Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home

Chapter 943: It's really bullying

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Song Shi wiped his eyes and complained angrily to the crowd.

The Qiao family dog ​​is accused of being inferior, his young wife is a concubine, and his grandfather is a countryman, so the Qiao family does not look down on it. No, the master and the young lady finally went to Beijing to take the exam and visited their elders, but they were humiliated in vain. , the young lady couldn't help but feel wronged, she was slapped twice, she told them to get out, she was not allowed to come to the door in the future, and she wrote a letter of divorce...

This divorce letter is not written casually. As soon as these words came out, the dozen or so people who were listening to the excitement all gasped.

"Break up the book? I heard it right!"

"My God, this is too much!"

"What the **** happened? Otherwise, the Qiao family wouldn't be able to... right?"

"Hehe, we live in this alley and don't know what kind of people this Qiao family is? It's not surprising to look down on a concubine and a concubine son-in-law!"

"That's right, no matter what happened, this young couple has traveled all the way to Beijing, and they don't want to go to their relatives and save their eyesight in the capital. Is it possible that they will take the initiative to offend people? I don't believe this, too. It's outrageous! Not to mention the Qiao family--he!"

"That's right!"


The doorman of Qiao's house had a panoramic view of all this, and hurriedly went in to report.

Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun saw that it was almost the same, and Shao Yunyun hugged her and left.

In Qiao's house, the concierge didn't dare to disturb Mrs. Qiao, and Mrs. Qiao, who went to report first, Mrs. Qiao sneered: "These two people are really cheap, they have gone out, and they are still smearing our family like this! Go to a few people and drive them away from me!"

When the doorman of the Qiao family and the three or four fierce slaves rushed out aggressively, Qiao Xuan and Shao Yunyun had just left, but the people watching the fun had not finished.

Seeing the fierce look on the faces of the servants of the Qiao family, everyone exchanged glances: What else do you understand?

Geez, what a bully!

It seems that what people say is not wrong at all...

As soon as he got on the carriage, Shao Yunyun ordered Song Shi, who was driving the carriage, to "Go to the nearest medical center."

Qiao Xuan raised her eyes to look at him and smiled: "My face doesn't hurt so much anymore, go back and put it on with a towel and it will be fine soon."

Shao Yunyun gently stroked her face, touched her gently and moved away, said solemnly: "How can this not hurt? I didn't expect Qiao Hongxi to be so cruel and unfeeling."

Qiao Xuan is his sister no matter what, he can not like it or even be indifferent, why is this?

Besides, Qiao Xuan is a married prostitute, so she won't hinder him in the slightest!

When he heard the sound of the slap ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shao Yunyun's heart skipped a beat, and he wanted to kill Qiao Hongxi.

The precious lady, who was reluctant to let him suffer even a little bit of grievance, was so bullied!

He was distressed, angry, and guilty, but he was not strong enough for these people to dare to be so arrogant and domineering.

He is fortunate that he has finally reached this step, and will continue to walk unswervingly in the next step.

Qiao Xuan smiled, gently tugged at his sleeve, and said coquettishly, "Don't do this, it really doesn't hurt anymore, look at Qiao Hongxi's skinny chicken paw-like palm, how strong it is! Besides, we are not at a disadvantage, you see, we got the divorce book, and we even tricked them at the gate of Qiao's house!"

"Actually, this slap is even more insignificant compared to the divorce book! As long as you can cut off your relationship with the Qiao family, let alone a slap, even if I slap ten—"

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