God made him meet an adult, and in this life he is destined to be an adult.

As for the officials in the Jiangnan area, they were different from the officials of the imperial court in the capital thousands of miles away.

Court officials mentioned the discoloration of sea trade, and believed that the harm outweighed the benefits. At least seven out of ten people opposed it, and two out of the remaining three thought it didn't matter.

Jiangnan officials know too much how much profit this can bring!

Talk about uncertainty, talk about risk - what in the world is not risky? The dignified court, is it possible that they can't even afford this little risk?

Shao Yunyun raised this matter, and for them, it was a good thing to approve with both hands.

The officials became more and more convinced and believed that they had followed a good master! At least, they were sure that no prince could have the vision of Lord Shao.

After Shao Yunyun told Qiao Xuan about the result of the discussion, Qiao Xuan was overjoyed and began to plan and arrange the matter with great interest.

She has silver, and Zhao Shu also has it. By the way, if you ask Le Zhengxiao, the three companies can join forces to build a huge and powerful ocean-going fleet.

As for the government, Shao Yun ordered two clerks who were familiar with the matter to be responsible for rebuilding and dredging the port, ordering the registration of each fleet, and orderly management in the future...

As soon as the news came out, everyone who had a sea trade business was full of joy.

Although it is necessary to pay a tax to the government from now on, it is equivalent to having a backer, so you can expand the scale with confidence. If you encounter pirates at sea, you can also ask the government for help. You can even ask the government to send soldiers to **** the boat, which definitely has more advantages than disadvantages.

Zhang Wenshu and Jia Heming suggested to Shao Yunyun to convene officials from all over the city to gather in Hangzhou in mid-March to make a unified planning and coordination.

In this way, it is better to gather people's hearts together better, and make all places more closely integrated.

In addition, the name of Shao Yunyun also needs to be determined.

When the late emperor was there, Shao Yunyun was the governor of Anze Prefecture, and now he is still officially the governor of Anze Prefecture. But in this large area of ​​land that belongs to him, naturally no one would be stupid enough to call him "Master Zhizhou!", and everyone with a tacit understanding all called him "Master Shao".

But over time, this is not a solution after all.

Zhang Wenshu and Jia Heming suggested that Shao Yunyun should be called the king, and simply called the king of Huaixi, which is simple and easy to remember.

In this way, it is also equivalent to a clear identity.

Shao Yunyun couldn't help but feel a little excited.

However, after becoming king, it is equivalent to completely breaking with Da Qin and standing on the opposite side of the second prince and the fourth prince.

Although he now occupies a large area in Jiangnan, as long as he does not openly show his attitude to the outside world, he will be a courtier of Da Qin one day, and he will not be offensive.

Once the identity is clarified, it is still unknown whether it will bring any changes...

Shao Yunyun finally declined the suggestions of Zhang Wenshu and Jia Heming.

The Jiangnan area has not really completely returned to his heart and is completely in his hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this time, I can't wait to become the king, it seems a little too early.

This is just an empty name, and there is nothing wrong with everyone calling him Lord Shao.

After Zhang Wenshu and Jia Heming listened to it, they seemed to make sense after thinking about it, so they stopped persuading and temporarily dismissed the idea.

They all knew that it was only a matter of time.

Shao Yunyun has come this far, and it is absolutely impossible to go back.

------off topic-----

Add more tomorrow!


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