As expected, there are also some surprises.

Although everyone has not had time to make assumptions, everyone almost has an answer in their hearts.

In other words, it is very likely that it will still be Fu Chen.

But this time, the picture that came out in advance caught everyone off guard.

With his condescending attitude and the attitude that his destruction has nothing to do with you, it’s hard to label him a good person.

Although everyone is already very familiar with Fu Chen, a large number of believers have even appeared in the universe.

But this scene of Fu Chen felt strange to everyone.

He is not as calm and rational as scholar Fu Chen, and he gently leaves hope for the world to fight against collapse.

He is not as paranoid and relieved as Jingting Fuchen, who lived for only one person for five hundred years, and finally gave up everything, leaving behind the most precious experience to fight against Honkai.

And this Fu Chen… Although he is a savior, it seems that in his opinion, he is just saving the world, and it has nothing to do with whether to save mankind.

Fu Xuan:”Again! It’s Fu Chen again?! I thought I heard it wrong!”

Heita:”Sure enough…it’s Fu Chen again…but this time, it’s very different from the previous two times! How do I feel? Has he completely become Honkai this time?!”

Gui Naifen:”Commandering mankind? Isn’t it… I feel like he is so dangerous!”

Su Shang:”No, what the Rakshasa people said, you are against Honkai I don’t know anything about it, it seems a bit like what Honkai said! Don’t tell me that the Rakshasa people in this life are the Honkai Will itself!”

Screwgum:”That shouldn’t be a big deal… After all, he said he is the commander. Human beings, maybe we can find the answer from the title.”

Ruan Mei:”To take, to become, to overcome, to crush… From a literal point of view, he seems to have become a more powerful existence than Honkai.”

Black Swan:” His identity is a savior. From this point of view, he should not be a villain, but the kind that leads mankind… It just feels like……”

Bronya:”Is there a feeling that no matter whether you agree or not, you must follow my will?”

March 7:”Fu Chen is so overbearing this time.……”

Screw Gum:”Probably…it can be speculated that this time, Mr. Fuchen chose an extreme path to save the world?”

Jingyuan:”How extreme…I think it was because he was completely ignoring Honkai to fight against it. Human life and death?”

Xing:”Huh… No matter what, even if Fu Chen is the sinner who destroys the world, I will protect him in this life! As long as… please don’t! No more! There is!”

Liu Ying:”I’m sorry… Xing, I didn’t know you would mind so much……”

Xing:”Ah? No, no, no, except you! I’m not talking about you.”

Fu Chen:”You’re talking about me, but I couldn’t control my past life.”

On the train.

Fu Chen shook his head and glanced at the beauties sitting on both sides of him.

He has a heroic figure that makes people’s hearts flutter. His unique and capable figure and waistcoat line give him a feeling that a plump figure cannot give him at all.

And the other one is endearing, gentle and cute, making people fall in love with her, and every behavior will arouse the overwhelming desire for protection!

Even in this huge universe, the kings of the feudal dynasties may not be treated like this.

But now, two people are jealous of the same man over a supposed love rival.……

【The distribution of star cores is becoming more and more dense, and the civilizations that are as numerous as stars in the universe are extinguished one by one like candles.】

【The mastermind behind Star Core gradually revealed his true face】

【In order to fight against Honkai, all the major forces had to unite for warmth. A star god organization that quietly emerged a few years ago gradually took over the military, economy, people’s livelihood and anti-Honkai operations of the remaining civilized forces in the universe.】

【The name of its organization is Hope. ]

Fu Xuan:”Xiyi? This name… why does it sound familiar?”

Xiyi members:”Long live! Long live!!! We will rule the entire universe in the future!”

Fu Xuan:”Where does this guy come from?!”

Screw Gum:”Reminder: Mr. Fu Chen finally became the Star God of Hope in his first reincarnation. Because of this reincarnation, a large number of believers in Hope and Destiny were born throughout the universe. Even though Hope and Destiny do not exist now, The name of the world is – Hope.”

Esta:”I’m not too unfamiliar… The staff in the space station rarely have the opportunity to leave here, and everyone has developed beliefs in various star gods. , and recently, many people believe in hope……”

Xing:”Wait, doesn’t that mean it’s related to our life~?”

Heita:”This can’t be determined yet. Doesn’t the past life mean that it will be 100% related to our current life? Just like Liuying, she was in the past life She is a saint, and this life has nothing to do with the Pure Court, right?”

Xing:”I know…but, I remember, when my family was reincarnated for the first time, he finally used his death to exchange for billions of dollars for the universe. Ten thousand years of breathing time, so I wonder if this could be……”

Screw Gumu:”Well… it’s very possible, but Mr. Fu Chen should have been absorbed by the Tree of Imaginary Numbers in the end, and how did he resurrect?”

Ruan Mei:”Maybe his consciousness still exists, in that case… Resurrection is still possible”

【”Look! That’s the new transfer student!”】

【”Wow! so hot!!! It’s like falling in love with him!”】

【”He looks so handsome playing basketball!”】

【”Such a handsome boy shouldn’t be able to poop, right?”】

【”He looks so handsome even when he poops!!! I will show off directly!”】

【”Eh! He’s coming! He came towards me!”】

【”It’s obviously me! He must have seen the love letter I sent three months ago~”】

Xing:”Why are there so many love rivals here this time! Where is my stick! This time I will deal with them all in advance! I won’t give myself a chance to regret!!!”

Obviously, I originally thought that there would be no more love rivals in this life. The dead star felt his bones aching when he saw this scene.

Indeed, Fu Chen is indeed handsome, and Xing can understand why those high school students on the screen are nymphomaniacs.

There is no way, Fu Chen’s appearance is indeed the same as those of the ancestors who were reading before time travel. It can be said that he is so handsome that this face should not be seen in the world.

But now this is her…our man!

This group of little girls circled around each other, directly stimulating the female competitive nature.

Heita:”Oh, it’s true that behind every successful person, there is a great woman. This time it has become a group. Look, the stars are going crazy.”

Gui Naifen:”Let me take a look at this Who is the lucky girlfriend this time!”

Fu Chen:”Hey, it obviously has nothing to do with me.”

Screw Gumu:”It is understandable that these female humans have the instinct of reproduction engraved on the genetic level of organic life. Thinking and acting contrary to reason are normal.”

Gui Naifen:”Sister Xing is afraid that Mr. Fu Chen will open a harem. Boss, you are really serious about popularizing science.”

Fu Chen:”How could I open a harem?…You can tell by looking at the opening scene of this life. I was killing indiscriminately.

” Um~~~Love to hear it!”

【Fu Chen threw the ball in his hand to his classmates, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked in the direction of the female students.】

【Fu Chen walked away in two or three steps. The girls who were originally cheerleaders for Fu Chen were extremely nervous and were secretly arranging their hair and leaders.】

【I hope who of these will be the next lucky star】

【But Fu Chen simply ignored them and came to a purple-haired girl sitting on the edge of the court, wearing glasses and reading a book.】

【Fu Chen chatted with her enthusiastically, but the purple-haired girl seemed a little introverted and deliberately avoided her, her eyes always falling on the book. 】

At this point, it can be seen that Quan Chun has no idea of opening a harem in this life.

But… there is still a girl that I like very much.

And this girl has appeared in the consciousness space a long time ago. Although not many people know her, she is not unfamiliar, especially to Xing.

Xing:”Huang Quan?”

Huang Quan:”Huh? My past life? It feels very strange.”

Gui Naifen:”Well… the meaning of sisters should refer to… Fu Chen in this life and this sister named Huang Quan, Does it have something to do with it?”

Huang Quan:”Oh, I can see it too, but it doesn’t matter, I don’t care.” Su

Shang:”It’s not that you don’t care! It’s Xing!”

Fu Xuan:”Huang Quan… who is this?”

Huang Quan:”I’m just a patrolling ranger.” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Jing Yuan:”Sea patrolling ranger? That has something to do with Xianzhou. Welcome to meet Fu Chen in the future. Come together as guests.”

Xing:”General Jingyuan, I want to see if I can beat you now!”

Jingyuan:”Hahaha… pretend I didn’t say it.”

Bronya:”Xunxun Aquaman���What? Sambo:”

Oh!” Lord Great Guardian! Of course you have to ask me about this kind of thing. On the immortal boat, there was a general who embarked on a hunting journey and ascended to the star god! Command the immortal boat to hunt and enrich the people! As for the Patrollers, they are another spontaneous hunting force besides the Immortal Boat. It’s just that they hunt the Star Gods but not them.”

Sha Jin:”The Patrollers? Hahahahaha, the patrolman’s whereabouts and identity are uncertain. This is indeed a good excuse to cover up.”

Huang Quan:”……”

【On the way out of school, Fu Chen walked arm in arm with a taciturn boy.】

【”Ladio, so your mind remains unchanged. A doctor? Is this what you want to do in the future?”】

【”Hey, here we go again, Fu Chen, you have always been like this since you were a child, do you have to make fun of every ideal of mine?”]

Doctor Truth:”This is… me? Haha, I didn’t expect that there would be a role for a fool like me.……”

Screwgum:”Mr. Radio, at that age, were you ready to give up and become a doctor?”

Doctor Truth:”No, it will probably take a little longer, until I truly realize that I am The gap between geniuses.”

Black Tower:”Screw Gum, do you know this person?”

Screw Gum:”I once met him on the space station. He can actually be called a wise man.

” Ta:”Oh? You’ve already praised me so much, then why don’t you do scientific research? Why don’t you become a doctor?”

Doctor Truth:”This doctor is not that doctor. What I want to cure is the world’s stubborn diseases, not the physical diseases.” Disease, and… I am honored to be praised by Mr. Screwgum, a member of the Genius Club, but I… am just a fool, not a wise man”

【”Hahaha, where is it? Didn’t I already say that studying medicine is a good fit for you? I just feel like your talent is overkill?”Fu Chen asked】

【”Sigh… We haven’t seen each other for a while, why have you become more frivolous? People’s real chronic illnesses are not just in the body. It’s not as simple as you think. What’s more,……”】

【”What’s more?”】[]

【”Well… forget it, I’m not going to be teased by you again”】

【”Why! You are no longer interested. I am also going to talk to you about my ideals today. Oh, tell me, tell me, does your relationship with me still need to be like this?”】

【Latio couldn’t resist Fuchen, so he thought for a while and said】

【”.I always feel that the doctor I want to be is not to heal patients, but to cure some of the world’s most stubborn diseases, which is stupidity!”】

【”Uh…huh?!”Fu Chen didn’t understand at all.】

【Ladio lamented,”……It’s hard for me to explain to you. So far, I have not been appreciated by Bo Shizun. I don’t even know what to do.……”】

Doctor Truth:”In my previous life, I was still confused… Haha, forget it, it doesn’t matter, there are still many confused moments left for me.”

Black Tower:”Didn’t I get the appreciation of Bo Shi Zun? Screwgum , who is this person? Why do you all know him, but I don’t remember such a person at all.”

Screwgum:”This is Mr. Latio from the Bodhisattva Society.”

Black Tower:”Latio? The Bodhisattva Society ?Oh, no wonder I don’t recognize him.”

Doctor Truth”……”

【”Let’s talk about you. Didn’t you say that you don’t have any ideals?”】

【”Oh, today is different from the past. You may be shocked when I say it. I decided that I will become a hero!”】


【Ladio was silent】

【”Hey, what’s wrong?”】

【”Well, let alone why you think this way, do you really know what a hero represents?”】

【”Of course, the so-called hero is to solve difficulties when they arise, and to bear the pain when it strikes. Otherwise, there is no second way! All heroes are accidents and cannot be an act of initiative”】

【”……Indeed, a hero cannot be a goal, but only an action and a result. Hmm…what else did Huang Quan say to you?”】

【”She also said…eh! you!”Fu Chen, who was tricked into talking, glared at Latio, as if asking why you know. Latio was a little helpless about this.】

【”That doesn’t sound like your own thinking at all, Fu Chen”】

【”I can’t have a sudden, uh… how should I put it, uh, epiphany! Oops, Latio, what happened to you? When I mentioned him before, you didn’t have this attitude.”】

【”Because you haven’t gradually turned into Quan’s shadow at that time, haven’t you noticed this yet?”】

【”Hmm (Li Li’s)? But what’s wrong with this? Quan is a genius, isn’t it the right thing to humbly ask her for advice? Sometimes I still think, since there is always someone to lead everyone, if that person is Quan! At least when I follow him, I feel more at ease than when I try to figure it out on my own.”】

【”But once you choose to follow her, you will no longer be able to walk with her… At that time, how painful it will be for you……”Ladio murmured, and then continued the unfinished question,”Then how did you answer her?”】

【”What about this? In fact, at that time, in order to see her blushing, I deliberately told him that I wanted to be your hero. But his response was very strange. He said to me, as long as you can be a hero for one person, you can also be a hero for everyone?”]

Dr. Truth:”Well… my skills in flirting with girls need to be improved. It just so happens that I am also involved in psychology. I will give a lecture soon. Mr. Fu Chen can come and listen.”

Fu Chen:”……Do you think I need it now? You single guy. Fu

Xuan:”There are so many girls who like you, but you just want to seduce a nerd. Your universal pass won’t work.””

Black Swan:”What an interesting memory~ It suits my taste.”

Yin Lang:”You seem to be quite lively and cheerful now, but why did you become such a ruthless character later on? To rule all mankind, regardless of whether you agree or not… is really overbearing. Kafka

:”Maybe it’s because of this girl~ Mr. Fuchen is such a dedicated person~”

Topa:”That’s really dedicated. He only loves one person from beginning to end in his life.”……”

Xi’er:”But he has more than one lifetime…”

Fu Chen:”Just say you are not single-minded!””

【”Ladio, what do you think this means?”】

【Ladio was silent for a moment】

【”Yes, a person’s destiny is his character”】

【The peaceful days passed peacefully like this for half a year. In this world sheltered by the Hope Organization, the people have been living in the illusion of peace.

【Until the arrival of a star core……】

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