The scorching explosion stopped, and the whole Scale Abyss Mirror was in ruins, completely lacking its previous spectacular appearance. However, this did not bother the mortal world. The rock element governance slowly spread around, and the repairers repaired the dilapidated buildings and ground everywhere.

Sanyueqi looked at the distance with a worried look, clasped his hands together, and prayed silently:

"Xing will be okay, right? God bless, God bless, bless her, bless her to be fine, Amitabha, Amitabha..."

The black smoke that covered the area gradually dissipated, and the blurred area was finally visible. I saw that Huanlong's huge body had disappeared! It turned into a soul flame again.

Xing also exhausted all his strength and knelt on one knee, with big beads of sweat dripping onto the ground. He was panting, but his tired face could not hide the joy of victory. After all, this body was finally destroyed, and Huanlong could not do evil again in a short time!

Looking at such a tenacious person, Huanlong could not help but admire: "You actually destroyed my perfect body directly, but what you destroyed was just something I made up at random. Do you think you can completely defeat me with just these?"

"That's not necessarily true, little pawn of destruction, if I can defeat you this time, I will definitely be able to do it next time!"

A familiar voice came into her ears, and Xing looked back in astonishment, only to see Jingyuan had walked to her side without knowing when, his calm smile never diminished, and his golden eyes stared straight at the flame in the air.

"Hahaha! General Luofu is here too? Why? You can see that you are very confident. You were able to defeat me this time with the help of the Starry Sky Train, but next time, you Luofu may not have external help.

By then, how can you, General, deal with the destruction alone? The day of the Immortal Boat's destruction is coming! No one can stop it, and how long can you hold on with this scarred body?"

Jing Yuan just walked forward slowly, raised his hand and waved it, instantly dispersing the soul flame, followed by a sonorous and bright voice:

"I advise you to leave here, a pawn of destruction, and tell the Antimatter Corps that the revenge of the patrol will surely come, and your plan will never succeed! "

"Then we'll have to wait and see! General Luofu, we'll meet again. I hope you'll still have the confidence to say this next time we meet."

As the soul flame dissipated, the voice of Illusion's rampage and ridicule echoed here, but there was no trace of her breath. Obviously, she had left, and this war finally came to an end........

Jing Yuan: "Thank you for your hard work, Xing. You did a good job. If it weren't for your assistance, I'm afraid I really don't know how to deal with the Destruction Order. Luofu now seems to be much more decadent than before."

Xing: "Don't say that. We are pioneers. It's our duty to save people. Don't worry. After this lesson, that guy may not be so blatant again. Courage, at least you Luofu can be stable for a while. "

At the entrance on the other side, Fu Xuan's hanging heart finally fell. Seeing that everyone returned safely, he was both happy and a little regretful, but still said:

"Welcome to your triumphant return. It seems that my divination was not wrong. That guy has left, right?"

Jing Yuan sighed and said slowly: "What else? The body that I am proud of was destroyed. She dared not to make trouble again in a short time. This time, thanks to the Starry Sky Train, I once again express my gratitude to you as a general. "

March Seven waved his hand and said:

"No need, no need. After all, we are friends. We can't just stand by and watch our friends in trouble, This is not the style of our pioneers, but to be honest, everyone fought beautifully in this battle. "

Everyone smiled with relief. After the war, they survived the catastrophe. The difficulty of the Scale Abyss Mirror was completely solved. On the other side, inside Luofu...

Yan Qing: "This elder sister's swordsmanship is really amazing. She only won one move and directly solved a group of rich monsters. This level is simply superb. Yan Qing admires it."

Lei Ting: "Thank you for the compliment. In fact, my swordsmanship is not very high. I only used elemental power to fight against the group of rich monsters. Compared with you, my little brother, I still have a little gap."

No wonder why Lei Ting did not show up in that battle,

It turned out that he was helping to deal with the rich monsters inside Luofu. This was also a small plan of Fanchen. It was a pity that if Lei Ting participated in that battle, I always felt that Huanlong's life was in danger.

As the rich monsters were cleared out, Luofu gradually returned to peace, and Lei Ting was able to put away the Thunder Blade. The violent and sharp aura gradually subsided. He turned his head and looked at the Scale Abyss Mirror in the distance, with a smile on his lips.

"Look, the boss's matter has been resolved, and the matters of both parties have been resolved satisfactorily. This trip to Luofu was not in vain. It's a pity that I couldn't participate in that battle in person. After all, I also want to see the strength of the Destruction Order Envoy."

With Huanlong's defeat, Jianmu was also able to recover. In the future, he only needs to seal it again, but that is probably a matter for Danheng and Bailu. After all, the combination of destructive power and healing power is the real power of Dragon Lord.

After the war, the lives of the people gradually returned to peace. Fu Xuan was not able to take the position of general after all. Although he did take the position in the plot, it was only temporary. However, it seemed that Fu Xuan enjoyed it very much.

Luofu also gradually returned to his original posture. Of course, the train crew was also rewarded. However, the so-called reward was actually a special jade pendant, but this jade pendant was not ordinary! When encountering extremely dangerous situations, this jade pendant can summon Luofu to come to help.

"But this jade pendant is indeed of great significance in the plot. After all, it also symbolizes the formal alliance between the Star Dome Train and Luofu. It can be regarded as a good relationship and paves the way for the final decisive battle. This can also be regarded as doing good deeds and accumulating virtues."

"But we have to think about it. After the story of Luofu ends, the next stop is probably Pinoconi, which is called (Star of the Grand Event). Now, the family has probably sent an invitation letter. There, there will probably be more things to deal with. I have to say that I am looking forward to it."


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