A big fat man with a height of more than three meters, a purple body, wearing armor, and a ferocious face stepped out of the crack.

And there is a huge mouth on his stomach, chewing something constantly.

It was this big mouth that swallowed Li Quan just now.

After walking out of the crack, he sniffed it with his nose, and then looked towards the Novice Village ahead.

The two mouths grinned in an astonishing arc, and they laughed: "Haha! There are so many bloody food here!"


From the crack behind him, demon soldiers came out one by one.

These little soldiers belonged to the same tribe as the fat man at the front.

They also have purple skin, wear armor, and hold machetes in their hands.

On the face, the eyes and nose are very small, but the mouth is extremely huge, occupying most of the face, and the long tongue hangs out from the mouth.

The mouth on the big fat man's stomach grinned ferociously and said: "Haha, this crack actually opened at the door of the human race, it is simply a reward from the Great Demon God."

"Give it to me! Eat them up!"

The big fat man raised the mace in his hand and shouted.

Boom boom boom!

There was a sound of footsteps, and these dozens of demon soldiers roared, raised their weapons, and rushed towards Xinshou Village.

On the side of Xinshou Village, everyone has already started to gather at the entrance of the village.

Some people who are closer have already arrived here, and they are defending at the entrance of the village with weapons.

At the entrance of the village, a demon soldier rushed the fastest and was the first to enter the Novice Village.


A feather arrow flew over like lightning, directly piercing the soldier's head!

"here you go!"

Seeing this scene, many people applauded.

Originally, these ferocious and terrifying demons made many people fear.

This arrow boosted the morale of Xinshou Village a lot.

And the one who shot through it was Xu Lang, who was ninth on the combat power list.

He has good combat power, and he got a more powerful bow and arrow in the reward of combat power list.

"Hmph, these demons are not very good."

As he spoke, he quickly drew out the second feather arrow and shot it out quickly.


With one arrow down, another demon fell down.

And these demon soldiers had already rushed over at this time, and everyone in Xinshou Village fought with them brandishing weapons.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

All of a sudden, there were swords and lights at the entrance of the village, dozens of demon soldiers and dozens of people

The classes fought together.

Of course, people from Xinshou Village are still rushing over.

Those players who were weaker and obviously lost to the demon soldiers all retreated to the back to let these strong players go up.

The strength of these demon soldiers is comparable to some strong level 2 monsters, but they wear armor and have strong defense.

Su Rui was far away from the village entrance, but his speed was very fast. After running wildly all the way, he would soon arrive at the village entrance.

However, the leader of the demon clan took the lead in joining the battlefield, and its strength far surpassed that of ordinary demon clan soldiers.

A member of Xinshou Village with a big knife has already beheaded several demon soldiers, becoming more and more courageous with each battle.

He was about to choose his next target, but he was followed by this fat devil.

"Hey, go to hell!"

He strode forward and swung the big mace in his hand directly.

When Chen Gang saw this huge monster rushing towards him, he quickly raised his big knife and slashed at it.

"Ugly! Eat me!"


The mace sent the big knife flying out in an instant, and at the same time continued to smash towards Chen Gang's head.


With a bang, Chen Gang's head was torn apart like a watermelon, and the surrounding area was scarlet.

After killing Chen Gang, it began to look for the next target. Currently, no one here is his enemy.

Soon, he killed several members of Xinshou Village.

Xu Lang, who was hunting the demon soldiers, noticed this scene, and immediately raised his bow and arrow and shot at the guy.


A feathered arrow rushed towards him, Fatty dodged immediately!


But it has a huge body, and the arrow still hit its stomach after all.


The big fat man let out a roar when he felt the pain.

It immediately stretched out its hand to pull out the feather arrow on its stomach, and at the same time threw the mace in its hand directly at Xu Lang.


The speed of the mace was extremely fast, and there was a sound of breaking wind all around.

Xu Lang didn't expect the other party to be able to do this trick at all. Seeing the mace approaching him quickly, he had nowhere to hide.

Xu Lang's pupils grew bigger and his body trembled slightly, as if he could already see the scene where his body was shattered after being hit by a mace.


But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


A blue light flashed, and the mace was directly chopped off.

"Su Rui!"

Looking at the back, Xu Lang couldn't help shouting

out his name.

At this time, Su Rui's face was extremely gloomy. He had just seen the scene where this guy killed his compatriots, and there was still anger in his heart.

Doubt appeared on the big fat man's face, it was really strange that this thin guy was able to chop off the mace he threw.

And he still appeared here instantly, what kind of method is this.

Before he had time to think about it, Su Rui had already turned into an afterimage and rushed towards him.

"Good time! Watch me swallow you!"

The big fat man opened his huge mouth and stuck out his long tongue towards Su Rui.


Seeing the tongue flying towards him, Su Rui cut it out with a sword.


Blood splattered everywhere! Its tongue was cut off directly.


The big mouth on the demon leader's belly suddenly wailed, and its body twisted unconsciously.

Su Rui came in front of the leader of the demon clan, and directly jumped and slashed.


Su Rui's speed was extremely fast, and the sword was even faster, and the head on the top of the body was chopped off with one blow.


At the same time, his body also came to the back of the demon leader.

And the head of the demon leader rolled down directly, his face full of disbelief.


It roared from its large mouth, and its arms were outstretched.

After Su Rui landed on the ground, he turned over immediately and stabbed at its back with a sword. Biqu library


A sword pierced through its body, and the long sword pierced directly from the big mouth in front of it!

This sword also made it stop roaring, and the movements of its two arms also froze there.


Afterwards, its huge body fell directly, making a loud noise.

[Kill the level 5 demon leader! Experience value +1000]

Seeing that their bosses had all been killed, the demon soldiers around were terrified.

Those who could still move all receded into the crack.

But how could Su Rui let them retreat so easily, holding the blue light sword in his hand, he rushed directly to the demon soldiers and slashed at them.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Blue lights flashed one after another, and these demon soldiers were harvested by Su Rui like cabbage.

When he slashed down with his sword, no matter if it was the armor or the weapon of the demon soldiers, they were all broken.

[Kill the level 2 demon pawn! Experience value +100]

[Kill the level 2 demon pawn! Experience value +100]

[Kill the level 2 demon pawn! Experience value +100]


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