The space station has a project jointly researched by three geniuses. These geniuses brainstormed, and technology, wisdom, and resources were gathered together. The remaining personnel, funds, and all the complicated and scattered but indispensable basic supplies were all provided by the Interstellar Peace Company.

The company is the fourth party of this cooperation.

But this fourth party obviously cannot compare with the close cooperation of the other three geniuses.

Not to mention sharing.

Although the geniuses are completely in the mood for the commercial effect of their own results, they will never give their technology to others casually.

Not to mention obtaining any research results, the company, the fourth party, can only ask about the progress of the research project of the Black Tower Space Station when it has a reason to stand up, otherwise those geniuses will not give face at all.

The company is considered to have provided funds, venues, and personnel. It has been busy in the cooperation and has paid the most resources. In the end, it has to worship the three geniuses as ancestors.

The term genius has long been famous in the universe. They are people recognized by the intellectual star gods. Each genius represents at least one achievement that transcends the times and the future.

This kind of technology that is far beyond the times has many people rushing to buy it. You can ask for money casually, but it depends on the mood of the geniuses, and whether they like you or not.

For a cosmic giant like the company that relies on economics to rise to the top, if it wants to firmly sit on the seat of the universe's number one economic giant, it must always keep a close eye on and control these future trends, making itself the first beneficiary. Any money that leaks out of its hands will be an unimaginable loss, so they found Black Tower to invest in her research, and the entire cooperation position is like a sucker.

But this is a very good result for the company. These funds are nothing to the cosmic business giant. Compared with being able to know the geniuses' movements at any time, what direction they are conducting scientific research, and what results they have achieved, and having first-hand information, these efforts are worth it.

And you can also take the opportunity to show your sincerity and have a first-line chance to obtain these epoch-making research results.


In addition to Black Tower, another person with such energy and connections in the space station is Ester.

Ester is the manager of the space station. Because Black Tower only cares about things that interest him and doesn't bother to manage the space station, all these complicated matters are left to Ester to arrange.

She is the daughter of a senior family member who was present when the company invested in the establishment of the Black Tower space station.

On the day of the negotiation, Ester was arguing with the family, and Black Tower happened to walk in. The other party was accompanied by a big figure in the family, but the other party was not as strong as usual at this time, and looked submissive.

Black Tower took a liking to Ester, who was incompatible with others, and made her the company's cooperative representative.

The industry covers the entire universe, and the universal currency credit points of the universe have been issued.

The related industries of the Interstellar Peace Company can be seen anywhere in the universe.

As a direct descendant of this leading enterprise family in the universe, Ester is a real eldest lady born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

She has been trained in economic thinking by her family since she was a child.

She has extraordinary vision and ability, and naturally has the financial energy that best reflects her status.

The pocket money is not much, just buying star destroyers and so on.

At that time, Esta and Xing Sanyueqi talked about this interest, but finally gave up.

The main reason was that the star destroyers on the market were all retired models. She didn't want an old, tattered product, but a brand new, advanced star destroyer. However, it would be very troublesome to find a suitable ordering channel.

And after buying it, where to put it and hiring people to operate and take care of it were all problems. It was like buying a pet on a whim, and then you would find that you thought too simply about the funds, and raising a pet is very time-consuming and energy-consuming.

Sanyueqi: So in the eyes of rich people, raising a star destroyer is similar to raising a pet?


""Yes." Xing nodded after listening to Sanyueqi's words, and then told him the itinerary he had planned.

"Let's go to the Black Tower first, and then go to Ester to discuss things."

She felt that of the two things Luo Yu mentioned, sending gifts to visit the Black Tower and finding a way to provide tools to connect to the universe, the latter was definitely more important.

Finish the small things first, and then do the real things. The person she wanted to ask was Ester. After all, the Black Tower would definitely not bother to deal with such things, and even if it would, it would let Ester handle it for her.

Xing was very concerned about this matter, not because Luo Yu gave her a lot of gifts before leaving.

Even if there was no, she would definitely help.

"Okay! Let's go. What gift did Luo Yu prepare for Miss Heita?"

March Seven also responded with full motivation. As they walked, she asked Xing curiously about the gift.

After a while,

"Black Tower"

""Ms. Black Tower."

The two came to the Black Tower laboratory and greeted each other. The first thing that caught their eyes was an empty room full of technology, surrounded by virtual projections. This room was the most familiar to Local Star. It was where she often came to test the simulated universe.

"Oh? It's you, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Standing on the platform of the test simulation universe, Heita saw the two people coming and greeted them lightly.

A pair of purple eyes are like gems. She is wearing a Lolita-style black dress with white lace, revealing her shoulders. The hat is pressed on her silver-gray hair, and there is a purple lily on one side. She is slender and small, with a delicate and beautiful face, and a pure but noble temperament.


Only the exposed shoulders and knuckles show that this beautiful"girl" is not a human being, but a puppet. There is also a gold lock ornament on her chest, and no one knows what will happen when it is inserted into the corresponding keyhole.

She is not as leisurely as she looks. She is just a puppet on standby.

There are many such puppets in the space station. Some are busy doing research, and some are busy with other things. When they see someone here to say hello, they transfer their consciousness signals over.

"What? Are you here to do research?"

Heita looked at the two and asked, then looked at Sanyueqi and said, her voice was also that of a young girl.

"I have received the news that you are back. How is it? Did you have fun? Let me make it clear first, I don't need to recruit any more people here. One test subject is enough."

"I'm not here to be a test subject." Sanyueqi said speechlessly, looking at Xing:"You tell me."

"We just came back from Yaliluo No. 6."

Xing briefly talked about the experience of Yaliluo No. 6, and then explained the purpose of his visit.

"Oh? A gift for me."

Heita took some time to listen to Xing's words.

""Let me see." Her tone was just slightly surprised. After Xing finished speaking, she directly linked to another puppet, not caring about the rules of etiquette. When getting off the train, Xing asked the space station staff to move the gifts away. Now they are in the warehouse room. The Black Tower often receives gifts from all over the world.

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