Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 2283: Zhao Shu Tao Tao goes to Hangzhou

If he hadn't been implicated by himself, Zhao Shu would not have been specifically targeted by the Fu Zhifu, and confiscated all the Zhao family's properties for no reason, using such a ridiculous "rebellion" reason, and now make them for them. Look, so what!

These industries should have been returned to Zhao Shu. Even if it has changed hands, the new owner must let it go.

Shao Yunyun is not good at business, but that doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything.

The losses Zhao Shu suffered from being implicated by him were not just that. After they were forced to evacuate Hangzhou, they lost not only the industries themselves, but also the huge amount of money that these industries could earn if they operated normally.

Just returning to the industry, Zhao Shu still lost money.

However, with his cover, his business will naturally be smoother in the future.

Zhao Shu was flattered, knowing that this elder brother-in-law rarely treats him so kindly!

The flattered Zhao Shu shook his head again and again, and couldn't help but put on a somewhat pleasing smile: "No, no, no need to be so troublesome! It would be best if the property could be recovered, and I would pay the money myself. Forget it. You don't need to trouble Fifth Brother."

Shao Yunyun raised his brows slightly: "That's right, it's not a hassle."


"Let's do it like this!" Qiao Xuan said with a smile, "Actually, the reasoning is that you will lose a lot of money by taking all the property back, but we have to look ahead, and things will be smooth sailing in the future!"

Shao Yunyun did this for Tao Tao.

Zhao Shu doesn't care, it doesn't mean that his loyal stewards don't care, it doesn't mean that the Zhao clan doesn't care.

Qiao Xuan understood what Shao Yunyun meant and persuaded Zhao Shu.

Seeing that Qiao Xuan also said the same, Zhao Shu smiled embarrassedly and said yes. Uh, he always thought he was taking advantage of it...

Zhao Shu and Tao Tao had obviously been discussing going to Hangzhou City for a long time.

When they arrived in Hangzhou City, the two went to visit Zhang Wenshu and sent a letter written by Shao Yunyun.

If he simply wanted to return the property for his brother-in-law, Zhang Wenshu would definitely disagree, feeling that Mr. Shao was confused and was just messing around.

But firstly, Zhao Shu was implicated by Shao Yunyun, and secondly, Zhao Shu contributed countless money to Shao Yunyun and was a meritorious minister. So, it was only natural to return to the industry that should belong to him.

This matter does not require Zhao Shu's people to come forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhang Wenshu directly sends people to negotiate.

After Zhang Wenshu came to Hangzhou City, he quickly stabilized the whole situation, and killed a few people who had committed public anger to calm down the people and feel more at ease. At the same time, it also effectively deterred some people who were just around the corner.

He was fair and efficient, and quickly won the hearts of the people.

Most of Zhao Shu's shops are still in the hands of Fu Zhifu and his brother-in-law. They directly drove away the managers and shopkeepers they sent here, and the shops were fully accepted.

Some of these people did not dare to make trouble, and left in despair.

Some were unwilling, shouting that officials and businessmen colluded and bullied the common people, that they would not give a way to survive, bullying others, and even clamoring to kill them with one head.

For this category, Zhang Wenshu directly ordered people to take them away, announced the ins and outs of the incident, and kicked people out of Hangzhou City.

After the people found out, no one sympathized with them, but they all applauded!

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