, it's definitely not dead. Otherwise, why would someone find it? Back then, there were no dead or dead."


"What did this person call her just now? Mrs. Ding? When did Lilac become a lady?"

"Oh, what the **** is going on here!"

"Is Lilac back? Is it in the carriage? Why can't you come out! Lilac, Lilac!"

Someone shouted at the carriage.

Qingyun smiled and said: "Our wife has not come back. Madam is very busy now and has no time. She is thinking of her parents, so she specially sent us underlings to come back to visit their parents."

The crowd became more and more uproar, and the clamor became more and more loud.

"God, it's really a lilac!"

"Where the **** did she go after that? Is this—developed?"

"Hey what the **** is going on!"

"Yeah, so weird."

"Anyway, it's true that it's developed. Look at these servants dressed so brightly, and this is both a car and a horse. This is the boss's fortune!"

"Hey, I'm so envious!"


Chattering, curious, excited, lively, and talking about the crowd is getting denser and denser~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There was a commotion, and some people shouted "Come on!", "Ding Wuye!" Wait.

The crowd consciously parted ways, only to see Ding Wuye and Ding Wu's grandmother with red faces and bright eyes, a large group of people in the big room, the son, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and grandchildren of the third room rushed over.

Obviously, someone ran to tell them the news, and they came quickly.

Seeing these ten people, a dozen horses, and several large carriages, Grandma Ding Wu patted her thigh with a sound of "Ouch!" She was so excited that she almost fainted!

Ding Wuye's family was all beaming with greed.

Obviously, they have taken all of this as their own.

Ding Wuye was a little prudent, and stopped the family members who were going to pick up the carriage. This was too unsteady. Besides, why are you looking at your own things here? Of course I have to go back and see.

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