Chapter 2209 Return

Even if Tang Fanghua was later exposed by Qiao Xuan and did not return to Wucheng with Xiaoqi and the others, Lan Die was only surprised when she found out about it, and did not stand up to express her intention to save her life.

At that time, Xiao Qi was looking for a savior. Lan Die's character was destined for her not to take the initiative to claim it. She would feel embarrassed.

Later, Xiao Qi gave up and felt that most of his saviors had left the northwest area. It was also by chance that I learned that it was Blue Butterfly.

At that time, he and Lan Die had already met each other's eyes, and they both had so much meaning, and it was a surprise to learn about it again.

This is called fate ordained by God!

General Feng, General Xu, etc. were also very supportive of the two being together, and the relationship between the two was subsequently confirmed.

This time, Xiao Qi originally planned to bring Lan Die together, but unfortunately, the journey must be difficult, and he couldn't bear to bring her. Second, General Xu was seriously injured. Lan Die's medical skills are superb, and it would be safer to have her there. . Furthermore, the situation at the Northwest Barracks is now tense, especially because of the lack of military doctors, so Xiao Qi did not bring her back.

However, it is time to tell the family.

I was afraid that they would keep asking questions, so they just mentioned it before they left...

Leaving Anzezhou City, rested for a night on Xiaoqi Road, and arrived at Huaixi Provincial City in the afternoon of the next day.

After a day, they began to go to Huaixi Pass.

Xiao Qi and the others came here this time and brought more than 300 good horses to Shao Yunyun. He was very regretful. If he had known that Shao Yunyun had such a large land, he would have brought more good horses here.

But there is still a chance, let the next grain transport team bring seven or eight hundred horses over.

Shao Yunyun is already very happy with these three hundred good horses. Three hundred horses are not a small number if there are good horses in the north!

You know, their war horses are only five thousand in total.

Xiao Qi and the grain transport team hadn't reached Huaixi Pass yet, but there were messengers from the northwest rushing to inform the news. Let Xiao Qi take the grain transport team back according to the established route, and take care of their own food and lodging along the way. Nothing else matters.

What tolls and the like, that does not exist!

Xiao Qi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and curiously asked General Feng how to solve this matter? What conditions did you promise to the Sun family?

The messenger sneered disdainfully, "How could our general bow his head to show weakness to the Sun family? The general sent a letter to the Sun family and told the Sun family that if the grain truck passing through their borders was missing a grain of grain, he would personally lead the troops to kill them! "

Xiao Qi's eyes widened: "Just, is it that simple?"

The messenger smiled proudly and nodded: "That's It's that simple!"

"Hey!" Xiao Qi laughed and sighed.

He is really convinced, he is worthy of being a general!

This way, relieve your anger.

But I have to say that when the General's words came down, the Sun family really didn't dare to be soft.

The Northwest Army does not stand in line now, only to ensure the tranquility of the northern border.

However, if the Sun family pushed the general in a hurry, whether the general should take refuge with the fourth prince or the third prince, and send troops to attack the second prince, it would be justifiable.

At that time, the second prince will definitely be very annoyed with the Sun family, but the Sun family has not been able to carry so much.

With these words, Xiao Qi Anxin returned with the grain transport team as originally planned.

When they walked nearly halfway, they encountered the second grain transport team. Xiao Qi told them that his fifth brother and five sisters-in-law had prepared the grain. The other party was very happy and accelerated to Huaixi Province.

(End of this chapter)

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