The train crew was gathering in the reception hall to discuss possible problems in the dream world.

Luo Ming was not in a hurry to go over. He sat on the sofa, sipping the tea handed to him by Robin, playing with Hanabi's dream passport in his hand, and thinking about how to deal with this happy girl.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of him.

Luo Ming raised his head and saw Huang Quan, who was pursing her red lips and had a hesitant look on her face. She had just put back an exquisite makeup box in her hand.

There are thunderstorms on Izumo Star from time to time. The girls are afraid of getting their makeup wet, so they always carry makeup tools with them. Although the reason is different from the past, Huang Quan still retains this habit.

"What's up? Is there something wrong?"

Luo Ming asked Huang Quan with a smile, and his mind flashed back to Yunxing, when two people who had embarked on a path of nothingness and self-destruction sought warmth from each other in the wilderness.

Huang Quan nodded.

Then she suddenly pressed Luo Ming on the sofa, her pretty face moved closer, her breath was as fragrant as orchid, and in Luo Ming's confused eyes, she lowered her head and kissed him heavily on the lips.

Luo Ming opened his eyes wide, looking at Huang Quan who was so close, and for a moment, he seemed to have crashed and forgot to make any movements.

A sweet taste spread between his lips and teeth.

In the quiet living room, only a few ambiguous sounds were gradually left.

The robin not far away looked at Seeing this, his mouth opened a little wider, and then he realized something, his face turned red, and he quickly looked away.

But he couldn't help but peek out of the corner of his eye, and his heart and breathing gradually quickened. Huang Quan was undoubtedly doing this for the first time.

The rusty smell gradually coming out of Luo Ming's mouth was a strong proof.

After a while.

Huang Quan let him go, stood up, reached out and touched his red lips, his face was not red, and there was a thoughtful light in his eyes.

Luo Ming felt that he was taken advantage of.

Seeing that Huang Quan didn't mean to speak.

He coughed twice and said seriously:"I think I need an explanation."

Huang Quan looked over.

After a pause, he answered seriously:"I am verifying whether this incident can make my emotions fluctuate, so that I can better practice the path of existence."

Luo Ming was stunned.

What is the relationship between kissing him and practicing existence?

But he quickly grasped the key, looking at Huang Quan and confirming:"Can this kind of thing really help you?"

"......Maybe."Huang Quan seemed unsure.

Luo Ming was always willing to help.

He immediately put his arms around Huang Quan's slender waist, pushed her down on the sofa, looked at her beautiful face up close, and slowly leaned down.

Not far away.

Robin felt her face was so hot.

She had never experienced such a thing before, and now, watching the two people kissing passionately on the sofa, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

There seemed to be two voices in her head, one full of shyness told her to stop looking, and the other was like a little devil, making her unable to move.

The white and tender face covered with both hands was filled with blush little by little.......

After a long time.

Luo Ming raised his head, looked at Huang Quan, whose lips were red and slightly open as he gasped, and said with a smile:"How is it? Did it help you to comprehend existence?"

Compared with the cold and indifferent kiss before.

At this time, Huang Quan's eyes were filled with a touch of shyness like water. After noticing Luo Ming's burning gaze, he could not help but turn his cheek to avoid his sight.

It took a long while to calm down, closed his eyes and comprehended for a moment and said:"I feel that my body is no longer as cold as nothingness."

"That's useful!"

Luo Ming showed a happy expression on his face.

He didn't expect that this kind of thing could really help Huang Quan.

"While there is still time, I will help you again."

Luo Ming was about to continue.

Huang Quan quickly reached out and pushed Luo Ming's chest, his voice showing panic for the first time:"......No, there's something going on on the train, so please get there as soon as possible and don't make your companions wait anxiously."

"All right."

Luo Ming stood up with regret, and smiled at Huang Quan, who was lying on the sofa with rosy cheeks and breathing slightly,"Whenever you need help, you can always come to me. Based on our life-and-death relationship on Izumo Star, I will protect you from this road of destruction even if I risk my own life."


Huang Quan responded, her tone was obviously more gentle than before when she was a self-destructor.

"Izumo Star......Demise......"

Robin watched Luo Ming leave the room, then looked at Huang Quan, who was touching his lips and closing his eyes on the sofa, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

She found that her evaluation of Luo Ming and Huang Quan was still too conservative.......

After a while,

Luo Ming came back, carrying a red, petite figure tied up on his shoulders. Without saying a word, he walked straight to the bedroom and closed the door. Then a girl's cry came from inside, as if she had been thrown roughly onto the bed.


Robin stood up from the sofa. She was in a dilemma whether to stop Luo Ming's"violence".

She grew up in Pinocchio, which was her home. Her brother was the head of the Oak family and had long regarded herself as a member of the management team.

Now she watched Luo Ming trying to harm a girl.

Living under someone else's roof, she had no reason or courage to stop him.

After all, she still owed Luo Ming a life-saving favor.

"That is a masked fool."

Huang Quan's voice came, it sounded very plain, but it made the dull eyes of the robin come alive instantly.


It is well known that the Masked Fool would do all kinds of abominable things for fun.

If the girl in red is the Masked Fool and has angered Luo Ming because of something, then Luo Ming's behavior now seems to have a legitimate reason.

Even if it is not particularly sufficient.

Huang Quan nodded and briefly told Robin about what happened after he met Fireworks.

Robin breathed a sigh of relief.

She seemed to have seen the name Fireworks in some vicious incidents in the galaxy.

Just as she was about to recall.

The bedroom door clicked open, and Luo Ming walked out. He turned his head and threatened:"If you dare to escape, I will strip you naked and hang you on the roof."

After that, he slammed the door shut, completely isolating the dissatisfied complaints inside.

"I'll go to the reception lobby and contact me immediately if anything happens."

"As for Miss Mockingbird, you are now a dead person, try not to show up in public, and wait until the truth about Pinocchio is revealed."

"There is a barrier here that I have built with my power, and with the blessing of the moonlight, even if a powerful person at the level of a messenger breaks in, it can delay me for some time, enough for me to rush back."

After a simple instruction, Luo Ming did not waste any more time, strode out of the room and walked towards the reception hall.

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