Although the family representative has been promised to investigate the death, the situation in Pinocchio has not yet been completely opened.

For example, Sha Jin went deep into the tiger's den and fought wits and courage with Sunday, and Sunday used the trick to lure out the real culprit behind the scenes.

Even if the train crew takes action, it will probably be difficult to find out anything.

So at Luo Ming's suggestion, the few people who had enjoyed a sumptuous lunch each found a room in the hotel suite and took a nap during afternoon tea time.

In the bathroom.

Luo Ming took out his mobile phone, clicked on the Firefly chat interface, sent a message, and waited for a while, but did not receive any response.

Obviously, he has not yet fought out of the real Pinocchio.

With the strength of Firefly, he probably won't encounter any danger. In addition, with the magic cone that can create death in his hand, few people can cause harm to him.

Putting away his mobile phone, Luo Ming came to the living room.

He saw Xing lying on the sofa with one long leg on the backrest, playing mobile games in a very unimageable way.

Luo Ming glanced at her when he passed by and found that the ID who teamed up with her to play the game was named Silver Wolf.......

Huang Quan sat in front of the dressing table, carefully and calmly drawing her eyebrows.

There were thunderstorms on Izumo Star from time to time, and the girls always carried makeup tools with them. Although Izumo is no longer here, Huang Quan still retains this habit. Perhaps this is also a way for her to practice existence and consolidate the past.

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Huang Quan put down the eyebrow pencil and said,"Come in."

The door opened, Luo Ming walked in, and smiled,"I hope I didn't disturb you."

Huang Quan shook her head,"Are we leaving?"

"No, I just came to accompany you. Just continue with what you are doing and don't worry about me."


Huang Quan said nothing more and continued to do her own thing.

Looking at Huang Quan, who was like a pool of stagnant water, and seemed to be covered with a layer of desolate gray fog, and had no interest in anything,

Luo Ming couldn't help but recall the scenes in the Izumo Star Wasteland.

At that time, although Huang Quan was burdened with the task of fighting against eight million gods, she was still a curious and energetic girl.

Not now, even if there are many emotions in her heart, they are suppressed in her body and cannot be released.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

Huang Quan couldn't help but turn his head and look at Luo Ming, whose eyes were always on him.

Luo Ming cleared his throat and said seriously:"I think, as a close friend who has been through life and death together, I can continue to sacrifice myself to help you understand existence while I am free now."

Huang Quan thought of his bold behavior towards Luo Ming in the hotel room before. His usually steady heartbeat accelerated a few points, and he subconsciously looked away,"Forget it, that method doesn't seem to work......."

"Really useless?"

Luo Ming looked at Huang Quan's snow-white neck, which was gradually covered with a layer of crimson, and said seriously:"You know, I have also stepped into the shadow of nothingness, and even went further than you."

"It can be said that in the entire universe, apart from nothingness itself, I am the only one who understands nothingness the best. The most effective way to fight against nothingness is to let one's withered and dead emotions fluctuate violently, so as to practice existentialism!"

Looking at Huang Quan who was visibly nervous,

Luo Ming deliberately smiled and said,"You were very brave before, why are you so timid after just a while?......Are you scared?"

Huang Quan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"You are right. The previous method can indeed arouse my emotions."

"If you don't mind Miss Black Swan's reaction after knowing this, then continue."

After saying that, she simply closed her eyes and waited for Luo Ming's action very frankly.

In fact, her heartbeat became more and more intense.

Looking at Huang Quan's eyes closed waiting,

Luo Ming licked his lips unconvincingly.

As the most powerful woman in Pinocchio, Huang Quan is absolutely impeccable in terms of strength, figure and appearance.

When she drew her sword, she was even more handsome, with a kind of strength and beauty that made people look up to her.

If outsiders knew what the two were going to do at this time, even Ji Zi, who had the most stable and elegant temperament, would be shocked and stunned on the spot.

Light Take a breath.

Luo Ming no longer hesitated, and stretched out his hand to help Huang Quan push the hair on her forehead behind her ears, and then gently kissed her rosy cherry lips.

Huang Quan's body trembled slightly.

Her slender and elastic legs seemed to have lost their strength and became a little soft.

Luo Ming stretched out his arms and took hold of Huang Quan's slender and tight waist. With a little force, he pressed her body against the wall.

In the quiet room, an ambiguous atmosphere spread, and there was a faint and imperceptible humming sound, like the whimpering of a small animal.

After a long time.

Luo Ming raised his head, because She gasped for air due to suffocation.

Huang Quan almost collapsed in his arms, her red lips were crystal clear, her face was red as blood, and her purple pupils, which had always been numb, were now filled with sparkling water light, as if she had returned to her original girlish appearance.

Looking at this scene.

Luo Ming was sure in his heart that this method could indeed cause Huang Quan's emotions to fluctuate violently.

As for whether it could delay the end of self-destruction, only Huang Quan herself knew.

But if it really didn't work.

I guess she wouldn't have agreed to be"flirted" by Luo Ming just now.

At the same time, only Luo Ming could do this kind of thing. If it were someone else, , probably before he could get close, he would be chopped into pieces by Huang Quan's sword.

After resting for a while.

Huang Quan stopped panting and wanted to get up from Luo Ming's arms.

But Luo Ming lifted her smooth chin and kissed her lips again.

Huang Quan struggled slightly twice.

Then she closed her eyes and did not move.


Luo Ming was no longer satisfied with just one thing. The palm of his hand that was around Huang Quan's waist slowly moved up, unbuttoned her tight little clothes, and slid into her lining.

Huang Quan suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were full of shyness, and she stretched out her hands to push Luo Ming's chest.

But soon.

Her whole body softened.......

It was unknown how long had passed.

There were some noisy movements outside.

Luo Ming raised his head, looked at the dazzling white Huang Quan, and forcibly cut off the ripples in his heart,"It seems that someone is outside, you rest here for a while, I'll go out and take a look."

Huang Quan's red lips were slightly opened, breathing out the fragrance, and her purple hair was stuck to her forehead, looking a little messy.

After watching Luo Ming leave and the door closed again, she took away her arm that was blocking her body, lay in the messy clothes, closed her eyes and calmed her mind.

She found that her body, which had always been cold and was heading towards self-destruction step by step, became hot again and had the temperature of life again.......

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