At this time, a transmission channel appeared next to Huang Quan.

Luo Ming walked out of it, and when he saw Hua Huo not far away, his eyebrows immediately raised. He took a few steps forward and reached out to touch her without hesitation.

In the flickering light and shadow, Hua Huo's body became transparent like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water.

Luo Ming curled his lips and knew it was fake.

Hua Huo knew very well that she had provoked him, and she would never dare to show up in her true form, otherwise she would be caught and severely taught a lesson.

"Hey, don't touch me, it's not good for people to see~"

Hua Huo covered her chest shyly, looking at Luo Ming with a deadly look.

Luo Ming had no interest in a group of bubbles, so he didn't bother to pay attention to Hua Huo. He said to Ji Zi and Black Swan who just walked out of the transmission channel:"Let's go, there's nothing to do here."


Hua Huo jumped up from the high stool,"The little peacock is fighting with the chicken wing boy, don't you want to see it?"

Luo Ming stopped.

The little peacock in Hua Huo's mouth is the gold dust, and Zhou Ri is what she calls the boy who nails the chicken wings.

According to the timeline, it seems that they are indeed fighting wits and courage in Chaolu Mansion.

"You mean, you can find out the inside information of Chaolu Mansion?"

Ji Zi said with surprise. If this is true, then the importance of this information is self-evident.

"Of course." Hanabi wrinkled her nose, not knowing what she was thinking of."The chicken-wing boy's mansion is too heavily guarded. It took me two full days to successfully leave an eye in his bird."

Hearing what Hanabi said, Xing opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Bird? What bird? Is this something a child like me can hear?

Luo Ming knew clearly that what Hanabi was talking about was actually the servant who was used to monitor Pinocchio on Sundays, a kind of falcon hidden in the dark.

Ji Zi thought for a while and said,"Miss Hanabi, tell me your conditions. As long as they are not too excessive, the train can consider it."

Hanabi didn't look at her, but looked at Luo Ming, pointed at Xing and said,"I'll give you information. The previous kidnapping of her will be written off. How about it, a good deal, right?"

Luo Ming turned around and left without saying a word.

""Hey, forget it, I'll show it to you for free, you're too stingy!"

Hua Huo compromised helplessly.

She was still afraid that Luo Ming would really leave like this, so her plan could not go on, so she immediately stretched out her hand in front of her.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in front of everyone like a lake.

The picture was a solemn office scene, the sight was high, as if on the top of the bookshelf, two people were talking face to face in front of the desk, it was Sha Jin and Sunday.

There was another person not far away, with his arms crossed, and did not participate in the conversation.

"Let's not be secretive and talk about your sister. Your sister's talent is unparalleled in the entertainment industry, but as you know, her voice has been a little out of tune since she returned to Pinocchio.’"

"What's more terrifying is that she can no longer sing. Who did it? People think the murderer is an outsider, but I know you have another answer in your heart."

"Now, your noble status has become a shackle, preventing you from arresting the murderer and avenging your sister. You are isolated and helpless, which makes you feel anxious, but don't worry, I am on your side."

Hanabi didn't pay too much attention to the conversation between the two forces in the picture.

Instead, she focused on the reactions of Luo Ming and others.

But what disappointed her was that no matter Luo Ming or Ji Zi, even the silly-looking Xing, they all looked at the picture calmly, at most they were just a little curious. On the contrary, the uncle-like Gallagher touched his chin with his hand, squinted his eyes and seemed to be thinking about something quickly.

At this time, Sunday in the picture spoke, and handed over a compliment with a gentle smile.

"It is my great honor that Mr. Shajin has thought so much about me. So, as a selfless and generous person like you, you should not ask for anything in return, right?"

Shajin nodded:"Of course, you will not lose anything because of this. I just want to get back what belongs to me: my personal freedom, and my belongings kept by my family - the bag of gift money, and......"

"The box that holds the cornerstone."Sunday finished the sentence for him

"That's right."

Cornerstone is a valuable asset of the company's strategic investment department. It is a sacred stone that holds the power of the guardian. It is listed as a liquidation expert, that is, each of the ten people in Shixin holds one.

Sunday's voice is still unhurried:"Such a valuable item is probably only more expensive than other rewards."

"But you also know that if you want the truth to come out, a little high risk is necessary."

In front of the bar.

Several people quietly watched the fierce"confrontation" taking place in the Chaolu Mansion.

Sunday will not openly return the cornerstone of the power of the sealed part of the preservation order to Shajin, because Shajin represents the company with only one goal, to take Pinocchio back from the company.

The two are in a hostile relationship. Now they can talk calmly just because they want to use each other.

At this time, seeing Shajin give up and hope that Sunday will only return the gift money.

Black Swan's eyes moved, and subconsciously looked at Luo Ming beside him.

Luo Ming nodded at her, his lips opened and closed, no sound came out, but it sounded in the ears of everyone except Huo Huo and Gallagher:"The box is empty, the emerald and topaz used to confuse the vision were put aside by Sunday, and Shajin's own Aventurine was smashed by him and mixed in the gift money bag full of jewels."

"Crushed Base......"

Xing was so surprised that he almost blurted out something, but fortunately he closed his mouth at the critical moment, but he still couldn't help but say:"Without the cornerstone, he will become a slave with nothing again. Will the company really let him go for this act of blaspheming the Holy Body of Clipper?"

Luo Ming smiled and said:"The company only looks at the results. For a gambler like him, as long as he completes the task of retaking Pinocchio and creates value far greater than the cost, everything will be worth it."

"Hey, what are you talking about behind my back?"Hua Huo frowned in dissatisfaction.

However, Luo Ming and the others ignored her tacitly.

The best way to deal with such a person who believes in pleasure is to imprison her severely so that she can't do anything.

Another way is to ignore her, pretend that she is a ball of air, let her jump and reveal her flaws, and then imprison her severely.

"I can give you a gift, but before that, I want you to tell me in person——"

In the scene, Sunday strode to the luggage of Shajin that was detained and asked:"What is in this box that you resolutely abandoned?"

Shajin remained silent.

Suddenly, Sunday closed his eyes, and an invisible energy wave grasped Shajin tightly like a tentacle:"O triple-faced soul, please use hot iron to burn his tongue and palms so that he can no longer make up lies and swear false oaths."

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