On the Black Tower Space Station, in front of a round table, the Black Tower puppet sat with Ruan Mei, who was making tea.

After seeing what was on the screen, I couldn’t help but feel a little shocked.

There is no precedent for using ancient dusk beasts as materials.

Nanook used the fragments of the Ancient Dusk Beast as a base to create a powerful monster like the Doommon.

But Nanook is the Star God!!!

Moreover, the Doomsday Beast cannot be called a creature at all.

It is based on the fragments of the ancient beast of dusk and the sorrow of all the bones in the furnace of war.

The obsession of the resentful spirit, which was forged into the Doomsday Beast, turned into a tangible hand, and the shadow of the disaster of the past condensed into a tail that shadowed the heavens.

The core is an engine driven by dark matter.

Compared with the real ancient twilight beast, it is really far behind. At most, it can be regarded as a nuclear energy machine.

The gap between using machines to drive nuclear energy and using human bodies to drive nuclear energy is not that big!

Black Tower:”Using the power of the ancient dusk beast to fight against Honkai is really a method that has never been imagined, but I’m afraid the hidden dangers are also huge.……”

Screw Gum:”The star core that is equivalent to the collapse is equivalent to a means to promote the death of civilization. According to the existing information about the ancient dusk beasts, its threat level is equivalent to the direct death of civilization.”

Ruan Mei :”I have tried to use fragments of the Ancient Dusk Beast to promote experiments, but unfortunately, they all failed. The information we currently have about the Ancient Dusk Beast is too little…much less than the Star God.”

Doctor Truth:”Just listening is indeed a way, but what if it gets out of control? Or resurrecting the ancient twilight beast is undoubtedly self-destruction.”

Huanwu:”Haha, a group of laymen~ What a genius, here There is also a lack of knowledge in this regard. The powerful genes of the Dusk Ancient Beast are poison to ordinary people.~”

【In the living room, Fu Chen, who had just returned from a mission, made a bowl of instant noodles. Just when he was about to enjoy it happily, there were footsteps outside the door.】

【Fu Chen quickly hid the instant noodles under the table】

【The next moment, Huang Quan walked in wearing a white scientific research jacket.】

【”You are back. Have you eaten?”】

【Fu Chen smiled and stepped forward to hug Huang Quan into his arms.】

【Huang Quan also smiled and hugged him, but the next moment, she sniffed her nose】

【”Have you… eaten instant noodles?”】

【”Um…hehe, I just came back from a mission and I’m a little hungry. I just want to deal with it casually.”】

【When Huang Quan heard this excuse, he frowned slightly and seemed a little unhappy.】

【”Aren’t there still ingredients in the kitchen?”】

【”I’m really too lazy to do it. The canteen is now closed again.”】

【”Okay, but you need to supplement your nutrition. Convenient foods can only satisfy your hunger temporarily. Please promise me not to take the initiative to eat convenience foods when there is no other choice.”】

【”okay! I promise!”】

【Fu Chen raised his hand and swore, Huang Quan frowned】

【”Okay, let me cook for you. Star nuclear disasters have become more and more frequent recently. You often can’t come back for a long time. If you can’t eat well outside, you can’t go home and you can’t supplement your nutrition.”】

【”Eh!! Don’t!!”】

【”Nothing else? Don’t you want to eat the food I cooked? Huang Quan, who had just picked up his apron and was about to walk into the kitchen, turned around and asked with some confusion.】

【Fu Chen swallowed his throat and shook his head.】

【”No…I mean…you have just come back from a tiring day, so don’t work too hard. Let’s rest early and prepare for tomorrow’s work.”】

【”Oh, is that so? Don’t worry, it won’t take long”】

【Watching Huang Quan walk into the kitchen and close the slide door, the sounds of chopping vegetables and hot oil soon came from】

【Fu Chen showed an expression of imminent disaster】


On the train.

Xing, who was not willing to lag behind, also wanted to show off his skills to Fu Chen. He looked at Fu Chen affectionately and asked

“Are you hungry? Let me go and cook you a meal!”

“Um…you can also cook?”

“Hmm… I’ve never done it before, but there is a cooking robot in the kitchen. Is it okay to just follow the tutorial and not be able to do it? You wait!”


Looking at Xing who couldn’t stop him at all, Fu Chen had no choice but to swallow his throat, showing an expression of imminent disaster.


【Huang Quan brought an unknown food to the table. Fu Chen’s hands trembled when he saw this.】

【”Eat it quickly, it won’t taste good after it cools down.”Huang Quan urged from the side. Fu Chen swallowed his throat and tried his best to think of topics to delay.】

【”By the way, I heard that the senior management recently approved one of your proposals? But you haven’t found a suitable experimental subject?”】

【When it comes to work, Huang Quan’s attention is diverted】

【”Hmm…Which experiment is Ms. Ruan Mei in charge of? I just made a suitable guess, but it has been proved through inhuman experiments that it is indeed feasible, but…the risks associated with it are almost incalculable.”】

【”If this experiment succeeds, how helpful will it be in the fight against star cores?”】

【”Hmm… Modifying the human body with the fragments of the Dusk Ancient Beast can theoretically allow warriors to obtain the abilities of specific Dusk Ancient Beasts. In terms of disaster evaluation, they will not lose to the Star Core, but I don’t hope you will participate.”】

【”Eh? I…I didn’t say I wanted to participate.”The exposed Fu Chen scratched his head and said】

【”Fu Chen, has anyone ever said that you are not good at lying? I have read your action report this time. All 3.7 billion people were killed. So when you raised this question, I knew that you must be thinking, if you have the power of the ancient twilight beast, will all this happen? will not happen?”】

【”……Um.”Fu Chen was really silent at this time,”Compared to Marshal Hua and La Dio, I am just an ordinary person. I have no paranoid ideals to become a destiny walker, and I have no way to talk about envoys or star gods. My goal has always been There is only one”】

【”Are you trying to say that your target is me?”】

【”haha of course”】

【”But you have me now, Fu Chen, we have been together for three years, hasn’t your wish been achieved?”】

【”No…I want to be with you forever”】

【Huang Quan was silent for a moment】

【”I understand, but this technology is not mature yet. The survival rate of the first batch of experimenters is almost zero, and even if they succeed, they may become monsters, so the requirements for experimenters are very strict. Fu Chen, your physical condition is indeed Yes, but… there’s still a chance we’ll never meet again”】

【Fu Chen responded softly and didn’t speak for a long time. This was undoubtedly an adventure. After all, the first batch of experimenters, in a sense, only sacrificed to make the technology more mature. 】

Huang Quan:”What a wonderful feeling, boyfriend… I really never thought about it.”

Xing:”I never thought about it before.……”

Liuying:”I never thought about it before.”

Sushang:”Rakshasa, you are so lucky…all the good-looking things have been soaked away!”

Gui Naifen:”Did you pay attention just now! The world in this life, My comrade is Marshal Hua! And that…that…all over the place?”

Dr. Truth:”Negative points! Get out of here!”

Black Tower:”That is to say…this proposal was made by Huang Quan’s previous life, but The real practitioner is Ruan Mei?”

Screwgum:”This does seem to be something that only Ms. Ruan Mei can do, so I’m not surprised.”

Ruan Mei:”This kind of experiment is theoretically almost impossible to succeed. Because of this, I didn’t waste time anymore~ I wonder if I could succeed with the help of Ms. Huang Quan in my previous life.”

Fu Xuan:”The genes of the ancient dusk beasts are implanted into the human body… If it can really be done, Then the universe must be in complete chaos!”

Jing Yuan:”The destiny walker will be worthless. The power of the messenger can be mastered through human body transformation, and human beings have become the first enemy of mankind.……”

Topa:”If you do something like this, you will be targeted by the Amber King first! Don’t forget, in the first reincarnation of Mr. Fuchen, he developed a destiny weapon about greed, which made the Amber King very angry.……”

【”Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore! It’s hard to see you now, I won’t bring up such a heavy topic anymore”】

【The next moment, Fu Chen changed his attitude from silence, and Huang Quan also nodded.】

【”Well, let’s eat quickly. I’m going to take a shower. Let’s go to bed early after eating. We still have a lot of work tomorrow.”】

【”Haha, I won’t eat this bowl of rice. I want to eat your bowl even more.”】

【Fu Chen stood up and picked up Huang Quan. Huang Quan was frightened by the sudden move and exclaimed, then smiled like a child who has not grown up.】

【The two of them walked into the bathroom like this. 】

However, at this moment, Huang Quan, holding a gray-white long knife in his hand, was looking for an exit inside the hotel.

Seeing this scene made her pause slightly.

I saw that in my previous life, I had a family with a man and had my own life.

And this boy seems to be pretending to be all about himself.

This feeling is a bit strange, incompatible with myself, and yet completely like my own life.

Looking back on the past, it seems that I have always been alone in this life

“This is the feeling of home……”

【”How is this going!”】


【Before going to bed, Fu Chen found a wound under Huang Quan’s collarbone. Although it was not serious, it was obviously not caused by the experiment.】

【Fu Chen immediately realized that because Huang Quan proposed the ancient beast fusion warrior plan, he was opposed by some people and even assassinated!】

【”Starting from tomorrow, I will temporarily submit an application to the above to suspend the execution of the task and protect you by your side.”】

Kafka:”He was assassinated… Although the private pictures are not allowed to be seen, it can be heard from the conversation that not everyone supports this bold plan.”

Black Tower:”Since Nanook Antimatter legions are active throughout the universe. Those Doomsday beasts made from ancient beast fragments have almost become synonymous with evil. Of course people are opposed to it.”

Fu Xuan:”It would be impossible for us to transform humans into Doomsday beasts. I will definitely support you, even if it is the last resort”

【A new star core has arrived again!】

【The blazing flames brought by this stellar core covered almost a galaxy in half a year!】

【The army of hope wants to enter it, but has no way of doing it and can only control the spread of the disaster from the outside. 】

If you want flowers 0 and read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

【This disaster has become the biggest headache for senior management in the past six months. 】

Fu Xuan:”The star core in this past life is so powerful?! Burning a galaxy?”

Jing Yuan:”Fu Qing, in this past life, it is already the end of the collapse and the destruction of civilization. I think… the star core Because of this, it will become stronger bit by bit like iteration.”

Black Tower:”If this is the case for us in the future, we really need to start making preparations earlier.”

Screwgum:”Burning a galaxy…the upper limit It is equivalent to a normal envoy level, but there are not many envoys in the universe, and there are even fewer envoys who are willing to fight to protect civilization.”

Madam Scar-Eye:”By then, our company will definitely protect the entire universe!”

【Although Fu Chen didn’t care about the star core disaster, it undoubtedly became a stone weighing on his heart.】

【If one day this star core, which is enough to burn the galaxy, comes here and threatens the safety of Huangquan, then there is no point in guarding here without going to the battlefield.】

【Fu Chen looked at Huang Quan sleeping in his arms and fell into deep thought.】

【He doesn’t care about anything, he doesn’t care whether the world will be destroyed, and he doesn’t care about the life or death of others.】

【But he wants to protect this girl】

【And to do this, what he needs is absolute power, at least to be above Honkai.】

【”Quan… let me participate in the first batch of experiments”】

【Fu Chen said softly, and the girl who was supposed to be sleeping slowly opened her eyes at this moment.】

【She didn’t speak for a long time and looked a little lonely. She knew that Fu Chen did this for her sake.】

【At the same time, he also understood better than Fu Chen that this might very well be the last time we hug each other.】


【Huang Quan did not refute. She respected Fu Chen’s choice and had no reason to refuse. ]

Esta:”Based on my many years of experience watching soap operas, this situation is a matter of life and death!”[]

Xi’er:”What is a soap opera?”

Bronya:”Soap-related advertisements? But why is it related to life and death?”

Sambo:”Hey, our great guardian, soap opera means a TV series..”

Topa:”Huang Quan must also be very confused, right? Her lover is going to participate in an experiment that she personally presides over, and the success rate… she knows it well.”

Black Tower:”The Ancient Dusk Beast and Although I’m not interested in biological research, I have to admit that… it’s getting more and more fun when it comes to human-body integration experiments.”

Star:”Huh?! You’re Hanabi in disguise! Show your true colors now!”

Black Tower:” Huh? Why are you reacting so loudly?”

【In the afternoon, under Huang Quan’s arrangement, Fu Chen took off his clothes and lay down in the experimental cabin】

【”Honey, just think of it as a nap.”】

【Ruan Mei whispered and put on a respirator for Fu Chen, and as the hatch closed, she pressed the start button, and the factors extracted from the ancient beast fragments were slowly implanted into Fu Chen’s body and combined with it.】

【Huang Quan stared at the rising and falling indicators in front of the console and secretly clenched her fists. Since joining Hope, she has never been as nervous about an experiment as she is today.】

【As time passed bit by bit, the activity of the ancient beast factor began to gradually merge with the Fu Chen cells, and then began to divide in large numbers! Fu Chen’s vital signs began to react extremely intensely! This made Huang Quan extremely nervous.】

【But it only lasted for a short time before the activity of the ancient beast factor was completely suppressed!】

【The test was successful】

【Huang Quan almost collapsed on the ground with his legs weak due to the tension just now.】

【With a squeaking sound, the cabin door slowly opened. Fu Chen opened his blue eyes and sat up.】

【At the same time, Ruan Mei frowned at this, forcing her to take a few steps back.】

【The temperature coming from Fu Chen’s body was clear and bone-chilling!】

【Fu Chen’s whole body radiated absolute zero. Within a moment, starting from Fu Chen, frost condensed in all directions. The entire laboratory seemed to have turned into a cold storage in an instant. 】

Heita:”It actually worked.……”

Su Shang:”This is a Rakshasa. Unless he insists on seeking death, there is nothing he can’t do.”

Ruan Mei:”It is almost impossible for ancient beast genes to merge with humans, but with a certain method in the past life, This kind of technology actually achieves this point……”

Walter Young:”Why does this feel familiar again…”

Screw Gum:”Incredible… As a result, the theory related to life may have to add another subject, then… Question: Fusion of Zeng Enough and Star With the genes of ancient beasts that can compete with gods, does it mean that humans have the power to fight against star gods?”

Kafka:”If this happens… the world will really be in chaos.”

March 7:”If this technology is given to the company , the whole universe is waiting for the divine disaster of the universe!”

Topa:”Hey…Miss Yue Yue, although I agree with what you said, I still don’t say that.”

Fu Xuan:”By the way, have you discovered that, based on his As a starting point, it emits a very low temperature. Is this a side effect of it?”

Screw Gum:”It should be, logic: when you gain a certain power, you must pay a corresponding price. Seven”

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